Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.input.qwheel

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

"""This module provides an arrow based widget.

import os
import math
import numpy

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core.units import Q_

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

class _ArrowButton(Qt.QPushButton):
    """Private class to be used by QWheelEdit for an arrow button"""

    ArrowPixmapName = "extra_icons:arrow01.svg"

    ButtonSize = 14
    IconSize = ButtonSize - 2

    def __init__(self, id, parent=None):
        Qt.QPushButton.__init__(self, parent)
        pixmap = self.getPixmap()
            Qt.QSize(_ArrowButton.IconSize, _ArrowButton.IconSize)
        self.setStyleSheet("_ArrowButton { border: 0px; }")
        self.setMaximumSize(_ArrowButton.ButtonSize, _ArrowButton.ButtonSize)
        # self.setMinimumSize(_ArrowButton.ButtonSize, _ArrowButton.ButtonSize)
        self._id = id
        self._inc = math.pow(10, id)

class _UpArrowButton(_ArrowButton):
    """Private class to be used by QWheelEdit for an up arrow button"""

    ArrowPixmapKey = "upArrow01"

    def __init__(self, id, parent=None):
        _ArrowButton.__init__(self, id, parent)

    def getPixmap(self):
        pm = Qt.QPixmapCache.find(_UpArrowButton.ArrowPixmapKey)
        if pm is None:
            pm = Qt.QPixmap(self.ArrowPixmapName)
            Qt.QPixmapCache.insert(_UpArrowButton.ArrowPixmapKey, pm)
        return pm

class _DownArrowButton(_ArrowButton):
    """Private class to be used by QWheelEdit for a down arrow button"""

    ArrowPixmapKey = "downArrow01"

    def __init__(self, id, parent=None):
        _ArrowButton.__init__(self, id, parent)
        self._inc = -self._inc

    def getPixmap(self):
        pm = Qt.QPixmapCache.find(_DownArrowButton.ArrowPixmapKey)
        if pm is None:
            pm = Qt.QPixmap(self.ArrowPixmapName)
            pm = pm.transformed(Qt.QTransform().rotate(180))
            Qt.QPixmapCache.insert(_DownArrowButton.ArrowPixmapKey, pm)
        return pm

class _DigitLabel(Qt.QLabel):
    """A private single digit label to be used by QWheelEdit widget"""

    PixmapKeys = list(map(str, range(10))) + ["blank", "minus", "point"]

    def __init__(self, lbl, parent=None):
        Qt.QLabel.__init__(self, parent)
            "QLabel:focus {background-color: rgb(180,180,255); "
            + "border-width: 1px; "
            + "border-style: solid; "
            + "border-color: rgb(200,200,255);}"
        self._upButton = None
        self._downButton = None

    def setButtons(self, up, down):
        self._upButton = up
        self._downButton = down

    def keyPressEvent(self, key_event):
        if key_event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Up:
        elif key_event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Down:
        elif key_event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Right:
        elif key_event.key() == Qt.Qt.Key_Left:
        Qt.QLabel.keyPressEvent(self, key_event)

    def _update_skin_cache(self):
        skin = os.path.join("digits", self.getSkin())

        for i, d in enumerate(self.PixmapKeys):
            full_name = os.path.join(skin, d)
            pm = Qt.QPixmapCache.find(full_name)
            if pm is None:
                file_name = "%s.png" % full_name
                pm = Qt.QPixmap(file_name)
                if pm is None:
                if not pm.isNull():
                    Qt.QPixmapCache.insert(full_name, pm)

    def setSkin(self, skin_name):
        self._skin = skin_name

    def getSkin(self):
        return self._skin

    def resetSkin(self):

    def setText(self, t):
        k = t
        if k == ".":
            k = "point"
        elif k == "-":
            k = "minus"
        elif k is None or k == "+":
            k = "blank"

        k = os.path.join("digits", self.getSkin(), k)
        pm = Qt.QPixmapCache.find(k)
        if pm is None:
            Qt.QLabel.setText(self, t)
        Qt.QLabel.setText(self, "")

    skin = Qt.pyqtProperty("QString", getSkin, setSkin, resetSkin)

[docs]class QWheelEdit(Qt.QFrame): """A widget designed to handle numeric scalar values. It allows interaction based on single digit as well as normal value edition. """ numberChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal(float) numberEdited = Qt.pyqtSignal(float) returnPressed = Qt.pyqtSignal() DefaultIntDigitCount = 6 DefaultDecDigitCount = 2 def __init__(self, parent=None): """__init__(self, parent = None) -> QWheelEdit :param parent: the parent widget (optional, default is None meaning there is no parent """ Qt.QFrame.__init__(self, parent) Qt.QGridLayout(self) self._roundFunc = None self._previous_value = 0 self._value = 0 self._value_str = "0" self._minValue = numpy.finfo("d").min # -inf self._maxValue = numpy.finfo("d").max # inf self._editor = None self._editing = False self._hideEditWidget = True self._showArrowButtons = True self._forwardReturn = False self._validator = Qt.QDoubleValidator(self) self._validator.setNotation(self._validator.StandardNotation) self._setDigits( QWheelEdit.DefaultIntDigitCount, QWheelEdit.DefaultDecDigitCount ) self._setValue(0) self._build() self.setDigitCountAction = Qt.QAction("Change digits", self) self.setDigitCountAction.triggered.connect(self._onSetDigitCount) self.addAction(self.setDigitCountAction) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) def _getMinPossibleValue(self): """_getMinPossibleValue(self) -> None Determines which is the minimum possible value that can be represented with the current total number of digits. @return (float) the minimum possible value """ decmax = 0 for i in range(self.getDecDigitCount()): decmax += 9 * math.pow(10, -(i + 1)) return -math.pow(10.0, self.getIntDigitCount()) + 1 - decmax def _getMaxPossibleValue(self): """_getMaxPossibleValue(self) -> None Determines which is the maximum possible value that can be represented with the current total number of digits. @return (float) the maximum possible value """ decmax = 0 for i in range(self.getDecDigitCount()): decmax += 9 * math.pow(10, -(i + 1)) return math.pow(10.0, self.getIntDigitCount()) - 1 + decmax def _build(self): """_build(self) -> None Builds this widget sub-items """ lyt = self.layout() lyt.setSpacing(0) lyt.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) id = self.getIntDigitCount() digits = self.getDigitCount() self._upButtons = Qt.QButtonGroup() self._downButtons = Qt.QButtonGroup() self._digitLabels = [] for lyt in self._digitLabels: lyt.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) showDot = self.getDecDigitCount() > 0 signLabel = _DigitLabel("+") signLabel.setFocusPolicy(Qt.Qt.NoFocus) signLabel.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignRight | Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter) self._digitLabels.append(signLabel) lyt.addWidget(signLabel, 1, 0) lyt.setRowMinimumHeight(1, signLabel.minimumSizeHint().height()) lyt.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, _ArrowButton.ButtonSize) lyt.setColumnStretch(0, 1) for i in range(id): col = i + 1 d = _DigitLabel("0") up = _UpArrowButton(id - i - 1) down = _DownArrowButton(id - i - 1) d.setButtons(up, down) up.setFocusProxy(d) down.setFocusProxy(d) self._upButtons.addButton(up, col) self._downButtons.addButton(down, col) self._digitLabels.append(d) if self.getShowArrowButtons(): lyt.addWidget(up, 0, col) lyt.addWidget(down, 2, col) lyt.addWidget(d, 1, col) if showDot: dotLabel = _DigitLabel(".") dotLabel.setFocusPolicy(Qt.Qt.NoFocus) dotLabel.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignCenter) self._digitLabels.append(dotLabel) lyt.addWidget(dotLabel, 1, id + 1) for i in range(id, digits): col = i + 1 if showDot: col += 1 d = _DigitLabel("0") up = _UpArrowButton(id - i - 1) down = _DownArrowButton(id - i - 1) d.setButtons(up, down) up.setFocusProxy(d) down.setFocusProxy(d) self._upButtons.addButton(up, col) self._downButtons.addButton(down, col) self._digitLabels.append(d) if self.getShowArrowButtons(): lyt.addWidget(up, 0, col) lyt.addWidget(down, 2, col) lyt.addWidget(d, 1, col) self._upButtons.buttonClicked.connect(self.buttonPressed) self._downButtons.buttonClicked.connect(self.buttonPressed) ed = Qt.QLineEdit(self) ed.setFrame(False) ed.returnPressed.connect(self.editingFinished) ed.editingFinished.connect(self.hideEditWidget) rect = Qt.QRect( lyt.cellRect(1, 0).topLeft(), lyt.cellRect(1, lyt.columnCount() - 1).bottomRight(), ) ed.setGeometry(rect) ed.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignRight) ed.setValidator(self._validator) ed.setVisible(False) self._editor = ed self._updateValidator() # set the minimum height for the widget # (otherwise the hints seem to be ignored by the layouts) min_height = max( ed.minimumSizeHint().height(), signLabel.minimumSizeHint().height() ) if self.getShowArrowButtons(): min_height += 2 * _ArrowButton.ButtonSize self.setMinimumHeight(min_height) self.clearWarning() def _clear(self): """_clear(self) -> None Clears this widget sub-items """ self._upButtons.buttonClicked.disconnect(self.buttonPressed) self._downButtons.buttonClicked.disconnect(self.buttonPressed) for b in self._upButtons.buttons(): self._upButtons.removeButton(b) b.setParent(None) b.destroy() for b in self._downButtons.buttons(): self._downButtons.removeButton(b) b.setParent(None) b.destroy() for label in self._digitLabels: label.setParent(None) label.destroy() self._digitLabels = None self._upButtons.setParent(None) self._downButtons.setParent(None) self._upButtons = None self._downButtons = None self._editor.setParent(None) self._editor.destroy() self._editor = None def _setDigits(self, int_nb=None, dec_nb=None): """_setDigits(self, int_nb=None, dec_nb=None) -> None Sets the number of digits that this widget shows. It will ensure that the current value can be displayed (i.e., int_nb will be forced to be large enough for displaying the integer representation of the value) @param[in] int_nb (int) number of integer digits (optional, default is None, meaning use the existing number of integer digits @param[in] dec_nb (int) number of decimal digits (optional, default is None, meaning use the existing number of decimal digits """ if int_nb is not None: self._intDigitCount = int_nb if dec_nb is not None: self._decDigitCount = dec_nb # make sure that the current value can be displayed self._intDigitCount = max(self._intDigitCount, len("%d" % self._value)) self._digitCount = self._intDigitCount + self._decDigitCount total_chars = self._digitCount total_chars += 1 # for sign if self._decDigitCount > 0: total_chars += 1 # for dot self._valueFormat = "%%+0%d.%df" % (total_chars, self._decDigitCount) self._updateValidator() # we call setValue to update the self._value_str self._setValue(self.getValue()) def _buildValueStr(self, v): """_buildValueStr(self, v) -> str Builds a string representation of the given value according to the number of digits this widget can currently represent @param[in] v (float) the value to be translated @return (str) a proper string representation of the given value """ if v is None: ret = (self._valueFormat % 0).replace("0", "-") else: ret = self._valueFormat % v if ret.endswith("nan"): ret = ret.replace("0", " ") self._value_str = ret return ret def _updateDigits(self): """_updateDigits(self) -> None Updates this widget contents (sub-widgets) according to the current widget configuration """ self._clear() self._build() self._updateValue(False, False) def _updateValue(self, trigValueChanged=True, trigValueEdited=True): """ _updateValue(self, trigValueChanged=True, trigValueEdited=True) -> None Updates this widget displayed value and potentially send signal(s) :param trigValueChanged: (optional, default is True) whether or not to send signal 'valueChanged(double)' :type trigValueChanged: bool :param trigValueEdited: (optional, default is True) whether or not to send signal 'valueEdit(double)' :type trigValueEdited: bool """ v, v_str = self.getValue(), self.getValueStr() if len(v_str) > len(self._digitLabels): # do auto adjust if "." in v_str: dc = list(map(len, v_str.split("."))) else: dc = len(v_str), 0 self._setDigits(*dc) v_str = self._buildValueStr(v) self._clear() self._build() for i, c in enumerate(v_str): self._digitLabels[i].setText(c) if trigValueChanged: self.numberChanged.emit(v) if trigValueEdited: self.numberEdited.emit(v)
[docs] def setRoundFunc(self, roundFunc): """setRoundFunc(self, roundFunc) -> None Sets the rounding function to use when calling _setValue(). This allows you to filter invalid user input @param[in] roundFunc (callable) the rounding function to use """ self._roundFunc = roundFunc
[docs] def getPreviousValue(self): """getPreviousValue(self) -> float Gives the previous value of this widget @return (float) the previous value of this widget """ return self._previous_value
def _setValue(self, v): """_setValue(self, v) -> None Sets value of this widget. If the given value exceeds any limit, the value is NOT set. """ if v is None: return if self._roundFunc: v = self._roundFunc(v) if v > or v < self._validator.bottom(): Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Invalid Value", "'{}' is out of the allowed range ({}, {})".format( v, self._validator.bottom(),, ), ) return self._previous_value = self._value self._value = v str_value = self._buildValueStr(v) ed = self.getEditWidget() if ed is not None: ed.setText(str_value)
[docs] def setWarning(self, msg): """setWarning(self, msg) -> None Activates the warning style for this widget. This means a violet border and a tooltip with the given message. @param[in] msg (str) the message to be displayed as tooltip """ self.setStyleSheet( "QWheelEdit {border: 1px solid; " + "border-radius: 4px; " + "border-color: violet}" ) self.setToolTip(msg)
[docs] def clearWarning(self): """clearWarning(self) -> None Clears the warning style. If not in warning mode, nothing is done. """ self.setStyleSheet( "QWheelEdit {border: 1px solid; " + "border-radius: 4px; " + "border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)}" ) self.setToolTip("")
[docs] def buttonPressed(self, b): """buttonPressed(self, b) -> None Slot executed when an arrow button is pressed from the button group @param[in] b (_ArrowButton) the button which was pressed """ if self._editing: self.hideEditWidget() else: self._setValue(self.getValue() + b._inc) self._updateValue()
def _onSetDigitCount(self): text, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Change digits", "Enter digits as <int_nb>.<dec_nb>", text="{:d}.{:d}".format( self.getIntDigitCount(), self.getDecDigitCount() ), ) if ok: try: dc = list(map(int, text.split("."))) self.setDigitCount(*dc) except Exception as e: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Invalid digit count specification", 'Invalid specification: "{}"\nReason:{}'.format(text, e), ) self._onSetDigitCount()
[docs] def setDigitCount(self, int_nb, dec_nb): """setDigitCount(self, int_nb, dec_nb) -> None Updates the displayed digits. @param[in] int_nb(int) number of integer digits @param[in] dec_nb(int) number of decimal digits """ self._setDigits(int_nb=int_nb, dec_nb=dec_nb) self._updateDigits()
[docs] def getDigitCount(self): """getDigitCount(self) -> int Gets the total number of digits this widget displays @return (int) the total number of digits this widget displays """ return self._digitCount
[docs] def getIntDigitCount(self): """getIntDigitCount(self) -> int Gets the number of integer digits this widget displays @return (int) the number of integer digits this widget displays """ return self._intDigitCount
[docs] def setIntDigitCount(self, n): """setIntDigitCount(self, n) -> None Sets the number of integer digits this widget displays @param[in] n (int) the number of integer digits to display """ self._setDigits(int_nb=n) self._updateDigits()
[docs] def resetIntDigitCount(self): """resetIntDigitCount(self) -> None Resets the number of integer digits this widget displays to DefaultIntDigitCount """ self.setIntDigitCount(QWheelEdit.DefaultIntDigitCount)
[docs] def getDecDigitCount(self): """getDecDigitCount(self) -> int Gets the number of decimal digits this widget displays @return (int) the number of decimal digits this widget displays """ return self._decDigitCount
[docs] def setDecDigitCount(self, n): """setDecDigitCount(self, n) -> None Sets the number of decimal digits this widget displays @param[in] n (int) the number of decimal digits to display """ self._setDigits(dec_nb=n) self._updateDigits()
[docs] def resetDecDigitCount(self): """resetDecDigitCount(self) -> None Resets the number of decimal digits this widget displays to DefaultDecDigitCount """ self.setDecDigitCount(QWheelEdit.DefaultDecDigitCount)
[docs] def setValue(self, v): """setValue(self, v) -> None Sets the value of this widget. Send a 'valueChanged(double)' Qt signal @param[in] v (float/Quantity) the value to be set """ if isinstance(v, Q_): v = v.magnitude self._setValue(v) self._updateValue(trigValueEdited=False)
[docs] def resetValue(self): """resetValue(self) -> None Resets the value of this widget to 0.0 """ self.setValue(0.0)
[docs] def getValue(self): """getValue(self) -> float Gets the current value of this widget @return (float) the value currently displayed by the widget """ return self._value
[docs] def getValueStr(self): """getValueStr(self) -> str Gets the current value string of this widget @return (str) the value currently displayed by the widget """ return self._value_str
[docs] def getMinValue(self): """getMinValue(self) -> float Gets the minimum allowed value @return (float) the minimum allowed value """ return self._minValue
[docs] def setMinValue(self, v): """setMinValue(self, v) -> None Sets the minimum allowed value for the widget @param[in] v (float) the new minimum allowed value """ self._minValue = v self._updateValidator()
def _updateValidator(self): min_ = max(self._minValue, self._getMinPossibleValue()) max_ = min(self._maxValue, self._getMaxPossibleValue()) self._validator.setRange(min_, max_, self._decDigitCount)
[docs] def resetMinValue(self): """resetMinValue(self) -> None Resets the minimum allowed value to -inf """ self.setMinValue(numpy.finfo("d").min)
[docs] def getMaxValue(self): """getMaxValue(self) -> float Gets the maximum allowed value @return (float) the maximum allowed value """ return self._maxValue
[docs] def setMaxValue(self, v): """setMaxValue(self, v) -> None Sets the maximum allowed value for the widget @param[in] v (float) the new maximum allowed value """ self._maxValue = v self._updateValidator()
[docs] def resetMaxValue(self): """resetMaxValue(self) -> None Resets the maximum allowed value to +inf """ self.setMaxValue(numpy.finfo("d").max)
[docs] def getAutoRepeat(self): return self._upButtons.buttons()[0].autoRepeat()
[docs] def setAutoRepeat(self, v): for b in self._upButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeat(v) for b in self._downButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeat(v)
[docs] def resetAutoRepeat(self): self.setAutoRepeat(False)
[docs] def getAutoRepeatDelay(self): return self._upButtons.buttons()[0].autoRepeatDelay()
[docs] def setAutoRepeatDelay(self, milisecs): for b in self._upButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeatDelay(milisecs) for b in self._downButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeatDelay(milisecs)
[docs] def getAutoRepeatInterval(self): return self._upButtons.buttons()[0].autoRepeatInterval()
[docs] def setAutoRepeatInterval(self, milisecs): for b in self._upButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeatInterval(milisecs) for b in self._downButtons.buttons(): b.setAutoRepeatInterval(milisecs)
[docs] def getEditWidget(self): """getEditWidget(self) -> QWidget Gets the widget object used when the user manually sets the value @return (QWidget) the widget used for editing """ return self._editor
[docs] def editingFinished(self): """editingFinished(self) -> None Slot called when the user finishes editing """ ed = self.getEditWidget() v = float(ed.text()) self._setValue(v) self._updateValue()
[docs] def showEditWidget(self): """showEditWidget(self) -> None Forces the edition widget to be displayed """ ed, lyt = self.getEditWidget(), self.layout() rect = Qt.QRect( lyt.cellRect(1, 0).topLeft(), lyt.cellRect(1, lyt.columnCount() - 1).bottomRight(), ) ed.setGeometry(rect) ed.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignRight) ed.setText(self.getValueStr()) ed.selectAll() ed.setFocus() ed.setVisible(True) self._editing = True
[docs] def hideEditWidget(self): """hideEditWidget(self) -> None Forces the edition widget to be hidden """ ed = self.getEditWidget() ed.setVisible(False) self._editing = False self.setFocus()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, evt): numDegrees = // 8 numSteps = numDegrees // 15 # w = Qt.QApplication.focusWidget() w = self.focusWidget() if not isinstance(w, _DigitLabel): return Qt.QFrame.wheelEvent(self, evt) if numSteps > 0: inc = w._upButton._inc else: inc = -w._downButton._inc numSteps *= inc self.setValue(self.getValue() + numSteps) evt.accept()
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, mouse_event): """mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, mouse_event) Executed when user presses double click. This widget shows the edition widget when this happens """ self.showEditWidget()
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, key_event): """keyPressEvent(self, key_event) -> None Exectuted when the user presses a key. F2 enters/leaves edition mode. ESC leaves edition mode """ k = key_event.key() if k == Qt.Qt.Key_F2: if self._editing: self.hideEditWidget() else: self.showEditWidget() return elif k == Qt.Qt.Key_Escape: if self._editing: self.hideEditWidget() return elif k in (Qt.Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Qt.Key_Enter): if self._editing: self.hideEditWidget() else: self.returnPressed.emit() # TODO Decide when to emit editingFinished for completeness Qt.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, key_event)
[docs] def getShowArrowButtons(self): return self._showArrowButtons
[docs] def setShowArrowButtons(self, yesno): self._showArrowButtons = yesno self._updateDigits()
[docs] def resetShowArrowButtons(self): self.setShowArrowButtons(True)
[docs] def getHideEditWidget(self): """getHideEditWidget(self) -> bool Gets the info if edition widget should be hidden when 'focusOut' event occurs. @return (bool) """ return self._hideEditWidget
[docs] def setHideEditWidget(self, focus_out=True): """setFocusOut(self, focus_out=True) -> None Sets if edition widget should be hidden when 'focusOut' event occurs. If set to False, edition widget is hidden only when 'F2', 'Esc', 'Enter' and arrow button are pressed. Default set to True. @param[in] focus_out (bool) whether or not to hide edition widget after 'focusOut' event. """ if focus_out and not self._hideEditWidget: ed = self.getEditWidget() ed.editingFinished.connect(self.hideEditWidget) self._hideEditWidget = True elif not focus_out and self._hideEditWidget: ed = self.getEditWidget() ed.editingFinished.disconnect(self.hideEditWidget) self._hideEditWidget = False
[docs] def isReturnForwarded(self): """isReturnForwarded(self) -> bool Gets the info if returnPressed is forwarded. @return (bool) """ return self._forwardReturn
[docs] def setReturnForwarded(self, forward_rtn=False): """setReturnForwarded(self, forward_rtn=False) -> None Sets forwarding of returnPressed. If set to True, returnPressed from edition widget emits returnPressed of 'QWheelEdit' widget. @param[in] forward_rtn (bool) whether or not to forward returnPressed signal """ if forward_rtn and not self._forwardReturn: ed = self.getEditWidget() ed.returnPressed.connect(self.returnPressed) self._forwardReturn = True elif not forward_rtn and self._forwardReturn: ed = self.getEditWidget() ed.returnPressed.disconnect(self.returnPressed) self._forwardReturn = False
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT properties # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ showArrowButtons = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getShowArrowButtons, setShowArrowButtons, resetShowArrowButtons ) integerDigits = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getIntDigitCount, setIntDigitCount, resetIntDigitCount ) decimalDigits = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getDecDigitCount, setDecDigitCount, resetDecDigitCount ) value = Qt.pyqtProperty("double", getValue, setValue, resetValue) minValue = Qt.pyqtProperty( "double", getMinValue, setMinValue, resetMinValue ) maxValue = Qt.pyqtProperty( "double", getMaxValue, setMaxValue, resetMaxValue ) autoRepeat = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getAutoRepeat, setAutoRepeat, resetAutoRepeat ) autoRepeatDelay = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getAutoRepeatDelay, setAutoRepeatDelay ) autoRepeatInterval = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getAutoRepeatInterval, setAutoRepeatInterval )
def main(): # unused import to initialize the icons import taurus.qt.qtgui.icon # noqa: F401 global arrowWidget def resetAll(): arrowWidget.resetIntDigitCount() arrowWidget.resetDecDigitCount() arrowWidget.resetMinValue() arrowWidget.resetMaxValue() arrowWidget.resetValue() def setNAN(): arrowWidget.setValue(float("nan")) def setNone(): arrowWidget.setValue(None) a = Qt.QApplication([]) panel = Qt.QWidget() lyt = Qt.QFormLayout(panel) button_layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() arrowWidget = QWheelEdit(panel) isb, dsb = Qt.QSpinBox(panel), Qt.QSpinBox(panel) minv, maxv = Qt.QDoubleSpinBox(panel), Qt.QDoubleSpinBox(panel) resetbutton = Qt.QPushButton("Reset", panel) resetbutton.setDefault(True) nanbutton = Qt.QPushButton("Set NAN", panel) nonebutton = Qt.QPushButton("Set None", panel) hideEditCB = Qt.QCheckBox() hideEditCB.setChecked(True) showarrowbutton = Qt.QCheckBox("", panel) lyt.addRow("Value", arrowWidget) lyt.addRow("Integer digits:", isb) lyt.addRow("Decimal digits:", dsb) lyt.addRow("Minimum value:", minv) lyt.addRow("Maximum value:", maxv) lyt.addRow("Show arrows:", showarrowbutton) lyt.addRow("hideEditCB", hideEditCB) lyt.addRow(button_layout) button_layout.addWidget(nanbutton) button_layout.addWidget(nonebutton) button_layout.addWidget(resetbutton) isb.setValue(arrowWidget.getIntDigitCount()) dsb.setValue(arrowWidget.getDecDigitCount()) minv.setRange(numpy.finfo("d").min, numpy.finfo("d").max) maxv.setRange(numpy.finfo("d").min, numpy.finfo("d").max) minv.setValue(arrowWidget.getMinValue()) maxv.setValue(arrowWidget.getMaxValue()) showarrowbutton.setChecked(arrowWidget.getShowArrowButtons()) isb.valueChanged.connect(arrowWidget.setIntDigitCount) dsb.valueChanged.connect(arrowWidget.setDecDigitCount) minv.valueChanged.connect(arrowWidget.setMinValue) showarrowbutton.stateChanged.connect(arrowWidget.setShowArrowButtons) nanbutton.clicked.connect(setNAN) nonebutton.clicked.connect(setNone) hideEditCB.toggled.connect(arrowWidget.setHideEditWidget) resetbutton.clicked.connect(resetAll) panel.setVisible(True) a.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": main()