Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.display.qled

#!/usr/bin/env python

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"""A pure Qt led widget

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

import sys

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.qt.qtgui.icon import getCachedPixmap
from taurus.qt.qtgui.display.qpixmapwidget import QPixmapWidget

LedColor = Enumeration(
LedStatus = Enumeration("LedStatus", ["ON", "OFF"])
LedSize = Enumeration("LedSize", [("SMALL", 24), ("LARGE", 48)])

[docs]class QLed(QPixmapWidget): """A Led""" DefaultLedPattern = "leds_images256:led_{color}_{status}.png" DefaultLedColor = "green" DefaultLedStatus = True DefaultLedInverted = False DefaultBlinkingInterval = 0 def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): self._ledStatus = self.DefaultLedStatus self._ledColor = self.DefaultLedColor self._ledPatternName = self.DefaultLedPattern self._ledInverted = self.DefaultLedInverted self._ledName = self.toLedName() self._timer = None QPixmapWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._refresh()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): if self.layout() is None: return Qt.QSize(24, 24) return QPixmapWidget.sizeHint(self)
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): """Overwrite the default minimum size hint (0,0) to be (16,16) :return: the minimum size hint 16,16 :rtype: PyQt5.Qt.QSize """ return Qt.QSize(8, 8)
[docs] def toLedName(self, status=None, color=None, inverted=None): """Gives the led name for the given status and color. If status or color are not given, the current led status or color are used. :param status: the status :type status: bool :param color: the color :type color: str :return: string containing the led name :rtype: str """ if status is None: status = self._ledStatus if color is None: color = self._ledColor if inverted is None: inverted = self._ledInverted if inverted: status = not status status = status and "on" or "off" return self._ledPatternName.format(color=color, status=status)
[docs] def isLedColorValid(self, name): """Determines if the given color name is valid. :param color: the color :type color: str :return: True is the given color name is valid or False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return name.upper() in LedColor
def _refresh(self): """internal usage only""" self._ledName = self.toLedName() pixmap = getCachedPixmap(self._ledName) self.setPixmap(pixmap) return self.update()
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return { "module": "taurus.qt.qtgui.display", "group": "Taurus Display", "icon": "designer:ledred.png", "container": False, }
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT property definition # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def getLedPatternName(self): """Returns the current led pattern name :return: led pattern name :rtype: str """ return self._ledPatternName
[docs] def setLedPatternName(self, name): """Sets the led pattern name. Should be a string containing a path to valid images. The string can contain the keywords: 1. {status} - transformed to 'on' of 'off' according to the status 2. {color} - transformed to the current led color Example: **:leds/images256/led_{color}_{status}.png** will be transformed to **:leds/images256/led_red_on.png** when the led status is True and the led color is red. :param name: new pattern :type name: str """ self._ledPatternName = str(name) self._refresh()
[docs] def resetLedPatternName(self): """Resets the led pattern to `leds/images256/led_{color}_{status}.png` """ self.setLedPatternName(self.DefaultLedPattern)
[docs] def getLedStatus(self): """Returns the led status :return: led status :rtype: bool """ return self._ledStatus
[docs] def setLedStatus(self, status): """Sets the led status :param status: the new status :type status: bool """ self._ledStatus = bool(status) self._refresh()
[docs] def resetLedStatus(self): """Resets the led status""" self.setLedStatus(self.DefaultLedStatus)
[docs] def toggleLedStatus(self): """toggles the current status of the led""" self.setLedStatus(not self.getLedStatus())
[docs] def getLedInverted(self): """Returns if the led is inverted. :return: inverted mode :rtype: bool """ return self._ledInverted
[docs] def setLedInverted(self, inverted): """Sets the led inverted mode :param status: the new inverted mode :type status: bool """ self._ledInverted = bool(inverted) self._refresh()
[docs] def resetLedInverted(self): """Resets the led inverted mode""" self.setLedInverted(self.DefaultLedInverted)
[docs] def getLedColor(self): """Returns the led color :return: led color :rtype: str """ return self._ledColor
[docs] def setLedColor(self, color): """Sets the led color :param status: the new color :type status: str """ color = str(color).lower() if not self.isLedColorValid(color): raise Exception("Invalid color '%s'" % color) self._ledColor = color self._refresh()
[docs] def resetLedColor(self): """Resets the led color""" self.setLedColor(self.DefaultLedColor)
[docs] def setBlinkingInterval(self, interval): """sets the blinking interval (the time between status switching). Set to a nonpositive number for disabling blinking :param interval: the blinking interval in millisecs. Set to 0 for disabling blinking :type interval: int """ if interval > 0: if self._timer is None: self._timer = Qt.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect(self.toggleLedStatus) self._timer.start(interval) else: if self._timer is not None: self._timer.stop() self._timer = None
[docs] def getBlinkingInterval(self): """returns the blinking interval :return: blinking interval or 0 if blinking is not enabled. :rtype: int """ if self._timer is None: return 0 else: return self._timer.interval()
[docs] def resetBlinkingInterval(self): """resets the blinking interval""" self.setBlinkingInterval(self.__class__.DefaultBlinkingInterval)
#: This property holds the led status: False means OFF, True means ON #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QLed.getLedStatus` #: * :meth:`QLed.setLedStatus` #: * :meth:`QLed.resetLedStatus` ledStatus = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getLedStatus, setLedStatus, resetLedStatus, doc="led status" ) #: This property holds the led color #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QLed.getLedColor` #: * :meth:`QLed.setLedColor` #: * :meth:`QLed.resetLedColor` ledColor = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getLedColor, setLedColor, resetLedColor, doc="led color" ) #: This property holds the led inverted: False means do not invert the #: status, True means invert the status #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QLed.getLedInverted` #: * :meth:`QLed.setLedInverted` #: * :meth:`QLed.resetLedInverted` ledInverted = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getLedInverted, setLedInverted, resetLedInverted, doc="led inverted mode", ) #: This property holds the led pattern name #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QLed.getLedPatternName` #: * :meth:`QLed.setLedPatternName` #: * :meth:`QLed.resetLedPatternName` ledPattern = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getLedPatternName, setLedPatternName, resetLedPatternName, doc="led pattern name", ) #: This property holds the blinking interval in millisecs. #: 0 means no blinking #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QLed.getBlinkingInterval` #: * :meth:`QLed.setBlinkingInterval` #: * :meth:`QLed.resetBlinkingInterval` blinkingInterval = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getBlinkingInterval, setBlinkingInterval, resetBlinkingInterval, doc="blinking interval", )
class QLedOld(Qt.QLabel): ledDirPattern = ":leds/images%(size)d" def __init__( self, parent=None, ledsize=LedSize.SMALL, ledcolor=LedColor.GREEN ): Qt.QLabel.__init__(self, parent) self.ledsize = ledsize self.status = LedStatus.OFF self.ledcolor = ledcolor self.setObjectName("Led") sizePolicy = Qt.QSizePolicy( Qt.QSizePolicy.Policy(0), Qt.QSizePolicy.Policy(0) ) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) # no need to call changeColor. changeSize calls it for us self.changeSize(ledsize) self.retranslateUi(self) Qt.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) def toLedName(self, status, color): name = "led" + LedColor.whatis(color).lower() if status == LedStatus.OFF: name += LedStatus.whatis(status).lower() return name def toCompleteLedName(self, size, status, color): ret = self.ledDirPattern % {"size": size} ret += "/" + self.toLedName(status, color) + ".png" return ret def tr(self, string): return Qt.QApplication.translate( "Led", string, None, Qt.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 ) def retranslateUi(self, Led): Led.setWindowTitle("Form")) def on(self): if self.status == LedStatus.OFF: self.status = LedStatus.ON self.setPixmap(self.onled) def off(self): if self.status == LedStatus.ON: self.status = LedStatus.OFF self.setPixmap(self.offled) def changeSize(self, ledSize): self.ledsize = ledSize self.resize(ledSize, ledSize) self.setMinimumSize(Qt.QSize(ledSize, ledSize)) self.setMaximumSize(Qt.QSize(ledSize, ledSize)) # force a call to led color to change the place from which the images # are fetched self.changeColor(self.ledcolor) def changeColor(self, ledColor): self.ledcolor = ledColor off_pixmap_name = self.toCompleteLedName( self.ledsize, LedStatus.OFF, ledColor ) self.offled = Qt.QPixmap(off_pixmap_name) on_pixmap_name = self.toCompleteLedName( self.ledsize, LedStatus.ON, ledColor ) self.onled = Qt.QPixmap(on_pixmap_name) if self.status == LedStatus.OFF: self.setPixmap(self.offled) else: self.setPixmap(self.onled) def _setProblemsBackground(self, doIt=True): if doIt: self.setAutoFillBackground(True) bg_brush = Qt.QBrush() bg_brush.setStyle(Qt.Qt.BDiagPattern) palette = self.palette() palette.setBrush(Qt.QPalette.Window, bg_brush) palette.setBrush(Qt.QPalette.Base, bg_brush) else: self.setAutoFillBackground(False) def main(): """hello""" app = Qt.QApplication.instance() owns_app = app is None if owns_app: from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(sys.argv, cmd_line_parser=None) w = Qt.QWidget() layout = Qt.QGridLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) layout.setSpacing(2) w.setLayout(layout) for i, color in enumerate(LedColor.keys()): led = QLed() led.ledColor = color led.ledStatus = True layout.addWidget(led, i, 0) led = QLed() led.ledColor = color led.ledStatus = False layout.addWidget(led, i, 1) led = QLed() led.ledColor = color led.blinkingInterval = 500 layout.addWidget(led, i, 2) if owns_app: sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: return w if __name__ == "__main__": main()