Source code for taurus.core.evaluation.evalfactory

#!/usr/bin/env python
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evaluation module. See for more detailed documentation

import weakref
from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusElementType
from .evalattribute import EvaluationAttribute
from .evalauthority import EvaluationAuthority
from .evaldevice import EvaluationDevice
from taurus.core.taurusexception import TaurusException, DoubleRegistration
from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.singleton import Singleton
from taurus.core.taurusfactory import TaurusFactory

[docs]class EvaluationFactory(Singleton, TaurusFactory, Logger): """ A Singleton class that provides Evaluation related objects. """ elementTypesMap = { TaurusElementType.Authority: EvaluationAuthority, TaurusElementType.Device: EvaluationDevice, TaurusElementType.Attribute: EvaluationAttribute, } schemes = ("eval", "evaluation") DEFAULT_DEVICE = "@DefaultEvaluator" DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = "//localhost" DEFAULT_DATABASE = "_DefaultEvalDB" def __init__(self): """Initialization. Nothing to be done here for now.""" pass
[docs] def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """Singleton instance initialization.""" name = self.__class__.__name__ self.call__init__(Logger, name) self.call__init__(TaurusFactory) self.eval_attrs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.eval_devs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.eval_configs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.scheme = "eval"
[docs] def findObjectClass(self, absolute_name): """Operation models are always OperationAttributes""" if EvaluationDevice.isValid(absolute_name): return EvaluationDevice elif EvaluationAttribute.isValid(absolute_name): return EvaluationAttribute else: self.debug("Not able to find Object class for %s" % absolute_name) self.traceback() return None
[docs] def getAuthority(self, name=None): """Obtain the EvaluationDatabase object. :param db_name: this is ignored because only one database is supported :type db_name: str :return: :rtype: EvaluationDatabase """ if name is None: name = "eval://localhost" v = self.getAuthorityNameValidator() if not v.isValid(name): raise TaurusException( "Invalid Evaluation authority name %s" % name ) if not hasattr(self, "_auth"): self._auth = EvaluationAuthority(self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY) return self._auth
[docs] def getDevice(self, dev_name): """Obtain the object corresponding to the given device name. If the corresponding device already exists, the existing instance is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned. :param dev_name: the device name string. See :mod:`taurus.core.evaluation` for valid device names :type dev_name: str :return: :rtype: EvaluationDevice @throws TaurusException if the given name is invalid. """ # try to see if the given name is already a known full_name d = self.eval_devs.get(dev_name, None) if d is None: # find the full_name and see if we already know it validator = self.getDeviceNameValidator() names = validator.getNames(dev_name) if names is None: raise TaurusException( "Invalid evaluator device name %s" % dev_name ) fullname, normalname, devname = names d = self.eval_devs.get(fullname, None) # if we do not know it, create the dev and store it in cache if d is None: groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name) DevClass = EvaluationDevice _safedict = {} if groups["_evaldotname"] is not None: modulename = groups.get("_evalmodname") classname = groups.get("_evalclassname") classargs = groups.get("_evalclassparenths") try: import importlib m = importlib.import_module(modulename) except Exception: self.warning('Problem importing "%s"' % modulename) raise if classname == "*": # Add symbols from the module for key in dir(m): _safedict[key] = getattr(m, key) else: klass = getattr(m, classname) if classargs: # Instantiate and add the instance to the safe dict from taurus.core.util.parse_args import parse_args a, kw = parse_args(classargs, strip_pars=True) instancename = ( groups.get("_evalinstname") or "self" ) instance = klass(*a, **kw) _safedict[instancename] = instance else: # Use given class instead of EvaluationDevice DevClass = klass # Get authority (creating if necessary) auth_name = groups.get("authority") or self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY authority = self.getAuthority(auth_name) # Create Device (and store it in cache via self._storeDev) d = DevClass( fullname, parent=authority, storeCallback=self._storeDev ) d.addSafe(_safedict, permanent=True) return d
[docs] def getAttribute(self, attr_name, **kwargs): """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name. If the corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned. The evaluator device associated to this attribute will also be created if necessary. :param attr_name: the attribute name string. See :mod:`taurus.core.evaluation` for valid attribute names :type attr_name: str :return: :rtype: EvaluationAttribute :raises: TaurusException if the given name is invalid. Any aditional keyword arguments will be passed directly to the constructor of `:class:EvaluationAttribute` """ a = self.eval_attrs.get( attr_name, None ) # first try with the given name if a is None: # if not, try with the full name validator = self.getAttributeNameValidator() names = validator.getNames(attr_name) if names is None or names[0] is None: raise TaurusException( "Invalid evaluation attribute name %s" % attr_name ) fullname = names[0] a = self.eval_attrs.get(fullname, None) if a is None: # if the full name is not there, create one dev = self.getDevice(validator.getDeviceName(attr_name)) kwargs["storeCallback"] = self._storeAttr if "pollingPeriod" not in kwargs: kwargs["pollingPeriod"] = self.getDefaultPollingPeriod() a = EvaluationAttribute(fullname, parent=dev, **kwargs) return a
def _storeDev(self, dev): name = dev.getFullName() exists = self.eval_devs.get(name) if exists is not None: if exists == dev: self.debug("%s has already been registered before" % name) raise DoubleRegistration else: self.debug( "%s has already been registered with a different object!", name, ) raise DoubleRegistration self.eval_devs[name] = dev def _storeAttr(self, attr): name = attr.getFullName() exists = self.eval_attrs.get(name) if exists is not None: if exists == attr: self.debug("%s has already been registered before" % name) raise DoubleRegistration else: self.debug( "%s has already been registered with a different object!" % name ) raise DoubleRegistration self.eval_attrs[name] = attr def _storeConfig(self, fullname, config): # name = config.getFullName() name = fullname exists = self.eval_configs.get(name) if exists is not None: if exists == config: self.debug("%s has already been registered before" % name) raise DoubleRegistration else: self.debug( "%s has already been registered with a different object!" % name ) raise DoubleRegistration self.eval_configs[name] = config
[docs] def getAuthorityNameValidator(self): """Return EvaluationAuthorityNameValidator""" from . import evalvalidator return evalvalidator.EvaluationAuthorityNameValidator()
[docs] def getDeviceNameValidator(self): """Return EvaluationDeviceNameValidator""" from . import evalvalidator return evalvalidator.EvaluationDeviceNameValidator()
[docs] def getAttributeNameValidator(self): """Return EvaluationAttributeNameValidator""" from . import evalvalidator return evalvalidator.EvaluationAttributeNameValidator()