Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.table.taurusvaluestable

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core.units import Quantity

import numpy

import taurus.core
from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import (
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import PintValidator
from taurus.qt.qtgui.display import TaurusLabel
from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusWidget

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

def _value2Quantity(value, units):
    Creates a Quantity from value and forces units if the vaule is unitless

    :param value: a number or a string from which a quantity can be created
    :type value: int, float or str
    :param units: Units to use if the value is unitless
    :type units: str or Pint units
    :rtype: Quantity
    q = Quantity(value)
    if q.unitless:
        q = Quantity(q, units)
    return q

class TaurusValuesIOTableModel(Qt.QAbstractTableModel):
    typeCastingMap = {
        "f": float,
        "b": bool,
        "u": int,
        "i": int,
        "S": str,
        "U": str,
    # Need to have an array

    def __init__(self, size, parent=None):
        Qt.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent)
        self._parent = parent
        self._rtabledata = []
        self._wtabledata = []
        self._rowCount = size[0]
        self._columnCount = size[1]
        self._modifiedDict = {}
        self._attr = None
        self.editedIndex = None
        self._editable = False
        self._writeMode = False

    def isDirty(self):
        """returns True if there are user changes. False Otherwise"""
        return bool(self._modifiedDict)

    # To be implemented -----
    def rowCount(self, index=Qt.QModelIndex()):
        """see :meth:`Qt.QAbstractTableModel.rowCount`"""
        if self._rowCount == 0:
            self._rowCount = 1
        return self._rowCount

    def columnCount(self, index=Qt.QModelIndex()):
        """see :meth:`Qt.QAbstractTableModel.columnCount`"""
        if self._columnCount == 0:
            self._columnCount = 1
        return self._columnCount

    def data(self, index, role=Qt.Qt.DisplayRole):
        """see :meth:``"""
        if self._writeMode is False:
            tabledata = self._rtabledata
            tabledata = self._wtabledata
        if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < len(tabledata)):
            return None
        elif role == Qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
            value = None
            rc = (index.row(), index.column())
            if self._writeMode and rc in self._modifiedDict:
                if self.getAttr().type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
                    return str(self._modifiedDict[rc])
                    return self._modifiedDict[rc]
                value = tabledata[rc]
                if isinstance(value, Quantity):
                    value = value.magnitude
            # cast the value to a standard python type
            value = self.typeCastingMap[tabledata.dtype.kind](value)
            return value
        elif role == Qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
            if (
            ) in self._modifiedDict and self._writeMode:
                if self.getAttr().type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
                    value = self._modifiedDict[(index.row(), index.column())]
                    if not self.inAlarmRange(value):
                        icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save")
                        icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("emblem-important")
                    icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save")
                return icon
        elif role == Qt.Qt.EditRole:
            value = None
            if (
            ) in self._modifiedDict and self._writeMode:
                value = self._modifiedDict[(index.row(), index.column())]
                value = tabledata[index.row(), index.column()]
                if tabledata.dtype == bool:
                    value = bool(value)
            return value
        elif role == Qt.Qt.BackgroundRole:
            if self._writeMode:
                return Qt.QColor(22, 223, 21, 50)
                return Qt.QColor("white")
        elif role == Qt.Qt.ForegroundRole:
            if (
            ) in self._modifiedDict and self._writeMode:
                if self.getAttr().type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
                    value = self._modifiedDict[(index.row(), index.column())]
                    if not self.inAlarmRange(value):
                        return Qt.QColor("blue")
                        return Qt.QColor("orange")
                    return Qt.QColor("blue")
            return Qt.QColor("black")
        elif role == Qt.Qt.FontRole:
            if (
            ) in self._modifiedDict and self._writeMode:
                return Qt.QFont("Arial", 10, Qt.QFont.Bold)
        elif role == Qt.Qt.ToolTipRole:
            if (
            ) in self._modifiedDict and self._writeMode:
                value = str(self._modifiedDict[(index.row(), index.column())])
                msg = (
                    "Original value: %s.\nNew value that will be saved: %s"
                    % (str(tabledata[index.row(), index.column()]), value)
                return msg
        return None

    def getAttr(self):
        return self._attr

    def setAttr(self, attr):
        Updated the internal table data from an attribute value

        :param attr:
        :type attr: DeviceAttribute
        self._attr = attr
        rvalue = attr.rvalue
        if attr.type not in [DataType.Float, DataType.Integer]:
            rvalue = numpy.array(attr.rvalue)
        # reshape the table
        if attr.data_format == DataFormat._1D:
            rows, columns = len(rvalue), 1
        elif attr.data_format == DataFormat._2D:
            rows, columns = numpy.shape(rvalue)
            raise TypeError(
                'Unsupported data format "%s"' % repr(attr.data_format)

        if (self._rowCount != rows) or (self._columnCount != columns):

        self._rowCount = rows
        self._columnCount = columns
        rvalue = rvalue.reshape(rows, columns)
        if attr.type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
            units = self._parent.getCurrentUnits()
            rvalue =
        self._rtabledata = rvalue
        self._editable = False
            self.createIndex(0, 0), self.createIndex(rows - 1, columns - 1)

    def getStatus(self, index):
        Returns Status of the variable

        :rtype: taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.AttrQuality
        return self._attr.quality

    def getType(self):
        Returns the table data type.

        :rtype: numpy.dtype
        return self._rtabledata.dtype

    def addValue(self, index, value):
        """adds a value to the dictionary of modified cell values

        :param index: table index
        :type index: QModelIndex
        :param value:
        :type value: object
        rtable_value = self._rtabledata[index.row()][index.column()]
        if self._attr.getType() in [DataType.Float, DataType.Integer]:
            units = self._parent.getCurrentUnits()
            value = _value2Quantity(value, units)
            equals = numpy.allclose(rtable_value,
            equals = bool(rtable_value == value)
        if not equals:
            self._modifiedDict[(index.row(), index.column())] = value

    def removeValue(self, index):
        Removes index from dictionary

        :param index: table index
        :type index: QModelIndex
        if (index.row(), index.column()) in self._modifiedDict:
            self._modifiedDict.pop((index.row(), index.column()))

    def flags(self, index):
        """see :meth:`Qt.QAbstractTableModel`"""
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled
        if self._editable:
            return Qt.Qt.ItemFlags(
                | Qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable
                | Qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable
            return Qt.Qt.ItemFlags(
                Qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable

    def getModifiedWriteData(self):
        """returns an array for the write data that includes the user

        :return: The write values including user modifications.
        :rtype: numpy.array
        table = self._wtabledata
        kind = table.dtype.kind
        if kind in "SU":
            # we want to allow the strings to be larger than the original ones
            table = table.tolist()
            for (r, c), v in self._modifiedDict.items():
                table[r][c] = v
            table = numpy.array(table, dtype=str)
            for k, v in self._modifiedDict.items():
                if kind in ["f", "i", "u"]:
                    units = self._parent.getCurrentUnits()
                    q = _value2Quantity(v, units)
                    table[k] = q
                elif kind == "b":
                    if str(v) == "true":
                        table[k] = True
                        table[k] = False
                    raise TypeError('Unknown data type "%s"' % kind)
        # reshape if needed
        if self._attr.data_format == DataFormat._1D:
            table = table.flatten()
        return table

    def clearChanges(self):
        """clears the dictionary of changed values"""
            self.createIndex(0, 0),
            self.createIndex(self.rowCount() - 1, self.columnCount() - 1),

    def inAlarmRange(self, value):
        Checkes if value is in alarm range.

        :param value: Quantity value
        :return: True if value in alarm range, False if valid
        :rtype: bool
            min_alarm, max_alarm = self._attr.alarms
            if min_alarm >= value or value >= max_alarm:
                return True
                return False
        except Exception:
            return True

    def inRange(self, value):
        Checks if value is in range.

        :param value: Quantity value
        :return: True if value in range, False if valid
        :rtype: bool
            min_range, max_range = self._attr.range
            if min_range <= value <= max_range:
                return True
                return False
        except Exception:
            return True

    def setWriteMode(self, isWrite):
        """Changes the write state

        :param isWrite:
        :type isWrite: bool
        self._writeMode = isWrite
        if isWrite and not self.isDirty() and self._attr is not None:
            # refresh the write data (unless it is dirty)
            wvalue = self._attr.wvalue

            # reshape the table
            if self._attr.type == DataType.String:
                wvalue = numpy.array(wvalue)
            elif self._attr.type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
                units = self._parent.getCurrentUnits()
                wvalue =
            if self._attr.data_format == DataFormat._1D:
                rows, columns = numpy.shape(wvalue)[0], 1
                if rows == 0:
                    # TODO: Ask to the user for a default shape
                    rows = 3
            elif self._attr.data_format == DataFormat._2D:
                    rows, columns = numpy.shape(wvalue)
                except ValueError:
                    # TODO: Ask to the user for a default shape
                    rows = 3
                    columns = 3
                    wvalue = numpy.array((rows, columns))
                    "unsupported data format %s" % str(wvalue.data_format)
            wvalue = wvalue.reshape(rows, columns)
            # In version 4.6 of Qt when whole table is updated it is
            # recommended to use beginReset()
            self._wtabledata = wvalue
            self.createIndex(0, 0),
            self.createIndex(self.rowCount() - 1, self.columnCount() - 1),

    def getModifiedDict(self):
        Returns dictionary.

        :return: dictionary containing modified indexes and values
        :rtype: dictionary
        return self._modifiedDict

    def getReadValue(self, index):
        Returns read value for a given index.

        :param index: table model index
        :type index: QModelIndex
        :return: read table value for a given cell
        :rtype: string/int/float/bool
        return self._rtabledata[index.row(), index.column()]

class TaurusValuesIOTable(Qt.QTableView):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self._parent = parent
        Qt.QTableView.__init__(self, parent)
        self._showQuality = True
        self._attr = None
        self._value = None
        itemDelegate = TaurusValuesIOTableDelegate(self)

    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
    # TaurusBaseWidget overwriting
    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

    def setModel(self, shape):
        Creates an instance of QTableModel and sets a QT model.

        :param shape: shape of the model table to be set
        :type shape: tuple<int>
        qmodel = TaurusValuesIOTableModel(shape, parent=self)
        Qt.QTableView.setModel(self, qmodel)

    def cancelChanges(self):
        Cancels all table modifications.

    def removeChange(self):
        If the cell was modified it restores the original write value.

    def showHelp(self):
        Shows QMessageBox help window. It contains explanations of used icons.
        buttonBox = Qt.QMessageBox(self)
        icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save").pixmap(48, 48)
        lbl = Qt.QLabel()
        buttonBox.layout().addWidget(lbl, 0, 0)
        lb = "- value is valid. It will be saved if changes are accepted"
        buttonBox.layout().addWidget(Qt.QLabel(lb), 0, 1)
        icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("ddialog-warning").pixmap(48, 48)
        lbl = Qt.QLabel()
        buttonBox.layout().addWidget(lbl, 1, 0)
        lb = "- value in alarm range. It will be saved if changes are accepted"
        buttonBox.layout().addWidget(Qt.QLabel(lb), 1, 1)

    def getCurrentUnits(self):
            return str(self._parent._units.currentText())
        except Exception:
            return ""

class TaurusValuesIOTableDelegate(Qt.QStyledItemDelegate):

    editorCreated = Qt.pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Qt.QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
        self._parent = parent
        self._initialText = ""

    def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
        Creates a custom editor for a table delagate.

        see :meth:`Qt.QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor`
        if index.model().getType() == bool:
            editor = Qt.QComboBox(parent)
            editor = TableInlineEdit(parent)
        return editor

    def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
        see :meth:`Qt.QStyledItemDelegate.setEditorData`
        if index.model().editedIndex == (index.row(), index.column()):
        index.model().editedIndex = (index.row(), index.column())
        self._initialText = None
        if index.model().getType() == bool:
            editor.addItems(["true", "false"])
            a = str(
            self._initialText = a

            data = index.model().data(index, Qt.Qt.EditRole)
            self._initialText = data

    def setModelData(self, editor, model, index):
        see :meth:`Qt.QStyledItemDelegate.setModelData`
        # if editor text changed, then don't mark as updated.
        isNumeric = False
        if self._parent._attr.type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
            units = self._parent.getCurrentUnits()
            q = _value2Quantity(editor.text(), units)
            isNumeric = True
            if not model.inRange(q):
        if index.model().getType() == bool:
            text = editor.currentText()
            if isNumeric:
                text = q
                text = editor.text()
            text = str(text)
        if (text != self._initialText) & (text != ""):
            model.addValue(index, text)
            hh = self.parent().horizontalHeader()
            if hh.length() > 0:
            vh = self.parent().verticalHeader()
            if vh.length() > 0:

        index.model().editedIndex = None

class TableInlineEdit(Qt.QLineEdit):
    """TableInLineEdit is used to validate the content of the new value, also
    to paint the text: blue - valid, orange - in alarm, grey - invalid.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(TableInlineEdit, self).__init__(parent)
        self._min_range = None
        self._max_range = None
        self._min_alarm = None
        self._max_alarm = None
        self._default_unit = None

    def onTextEdited(self):
        Paints the text while typing.

        Slot for the `Qt.QLineEdit.textEdited` signal
        # default case: the value is in normal range with no pending changes
        color, weight = "gray", "normal"
            value = self.displayText()
            q = _value2Quantity(value, self._default_unit)
        except Exception:
            q = 0.0
            if self._min_alarm < q < self._max_alarm:
                color = "blue"
            elif self._min_range <= q <= self._max_range:
                # the value is valid but in alarm range...
                color = "orange"
                # the value is invalid and can't be applied
                color = "gray"
        except Exception:
            color = "gray"

        weight = "bold"
            "TableInlineEdit {color: %s; font-weight: %s}" % (color, weight)

    def _updateValidator(self, attr):
        """This method sets a validator depending on the data type

        :param attr: TaurusAttribute
        data_type = attr.getType()
        if data_type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]:
            self._min_range, self._max_range = attr.range
            self._min_alarm, self._max_alarm = attr.alarms
            self._default_unit = attr.wvalue.units
            validator = PintValidator()

    def __decimalDigits(self, fmt):
        """returns the number of decimal digits from a format string
        (or None if they are not defined)
            if fmt[-1].lower() in ["f", "g"] and "." in fmt:
                return int(fmt[:-1].split(".")[-1])
                return None
        except Exception:
            return None

[docs]class TaurusValuesTable(TaurusWidget): """ A table for displaying and/or editing 1D/2D Taurus attributes """ _showQuality = False _writeMode = False def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False, defaultWriteMode=None): TaurusWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, designMode=designMode) self._tableView = TaurusValuesIOTable(self) lyt = Qt.QGridLayout() lyt.addWidget(self._tableView, 1, 0) self._tableView.itemDelegate().editorCreated.connect( self._onEditorCreated ) if defaultWriteMode is None: self.defaultWriteMode = "rw" else: self.defaultWriteMode = defaultWriteMode self._label = TaurusLabel() self._label.setBgRole("quality") self._label.setFgRole("quality") self._units = Qt.QComboBox() self._applyBT = Qt.QPushButton("Apply") self._cancelBT = Qt.QPushButton("Cancel") self._applyBT.clicked.connect(self.okClicked) self._cancelBT.clicked.connect(self.cancelClicked) self._rwModeCB = Qt.QCheckBox() self._rwModeCB.setText("Write mode") self._rwModeCB.toggled.connect(self.setWriteMode) lv = Qt.QHBoxLayout() lv.addWidget(self._label) lv.addWidget(self._units) lyt.addLayout(lv, 2, 0) lyt.addWidget(self._rwModeCB, 0, 0) lv = Qt.QHBoxLayout() lv.addWidget(self._applyBT) lv.addWidget(self._cancelBT) lyt.addLayout(lv, 3, 0) self._writeMode = False self.setLayout(lyt) self._initActions() def _initActions(self): """Initializes the actions for this widget (currently, the pause action.)""" self._pauseAction = Qt.QAction("&Pause", self) self._pauseAction.setShortcuts( [Qt.QKeySequence(Qt.Qt.Key_P), Qt.QKeySequence(Qt.Qt.Key_Pause)] ) self._pauseAction.setCheckable(True) self._pauseAction.setChecked(False) self.addAction(self._pauseAction) self._pauseAction.toggled.connect(self.setPaused) self.chooseModelAction = Qt.QAction("Choose &Model", self) self.chooseModelAction.setEnabled(self.isModifiableByUser()) self.addAction(self.chooseModelAction) self.chooseModelAction.triggered.connect(self.chooseModel)
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """see :meth:`TaurusWidget.getModelClass`""" return taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute
[docs] def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): """Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusWidget.setModel`""" TaurusWidget.setModel(self, model) model_obj = self.getModelObj() if model_obj.isWritable() and self.defaultWriteMode != "r": self._writeMode = True else: self.defaultWriteMode = "r" if model_obj is not None: self._tableView._attr = model_obj if model_obj.type in [DataType.Integer, DataType.Float]: if self._writeMode: try: default_unit = str(model_obj.wvalue.units) except AttributeError: default_unit = "" else: default_unit = str(model_obj.rvalue.units) # TODO: fill the combobox with the compatible units self._units.addItem("%s" % default_unit) self._units.setCurrentIndex(self._units.findText(default_unit)) self._units.setEnabled(False) else: self._units.setVisible(False) raiseException = False if model_obj.data_format == DataFormat._2D: try: dim_x, dim_y = numpy.shape(model_obj.rvalue) except ValueError: raiseException = True elif model_obj.data_format == DataFormat._1D: try: dim_x, dim_y = len(model_obj.rvalue), 1 except ValueError: raiseException = True else: raiseException = True if raiseException: raise Exception("rvalue is invalid") self._tableView.setModel([dim_x, dim_y]) # fire a fake event for initialization self.fireEvent( self, taurus.core.taurusbasetypes.TaurusEventType.Change, model_obj.rvalue, ) self.setWriteMode(self._writeMode) self._label.setModel(model)
[docs] def handleEvent(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): """see :meth:`TaurusWidget.handleEvent`""" # fixme: in some situations, we may miss some config event because # of the qmodel not being set. The whole handleEvent Method # and setModel method should be re-thought model = self._tableView.model() if model is None: return if ( evt_type in (TaurusEventType.Change, TaurusEventType.Periodic) and evt_value is not None ): attr = self.getModelObj() model.setAttr(attr) model.setWriteMode(self._writeMode) hh = self._tableView.horizontalHeader() if hh.length() > 0: hh.setSectionResizeMode(hh.Fixed) vh = self._tableView.verticalHeader() if vh.length() > 0: vh.setSectionResizeMode(vh.Fixed) if self.defaultWriteMode == "r": isWritable = False else: isWritable = True writable = isWritable and self._writeMode and attr.isWritable() self.setWriteMode(writable) elif evt_type == TaurusEventType.Config: # force a read to set an attr attr = self.getModelObj() model.setAttr(attr)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplemented from :meth:`QWidget.contextMenuEvent`""" menu = Qt.QMenu() globalPos = event.globalPos() menu.addAction(self.chooseModelAction) menu.addAction(self._pauseAction) if self._writeMode: index = self._tableView.selectedIndexes()[0] if index.isValid(): val = self._tableView.model().getReadValue(index) if ( index.row(), index.column(), ) in self._tableView.model().getModifiedDict(): menu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-undo"), "Reset to original value (%s) " % repr(val), self._tableView.removeChange, ) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("process-stop"), "Reset all table", self.askCancel, ) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("help-browser"), "Help", self._tableView.showHelp, ) menu.exec_(globalPos) event.accept()
[docs] def applyChanges(self): """ Writes table modifications to the device server. """ tab = self._tableView.model().getModifiedWriteData() attr = self.getModelObj() if attr.type == DataType.String: # String arrays has to be converted to a list tab = tab.tolist() attr.write(tab) self._tableView.model().clearChanges()
[docs] def okClicked(self): """This is a SLOT that is being triggered when ACCEPT button is clicked. .. note:: This SLOT is called, when user wants to apply table modifications. When no cell was modified it will not be called. When modifications have been done, they will be writen to w_value of an attribute. """ if self._tableView.model().isDirty(): self.applyChanges() self.resetWriteMode()
[docs] def cancelClicked(self): """This is a SLOT that is being triggered when CANCEL button is clicked. .. note:: This SLOT is called, when user does not want to apply table modifications. When no cell was modified it will not be called. """ if self._tableView.model().isDirty(): self.askCancel()
[docs] def askCancel(self): """ Shows a QMessageBox, asking if user wants to cancel all changes. Triggered when user clicks Cancel button. """ result = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Your changes will be lost!", "Do you want to cancel changes done to the whole table?", Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Ok: self._tableView.cancelChanges() self.resetWriteMode()
def _onEditorCreated(self): """slot called when an editor has been created""" self.setWriteMode(self._writeMode)
[docs] def getWriteMode(self): """whether the widget is showing the read or write values :return: :rtype: bool """ return self._writeMode
[docs] def setWriteMode(self, isWrite): """ Triggered when the read mode is changed to write mode. :param isWrite: :type isWrite: bool """ self._applyBT.setVisible(isWrite) self._cancelBT.setVisible(isWrite) self._rwModeCB.setChecked(isWrite) if self.defaultWriteMode in ("rw", "wr"): self._rwModeCB.setVisible(True) else: self._rwModeCB.setVisible(False) table_view_model = self._tableView.model() if table_view_model is not None: table_view_model.setWriteMode(isWrite) table_view_model._editable = isWrite if isWrite == self._writeMode: return self._writeMode = isWrite valueObj = self.getModelValueObj() if isWrite and valueObj is not None: w_value = valueObj.wvalue value = valueObj.rvalue if numpy.array(w_value).shape != numpy.array(value).shape: ta = self.getModelObj() v = # fixme: this is ugly! we should not be writing into the # attribute without asking first... ta.write(v.rvalue)
[docs] def resetWriteMode(self): """equivalent to self.setWriteMode(self.defaultWriteMode)""" if self.defaultWriteMode == "r": isWritable = False else: isWritable = True self.setWriteMode(isWritable)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo`""" ret = TaurusWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.table" ret["group"] = "Taurus Views" ret["icon"] = "designer:table.png" return ret
[docs] def chooseModel(self): """shows a model chooser""" from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import TaurusModelChooser selectables = [TaurusElementType.Attribute] models, ok = TaurusModelChooser.modelChooserDlg( selectables=selectables, singleModel=True ) if ok and len(models) == 1: self.setModel(models[0])
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): """Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusWidget.setModifiableByUser`""" self.chooseModelAction.setEnabled(modifiable) TaurusWidget.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable)
[docs] def isReadOnly(self): """Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusWidget.isReadOnly`""" return False
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT property definition # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", TaurusWidget.getModel, setModel, TaurusWidget.resetModel ) writeMode = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getWriteMode, setWriteMode, resetWriteMode )
def taurusTableMain(): """A launcher for TaurusValuesTable.""" from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication from taurus.core.util import argparse import sys parser = argparse.get_taurus_parser() parser.set_usage("%prog [options] [model]]") parser.set_description( "A table for viewing and editing 1D and 2D attribute values" ) app = TaurusApplication( cmd_line_parser=parser, app_name="TaurusValuesTable", app_version=taurus.Release.version, ) args = app.get_command_line_args() dialog = TaurusValuesTable() dialog.setModifiableByUser(True) dialog.setWindowTitle(app.applicationName()) # set a model list from the command line or launch the chooser if len(args) == 1: model = args[0] dialog.setModel(model) else: dialog.chooseModel() # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/boolean_spectrum' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/boolean_image' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/string_spectrum' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/float_image' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/double_image' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/double_image_ro' # model = 'sys/tg_test/1/wave' # dialog.setModel(model) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": taurusTableMain()