Source code for taurus.core.taurusbasetypes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# ###########################################################################

a misc collection of basic types

import datetime

from .util.enumeration import Enumeration
from .util.log import taurus4_deprecation
from enum import IntEnum

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs]class TaurusDevState(IntEnum): """Enumeration of possible states of :class:`taurus.core.TaurusDevice` objects. This is returned, e.g. by :meth:`TaurusDevice.state`. The description of the values of this enumeration is: - Ready: the device can be operated by the user and could even be involved in some operation. - NotReady: the device can not be operated by the user (e.g. due to still being initialized, or due to a device failure,...) - Undefined: it is not possible to retrieve a coherent state from the device (e.g. due to communication, or to contradictory internal states, ...) """ # TODO: it could be extended for more detailed description using bit masks Ready = 1 NotReady = 2 Undefined = 4 def __str__(self): return "{}.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__,
# Deprecated enumeration. # According with TEP3, the logic of the OperationMode should be in the widgets OperationMode = Enumeration("OperationMode", ("OFFLINE", "ONLINE")) TaurusSerializationMode = Enumeration( "TaurusSerializationMode", ( "Serial", "Concurrent", "TangoSerial", ), ) TaurusEventType = Enumeration( "TaurusEventType", ("Change", "Config", "Periodic", "Error"), # Deprecated in Taurus >=4 ) MatchLevel = Enumeration( "MatchLevel", ("ANY", "SHORT", "NORMAL", "COMPLETE", "SHORT_NORMAL", "NORMAL_COMPLETE"), ) TaurusElementType = Enumeration( "TaurusElementType", ( "Unknown", "Name", "DeviceClass", "Device", "DeviceAlias", "Domain", "Family", "Member", "Server", "ServerName", "ServerInstance", "Exported", "Host", "Attribute", "AttributeAlias", "Command", "Property", "Configuration", "Authority", ), ) LockStatus = Enumeration( "LockStatus", ("Unlocked", "Locked", "LockedMaster", "Unknown") ) DataFormat = Enumeration("DataFormat", ("_0D", "_1D", "_2D")) # TODO: Consider adding Enum and Quantity to DataType enumeration ... # TODO: ... and also to __PYTHON_TYPE_TO_TAURUS_DATATYPE DataType = Enumeration( "DataType", ( "Integer", # Can be used in scheme-agnostic code "Float", # Can be used in scheme-agnostic code "String", # Can be used in scheme-agnostic code "Boolean", # Can be used in scheme-agnostic code "Bytes", "DevState", # for Tango backwards-compat. Avoid using it "DevEncoded", # for Tango backwards-compat. Avoid using it "Object", # for opaque py objects not described by any of the above ), ) # monkey-patch DataType to provide from_python_type() __PYTHON_TYPE_TO_TAURUS_DATATYPE = { str: DataType.String, int: DataType.Integer, float: DataType.Float, bool: DataType.Boolean, bytes: DataType.Bytes, } DataType.from_python_type = __PYTHON_TYPE_TO_TAURUS_DATATYPE.get SubscriptionState = Enumeration( "SubscriptionState", ("Unsubscribed", "Subscribing", "Subscribed", "PendingSubscribe"), )
[docs]class AttrQuality(IntEnum): """Enumeration of quality states for Taurus attributes. based on This is the Taurus equivalent to PyTango.AttrQuality. The members present in PyTango are also defined here with the same values, allowing equality comparisons with :class:`PyTango.AttrQuality` (but not identity checks!):: from taurus.core import AttrQuality as Q1 from PyTango import AttrQuality as Q2 Q1.ATTR_ALARM == Q2.ATTR_ALARM # --> True Q1.ATTR_ALARM in (Q2.ATTR_ALARM, Q2.ATTR_ALARM) # --> True Q1.ATTR_ALARM == 2 # --> True Q1.ATTR_ALARM is 2 # --> False Q1.ATTR_ALARM is Q2.ATTR_ALARM # --> False """ ATTR_VALID = 0 ATTR_INVALID = 1 ATTR_ALARM = 2 ATTR_CHANGING = 3 ATTR_WARNING = 4 def __str__(self): # Todo: BEWARE!! This alters the usual behaviour of IntEnum! return
AttrAccess = Enumeration( "AttrAccess", ("READ", "READ_WITH_WRITE", "WRITE", "READ_WRITE") ) DisplayLevel = Enumeration("DisplayLevel", ("OPERATOR", "EXPERT", "DEVELOPER")) ManagerState = Enumeration( "ManagerState", ("UNINITIALIZED", "INITED", "CLEANED") ) class DeprecatedEnum(object): def __init__(self, name, alt): self.__name = name self.__alt = alt def __getattr__(self, name): raise RuntimeError( "%s enumeration was removed. Use %s instead" % (self.__name, self.__alt) ) TaurusSWDevState = DeprecatedEnum("TaurusSWDevState", "TaurusDevState") TaurusSWDevHealth = DeprecatedEnum("TaurusSWDevHealth", "TaurusDevState")
[docs]class TaurusTimeVal(object): def __init__(self): self.tv_sec = 0 self.tv_usec = 0 self.tv_nsec = 0 def __repr__(self): return "%s(tv_sec=%i, tv_usec=%i, tv_nsec=%i)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec, self.tv_nsec, ) def __float__(self): return self.totime()
[docs] def totime(self): return self.tv_nsec * 1e-9 + self.tv_usec * 1e-6 + self.tv_sec
[docs] def todatetime(self): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.totime())
[docs] def isoformat(self): return self.todatetime().isoformat()
[docs] @staticmethod def fromtimestamp(v): tv = TaurusTimeVal() tv.tv_sec = int(v) usec = (v - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 tv.tv_usec = int(usec) tv.tv_nsec = int((usec - tv.tv_usec) * 1000) return tv
[docs] @staticmethod def fromdatetime(v): import time tv = TaurusTimeVal() tv.tv_sec = int(time.mktime(v.timetuple())) tv.tv_usec = v.microsecond tv.tv_nsec = 0 # datetime does not provide ns info return tv
[docs] @staticmethod def now(): return TaurusTimeVal.fromdatetime(
[docs]class TaurusModelValue(object): def __init__(self): self.rvalue = None def __repr__(self): return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.__dict__))
[docs]class TaurusAttrValue(TaurusModelValue): def __init__(self): TaurusModelValue.__init__(self) self.wvalue = None self.time = None self.quality = AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID self.error = None
[docs]class TaurusConfigValue(object): @taurus4_deprecation(alt="TaurusAttrValue") def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class TaurusLockInfo(object): LOCK_STATUS_UNKNOWN = "Lock status unknown" def __init__(self): self.status = LockStatus.Unknown self.status_msg = self.LOCK_STATUS_UNKNOWN = None = None self.klass = None def __repr__(self): return self.status_msg
# del time # del datetime # del Enumeration # del AttrQuality, AttrAccess, DataFormat, LockStatus