Source code for taurus.core.util.console

#!/usr/bin/env python

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# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
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"""This module contains ANSI color codes

__all__ = ["make_color_table", "NoColors", "TermColors", "HTMLColors"]

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs]def make_color_table(in_class, use_name=False, fake=False): """Build a set of color attributes in a class. Helper function for building the TermColors classes. """ color_templates = ( ("Black", "0;30"), ("Red", "0;31"), ("Green", "0;32"), ("Brown", "0;33"), ("Blue", "0;34"), ("Purple", "0;35"), ("Cyan", "0;36"), ("LightGray", "0;37"), ("DarkGray", "1;30"), ("LightRed", "1;31"), ("LightGreen", "1;32"), ("Yellow", "1;33"), ("LightBlue", "1;34"), ("LightPurple", "1;35"), ("LightCyan", "1;36"), ("White", "1;37"), ) if fake: for name, value in color_templates: setattr(in_class, name, "") else: if use_name: for name, value in color_templates: setattr(in_class, name, in_class._base % name) else: for name, value in color_templates: setattr(in_class, name, in_class._base % value)
[docs]class NoColors(object): NoColor = "" # for color schemes in color-less terminals. Normal = "" # Reset normal coloring _base = "" # Template for all other colors
[docs]class TermColors(object): """Color escape sequences. This class defines the escape sequences for all the standard (ANSI?) colors in terminals. Also defines a NoColor escape which is just the null string, suitable for defining 'dummy' color schemes in terminals which get confused by color escapes. This class should be used as a mixin for building color schemes. Basicaly this class is just a copy of IPython.ColorANSI.TermColors class """ NoColor = "" # for color schemes in color-less terminals. Normal = "\033[0m" # Reset normal coloring _base = "\033[%sm" # Template for all other colors
[docs]class HTMLColors(object): NoColor = "" Normal = "</font>" _base = "<font color=%s>"
# Build the actual color table as a set of class attributes: make_color_table(NoColors, fake=True) make_color_table(TermColors) make_color_table(HTMLColors, True)