Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic.jdraw.jdraw

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

"""This module contains the graphics factory for the jdraw file format

import os
import traceback

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.singleton import Singleton
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict
from taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic import (

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

    0: Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
    1: Qt.Qt.DotLine,
    2: Qt.Qt.DashLine,
    3: Qt.Qt.DashLine,
    4: Qt.Qt.DashDotLine,

    0: Qt.Qt.NoBrush,
    1: Qt.Qt.SolidPattern,
    2: Qt.Qt.FDiagPattern,
    3: Qt.Qt.BDiagPattern,
    4: Qt.Qt.DiagCrossPattern,
    5: Qt.Qt.FDiagPattern,
    6: Qt.Qt.BDiagPattern,
    7: Qt.Qt.Dense5Pattern,
    8: Qt.Qt.Dense7Pattern,
    9: Qt.Qt.Dense6Pattern,
    10: Qt.Qt.Dense4Pattern,
    11: Qt.Qt.LinearGradientPattern,

TEXTHINT_JDW2QT = CaselessDict(
        "helvetica": Qt.QFont.Helvetica,
        "serif": Qt.QFont.Serif,
        "sansserif": Qt.QFont.SansSerif,
        "courier": Qt.QFont.Courier,
        "Monospaced": Qt.QFont.Courier,
        "times": Qt.QFont.Times,
        "": Qt.QFont.AnyStyle,

    0: Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter,
    1: Qt.Qt.AlignLeft,
    2: Qt.Qt.AlignRight,

    0: Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter,
    1: Qt.Qt.AlignTop,
    2: Qt.Qt.AlignBottom,

[docs] class TaurusJDrawGraphicsFactory(Singleton, TaurusBaseGraphicsFactory, Logger): def __init__(self, parent, alias=None, delayed=False): """Initialization. Nothing to be done here for now.""" self.myparent = parent self.call__init__wo_kw(TaurusBaseGraphicsFactory, parent) self._zBufferLevel = 0 self._delayed = delayed self.alias = alias if alias is not None else {}
[docs] def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """Singleton instance initialization.""" self.call__init__(Logger, self.__class__.__name__) self.call__init__(TaurusBaseGraphicsFactory)
[docs] def getZBufferLevel(self): return self._zBufferLevel
[docs] def incZBufferLevel(self): self._zBufferLevel += 1 return self._zBufferLevel
[docs] def setZBufferLevel(self, level): self._zBufferLevel = level
[docs] def resetZBufferLevel(self): self.setZBufferLevel(0)
[docs] def getSceneObj(self, items): scene = TaurusGraphicsScene(self.myparent) for item in items: try: if isinstance(item, Qt.QWidget): scene.addWidget(item) elif isinstance(item, Qt.QGraphicsItem): scene.addItem(item) except Exception: self.warning("Unable to add item %s to scene" % str(item)) self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) return scene
[docs] def getObj(self, name, params): method_name = "get" + name.lstrip("JD") + "Obj" try: method = getattr(self, method_name) obj = method(params) obj.setZValue(self.incZBufferLevel()) return obj except Exception: self.warning("Error fetching object")"Details:", exc_info=1) pass return None
[docs] def getRectangleObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Rectangle", params) x1, y1, x2, y2 = params.get("summit") width = x2 - x1 height = y2 - y1 # item.setPos(x1,y1) item.setRect(x1, y1, width, height) return item
[docs] def getBarObj(self, params): # TODO: properly implement JDBar support # As a workaround, use a filled rectangle as a substitute of a JDBar self.warning("JDBar not yet supported. Using a JDRectangle instead") if "fillStyle" not in params: params["fillStyle"] = 1 return self.getRectangleObj(params)
[docs] def getRoundRectangleObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("RoundRectangle", params) x1, y1, x2, y2 = params.get("summit") width = x2 - x1 height = y2 - y1 cornerWidth = params.get("cornerWidth", 24) nbPoints = params.get("step", 6) # item.setPos(x1,y1) item.setRect(x1, y1, width, height) item.setCornerWidth(cornerWidth, nbPoints) return item
[docs] def getLineObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Line", params) x1, y1, x2, y2 = params.get("summit") item.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) return item
[docs] def getEllipseObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Ellipse", params) x1, y1, x2, y2 = params.get("summit") width = x2 - x1 height = y2 - y1 item.setRect(x1, y1, width, height) return item
[docs] def getPolylineObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Polyline", params) polygon = Qt.QPolygonF() p = params.get("summit") for i in range(0, len(p), 2): polygon.append(Qt.QPointF(p[i], p[i + 1])) item.setPolygon(polygon) return item
[docs] def getSplineObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Spline", params) p = params.get("summit") p = [Qt.QPointF(p[i], p[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(p), 2)] item.setControlPoints(p) isClosed = params.get("isClosed", True) item.setClose(isClosed) return item
[docs] def getLabelObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Label", params) self.readLabelObj(item, params) return item
[docs] def readLabelObj(self, item, params): origin = params.get("origin") item.setPos(origin[0], origin[1]) summit = params.get("summit") x, y = summit[0] - origin[0], summit[1] - origin[1] width, height = summit[2] - summit[0], summit[3] - summit[1] item.setRect(x, y, width, height) # it is parsed as a float vAlignment = int(params.get("vAlignment", 0)) hAlignment = int(params.get("hAlignment", 0)) assert vAlignment in VALIGNMENT assert hAlignment in ALIGNMENT vAlignment = VALIGNMENT[vAlignment] hAlignment = ALIGNMENT[hAlignment] item.setAlignment(hAlignment | vAlignment) fnt = params.get("font", None) if fnt: family, style, size = fnt f = Qt.QFont(family, int(0.85 * size), Qt.QFont.Light, False) f.setStyleHint(TEXTHINT_JDW2QT.get(family, Qt.QFont.AnyStyle)) f.setStyleStrategy(Qt.QFont.PreferMatch) if style == 1: f.setWeight(Qt.QFont.DemiBold) elif style == 2: f.setItalic(True) elif style == 3: f.setWeight(Qt.QFont.DemiBold) f.setItalic(True) # TODO: Improve code in order to be able to set a suitable font item.setFont(f) fg = params.get("foreground", (0, 0, 0)) fg = list(map(int, fg)) color = Qt.QColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]) item.setDefaultTextColor(color) txt = params.get("text") if txt: if any( isinstance(txt, t) for t in (list, tuple, set) ): # Parsing several lines of text txt = "\n".join(txt) item.setPlainText(str(txt)) item._currText = txt
[docs] def getGroupObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Group", params) s = params.get("summit") x1, y1 = s[0], s[1] item.setPos(x1, y1) children = params.get("children") if children: for child in children: if child: item.addToGroup(child) if item._fillStyle: self.set_item_filling(item, expand=True) return item
[docs] def getSwingObjectObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("SwingObject", params) s = params.get("summit") x1, y1 = s[0], s[1] item.setPos(x1, y1) className = params.get("className") if className == "fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.attribute.SimpleScalarViewer": self.readSimpleScalarViewerObj(item, params) return item
[docs] def readSimpleScalarViewerObj(self, item, params): self.readLabelObj(item, params) ext = params.get("extensions") c = ext.get("validBackground") c = [int(x) for x in c.split(",")] if c: validBackground = Qt.QColor(*c) item.setValidBackground(validBackground) invalidText = ext.get("invalidText", "-----") item.setNoneValue(invalidText) alarmEnabled = ext.get("alarmEnabled", True) alarmEnabled = alarmEnabled.lower().strip() in ["yes", "true", "1"] item.setShowQuality(alarmEnabled) unitVisible = ext.get("unitVisible", True) unitVisible = unitVisible.lower().strip() in ["yes", "true", "1"] item.setUnitVisible(unitVisible) userFormat = ext.get("userFormat", None) item.setUserFormat(userFormat)
[docs] def getImageObj(self, params): item = self.getGraphicsItem("Image", params) s = params.get("summit") x1, y1, x2, y2 = s item.setPos(x1, y1) fname = params.get("file_name") if fname: if os.path.isfile(fname): fname = os.path.realpath(fname) elif hasattr(self.myparent, "path"): #'using path param ...') fname = self.myparent.path + os.path.sep + fname self.debug( "Opening JDImage(%s) = x,y,w,h=%f,%f,%f,%f" % (fname, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) ) pixmap = Qt.QPixmap(fname) item.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(int(x2 - x1), int(y2 - y1))) # item.scale(float(w)/pixmap.width(), float(h)/pixmap.height()) else: self.warning("No filename for image!?!") return item
[docs] def set_common_params(self, item, params): if not item: return item._params = params name = params.get("name") if name.lower() == "ignorerepaint": name = "" if "extensions" not in params: params["extensions"] = {} params.get("extensions")["ignoreRepaint"] = "true" if self.alias: for k, v in self.alias.items(): name = str(name).replace(k, v) # Forcing not-Taurus items to have a name and be able to trigger events setattr(item, "_name", name) if name and not self._delayed: if isinstance(item, TaurusGraphicsItem): item.setModel(name) else: self.debug( "TaurusJDrawGraphicsFactory.set_common_params(%s): " + "%s is not a TaurusGraphicsItem", name, type(item).__name__, ) visibilitymapper = params.get("visibilitymapper") if visibilitymapper is not None: # mapping_type = visibilitymapper["mapping_type"] # mode = visibilitymapper["mode"] default = visibilitymapper["default"] item._default = default item._map = visibilitymapper["map"] visible = params.get("visible") if visible is not None: item.setVisible(visible) extensions = params.get("extensions") if extensions: item._extensions = extensions try: getattr(item, "setPen") fg = params.get("foreground", (0, 0, 0)) lineWidth = params.get("lineWidth", 1) if lineWidth == 0: pen = Qt.QPen(Qt.Qt.NoPen) else: pen = Qt.QPen(Qt.QColor(int(fg[0]), int(fg[1]), int(fg[2]))) pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth)) pen.setStyle(LINESTYLE_JDW2QT[params.get("lineStyle", 0)]) item.setPen(pen) except AttributeError: pass except Exception: self.warning( "jdraw.set_common_params(%s(%s)).(foreground,width,style) " + "failed!: \n\t%s", type(item).__name__, name, traceback.format_exc(), ) fillStyle = FILLSTYLE_JDW2QT[params.get("fillStyle", 0)] item._fillStyle = fillStyle if hasattr(item, "brush"): brush = Qt.QBrush() if fillStyle == Qt.Qt.LinearGradientPattern: ox, oy = params.get("origin", (0, 0)) gradient = Qt.QLinearGradient( ox + params.get("gradX1", 0), oy + params.get("gradY1", 0), ox + params.get("gradX2", 0), oy + params.get("gradY2", 0), ) c = params.get("gradC1", (0, 0, 0)) c = list(map(int, c)) gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt.QColor(c[0], c[1], c[2])) c = params.get("gradC2", (255, 255, 255)) c = list(map(int, c)) gradient.setColorAt(1, Qt.QColor(c[0], c[1], c[2])) gradCyclic = params.get("gradCyclic", False) if gradCyclic: gradient.setSpread(Qt.QGradient.ReflectSpread) brush = Qt.QBrush(gradient) else: brush.setStyle(fillStyle) bg = params.get("background", (255, 255, 255)) bg = list(map(int, bg)) brush.setColor(Qt.QColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2])) item.setBrush(brush)
[docs] def set_item_filling( self, item, pattern=Qt.Qt.Dense4Pattern, expand=False ): item._fillStyle = item._fillStyle or pattern if hasattr(item, "brush"): br = item.brush() br.setStyle(item._fillStyle) item.setBrush(br) if expand: for c in item.childItems(): if not c._fillStyle: self.set_item_filling(c, pattern=pattern, expand=True) return
if __name__ == "__main__": from taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic.jdraw import jdraw_view jdraw_view.jdraw_view_main()