Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.display.qpixmapwidget

#!/usr/bin/env python

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# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
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"""This module contains a pure Qt widget that displays an image

from taurus.external.qt import Qt

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs]class QPixmapWidget(Qt.QWidget): """This widget displays an image (pixmap). By default the pixmap is scaled to the widget size and the aspect ratio is kept. The default alignment of the pixmap inside the widget space is horizontal left, vertical center. """ DefaultAlignment = Qt.Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter DefaultAspectRatioMode = Qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio DefaultTransformationMode = Qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): self._pixmap = Qt.QPixmap() self._pixmapDrawn = None self._alignment = self.DefaultAlignment self._pixmapAspectRatioMode = self.DefaultAspectRatioMode self._pixmapTransformationMode = self.DefaultTransformationMode Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) def _getPixmap(self): if self._pixmapDrawn is None: self._pixmapDrawn = self.recalculatePixmap() return self._pixmapDrawn
[docs] def recalculatePixmap(self): origPixmap = self._pixmap if origPixmap.isNull(): return origPixmap return origPixmap.scaled( self.size(), self._pixmapAspectRatioMode, self._pixmapTransformationMode, )
def _setDirty(self): self._pixmapDrawn = None
[docs] def paintEvent(self, paintEvent): """Overwrite the paintEvent from QWidget to draw the pixmap""" pixmap = self._getPixmap() w, h = self.width(), self.height() painter = Qt.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(Qt.QPainter.Antialiasing) pw, ph = pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() align = self._alignment hAlign = align & Qt.Qt.AlignHorizontal_Mask vAlign = align & Qt.Qt.AlignVertical_Mask x, y = 0, 0 if hAlign & Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter: x = (w - pw) // 2 elif hAlign & Qt.Qt.AlignRight: x = w - pw if vAlign & Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter: y = (h - ph) // 2 elif vAlign & Qt.Qt.AlignBottom: y = h - ph x, y = max(0, x), max(0, y) painter.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmap)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): self._setDirty() return Qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return { "module": "taurus.qt.qtgui.display", "group": "Taurus Display", "icon": "designer:graphicsview.png", "container": False, }
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT property definition # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def getPixmap(self): """Returns the pixmap.Returns None if no pixmap is set. :return: the current pixmap :rtype: PyQt5.Qt.QPixmap """ return self._pixmap
[docs] def setPixmap(self, pixmap): """Sets the pixmap for this widget. Setting it to None disables pixmap :param pixmap: the new pixmap :type pixmap: PyQt5.Qt.QPixmap """ # make sure to make a copy because of bug in PyQt 4.4. This is actually # copying the internal bitmap, just the qpixmap, so there is no # performance penalty here self._pixmap = Qt.QPixmap(pixmap) self._setDirty() self.update()
[docs] def resetPixmap(self): """Resets the pixmap for this widget.""" self.setPixmap(Qt.QPixmap())
[docs] def getAspectRatioMode(self): """Returns the aspect ratio to apply when drawing the pixmap. :return: the current aspect ratio :rtype: PyQt5.Qt.AspectRatioMode """ return self._pixmapAspectRatioMode
[docs] def setAspectRatioMode(self, aspect): """Sets the aspect ratio mode to apply when drawing the pixmap. :param pixmap: the new aspect ratio mode :type pixmap: PyQt5.Qt.AspectRatioMode """ self._pixmapAspectRatioMode = aspect self._setDirty() self.update()
[docs] def resetAspectRatioMode(self): """Resets the aspect ratio mode to KeepAspectRatio""" self.setAspectRatioMode(self.DefaultAspectRatioMode)
[docs] def getTransformationMode(self): """Returns the transformation mode to apply when drawing the pixmap. :return: the current transformation mode :rtype: PyQt5.Qt.TransformationMode """ return self._pixmapTransformationMode
[docs] def setTransformationMode(self, transformation): """Sets the transformation mode to apply when drawing the pixmap. :param pixmap: the new transformation mode :type pixmap: PyQt5.Qt.TransformationMode """ self._pixmapTransformationMode = transformation self._setDirty() self.update()
[docs] def resetTransformationMode(self): """Resets the transformation mode to SmoothTransformation""" self.setTransformationMode(self.DefaultTransformationMode)
[docs] def getAlignment(self): """Returns the alignment to apply when drawing the pixmap. :return: the current alignment :rtype: PyQt5.Qt.Alignment """ return self._alignment
[docs] def setAlignment(self, alignment): """Sets the alignment to apply when drawing the pixmap. :param pixmap: the new alignment :type pixmap: PyQt5.Qt.Alignment """ self._alignment = Qt.Qt.Alignment(alignment) self.update()
[docs] def resetAlignment(self): """Resets the transformation mode to Qt.Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter""" self.setAlignment(self.DefaultAlignment)
#: This property holds the widget's pixmap #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.getPixmap` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.setPixmap` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.resetLedStatus` pixmap = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QPixmap", getPixmap, setPixmap, resetPixmap, doc="the widget's pixmap" ) #: This property holds the widget's pixmap aspect ratio mode #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.getAspectRatioMode` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.setAspectRatioMode` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.resetAspectRatioMode` aspectRatioMode = Qt.pyqtProperty( "Qt::AspectRatioMode", getAspectRatioMode, setAspectRatioMode, resetAspectRatioMode, doc="the widget's pixmap aspect ratio mode", ) #: This property holds the widget's pixmap transformation mode #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.getTransformationMode` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.setTransformationMode` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.resetTransformationMode` transformationMode = Qt.pyqtProperty( "Qt::TransformationMode", getTransformationMode, setTransformationMode, resetTransformationMode, doc="the widget's pixmap transformation mode", ) #: This property holds the widget's pixmap alignment #: #: **Access functions:** #: #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.getAlignment` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.setAlignment` #: * :meth:`QPixmapWidget.resetAlignment` alignment = Qt.pyqtProperty( "Qt::Alignment", getAlignment, setAlignment, resetAlignment, doc="the widget's pixmap alignment", )
def demo(): "QPixmap Widget" from .demo import qpixmapwidgetdemo # after futurize stage1 return qpixmapwidgetdemo.main() def main(): return demo() if __name__ == "__main__": main()