Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.taurusmodellist

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# ###########################################################################

itemsmodel Model and view for new CurveItem configuration

# raise UnimplementedError('Under Construction!')

import copy

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
import taurus
from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusElementType
from taurus.core.taurusexception import TaurusException
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE
from taurus.qt.qtgui.icon import getElementTypeIcon

# set some named constants
SRC_ROLE = Qt.Qt.UserRole + 1

[docs]class TaurusModelItem(object): """An item object for :class:`TaurusModelModel`. Exposes `display` `icon` and `ok` attributes which are calculated and kept in synch with the property `src` """ def __init__(self, src=None, display=None): self.icon = Qt.QIcon() self.ok = True self._src = None self.setSrc(src) if display is not None: self.display = display def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result result.icon = Qt.QIcon(self.icon) result.ok = copy.deepcopy(self.ok, memo) result._src = copy.deepcopy(self._src, memo) result.display = copy.deepcopy(self.display, memo) return result def __repr__(self): ret = "TaurusModelItem('%s')" % (self.display) return ret
[docs] def getSrc(self): """getter for src.""" return self._src
[docs] def setSrc(self, src): """processes the src and sets the values of _src, display, icon and ok attributes""" if src is None: self._src, self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( "", "(Empty)", Qt.QIcon(), True, ) return src = str(src).strip() if src == self._src: return self._src = src # empty if src == "": self.display, self.icon, self.ok = "(Empty)", Qt.QIcon(), True return # TODO tango-centric. For tango devices try: dev = taurus.Device(src) if dev.getDeviceProxy() is not None: self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( dev.getSimpleName(), getElementTypeIcon(TaurusElementType.Device), True, ) return else: self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( src, Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("network-error"), False, ) return except Exception: # for tango attributes try: attr = taurus.Attribute(src) dev = attr.getParentObj() except TaurusException: self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( src, Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("dialog-warning"), False, ) return except Exception: # @todo: this catchall except is here as an emergency bugfix, # but should probably be narrowed to PyTango DevFailed. self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( src, Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("network-error"), False, ) return if ( taurus.getSchemeFromName(attr.getFullName()) == "tango" and dev.getDeviceProxy() is None ): self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( src, Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("network-error"), False, ) return self.display, self.icon, self.ok = ( attr.getSimpleName(), getElementTypeIcon(TaurusElementType.Attribute), True, )
# properties src = property(getSrc, setSrc)
[docs]class TaurusModelModel(Qt.QAbstractListModel): """A Qt data model for describing taurus models""" def __init__(self, items=None): if items is None: items = [] super(TaurusModelModel, self).__init__() self.items = items
[docs] def addItem(self, item): """appends an item to the internal list :param item: :type item: TaurusModelItem """ self.items.append(item)
[docs] def dumpData(self): """returns a deep copy of the internal item list representation""" return copy.deepcopy(self.items)
[docs] def rowCount(self, index=Qt.QModelIndex()): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" return len(self.items)
[docs] def data(self, index, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < self.rowCount()): return None row = index.row() # Display Role if role == Qt.Qt.DisplayRole: return str(self.items[row].display) elif role == Qt.Qt.DecorationRole: return self.items[row].icon elif role == Qt.Qt.TextColorRole: if not self.items[row].src: return Qt.QColor("gray") return Qt.QColor(self.items[row].ok and "green" or "red") elif role == SRC_ROLE: return str(self.items[row].src) elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole: return str(self.items[row].src) if role == Qt.Qt.EditRole: return str(self.items[row].src) return None
[docs] def flags(self, index): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if not index.isValid(): return Qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return Qt.Qt.ItemFlags( Qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable )
[docs] def setData(self, index, value=None, role=Qt.Qt.EditRole): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if index.isValid() and (0 <= index.row() < self.rowCount()): row = index.row() item = self.items[row] if role == Qt.Qt.EditRole: item.src = value elif role == Qt.Qt.DisplayRole: item.display = value self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False
[docs] def insertRows(self, position=None, rows=1, parentindex=None, items=None): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if position is None or position == -1: position = self.rowCount() if parentindex is None: parentindex = Qt.QModelIndex() if items is None: slice = [TaurusModelItem() for i in range(rows)] else: slice = list(items) # note that the rows parameter is ignored if items is passed rows = len(slice) self.beginInsertRows(parentindex, position, position + rows - 1) self.items = self.items[:position] + slice + self.items[position:] self.endInsertRows() return True
[docs] def removeRows(self, position, rows=1, parentindex=None): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if parentindex is None: parentindex = Qt.QModelIndex() self.beginResetModel() self.beginRemoveRows(parentindex, position, position + rows - 1) self.items = self.items[:position] + self.items[position + rows :] self.endRemoveRows() self.endResetModel() return True
[docs] def clearAll(self): """clears all rows""" self.removeRows(0, self.rowCount())
[docs] def swapItems(self, index1, index2): """swap the items described by index1 and index2 in the list""" r1, r2 = index1.row(), index2.row() self.items[r1], self.items[r2] = self.items[r2], self.items[r1] self.dataChanged.emit(index1, index2)
[docs] def mimeTypes(self): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" result = list(Qt.QAbstractItemModel.mimeTypes(self)) result += [ TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE, "text/plain", ] return result
[docs] def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" if row == -1 and parent.isValid(): row = parent.row() if data.hasFormat(TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE): items = [bytes("utf-8")] elif data.hasFormat(TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE): items = [bytes("utf-8")] elif data.hasFormat(TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE): items = ( bytes( .decode("utf-8") .split() ) elif data.hasText(): items = [str(data.text())] else: return False self.insertItems(row, items) return True
[docs] def insertItems(self, row, items): """convenience method to add new rows by passing a list of strings () :param row: the row of the list at which the item insertion starts, if row==-1, items will be appended to the list :type row: int :param items: a sequence items to add to the list. The objects in the sequence can be either strings, :class:`TaurusModelItem` objects or tuples of valid arguments for initializing :class:`TaurusModelItem` objects :type items: seq """ itemobjs = [] for e in items: if isinstance(e, TaurusModelItem): itemobjs.append(e) elif isinstance(e, str): itemobjs.append(TaurusModelItem(src=e)) else: # assuming it is a sequence of arguments that can be passed # to the constructor of TaurusModelItem itemobjs.append(TaurusModelItem(*e)) self.insertRows(position=row, items=itemobjs)
[docs] def mimeData(self, indexes): """reimplemented from :class:`Qt.QAbstractListModel`""" mimedata = Qt.QAbstractListModel.mimeData(self, indexes) if len(indexes) == 1: # mimedata.setData(TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE,[0])) txt =[0], role=SRC_ROLE) mimedata.setText(txt) return mimedata
# mimedata.setData()
[docs]class TaurusModelList(Qt.QListView): """A list view widget to display and manage a list of models Tries to identify the type of model and show the state of the device/attr associated with it. It also allows drag and drop of models and sorting. """ dataChangedSignal = Qt.pyqtSignal(list, name="dataChanged") def __init__(self, parent=None, items=None, designMode=False): super(TaurusModelList, self).__init__(parent) if items is None: items = [] self._model = TaurusModelModel(items) self.setModel(self._model) self.setDragDropMode(self.DragDrop) # self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setSelectionMode(self.ExtendedSelection) self._contextMenu = Qt.QMenu(self) self.addRowAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("list-add"), "Add new row", self.newRow, Qt.QKeySequence.New, ) self.removeSelectedAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("list-remove"), "Remove Selected", self.removeSelected, Qt.QKeySequence.Delete, ) self.removeAllAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-clear"), "Clear all", self.clear, Qt.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Del"), ) self.moveUpAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("go-up"), "Move up in the list", self._onMoveUpAction, Qt.QKeySequence("Alt+Up"), ) self.moveDownAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("go-down"), "Move down in the list", self._onMoveDownAction, Qt.QKeySequence("Alt+Down"), ) self.editDisplayAction = self._contextMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:format-text-italic.svg"), "Edit the display (leave the source)", self._onEditDisplay, Qt.QKeySequence("Alt+D"), ) self.addActions( [ self.addRowAction, self.removeSelectedAction, self.removeAllAction, self.moveUpAction, self.moveDownAction, self.editDisplayAction, ] ) # signal connections selectionmodel = self.selectionModel() selectionmodel.selectionChanged.connect(self._onSelectionChanged) self._model.dataChanged.connect(self._onDataChanged) self._model.rowsInserted.connect(self._onDataChanged) self._model.rowsRemoved.connect(self._onDataChanged) self._onSelectionChanged(Qt.QItemSelection(), Qt.QItemSelection())
[docs] def clear(self): """removes all items from the list""" self._model.clearAll()
def _onEditDisplay(self): selected = self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() if len(selected) == 1: idx = selected[0] else: return value =, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole) src =, role=SRC_ROLE) value, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Display Value", "Display value for %s?" % src, Qt.QLineEdit.Normal, value, ) if not ok: return self._model.setData(idx, value, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole) def _onSelectionChanged(self, selected, deselected): """updates the status of the actions that depend on the selection""" selectedIndexes = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() self.removeSelectedAction.setEnabled(len(selectedIndexes) > 0) self.moveUpAction.setEnabled( len(selectedIndexes) == 1 and selectedIndexes[0].row() > 0 ) self.moveDownAction.setEnabled( len(selectedIndexes) == 1 and (0 <= selectedIndexes[0].row() < self._model.rowCount() - 1) ) self.editDisplayAction.setEnabled(len(selectedIndexes) > 0) def _onDataChanged(self, *args): """emits a signal containing the current data as a list of strings""" self.dataChangedSignal.emit(self.getModelItems())
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """see :meth:`QWidget.contextMenuEvent`""" self._contextMenu.exec_(event.globalPos()) event.accept()
def _onMoveUpAction(self): """slot for move up action""" selected = self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() if len(selected) != 1: return i1 = selected[0] i2 = self._model.index(i1.row() - 1) self._model.swapItems(i1, i2) self.selectionModel().select(i2, Qt.QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _onMoveDownAction(self): """slot for move down action""" selected = self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() if len(selected) != 1: return i1 = selected[0] i2 = self._model.index(i1.row() + 1) self._model.swapItems(i1, i2) self.selectionModel().select(i2, Qt.QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect)
[docs] def newRow(self, position=None): """adds an empty row *before* the given position :param position: position at which the new row will be added. If None passed, it will be added at the end. :type position: int or None """ if position is None: selected = self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() if len(selected) == 0: position = -1 elif len(selected) == 1: position = selected[0].row() else: return self._model.insertItems(position, [""])
[docs] def removeSelected(self): """removes selected items from the list""" selected = sorted( [idx.row() for idx in self.selectionModel().selectedRows()], reverse=True, ) for row in selected: # we remove rows starting from the last one self._model.removeRows(row)
[docs] def addModels(self, models): """adds models to the list :param models: sequence of model names to be added :type models: list<str> """ self._model.insertItems(-1, models)
[docs] def getModelItems(self): """returns the model item objects :return: :rtype: list<TaurusModelItem> .. seealso:: :meth:`getModelList` """ return self._model.dumpData()
[docs] def getModelList(self): """returns a the model names corresponding to the items in the list :return: :rtype: list<str> .. seealso:: :meth:`getModelItems` """ return [str(s.src) for s in self.getModelItems()]
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return { "group": "Taurus Input", "icon": "logos:taurus.png", "container": False, "module": "taurus.qt.qtgui.panel", }
if __name__ == "__main__": from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication import sys app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) w = TaurusModelList() w.addModels( ["item%i" % i for i in range(3)] + [TaurusModelItem(src="src1", display="d1")] + [("src2", "d2")] ) sys.exit(app.exec_())