Source code for taurus.core.tango.img.img

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# ###########################################################################

"""The img submodule. It contains specific device implementation for CCDs and
2D detectors

from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusEventType
from taurus.core.tango import TangoDevice
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict, CaselessList
from threading import Lock

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs]class ImageDevice(TangoDevice): """A class encapsulating a generic image device""" def __init__(self, name, image_name="image", **kw): self.call__init__(TangoDevice, name, **kw) self.setImageAttrName(image_name)
[docs] def addImageAttrName(self, attr_name): if attr_name in self._image_attr_names: return self._image_attr_names.append(attr_name)
[docs] def setImageAttrName(self, attr_name): self._image_attr_names = CaselessList() self.addImageAttrName(attr_name)
[docs] def getImageAttrName(self, idx=0): return self._image_attr_names[0]
[docs] def getImageAttrNames(self): return self._image_attr_names
[docs]class ImageCounterDevice(ImageDevice): """A class encapsulating a generic image device that has an image counter attribute """ def __init__( self, name, image_name="image", image_ct="imagecounter", **kw ): self.lock = Lock() self._image_data = CaselessDict() self._image_id_attr_name = image_ct self.call__init__(ImageDevice, name, image_name, **kw) self.image_attr = self.getAttribute(image_name) self._image_id_attr = self.getAttribute(self._image_id_attr_name) self.discard_event = False self._image_id_attr.addListener(self) def _setDirty(self, names=None): names = names or self.getImageAttrNames() for n in names: d = self._image_data.get(n, (True, None)) self._image_data[n] = True, d[1] def _getDirty(self, names=None): names = names or self.getImageAttrNames() dirty = [] for name in names: d = self._image_data.get(name) if d is None or d[0] is True: dirty.append(name) return names
[docs] def getImageIDAttrName(self): return self._image_id_attr_name
[docs] def eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): if evt_src == self._image_id_attr: if evt_type == TaurusEventType.Change: # discard events if there is one being processed if self.lock.locked(): self.discard_event = True self.debug("Discard event %d" % evt_value.value) return with self.lock: while True: self.debug("Processing image %d" % evt_value.rvalue) # read the related Image attributes # (asap and in one action) images = self.getImageData() self._setDirty() self.fireEvent(evt_type, evt_value) # maintain this fireEvent for backwards compatibility # with Qub widget self._emitImageEvents(evt_type, images) if self.discard_event: self.discard_event = False else: break else: ImageDevice.eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value)
def _emitImageEvents(self, evt_type, images): for attr_image_name in images: image_value = images[attr_image_name][1] if hasattr(image_value, "is_empty") and not image_value.is_empty: self.debug("fireEvent for %s attribute" % attr_image_name) if not hasattr(image_value, "rvalue"): image_value.rvalue = image_value.value # Only emit to upper layers the events where # something has been read. attr_image = self.getAttribute( attr_image.fireEvent(evt_type, image_value)
[docs] def getImageData(self, names=None): if names is None: names = self.getImageAttrNames() elif isinstance(names, str): names = (names,) fetch = self._getDirty(names) try: data = self.read_attributes(fetch) for d in data: self._image_data[] = False, d except Exception: pass return self._image_data
PyImageViewer = ImageCounterDevice ImgGrabber = ImageCounterDevice CCDPVCAM = ImageCounterDevice
[docs]class Falcon(ImageCounterDevice): def __init__(self, name, image_name="image", **kw): self._color = False self.call__init__( ImageCounterDevice, name, image_name=image_name, **kw ) self.imgFormat_Attr = self.getAttribute("imageformat") self.imgFormat_Attr.addListener(self)
[docs] def eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): if evt_src == self.getAttribute("imageformat"): if evt_type in (TaurusEventType.Change, TaurusEventType.Periodic): self._color = evt_value.value.lower() == "rgb24" return ImageCounterDevice.eventReceived(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value)
[docs] def getImageData(self, names=None): data = ImageCounterDevice.getImageData(self, names=names) if self._color: for k, v in list(data.items()): s = v[1].value.shape v[1].value = v[1].value.reshape((s[0], s[1] // 3, 3)) return data
[docs]class ImgBeamAnalyzer(ImageCounterDevice): def __init__(self, name, image_name="roiimage", **kw): self.call__init__(ImageCounterDevice, name, image_name, **kw)
[docs]class LimaCCDs(ImageCounterDevice): def __init__( self, name, image_name="video_last_image", image_ct="video_last_image_counter", **kw ): self.call__init__(ImageCounterDevice, name, image_name, image_ct, **kw) self.debug( "Prepared to listen image counter (%s) for the %s images" % (self.getImageIDAttrName(), self.getImageAttrNames()) )