Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.container.taurusmainwindow

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

""" a main window implementation with many added features by default

import os
import sys

from functools import partial

from taurus import tauruscustomsettings, Release
from taurus.core.util.log import deprecation_decorator, warning
from taurus.external.qt import Qt, compat

    from taurus.external.qt import QtWebEngineWidgets
except ImportError as e:
    warning("ManualBrowser won't be available (%s)", e)
    QtWebEngineWidgets = None
from .taurusbasecontainer import TaurusBaseContainer

from taurus.qt.qtcore.configuration import BaseConfigurableClass
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import ExternalAppAction
from taurus.qt.qtgui.dialog import protectTaurusMessageBox

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

class CommandArgsLineEdit(Qt.QLineEdit):
    """An specialized QLineEdit that can transform its text from/to command
    argument lists"""

    def __init__(self, extapp, *args):
        Qt.QLineEdit.__init__(self, *args)
        self._extapp = extapp

    def setCmdText(self, cmdargs):
        if not isinstance(cmdargs, str):
            cmdargs = " ".join(cmdargs)
        self._extapp.setCmdArgs(self.getCmdArgs(), False)

    def getCmdArgs(self):
        import shlex

        return shlex.split(str(self.text()))

class ConfigurationDialog(Qt.QDialog, BaseConfigurableClass):
    """A Configuration Dialog"""

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
        self._tabwidget = Qt.QTabWidget()
        self.externalAppsPage = None

    def addExternalAppConfig(self, extapp):
        Creates an entry in the "External Apps" tab of the configuration dialog

        :param extapp: the external application that is to be included in the
            configuration menu.
        :type extapp: ExternalAppAction
        if self.externalAppsPage is None:
            self.externalAppsPage = Qt.QScrollArea()
            w = Qt.QWidget()
                self.externalAppsPage, "External Application Paths"
        label = "Command line for %s" % str(extapp.text())
        editWidget = CommandArgsLineEdit(extapp, " ".join(extapp.cmdArgs()))
        # editWidget = Qt.QLineEdit(" ".join(extapp.cmdArgs()))
        self.externalAppsPage.widget().layout().addRow(label, editWidget)

    def deleteExternalAppConfig(self, extapp):
        """Remove the given external application configuration from
        the "External Apps" tab of the configuration dialog

        :param extapp: the external application that is to be included in the
            configuration menu.
        :type extapp: ExternalAppAction
        from taurus.external.qt import Qt

        layout = self.externalAppsPage.widget().layout()
        for cnt in reversed(range(layout.count())):
            widget = layout.itemAt(cnt).widget()
            if widget is not None:
                text = str(widget.text())  # command1
                if isinstance(widget, Qt.QLabel):
                    dialog_text = "Command line for %s" % str(extapp.text())
                    if text == dialog_text:
                    cmdargs = " ".join(extapp.cmdArgs())
                    if text == cmdargs:

    def show(self):
        """calls :meth:`` only if there is something to
        if self._tabwidget.count():

class Rpdb2Thread(Qt.QThread):
    def run(self):
        dialog = Rpdb2WaitDialog(parent=self.parent())

class Rpdb2WaitDialog(Qt.QMessageBox):
    def __init__(self, title=None, text=None, parent=None):
        if text is None:
            text = "Waitting for a debugger console to attach..."
        if title is None:
            title = "Rpdb2 waitting..."


    def onStarted(self):
        self.setWindowTitle("Rpdb2 running!")
        self.setText("A rpdb2 debugger was started successfully!")

[docs]class TaurusMainWindow(Qt.QMainWindow, TaurusBaseContainer): """ A Taurus-aware QMainWindow with several customizations: - It takes care of (re)storing its geometry and state (see :meth:`loadSettings`) - Supports perspectives (programmatic access and, optionally, accessible by user), and allows defining a set of "factory settings" - It provides a customizable splashScreen (optional) - Supports spawning remote consoles and remote debugging - Supports full-screen mode toggling - Supports adding launchers to external applications - It provides a statusBar with an optional heart-beat LED - The following Menus are optionally provided and populated with basic actions: - File (accessible by derived classes as `self.fileMenu`) - View (accessible by derived classes as `self.viewMenu`) - Taurus (accessible by derived classes as `self.taurusMenu`) - Tools (accessible by derived classes as `self.toolsMenu`) - Help (accessible by derived classes as `self.helpMenu`) """ modelChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal("const QString &") perspectiveChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") # customization options: #: Heartbeat LED blinking semi-period in ms. Set to None for not showing it HEARTBEAT = 1500 #: Whether to show the File menu FILE_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the View menu VIEW_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the Taurus menu TAURUS_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the Tools menu TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the Help menu HELP_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the Full Screen Toolbar FULLSCREEN_TOOLBAR_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show actions for user perspectives USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED = True #: Whether add a dockwidget with the logger widget LOGGER_WIDGET_ENABLED = True #: Name of logo image for splash screen. Set to None for disabling splash SPLASH_LOGO_NAME = "large:TaurusSplash.png" #: Message for splash screen SPLASH_MESSAGE = "Initializing Main window..." #: Whether to save settings before closing. Set to None to ask the user SAVE_SETTINGS_ON_CLOSE = None _old_options_api = { "_heartbeat": "HEARTBEAT", "_showFileMenu": "FILE_MENU_ENABLED", "_showViewMenu": "VIEW_MENU_ENABLED", "_showTaurusMenu": "TAURUS_MENU_ENABLED", "_showToolsMenu": "TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED", "_showHelpMenu": "HELP_MENU_ENABLED", "_showLogger": "LOGGER_WIDGET_ENABLED", "_supportUserPerspectives": "USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED", "_splashLogo": "SPLASH_LOGO_NAME", "_splashMessage": "SPLASH_MESSAGE", } def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False, splash=None): name = self.__class__.__name__ self.call__init__wo_kw(Qt.QMainWindow, parent) self.call__init__(TaurusBaseContainer, name, designMode=designMode) # Provide bck-compat with old options API for old, new in self._old_options_api.items(): if hasattr(self, old): self.deprecated(dep=old, alt=new, rel="4.5.3a") setattr(self, new, getattr(self, old)) if splash is None: splash = bool(self.SPLASH_LOGO_NAME) self.__splashScreen = None if splash and not designMode: self.__splashScreen = Qt.QSplashScreen( Qt.QPixmap(self.SPLASH_LOGO_NAME) ) self.__splashScreen.showMessage(self.SPLASH_MESSAGE) self.__tangoHost = "" self.__settings = None self.extAppsBar = None self.helpManualDW = None self.helpManualBrowser = None if self.HELP_MENU_ENABLED: self.resetHelpManualURI() # Heartbeat if self.HEARTBEAT is not None: from taurus.qt.qtgui.display import QLed self.heartbeatLed = QLed() self.heartbeatLed.setToolTip( "Heartbeat: if it does not blink, the application is hung" ) self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self.heartbeatLed) self.resetHeartbeat() # The configuration Dialog (which is launched with the # configurationAction) self.configurationDialog = ConfigurationDialog(self) # create a few common Application-wide actions # Qt.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.__createActions()) self.__createActions() # logger dock widget if self.LOGGER_WIDGET_ENABLED: self.addLoggerWidget() # Create Menus if self.FILE_MENU_ENABLED: # File menu self.createFileMenu() if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: # View menu self.createViewMenu() if self.TAURUS_MENU_ENABLED: # Taurus Menu self.createTaurusMenu() if self.TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED: # Tools Menu self.createToolsMenu() if self.HELP_MENU_ENABLED: # Help Menu self.createHelpMenu() # View Toolbar if self.FULLSCREEN_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: self.viewToolBar = self.addToolBar("View") self.viewToolBar.setObjectName("viewToolBar") self.viewToolBar.addAction(self.toggleFullScreenAction) # Perspectives Toolbar if self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED: self.createPerspectivesToolBar() # disable the configuration action if there is nothing to configure self.configurationAction.setEnabled( self.configurationDialog._tabwidget.count() ) def __setattr__(self, key, value): super(TaurusMainWindow, self).__setattr__(key, value) if key in self._old_options_api: new = self._old_options_api[key] setattr(self, new, value) self.deprecated(dep=key, alt=new, rel="4.5.3a")
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplemented to avoid deprecation warning related to: """ # TODO: Remove this once the deprecation of the Popup menu is enforced event.ignore()
[docs] def addLoggerWidget(self, hidden=True): """adds a QLoggingWidget as a dockwidget of the main window (and hides it by default) """ from taurus.qt.qtgui.table import QLoggingWidget loggingWidget = QLoggingWidget() self.__loggerDW = Qt.QDockWidget("Taurus logs", self) self.__loggerDW.setWidget(loggingWidget) self.__loggerDW.setObjectName("loggerDW") self.addDockWidget(Qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.__loggerDW) if hidden: self.__loggerDW.hide()
[docs] def createFileMenu(self): """adds a "File" Menu""" self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("File") if self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED: self.fileMenu.addAction(self.importSettingsFileAction) self.fileMenu.addAction(self.exportSettingsFileAction) # self.fileMenu.addAction(self.resetSettingsAction) self.fileMenu.addSeparator() self.fileMenu.addAction(self.quitApplicationAction)
[docs] def createViewMenu(self): """adds a "View" Menu""" self.viewMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("View") if self.LOGGER_WIDGET_ENABLED: self.viewMenu.addAction(self.__loggerDW.toggleViewAction()) self.viewToolBarsMenu = self.viewMenu.addMenu("Tool Bars") self.viewMenu.addSeparator() self.viewMenu.addAction(self.toggleFullScreenAction) if self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED: self.viewMenu.addSeparator() self.perspectivesMenu = Qt.QMenu("Load Perspectives", self) self.viewMenu.addMenu(self.perspectivesMenu) self.viewMenu.addAction(self.savePerspectiveAction) self.viewMenu.addAction(self.deletePerspectiveAction)
[docs] def createTaurusMenu(self): """adds a "Taurus" Menu""" self.taurusMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Taurus") self.taurusMenu.addAction(self.changeTangoHostAction)
[docs] def createToolsMenu(self): """adds a "Tools" Menu""" self.toolsMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Tools") self.externalAppsMenu = self.toolsMenu.addMenu("External Applications") self.toolsMenu.addAction(self.configurationAction)
[docs] def createHelpMenu(self): """adds a "Help" Menu""" self.helpMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Help") self.helpMenu.addAction("About ...", self.showHelpAbout) self.helpMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("help-browser"), "Manual", self.onShowManual )
[docs] def createPerspectivesToolBar(self): """adds a Perspectives ToolBar""" self.perspectivesToolBar = self.addToolBar("Perspectives") self.perspectivesToolBar.setObjectName("perspectivesToolBar") pbutton = Qt.QToolButton() # it may have been created earlier (for the view menu) if not hasattr(self, "perspectivesMenu"): self.perspectivesMenu = Qt.QMenu("Load Perspectives", self) self.perspectivesMenu.setIcon(Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open")) pbutton.setToolTip("Load Perspectives") pbutton.setText("Load Perspectives") pbutton.setPopupMode(Qt.QToolButton.InstantPopup) pbutton.setMenu(self.perspectivesMenu) self.perspectivesToolBar.addWidget(pbutton) self.perspectivesToolBar.addAction(self.savePerspectiveAction) if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: self.viewToolBarsMenu.addAction( self.perspectivesToolBar.toggleViewAction() )
[docs] def updatePerspectivesMenu(self): """re-checks the perspectives available to update self.perspectivesMenu .. note:: This method may need be called by derived classes at the end of their initialization. :return: the updated perspectives menu (or None if self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED is False) :rtype: QMenu """ if not self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED: return None self.perspectivesMenu.clear() for pname in self.getPerspectivesList(): a = self.perspectivesMenu.addAction( pname, self.__onPerspectiveSelected ) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Work around for # TODO: make better solution for this a.perspective_name = pname # <-- ugly monkey-patch! # ------------------------------------------------------- return self.perspectivesMenu
def __onPerspectiveSelected(self): """slot to be called by the actions in the perspectivesMenu""" # ------------------------------------------------------- # Work around for # TODO: make better solution for this # pname = self.sender().text() # <-- this fails because of added "&" pname = self.sender().perspective_name # <-- this was monkey-patched # ------------------------------------------------------- self.loadPerspective(name=pname)
[docs] def splashScreen(self): """returns a the splashScreen :return: :rtype: QSplashScreen """ return self.__splashScreen
[docs] def basicTaurusToolbar(self): """returns a QToolBar with few basic buttons (most important, the logo) :return: :rtype: QToolBar """ tb = Qt.QToolBar("Taurus Toolbar") tb.setObjectName("Taurus Toolbar") # tb.addAction(self.changeTangoHostAction) # tb.addWidget(self.taurusLogo) logo = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "ORGANIZATION_LOGO", "logos:taurus.png" ) tb.addAction(Qt.QIcon(logo), Qt.qApp.organizationName()) tb.setIconSize(Qt.QSize(50, 50)) return tb
def __createActions(self): """initializes the application-wide actions""" self.quitApplicationAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("process-stop"), "Exit Application", self ) self.quitApplicationAction.triggered.connect(self.close) self.changeTangoHostAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("network-server"), "Change Tango Host ...", self ) self.changeTangoHostAction.triggered.connect( self._onChangeTangoHostAction ) # make this action invisible since it is deprecated self.changeTangoHostAction.setVisible(False) self.loadPerspectiveAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open"), "Load Perspective ...", self ) self.loadPerspectiveAction.triggered.connect( partial(self.loadPerspective, name=None, settings=None) ) self.savePerspectiveAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save"), "Save Perspective ...", self ) self.savePerspectiveAction.triggered.connect( partial(self.savePerspective, name=None) ) self.deletePerspectiveAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:edit-delete.svg"), "Delete Perspective ...", self ) self.deletePerspectiveAction.triggered.connect( partial(self.removePerspective, name=None, settings=None) ) self.exportSettingsFileAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save"), "Export Settings ...", self ) self.exportSettingsFileAction.triggered.connect( partial(self.exportSettingsFile, fname=None) ) self.importSettingsFileAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open"), "Import Settings ...", self ) self.importSettingsFileAction.triggered.connect( partial(self.importSettingsFile, fname=None) ) self.configurationAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("preferences-system"), "Configurations ...", self, ) self.configurationAction.triggered.connect( ) # self.rpdb2Action = Qt.QAction("Spawn rpdb2", self) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut = Qt.QShortcut(self) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut.setKey(Qt.QKeySequence(Qt.Qt.Key_F9)) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut.activated.connect(self._onSpawnRpdb2) # self.rpdb2Action = Qt.QAction("Spawn rpdb2", self) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut = Qt.QShortcut(self) rpdb2key = Qt.QKeySequence( Qt.Qt.CTRL + Qt.Qt.ALT + Qt.Qt.Key_0, Qt.Qt.Key_1 ) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut.setKey(rpdb2key) self.spawnRpdb2Shortcut.activated.connect(self._onSpawnRpdb2) self.spawnRConsoleShortcut = Qt.QShortcut(self) rconsolekey = Qt.QKeySequence( Qt.Qt.CTRL + Qt.Qt.ALT + Qt.Qt.Key_0, Qt.Qt.Key_2 ) self.spawnRConsoleShortcut.setKey(rconsolekey) self.spawnRConsoleShortcut.activated.connect(self._onSpawnRConsole) self.toggleFullScreenAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:view-fullscreen.svg"), "Show FullScreen", self ) self.toggleFullScreenAction.setCheckable(True) self.toggleFullScreenAction.toggled.connect(self._onToggleFullScreen) self.fullScreenShortcut = Qt.QShortcut(self) self.fullScreenShortcut.setKey(Qt.QKeySequence(Qt.Qt.Key_F11)) self.fullScreenShortcut.activated.connect(self._onToggleFullScreen) @protectTaurusMessageBox def _onSpawnRpdb2(self): try: import rpdb2 except ImportError: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Rpdb2 not installed", "Cannot spawn debugger: Rpdb2 is not " "installed on your system.", ) return if hasattr(self, "_rpdb2"): Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "Rpdb2 running", "A rpdb2 debugger is already started" ) return pwd, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Rpdb2 password", "Password:", Qt.QLineEdit.Password ) if not ok: return Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Rpdb2 freeze", "The application will freeze until a " "debugger attaches.", ) self._rpdb2 = rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger(str(pwd)) Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "Rpdb2 running", "rpdb2 debugger started successfully!" ) @protectTaurusMessageBox def _onSpawnRConsole(self): try: import rfoo.utils.rconsole except ImportError: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "rfoo not installed", "Cannot spawn debugger: rfoo is not " "installed on your system.", ) return if hasattr(self, "_rconsole_port"): Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "rconsole running", "A rconsole is already running on " "port %d" % self._rconsole_port, ) return port, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getInteger( self, "rconsole port", "Port:", rfoo.utils.rconsole.PORT, 0, 65535 ) if not ok: return rfoo.utils.rconsole.spawn_server(port=port) self._rconsole_port = port Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "Rpdb2 running", "<html>rconsole started successfully!<br>" "Type:<p>" "<b>rconsole -p %d</b></p>" "to connect to it" % port, ) # added the yesno=None kwarg so it may be called by both toggled(bool) # activated() Qt signals. There is no problem as long as we don't use the # parameter internally in the method def _onToggleFullScreen(self, yesno=None): if self.isFullScreen(): self.showNormal() self._toggleToolBarsAndMenu(True) else: self._toggleToolBarsAndMenu(False) self.showFullScreen() def _toggleToolBarsAndMenu( self, visible, toolBarAreas=Qt.Qt.TopToolBarArea ): for toolbar in self.findChildren(Qt.QToolBar): if bool(self.toolBarArea(toolbar) & toolBarAreas): toolbar.setVisible(visible)
[docs] def setQSettings(self, settings): """sets the main window settings object :param settings: :type settings: QSettings or None .. seealso:: :meth:`getQSettings` """ self.__settings = settings
[docs] def resetQSettings(self): """equivalent to setQSettings(None)""" self.setQSettings(None)
[docs] def getQSettings(self): """Returns the main window settings object. If it was not previously set, it will create a new QSettings object following the Taurus convention i.e., it using Ini format and userScope) :return: the main window QSettings object :rtype: QSettings """ if self.__settings is None: self.__settings = self.newQSettings() return self.__settings
[docs] def newQSettings(self): """Returns a settings taurus-specific QSettings object. The returned QSettings object will comply with the Taurus defaults for storing application settings (i.e., it uses Ini format and userScope) :return: a taurus-specific QSettings object :rtype: QSettings """ # using the ALBA-Controls Coding Convention on how to store application # settings format = Qt.QSettings.IniFormat scope = Qt.QSettings.UserScope appname = Qt.QApplication.applicationName() orgname = Qt.QApplication.organizationName() return Qt.QSettings(format, scope, orgname, appname)
# todo: replace the five previous lines by the following two: # self.__settings = Qt.QSettings() # self.__settings.setDefaultFormat(Qt.QSettings.IniFormat)
[docs] def getFactorySettingsFileName(self): """returns the file name of the "factory settings" (the ini file with default settings). The default implementation returns "<path>/<appname>.ini", where <path> is the path of the module where the main window class is defined and <appname> is the application name (as obtained from QApplication). :return: the absolute file name. :rtype: str """ root, tail = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__) ) basename = "%s.ini" % str(Qt.qApp.applicationName()) return os.path.join(root, basename)
[docs] def loadSettings( self, settings=None, group=None, ignoreGeometry=False, factorySettingsFileName=None, ): """restores the application settings previously saved with :meth:`saveSettings`. .. note:: This method should be called explicitly from derived classes after all initialization is done :param settings: a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by :meth:`getQSettings` will be used :type settings: QSettings or None :param group: a prefix that will be added to the keys to be loaded (no prefix by default) :type group: str :param ignoreGeometry: if True, the geometry of the MainWindow won't be restored :type ignoreGeometry: bool :param factorySettingsFileName: file name of a ini file containing the default settings to be used as a fallback in case the settings file is not found (e.g., the first time the application is launched after installation) :type factorySettingsFileName: str """ if settings is None: settings = self.getQSettings() if len(settings.allKeys()) == 0: fname = ( factorySettingsFileName or self.getFactorySettingsFileName() ) if os.path.exists(fname):'Importing factory settings from "%s"' % fname) self.importSettingsFile(fname) return if group is not None: settings.beginGroup(group) if not ignoreGeometry: ba = settings.value("MainWindow/Geometry") or Qt.QByteArray() self.restoreGeometry(ba) # restore the Taurus config try: ba = settings.value("TaurusConfig") or Qt.QByteArray() self.applyQConfig(ba) except Exception: import sys from taurus.qt.qtgui.dialog import TaurusMessageBox msgbox = TaurusMessageBox(*sys.exc_info()) msgbox.setWindowTitle("Error loading settings") msg = ( 'Problem loading configuration from "{}". ' + "Some settings may not be restored." ).format(str(settings.fileName())) msgbox.setText(msg) msgbox.exec_() ba = settings.value("MainWindow/State") or Qt.QByteArray() self.restoreState(ba) # hide all dockwidgets (so that they are shown only if they were # present in the settings) dockwidgets = [ c for c in self.children() if isinstance(c, Qt.QDockWidget) ] for d in dockwidgets: _ = self.restoreDockWidget(d) d.hide() ba = settings.value("MainWindow/State") or Qt.QByteArray() self.restoreState(ba) if group is not None: settings.endGroup() self.updatePerspectivesMenu()"MainWindow settings restored")
[docs] def saveSettings(self, group=None): """saves the application settings (so that they can be restored with :meth:`loadSettings`) .. note:: this method is automatically called by default when closing the window, so in general there is no need to call it from derived classes :param group: a prefix that will be added to the keys to be saved (no prefix by default) :type group: str """ settings = self.getQSettings() if not settings.isWritable():'Settings cannot be saved in "%s"', settings.fileName()) return if group is not None: settings.beginGroup(group) # main window geometry settings.setValue("MainWindow/State", self.saveState()) settings.setValue("MainWindow/Geometry", self.saveGeometry()) # store the config dict settings.setValue("TaurusConfig", self.createQConfig()) if group is not None: settings.endGroup()'Settings saved in "%s"' % settings.fileName())
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def savePerspective(self, name=None): """Stores current state of the application as a perspective with the given name :param name: name of the perspective :type name: str """ perspectives = self.getPerspectivesList() if name is None: name, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Save Perspective", "Store current settings as the following perspective:", perspectives, 0, True, ) if not ok: return if name in perspectives: ans = Qt.QMessageBox.question( self, "Overwrite perspective?", "overwrite existing perspective %s?" % str(name), Qt.QMessageBox.Yes, Qt.QMessageBox.No, ) if ans != Qt.QMessageBox.Yes: return self.saveSettings(group="Perspectives/%s" % name) self.updatePerspectivesMenu()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def loadPerspective(self, name=None, settings=None): """Loads the settings saved for the given perspective. It emits a 'perspectiveChanged' signal with name as its parameter :param name: name of the perspective :type name: str :param settings: a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by :meth:`getQSettings` will be used :type settings: QSettings or None """ if name is None: perspectives = self.getPerspectivesList() if len(perspectives) == 0: return name, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Load Perspective", "Change perspective to:", perspectives, 0, False, ) if not ok: return self.loadSettings( settings=settings, group="Perspectives/%s" % name, ignoreGeometry=True, ) self.perspectiveChanged.emit(name)
[docs] def getPerspectivesList(self, settings=None): """Returns the list of saved perspectives :param settings: a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by :meth:`getQSettings` will be used :type settings: QSettings or None :return: the list of the names of the currently saved perspectives :rtype: QStringList """ if settings is None: settings = self.getQSettings() settings.beginGroup("Perspectives") names = settings.childGroups() settings.endGroup() return names
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def removePerspective(self, name=None, settings=None): """removes the given perspective from the settings :param name: name of the perspective :type name: str :param settings: a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by :meth:`getQSettings` will be used :type settings: QSettings or None """ if settings is None: settings = self.getQSettings() if name is None: perspectives = self.getPerspectivesList() if len(perspectives) == 0: return name, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Delete Perspective", "Choose perspective to be deleted:", perspectives, 0, False, ) if not ok: return if name not in perspectives: self.warning( "Cannot remove perspective %s (not found)" % str(name) ) return settings.beginGroup("Perspectives") settings.remove(name) settings.endGroup() self.updatePerspectivesMenu()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def exportSettingsFile(self, fname=None): """copies the current settings file into the given file name. :param fname: name of output file. If None given, a file dialog will be shown. :type fname: str """ if fname is None: fname, _ = compat.getSaveFileName( self, "Choose file where the current settings should be saved", "", "Ini files (*.ini);;All files (*)", ) if not fname: return self.saveSettings() ok = Qt.QFile.copy(self.getQSettings().fileName(), fname) if ok:'MainWindow settings saved in "%s"' % str(fname)) else: msg = "Settings could not be exported to %s" % str(fname) Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Export error", msg)
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def importSettingsFile(self, fname=None): """ loads settings (including importing all perspectives) from a given ini file. It warns before overwriting an existing perspective. :param fname: name of ini file. If None given, a file dialog will be shown. :type fname: str """ if fname is None: fname, _ = compat.getOpenFileName( self, "Select a ini-format settings file", "", "Ini files (*.ini);;All files (*)", ) if not fname: return s = Qt.QSettings(fname, Qt.QSettings.IniFormat) # clone the perspectives found in the "factory" settings for p in self.getPerspectivesList(settings=s): self.loadPerspective(name=p, settings=s) self.savePerspective(name=p) # finally load the settings self.loadSettings(settings=s)
# def resetSettings(self): # '''deletes current settings file and clears all settings''' # self.__settings = self.newQSettings() # self.saveSettings()
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): """This event handler receives widget show events""" if self.__splashScreen is not None and not event.spontaneous(): self.__splashScreen.finish(self)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """This event handler receives widget close events""" if self.SAVE_SETTINGS_ON_CLOSE is None: msg = ( "Save current application settings for the next time?<ul>" + "<li><em>Save</em> overwrites previous settings</li>" + "<li><em>Discard</em> discards changes from current " + "session</li>" + "<li><em>Cancel</em> returns to application</li></ul>" ) result = Qt.QMessageBox.question( self, "Save settings before closing?", msg, Qt.QMessageBox.Save | Qt.QMessageBox.Discard | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: # abort closing event.ignore() return elif result == Qt.QMessageBox.Save: # save settings before closing save_settings = True else: # discard settings before closing save_settings = False else: save_settings = self.SAVE_SETTINGS_ON_CLOSE if save_settings: self.saveSettings() if hasattr(self, "socketServer"): self.socketServer.close() Qt.QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event) TaurusBaseContainer.closeEvent(self, event)
[docs] def addExternalAppLauncher(self, extapp, toToolBar=True, toMenu=True): """ Adds launchers for an external application to the Tools Menu and/or to the Tools ToolBar. :param extapp: the external application to be launched passed as a :class:`ExternalAppAction` (recommended because it allows to specify custom text and icon) or, alternatively, as a list of strings (sys.argv- like) that will be passed to :meth:`subprocess.Popen`. :type extapp: ExternalAppAction or list<str> :param toToolBar: If True (default) a button will be added in the Tools toolBar :type toToolBar: bool :param toMenu: If True (default) an entry will be added in the Tools Menu, under the "External Applications" submenu :type toMenu: bool .. seealso:: :class:`ExternalAppAction` """ if not isinstance(extapp, ExternalAppAction): extapp = ExternalAppAction(extapp, parent=self) if extapp.parentWidget() is None: extapp.setParent(self) self.configurationDialog.addExternalAppConfig(extapp) self.configurationAction.setEnabled(True) if toToolBar: if self.extAppsBar is None: self.extAppsBar = self.addToolBar("External Applications") self.extAppsBar.setObjectName("External Applications") self.extAppsBar.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon ) if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: self.viewToolBarsMenu.addAction( self.extAppsBar.toggleViewAction() ) self.extAppsBar.addAction(extapp) if toMenu and self.TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED: if self.toolsMenu is None: self.createToolsMenu() self.externalAppsMenu.addAction(extapp) # register this action for config self.registerConfigDelegate(extapp, "_extApp[%s]" % str(extapp.text()))
[docs] def deleteExternalAppLauncher(self, action): """ Remove launchers for an external application to the Tools Menu and/or to the Tools ToolBar. :param extapp: the external application to be removed passed as a :class:`ExternalAppAction` :type extapp: ExternalAppAction """ self.configurationDialog.deleteExternalAppConfig(action) try: # if is in ToolBar self.extAppsBar.removeAction(action) self.extAppsBar.update() except Exception: pass try: # if is in Menu self.externalAppsMenu.removeAction(action) self.externalAppsMenu.update except Exception: pass # unregister this action for config self.unregisterConfigurableItem( "_extApp[%s]" % str(action.text()), raiseOnError=False )
@deprecation_decorator( dbg_msg="Change Tango Host action is TangoCentric", rel="4.1.2" ) def _onChangeTangoHostAction(self): """ slot called when the Change Tango Host is triggered. It prompts for a Tango host name and calls :meth:`setTangoHost` """ host, valid = Qt.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Change Tango Host", "New Tango Host", Qt.QLineEdit.Normal, str(self.getTangoHost()), ) if valid: self.setTangoHost(str(host))
[docs] def setTangoHost(self, host): self.__tangoHost = host
[docs] def getTangoHost(self): return self.__tangoHost
[docs] def resetTangoHost(self): self.setTangoHost(None)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): # Current versions of designer don't work with MainWindow as custom # widgets. Therefore until this is solved, the widget will not appear # in the designer return None
[docs] def setHelpManualURI(self, uri): if QtWebEngineWidgets is None: return self.__helpManualURI = uri if self.helpManualBrowser is None: self.helpManualBrowser = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView() url = Qt.QUrl.fromUserInput(uri) self.helpManualBrowser.load(url)
[docs] def getHelpManualURI(self): return self.__helpManualURI
[docs] def resetHelpManualURI(self): uri = getattr(self, "MANUAL_URI", Release.url) self.setHelpManualURI(uri)
[docs] def showHelpAbout(self): appname = str(Qt.qApp.applicationName()) appversion = str(Qt.qApp.applicationVersion()) from taurus import Release abouttext = "%s %s\n\nUsing %s %s" % ( appname, appversion,, Release.version, ) Qt.QMessageBox.about(self, "About", abouttext)
[docs] def onShowManual(self, anchor=None): """Shows the User Manual in a dockwidget""" if self.helpManualDW is None: if QtWebEngineWidgets is None: return self.helpManualDW = Qt.QDockWidget("Manual", self) self.helpManualDW.setWidget(self.helpManualBrowser) self.helpManualDW.setObjectName("helpManualDW") self.addDockWidget(Qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.helpManualDW) else:
[docs] def checkSingleInstance(self, key=None): """Tries to connect via a QLocalSocket to an existing application with the given key. If another instance already exists (i.e. the connection succeeds), it means that this application is not the only one """ if key is None: from taurus.core.util.user import getSystemUserName username = getSystemUserName() appname = str(Qt.QApplication.applicationName()) key = "__socket_%s-%s__" % (username, appname) from taurus.external.qt import QtNetwork socket = QtNetwork.QLocalSocket(self) socket.connectToServer(key) alive = socket.waitForConnected(3000) if alive: 'Another application with key "%s" is already running', key ) return False else: self.socketServer = QtNetwork.QLocalServer(self) self.socketServer.newConnection.connect( self.onIncommingSocketConnection ) ok = self.socketServer.listen(key) if not ok: AddressInUseError = QtNetwork.QAbstractSocket.AddressInUseError if self.socketServer.serverError() == AddressInUseError: 'Resetting unresponsive socket with key "%s"', key ) self.socketServer.removeServer(key) ok = self.socketServer.listen(key) if not ok: self.warning( 'Cannot start local socket with key "%s". Reason: %s ', key, self.socketServer.errorString(), ) return False'Registering as single instance with key "%s"', key) return True
[docs] def onIncommingSocketConnection(self): """ Slot to be called when another application/instance with the same key checks if this application exists. .. note:: This is a dummy implementation which just logs the connection and discards the associated socket You may want to reimplement this if you want to act on such connections """"Incomming connection from application") socket = self.socketServer.nextPendingConnection() socket.deleteLater() self.raise_() self.activateWindow()
[docs] def setHeartbeat(self, interval): """sets the interval of the heartbeat LED for the window. The heartbeat is displayed by a Led in the status bar unless it is disabled by setting the interval to 0 :param interval: heart beat interval in millisecs. Set to 0 to disable :type interval: int """ self.heartbeatLed.setBlinkingInterval(interval) self.heartbeatLed.setVisible(interval > 0)
[docs] def getHeartbeat(self): """returns the heart beat interval""" return self.heartbeatLed.getBlinkingInterval()
[docs] def resetHeartbeat(self): """resets the heartbeat interval""" self.setHeartbeat(self.__class__.HEARTBEAT)
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # Public slots for apply/restore changes # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() def applyPendingChanges(self): self.applyPendingOperations()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() def resetPendingChanges(self): self.resetPendingOperations()
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT properties # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", TaurusBaseContainer.getModel, TaurusBaseContainer.setModel, TaurusBaseContainer.resetModel, ) #: (deprecated)) useParentModel = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseContainer.getUseParentModel, TaurusBaseContainer.setUseParentModel, TaurusBaseContainer.resetUseParentModel, ) showQuality = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseContainer.getShowQuality, TaurusBaseContainer.setShowQuality, TaurusBaseContainer.resetShowQuality, ) tangoHost = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getTangoHost, setTangoHost, resetTangoHost ) helpManualURI = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getHelpManualURI, setHelpManualURI, resetHelpManualURI ) heartbeat = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getHeartbeat, setHeartbeat, resetHeartbeat )
# --------- if __name__ == "__main__": from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) app.setApplicationName("TaurusMainWindow-test") app.setOrganizationName("ALBA") app.basicConfig() class MyMainWindow(TaurusMainWindow): HEARTBEAT = 300 # blinking semi-period in ms. None for hiding the LED FILE_MENU_ENABLED = True VIEW_MENU_ENABLED = True TAURUS_MENU_ENABLED = False TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED = True HELP_MENU_ENABLED = True # Allows the user to change/create/delete perspectives USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED = True LOGGER_WIDGET_ENABLED = True # set to None for disabling splash screen SPLASH_LOGO_NAME = "large:TaurusSplash.png" _splashMessage = "Initializing Main window..." def __init__(self): TaurusMainWindow.__init__( self, parent=None, designMode=False, splash=None ) # simulating a lengthy initialization import time for i in range(5): time.sleep(0.5) self.splashScreen().showMessage( "starting: step %i/5" % (i + 1) ) # MainWindowKlass = TaurusMainWindow form = MyMainWindow() # ensure only a single instance of this application is running single = form.checkSingleInstance() if not single: sys.exit(1) # form.setHelpManualURI('') form.loadSettings() # form.setCentralWidget(Qt.QMdiArea()) # just for testing # form.addExternalAppLauncher('pwd') sys.exit(app.exec_())