#!/usr/bin/env python
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safeeval.py: Safe eval replacement with whitelist support
__all__ = ["SafeEvaluator"]
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
class SafeEvaluator(object):
"""This class provides a safe eval replacement.
The method eval() will only evaluate the expressions considered safe
(whitelisted). By default it has a whitelist of mathematical expressions
that can be turn off using defaultSafe=False at init
The user can add more safe functions passing a safedict to the addSafe() or
init methods.
Functions can be removed by name using removeSafe()
Note: In order to use variables defined outside, the user must explicitly
declare them safe."""
def __init__(self, safedict=None, defaultSafe=True):
self._default_numpy = (
self._default_numpy_random = ("randn", "rand", "randint")
if safedict is None:
safedict = {}
self.safe_dict = safedict
if defaultSafe:
import numpy
from taurus.core.units import Quantity, UR
self.safe_dict["pow"] = pow
self.safe_dict["len"] = len
self.safe_dict["int"] = int
self.safe_dict["float"] = float
self.safe_dict["bool"] = bool
self.safe_dict["str"] = str
self.safe_dict["bytes"] = bytes
self.safe_dict["list"] = list
self.safe_dict["range"] = range
self.safe_dict["True"] = True
self.safe_dict["False"] = False
self.safe_dict["None"] = None
for n in self._default_numpy:
self.safe_dict[n] = getattr(numpy, n)
for n in self._default_numpy_random:
self.safe_dict[n] = getattr(numpy.random, n)
self.safe_dict["Quantity"] = Quantity
self.safe_dict["Q"] = Quantity # Q() is an alias for Quantity()
self.safe_dict["UR"] = UR
self._originalSafeDict = self.safe_dict.copy()
def eval(self, expr):
"""safe eval"""
return eval(expr, {"__builtins__": None}, self.safe_dict)
def addSafe(self, safedict, permanent=False):
"""The values in safedict will be evaluable (whitelisted)
The safedict is as follows: {"eval_name":object, ...}. The evaluator
will interpret eval_name as object.
if permanent:
def removeSafe(self, name, permanent=False):
"""Removes an object from the whitelist"""
if permanent:
except KeyError:
def resetSafe(self):
"""restores the safe dict with wich the evaluator was instantiated"""
self.safe_dict = self._originalSafeDict.copy()
def getSafe(self):
"""returns the currently whitelisted expressions"""
return self.safe_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = list(range(6))
sev = SafeEvaluator()
print("trying to evaluate a variable that has not been registered")
# This will fail because 'x' is not registered in sev
except Exception:
sev.addSafe({"x": x}) # After registering x, we can use it...
f0 = "x"
f1 = "sqrt(x)"
f2 = "pow(2,8)"
f3 = "ceil(array(x)/2.)"
f4 = "x[3]*2"
# This is something we do not want to be evaluated
f5 = 'open("/etc/passwd")'
for f in [f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5]:
print('Evaluating "%s":' % f)
except Exception:
print("ERROR: %s cannot be evaluated" % f)
import numpy
vector = numpy.arange(6)
# Another way of registering a variable is using the init method...
sev2 = SafeEvaluator({"x": x, "y": vector}, defaultSafe=False)
print("x*y=", sev2.eval("x*y"))
y = 0 # note that the registered variable is local to the evaluator!!
# here, y still has the previously registered value instead of 0
print("x*y=", sev2.eval("x*y"))