Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.qdataexportdialog

#!/usr/bin/env python

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""" A Qt dialog for showing and exporting x-y Ascii data from
one or more curves

import os.path
from datetime import datetime

from taurus.external.qt import Qt, compat
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util.ui import UILoadable

[docs]@UILoadable class QDataExportDialog(Qt.QDialog): """ This creates a Qt dialog for showing and exporting x-y Ascii data from one or more curves The data sets are passed (by calling setDataSets() or at instantiation time) as a dictionary:: datadict={name:(x,y),...} where name is the curve name and x,y are iterable containers (e.g., lists, tuple, arrays...) of data to be exported """ # @TODO: It would be nice if the textedit scrolled to the start # ***also for the first set loaded*** # constants allInSingleFile = "All sets in a single file (table like)" allInMultipleFiles = "All set in multiple files" def __init__(self, parent=None, datadict=None, sortedNames=None): super(QDataExportDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.loadUi() self._xIsTime = False # connections self.exportBT.clicked.connect(self.exportData) self.dataSetCB.currentIndexChanged["QString"].connect( self.onDataSetCBChange ) self.setDataSets(datadict, sortedNames)
[docs] def setDataSets(self, datadict, sortedNames=None): """Used to set the sets that are to be offered for exporting. It overwrites previous values.""" if datadict is None: return if sortedNames is None: sortedNames = sorted(self.datadict.keys()) self.sortedNames = sortedNames self.datatime = self.datadict = datadict self.dataSetCB.clear() self.dataSetCB.insertItems(0, sortedNames) if len(self.datadict) > 1: self.dataSetCB.insertItems( 0, [self.allInSingleFile, self.allInMultipleFiles] )
[docs] def exportData(self): if self.dataSetCB.currentText() == self.allInMultipleFiles: self.exportAllData() else: self.exportCurrentData()
[docs] def exportCurrentData( self, set=None, ofile=None, verbose=True, AllowCloseAfter=True ): """Exports data :param set: the curve name. If none is passed, it uses the one selected by dataSetCB :param ofile: output file name or file handle. It will prompt if not provided :param verbose: set this to False to disable information popups :param AllowCloseAfter: set this to false if you want to ignore the checkbox in the dialog """ if set is None: set = str(self.dataSetCB.currentText()) if ofile is None: if set == self.allInSingleFile: name = "all.dat" else: # **lazy** sanitising of the set to *suggest* it as a filename name = ( set.replace("*", "").replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") ) name += ".dat" ofile, _ = compat.getSaveFileName( self, "Export File Name", name, "All Files (*)" ) if not ofile: return False try: if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(str(ofile), "w") if self.dataSetCB.currentText() == self.allInMultipleFiles: # 1 file per curve text = "# DATASET= %s" % set text += "\n# SNAPSHOT_TIME= %s\n" % self.datatime.isoformat( "_" ) xdata, ydata = self.datadict[set] if self.xIsTime(): for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata): t = datetime.fromtimestamp(x) text += "%s\t%r\n" % (t.isoformat("_"), y) else: for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata): text += "%r\t%r\n" % (x, y) print(str(text), file=ofile) else: print(str(self.dataTE.toPlainText()), file=ofile) except Exception: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "File saving failed", "Failed to save file '%s'" % str(, Qt.QMessageBox.Ok, ) raise finally: ofile.close() if verbose: msg = "Set saved to '%s'" % str( Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "Set exported", msg, Qt.QMessageBox.Ok ) if AllowCloseAfter and self.closeAfterCB.isChecked(): self.accept() # closes the ExportData dialog with Accept state return True
[docs] def exportAllData(self, preffix=None): """Exports all sets using a common preffix and appending 'XXX.dat', where XXX is a number starting at 001 if preffix is not given, the user is prompted for a directory path """ if preffix is None: outputdir = Qt.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Export Directory", "" ) if not outputdir: return False preffix = os.path.join(str(outputdir), "set") for i, k in zip(range(len(self.datadict)), self.sortedNames): ofile = "%s%03i.dat" % (preffix, i + 1) try: self.exportCurrentData( set=k, ofile=ofile, verbose=False, AllowCloseAfter=False ) except Exception: return False # mend undesired side effect of updateText in the for loop self.updateText(self.allInMultipleFiles) Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "All sets exported", "%i set(s) exported to:\n%sXXX.dat" % (len(self.datadict), preffix), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok, ) if self.closeAfterCB.isChecked(): self.accept() # closes the ExportData dialog with Accept state return True
[docs] def onDataSetCBChange(self, key): key = str(key) self.updateText(key)
[docs] def updateText(self, key=None): """update the text edit that shows the preview of the data""" if key is None: key = str(self.dataSetCB.currentText()) if key in (self.allInMultipleFiles, self.allInSingleFile): # check that all arrays have the same length and the same xdata and # update header section header = "# DATASET= " body = "" previous = None for curve_name in self.sortedNames: xdata, ydata = self.datadict[curve_name] if previous is None: previous = xdata header += ' "abscissa"' elif previous != xdata: if key == self.allInSingleFile: self.dataTE.clear() Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Unable to display", "X axes of all sets in the plot must be " + "exactly the same for saving in a single " + "file!. Curves will be saved each one in " + "its own file", Qt.QMessageBox.Ok, ) index = self.dataSetCB.findText( self.allInMultipleFiles ) self.dataSetCB.setCurrentIndex(index) return else: self.dataTE.clear() self.dataTE.insertPlainText( "Unable to display because unmatching abscissas.\n" "Curves will be saved each one in its own file" ) return header += ' , "%s"' % curve_name header += "\n# SNAPSHOT_TIME= %s\n" % self.datatime.isoformat("_") # if we reached this point x axes are equal, so fill the editor # with the data for i, x in enumerate(previous): if self.xIsTime(): t = datetime.fromtimestamp(x) body += "%s" % t.isoformat("_") else: body += "%r" % x for curve_name in self.sortedNames: xdata, ydata = self.datadict[curve_name] body += "\t%r" % ydata[i] body += "\n" # fill text editor self.dataTE.clear() self.dataTE.insertPlainText(header + body) self.dataTE.moveCursor(Qt.QTextCursor.Start) if key == self.allInMultipleFiles: self.dataTE.setReadOnly(True) else: self.dataTE.setReadOnly(False) else: self.dataTE.setReadOnly(False) xdata, ydata = self.datadict[key] text = '# DATASET= "%s"\n' % key text += "# SNAPSHOT_TIME= %s\n" % self.datatime.isoformat("_") if self.xIsTime(): for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata): t = datetime.fromtimestamp(x) text += "%s\t%r\n" % (t.isoformat("_"), y) else: for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata): text += "%r\t%r\n" % (x, y) self.dataTE.clear() self.dataTE.insertPlainText(text) self.dataTE.moveCursor(Qt.QTextCursor.Start)
[docs] def setXIsTime(self, xIsTime): self._xIsTime = xIsTime self.updateText()
[docs] def xIsTime(self): return self._xIsTime
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(sys.argv, cmd_line_parser=None) form = QDataExportDialog() sys.exit(app.exec_())