Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python

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# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Extension of :mod:`guiqwt.plot`

import copy

from guiqwt.plot import ImageDialog, CurveDialog

import taurus.core
from taurus.external.qt import Qt

from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessList
from taurus.qt.qtgui.base import TaurusBaseWidget
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import (
from taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt.builder import make
from taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt.curve import (
import taurus.cli.common

[docs]class TaurusCurveDialog(CurveDialog, TaurusBaseWidget): """A taurus dialog for showing 1D data. It behaves as a regular :class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog` but it also offers the expected Taurus interface (e.g. setting models, save/apply configs, drag&drops,...) .. seealso:: :class:`TaurusCurveWidget` """ _modifiableByUser = True modelChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal([], ["QStringList"], ["QString"]) def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False, toolbar=True, **kwargs): """ see :class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog` for other valid initialization parameters """ CurveDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent, toolbar=toolbar, **kwargs) TaurusBaseWidget.__init__(self, "TaurusCurveDialog") self.deprecated( rel="4.1", dep="TaurusCurveDialog", alt="TaurusPlot / taurus tpg plot launcher", ) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Qt.Widget) self._designMode = designMode self._modelNames = CaselessList() from guiqwt.styles import style_generator = style_generator() self.setSupportedMimeTypes( [TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE] ) from import TaurusCurveChooserTool self.add_tool(TaurusCurveChooserTool) self.setModifiableByUser(self._modifiableByUser) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.CustomContextMenu)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Escape: event.ignore() else: ImageDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute
def _splitModel(self, modelNames): """convert str to list if needed (commas and whitespace are considered as separators) """ if isinstance(modelNames, str): modelNames = str(modelNames).replace(",", " ") modelNames = modelNames.split() return modelNames
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QStringList") def setModel(self, modelNames, **kwargs): """Removes current TaurusCurveItems and adds new ones. :param modelNames: the names of the models to be plotted. For convenience, a string is also accepted (instead of a sequence of strings), in which case the string will be internally converted to a sequence by splitting it on whitespace and commas. Each model can optionally be composed of two parts, separated by "|" indicating X and Y components for the curve. If only one part is given, it is used for Y and X is automatically generated as an index. :type modelNames: sequence<str> or str .. seealso:: :meth:`addModels` """ plot = self.get_plot() # delete current TaurusCurveItems taurusCurveItems = [ item for item in plot.get_public_items() if isinstance(item, TaurusCurveItem) ] plot.del_items(taurusCurveItems) self._modelNames = CaselessList() # add new TaurusCurveItems self.addModels(modelNames)
[docs] def addModels(self, modelNames): """Creates TaurusCurveItems (one for each model in modelNames) and attaches them to the plot. .. note:: you can also add curves using :meth:`add_items`. :meth:`addModels` is only a more Taurus-oriented interface. :meth:`add_items` gives you more control. :param modelNames: the names of the models to be plotted. For convenience, string is also accepted (instead of a sequence of strings), in which case the string will be internally converted to a sequence by splitting it on whitespace and commas. Each model can optionally be composed of two parts, separated by "|" indicating X and Y components for the curve. If only one part is given, it is used for Y and X is automatically generated as an index. :type modelNames: sequence<str> or str .. seealso:: :meth:`add_item` """ plot = self.get_plot() # pre-process the model names modelNames = self._splitModel(modelNames) self._modelNames.extend([str(n) for n in modelNames]) if self._designMode: return # create and attach new TaurusCurveItems for m in modelNames: # split model into x and y components mx_my = m.split("|") n = len(mx_my) if n == 1: mx, my = None, mx_my[0] elif n == 2: mx, my = mx_my else: self.warning('Invalid model "%s" (Skipping)' % mx_my) # cycle styles style = next( color = style[0] linestyle = style[1:] # add the item item = make.curve( mx, my, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=2 ) item.set_readonly(not self.isModifiableByUser()) plot.add_item(item) self.modelChanged.emit()
[docs] def getModel(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return self._modelNames
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" from import TaurusCurveChooserTool self.get_tool(TaurusCurveChooserTool).action.setEnabled(modifiable) self.get_plot().set_items_readonly(not modifiable) TaurusBaseWidget.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" ret = TaurusBaseWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt" ret["group"] = "Taurus Display" ret["icon"] = "designer:qwtplot.png" return ret
model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QStringList", getModel, setModel, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModel ) modifiableByUser = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseWidget.isModifiableByUser, setModifiableByUser, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModifiableByUser, )
[docs]class TaurusTrendDialog(CurveDialog, TaurusBaseWidget): """A taurus widget for showing trends of scalar data. It is an specialization of :class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget`, for displaying trends and offering the expected Taurus interface (e.g. setting models, save/apply configs, drag&drops,...) .. seealso:: :class:`TaurusTrendDialog` """ _modifiableByUser = True modelChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal([], ["QStringList"], ["QString"]) def __init__( self, parent=None, designMode=False, taurusparam=None, toolbar=True, **kwargs ): """ see :class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog` for other valid initialization parameters """ CurveDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent, toolbar=toolbar, **kwargs) TaurusBaseWidget.__init__(self, "TaurusTrendDialog") self.deprecated( rel="4.1", dep="TaurusTrendDialog", alt="TaurusTrend / taurus tpg trend launcher", ) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Qt.Widget) self._designMode = designMode self._modelNames = CaselessList() from guiqwt.styles import style_generator = style_generator() self.setSupportedMimeTypes( [TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE] ) from import ( TaurusModelChooserTool, AutoScrollTool, ) self.add_tool(TaurusModelChooserTool, singleModel=False) self.add_tool(AutoScrollTool) self.setModifiableByUser(self._modifiableByUser) if taurusparam is None: taurusparam = TaurusTrendParam() self.defaultTaurusparam = taurusparam self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.registerConfigDelegate(self.get_tool(AutoScrollTool))
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Escape: event.ignore() else: ImageDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute
[docs] def getTaurusTrendItems(self): return [ item for item in self.get_plot().get_public_items() if isinstance(item, TaurusTrendItem) ]
def _splitModel(self, modelNames): """convert str to list if needed (commas and whitespace are considered as separators) """ if isinstance(modelNames, str): modelNames = str(modelNames).replace(",", " ") modelNames = modelNames.split() return modelNames
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QStringList") def setModel(self, modelNames, **kwargs): """Removes current TaurusCurveItems and adds new ones. :param modelNames: the names of the models to be plotted. For convenience, a string is also accepted (instead of a sequence of strings), in which case the string will be internally converted to a sequence by splitting it on whitespace and commas. :type modelNames: sequence<str> or str .. seealso:: :meth:`addModels` """ plot = self.get_plot() # delete current TaurusCurveItems taurusTrendItems = self.getTaurusTrendItems() plot.del_items(taurusTrendItems) self._modelNames = CaselessList() # add new TaurusCurveItems self.addModels(modelNames)
[docs] def addModels(self, modelNames): """Creates TaurusCurveItems (one for each model in modelNames) and attaches them to the plot. .. note:: you can also add curves using :meth:`add_items`. :meth:`addModels` is only a more Taurus-oriented interface. :meth:`add_items` gives you more control. :param modelNames: the names of the models to be plotted. For convenience, a string is also accepted (instead of a sequence of strings), in which case the string will be internally converted to a sequence by splitting it on whitespace and commas. :type modelNames: sequence<str> or str .. seealso:: :meth:`add_item` """ plot = self.get_plot() # pre-process the model names modelNames = self._splitModel(modelNames) self._modelNames.extend([str(n) for n in modelNames]) if self._designMode: return # create and attach new TaurusCurveItems for m in modelNames: # cycle styles style = next( # add the item item = make.ttrend( m, color=style[0], linestyle=style[1:], linewidth=2, taurusparam=copy.deepcopy(self.defaultTaurusparam), ) item.set_readonly(not self.isModifiableByUser()) plot.add_item(item) item.update_params() self.setStackMode(self.defaultTaurusparam.stackMode) self.modelChanged.emit()
[docs] def getModel(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return self._modelNames
[docs] def setUseArchiving(self, enable): """enables/disables looking up in the archiver for data stored before the Trend was started :param enable: if True, archiving values will be used if available :type enable: bool """ if not self.defaultTaurusparam.stackMode == "datetime":"ignoring setUseArchiving. Reason: not in X time scale") self.defaultTaurusparam.useArchiving = enable
[docs] def getUseArchiving(self): """whether TaurusTrend is looking for data in the archiver when needed :return: :rtype: bool .. seealso:: :meth:`setUseArchiving` """ return self.defaultTaurusparam.useArchiving
[docs] def resetUseArchiving(self): """Same as setUseArchiving(False)""" self.setUseArchiving(False)
[docs] def setMaxDataBufferSize(self, maxSize): """sets the maximum number of events that will be stacked :param maxSize: the maximum limit :type maxSize: int .. seealso:: :class:`TaurusTrendSet` """ for item in self.getTaurusTrendItems(): item.setBufferSize(maxSize) self.defaultTaurusparam.maxBufferSize = maxSize
[docs] def getMaxDataBufferSize(self): """returns the maximum number of events that can be plotted in the trend :return: :rtype: int """ return self.defaultTaurusparam.maxBufferSize
[docs] def resetMaxDataBufferSize(self): """Same as setMaxDataBufferSize(16384)""" self.setMaxDataBufferSize(16384)
[docs] def setStackMode(self, mode): """set the type of stack to be used. This determines how X values are interpreted: - as timestamps ('datetime') - as time deltas ('timedelta') - as event numbers ('event') :param mode: :type mode: one of 'datetime', 'timedelta' or 'event' """ from import TimeAxisTool mode = str(mode) if mode == "datetime": timetool = self.get_tool(TimeAxisTool) if timetool is None: self.add_tool(TimeAxisTool) timetool = self.get_tool(TimeAxisTool) timetool.set_scale_y_t(True) elif mode == "deltatime": from taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt.scales import ( DeltaTimeScaleEngine, ) plot = self.get_plot() DeltaTimeScaleEngine.enableInAxis(plot, plot.xBottom, rotation=-45) elif mode == "event": plot = self.get_plot() scaleEngine = plot.axisScaleEngine(plot.xBottom) if hasattr(scaleEngine, "disableInAxis"): scaleEngine.disableInAxis(plot, plot.xBottom) else: self.error('Unknown stack mode "%s"' % repr(mode)) return self.defaultTaurusparam.stackMode = mode for item in self.getTaurusTrendItems(): item.taurusparam.stackMode = mode
[docs] def getStackMode(self): return self.defaultTaurusparam.stackMode
[docs] def resetStackMode(self): self.setStackMode("datetime")
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" from import TaurusModelChooserTool self.get_tool(TaurusModelChooserTool).action.setEnabled(modifiable) self.get_plot().set_items_readonly(not modifiable) TaurusBaseWidget.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable)
[docs] def getDropEventCallback(self): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return self.addModels
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" ret = TaurusBaseWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt" ret["group"] = "Taurus Display" ret["icon"] = "designer:qwtplot.png" return ret
model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QStringList", getModel, setModel, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModel ) useArchiving = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getUseArchiving, setUseArchiving, resetUseArchiving ) maxDataBufferSize = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getMaxDataBufferSize, setMaxDataBufferSize, resetMaxDataBufferSize, ) stackMode = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getStackMode, setStackMode, resetStackMode ) modifiableByUser = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseWidget.isModifiableByUser, setModifiableByUser, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModifiableByUser, )
[docs]class TaurusImageDialog(ImageDialog, TaurusBaseWidget): """A taurus dialog for showing 2D data. It behaves as a regular :class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageDialog` but it also offers the expected Taurus interface (e.g. setting models, save/apply configs, drag&drops,...) .. seealso:: :class:`TaurusImageWidget` """ _rgbmode = False def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False, toolbar=True, **kwargs): """see :class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageDialog` for other valid initialization parameters """ ImageDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent, toolbar=toolbar, **kwargs) TaurusBaseWidget.__init__(self, "TaurusImageDialog") self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Qt.Widget) self.imgItem = None from import TaurusModelChooserTool self.add_tool(TaurusModelChooserTool, singleModel=True) self.setModifiableByUser(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.CustomContextMenu)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Escape: event.ignore() else: ImageDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
[docs] def setRGBmode(self, enable): self._rgbmode = enable # enable the zaxis only when not in rgb mode plot = self.get_plot() zaxis = plot.colormap_axis plot.enableAxis(zaxis, not enable)
[docs] def getRGBmode(self): return self._rgbmode
[docs] def resetRGBmode(self): self.setRGBmode(self.__class__._rgbmode)
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" return taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" if self._getUseParentModel(): # @fixme: This assumes Tango models. model = "/".join((str(self._getParentModelName()), str(model))) plot = self.get_plot() if self.imgItem is not None: try: plot.del_item(self.imgItem) except Exception:"Unable to delete item from plot") if not model: self.imgItem = None return if self.rgbmode: self.imgItem = make.rgbimage(taurusmodel=model) else: self.imgItem = make.image(taurusmodel=model) plot.add_item(self.imgItem) self.imgItem.set_readonly(not self.isModifiableByUser()) # IMPORTANT: connect the cross section plots to the taurusimage so that # they are updated when the taurus data changes self.imgItem.dataChanged.connect(self.update_cross_sections)
[docs] def getModel(self, **kwargs): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" if self.imgItem is None: return "" else: return self.imgItem.getModel()
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" from import TaurusModelChooserTool self.get_tool(TaurusModelChooserTool).action.setEnabled(modifiable) self.get_plot().set_items_readonly(not modifiable) TaurusBaseWidget.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusBaseWidget`""" ret = TaurusBaseWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt" ret["group"] = "Taurus Display" ret["icon"] = "designer:qwtplot.png" return ret
model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getModel, setModel, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModel ) rgbmode = Qt.pyqtProperty("bool", getRGBmode, setRGBmode, resetRGBmode) #: (deprecated)) useParentModel = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseWidget.getUseParentModel, TaurusBaseWidget.setUseParentModel, TaurusBaseWidget.resetUseParentModel, ) modifiableByUser = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseWidget.isModifiableByUser, setModifiableByUser, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModifiableByUser, )
def taurusCurveDlgMain(): from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication from import TimeAxisTool import taurus.core.util.argparse import sys parser = taurus.core.util.argparse.get_taurus_parser() parser.set_usage("%prog [options] [<model1> [<model2>] ...]") parser.set_description("a taurus application for plotting 1D data sets") parser.add_option( "--demo", action="store_true", dest="demo", default=False, help="show a demo of the widget", ) parser.add_option( "--window-name", dest="window_name", default="Taurus Curve Dialog", help="Name of the window", ) app = TaurusApplication( cmd_line_parser=parser, app_name="Taurus Curve Dialog", app_version=taurus.Release.version, ) args = app.get_command_line_args() options = app.get_command_line_options() # check & process options if options.demo: args.append("eval:rand(128)") w = TaurusCurveDialog(edit=False, wintitle=options.window_name) w.add_tool(TimeAxisTool) # set model if len(args) > 0: w.setModel(args) else: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(app.exec_()) def taurusTrendDlgMain(): from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication import taurus.core import sys # prepare options parser = taurus.core.util.argparse.get_taurus_parser() parser.set_usage("%prog [options] <model>") parser.set_description( "a Taurus application for plotting trends of scalars" ) parser.add_option( "-x", "--x-axis-mode", dest="x_axis_mode", default="t", metavar="t|d|e", help=( "interpret X values as timestamps (t), time deltas (d)" + " or event numbers (e). Accepted values: t|d|e" ), ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--buffer", dest="max_buffer_size", default="10000", help=( "maximum number of values to be plotted " + "(when reached, the oldest values will be discarded)" ), ) parser.add_option( "-a", "--use-archiving", action="store_true", dest="use_archiving", default=False, ) parser.add_option( "--demo", action="store_true", dest="demo", default=False, help="show a demo of the widget", ) parser.add_option( "--window-name", dest="window_name", default="Taurus Trend", help="Name of the window", ) app = TaurusApplication( cmd_line_parser=parser, app_name="Taurus Trend", app_version=taurus.Release.version, ) args = app.get_command_line_args() options = app.get_command_line_options() # check & process options stackModeMap = dict(t="datetime", d="deltatime", e="event") if options.x_axis_mode.lower() not in stackModeMap: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) stackMode = stackModeMap[options.x_axis_mode.lower()] if options.use_archiving: raise NotImplementedError("Archiving support is not yet implemented") if options.demo: args.append("eval:rand()") taurusparam = TaurusTrendParam() taurusparam.stackMode = stackMode taurusparam.maxBufferSize = int(options.max_buffer_size) taurusparam.useArchiving = options.use_archiving w = TaurusTrendDialog( wintitle=options.window_name, taurusparam=taurusparam ) # set model if len(args) > 0: w.setModel(args) else: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(app.exec_())