Source code for taurus.core.tango.enums

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# ###########################################################################

"""This module contains all basic tango enumerations

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

import numpy
import PyTango
from enum import IntEnum
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

TangoObjectType = Enumeration(
TangoObjectType.Database = TangoObjectType.Authority  # backwards compatibility

# The exception reasons that will force switching from events to polling
# API_AttributePollingNotStarted - the attribute does not support events.
#     Don't try to resubscribe.
# API_DSFailedRegisteringEvent - same exception then the one above but higher
#     in the stack
# API_NotificationServiceFailed - Problems in notifd, it was not able to
#     register the event.
# API_EventChannelNotExported - the notifd is not running
# API_EventTimeout - after a successfull register the the device server
#     and/or notifd shuts down/crashes
# API_CommandNotFound - Added on request from ESRF (Matias Guijarro). They have
#     a DS in java (doesn't have events) and the only way they
#     found to fix the event problem was to add this exception
#     type here. Maybe in future this will be solved in a better way
# API_BadConfigurationProperty - the device server is not running
#                                   'API_BadConfigurationProperty')

    PyTango.DevVoid: None,
    PyTango.DevBoolean: numpy.bool8,
    PyTango.DevUChar: numpy.uint8,
    PyTango.DevShort: numpy.short,
    PyTango.DevUShort: numpy.ushort,
    PyTango.DevLong: numpy.int32,
    PyTango.DevULong: numpy.uint32,
    PyTango.DevLong64: numpy.int64,
    PyTango.DevULong64: numpy.uint64,
    PyTango.DevString: str,
    PyTango.DevDouble: numpy.float64,
    PyTango.DevFloat: numpy.float32,

    PyTango.DevVoid: None,
    PyTango.DevBoolean: "bool8",
    PyTango.DevUChar: "uint8",
    PyTango.DevShort: "short",
    PyTango.DevUShort: "ushort",
    PyTango.DevLong: "int32",
    PyTango.DevULong: "uint32",
    PyTango.DevLong64: "int64",
    PyTango.DevULong64: "uint64",
    PyTango.DevString: "str",
    PyTango.DevDouble: "float64",
    PyTango.DevFloat: "float32",

[docs]class DevState(IntEnum): """This is the taurus.core.tango equivalent to PyTango.DevState. It defines the same members and uses the same numerical values internally, allowing equality comparisons with :class:`PyTango.DevState` (but not identity checks!):: from taurus.core.tango import DevState as D1 from PyTango import DevState as D2 D1.OPEN == D2.OPEN # --> True D1.OPEN in (D2.ON, D2.OPEN) # --> True D1.OPEN == 3 # --> True D1.OPEN is 3 # --> False D1.OPEN is D2.OPEN # --> False """ ON = 0 OFF = 1 CLOSE = 2 OPEN = 3 INSERT = 4 EXTRACT = 5 MOVING = 6 STANDBY = 7 FAULT = 8 INIT = 9 RUNNING = 10 ALARM = 11 DISABLE = 12 UNKNOWN = 13 def __str__(self): return "{}.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__,