Source code for

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# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
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This module allows an application to provide help through the Qt
assistant tool.
The :func:`Assistant` will create a subprocess displaying the
help system for the given QtHelp collection file (.qhc).
Example usage::

    from taurus.external.qt import Qt
    from import Assistant

    app = Qt.QApplication([])
    qas = Assistant("my_app_help.qhc")

from taurus.external.qt import Qt

[docs]class Widgets(object): contents = "contents" index = "index" bookmarks = "bookmarks" search = "search"
class _Assistant(Qt.QProcess): """The help assistant class""" def __init__(self, collection_file, parent=None): Qt.QProcess.__init__(self, parent) self.__collection_file = collection_file def start(self): if self.isRunning(): return args = [ "-enableRemoteControl", "-collectionFile", self.__collection_file, ] Qt.QProcess.start(self, "assistant", args) def isRunning(self): return self.state() == Qt.QProcess.Running def __send(self, cmd): if not self.isRunning(): raise Exception("Assistant is not running") self.write(cmd + "\n") def assistantShow(self, widget): self.__send("show " + widget) def assistantHide(self, widget): self.__send("hide " + widget) def assistantSetSource(self, url): self.__send("setSource " + url) def assistantActivateKeyword(self, keyword): self.__send("activateKeyword " + keyword) def assistantActivateIdentifier(self, id): self.__send("activateIdentifier " + id) def assistantSyncContents(self): self.__send("syncContents") def assistantSetCurrentFilter(self, filter): self.__send("setCurrentFilter " + filter) def assistantExpandToc(self, depth): self.__send("expandToc " + str(depth)) def assistantRegister(self, help_file): self.__send("register " + help_file) def assistantUnregister(self, help_file): self.__send("unregister " + help_file) __ASSISTANTS = {}
[docs]def Assistant(collection_file, auto_create=True, parent=None): """ The :func:`Assistant` will create a subprocess displaying the help system for the given QtHelp collection file (.qhc). Example usage:: from taurus.external.qt import Qt from import Assistant app = Qt.QApplication([]) qas = Assistant("my_app_help.qhc") qas.start() app.exec_() """ global __ASSISTANTS assistant = __ASSISTANTS.get(collection_file) if not auto_create: return assistant if assistant is None: def finished(*args): if __ASSISTANTS and collection_file in __ASSISTANTS: del __ASSISTANTS[collection_file] assistant = _Assistant(collection_file, parent=parent) __ASSISTANTS[collection_file] = assistant assistant.finished.connect(finished) return assistant
def main(): import sys app = Qt.QApplication([]) window = Qt.QWidget() layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout(window) goButton = Qt.QPushButton("Activate help", window) terminateButton = Qt.QPushButton("Close help", window) textEdit = Qt.QLineEdit(window) layout.addWidget(textEdit) layout.addWidget(goButton) layout.addWidget(terminateButton) def go(): assistant = Assistant(textEdit.text(), parent=window) assistant.start() assistant.waitForStarted() assistant.assistantShow(Widgets.bookmarks) def terminate(): assistant = Assistant( textEdit.text(), auto_create=False, parent=window ) if assistant: assistant.terminate() goButton.clicked.connect(go) terminateButton.clicked.connect(terminate) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()