Source code for taurus.tauruscustomsettings

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

This module exposes global configuration options. It declares the default
values of some of these options, but they may be modified when loading custom
settings configuration files (e.g., at import time).


import os as _os

if == "posix":
    #: Path to the system-wide config file
    SYSTEM_CFG_FILE = "/etc/xdg/taurus/taurus.ini"
    #: Path to the user-specific config file
    USER_CFG_FILE = _os.path.join(
        _os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "taurus", "taurus.ini"
    #: Path to the system-wide config file
    SYSTEM_CFG_FILE = _os.path.join(
        _os.environ.get("PROGRAMDATA"), "taurus", "taurus.ini"
    #: Path to the user-specific config file
    USER_CFG_FILE = _os.path.join(
        _os.environ.get("APPDATA"), "taurus", "taurus.ini"

[docs]def load_configs(filenames=None, section="taurus"): """Read configuration key, values from given ini files and expose them as members of the current module. The keys must appear in the given section ("taurus" by default) and are case-sensitive. The values are interpreted as python literals. In case of conflicting keys, the filenames determine the precedence (increasing order). If a given file cannot be read, it is skipped. The list of names of successfully read files is returned. :param filenames: sequence of ini file names in increasing precedence order. If None passed (default), it uses `(SYSTEM_CFG_FILE, USER_CFG_FILE)` :type filenames: sequence of str :param section: section of the ini files to be read (default:`taurus`) :type section: str :returns: list of names of successfully read configuration files :rtype: list<str> """ import configparser import ast if filenames is None: filenames = (SYSTEM_CFG_FILE, USER_CFG_FILE) parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.optionxform = lambda option: option # make keys case-sensitive read = try: taurus_cfg = parser[section] except KeyError: taurus_cfg = {} for k, v in taurus_cfg.items(): globals()[k] = ast.literal_eval(v) return read
#: Widget alternatives. Some widgets may be have alternative implementations #: The different implementations are registered in #: entry point groups (`taurus.plot.alt`, `taurus.trend.alt`, ...) and they #: are tried in alphabetical order of their registered entry point names #: (the first one that works is used). You can restrict the set of available #: implementation alternatives to be tried (or even just select a given #: alternative) by setting the corresponding *_ALT variable with a name #: regexp pattern that must be matched by the entry point name in order to be #: tried. For example, to force the `taurus_pyqtgraph` implementation for the #: plots, set `PLOT_ALT = "tpg"`. #: Leaving the variable undefined is equivalent to setting it to `".*"` PLOT_ALT = ".*" TREND_ALT = ".*" TREND2D_ALT = ".*" IMAGE_ALT = ".*" #: Default include and exclude patterns for TaurusForm item factories #: See `TaurusForm.setItemFactories` docs. By default, all available #: factories are enabled (and tried alphabetically) T_FORM_ITEM_FACTORIES = {"include": (".*",), "exclude": ()} #: Compact mode for widgets #: True sets the preferred mode of TaurusForms to use "compact" widgets T_FORM_COMPACT = False #: Strict RFC3986 URI names in models. #: True makes Taurus only use the strict URI names #: False enables a backwards-compatibility mode for pre-sep3 model names STRICT_MODEL_NAMES = False #: Lightweight imports: #: True enables delayed imports (may break older code). #: False (or commented out) for backwards compatibility LIGHTWEIGHT_IMPORTS = False #: Default scheme (if not defined, "tango" is assumed) DEFAULT_SCHEME = "tango" #: Filter old tango events: #: Sometimes TangoAttribute can receive an event with an older timestamp #: than its current one. See #: True discards (Tango) events whose timestamp is older than the cached one. #: False (or commented out) for backwards (pre 4.1) compatibility FILTER_OLD_TANGO_EVENTS = True #: Extra Taurus schemes. You can add a list of modules to be loaded for #: providing support to new schemes #: (e.g. EXTRA_SCHEME_MODULES = ['myownschememodule'] EXTRA_SCHEME_MODULES = [] #: Custom formatter. Taurus widgets use a default formatter based on the #: attribute type, but sometimes a custom formatter is needed. #: IMPORTANT: setting this option in this file will affect ALL widgets #: of ALL applications (which is probably **not** what you want, since it #: may have unexpected effects in some applications). #: Consider using the API for modifying this on a per-widget or per-class #: basis at runtime, or using the related `--default-formatter` parameter #: from TaurusApplication, e.g.: #: $ taurus form MODEL --default-formatter='{:2.3f}' #: The formatter can be a python format string or the name of a formatter #: callable, e.g. #: DEFAULT_FORMATTER = '{0}' #: DEFAULT_FORMATTER = 'taurus.core.tango.util.tangoFormatter' #: If not defined, taurus.qt.qtgui.base.defaultFormatter will be used #: Default serialization mode **for the tango scheme**. Possible values are: #: 'Serial', 'Concurrent', or 'TangoSerial' (default) TANGO_SERIALIZATION_MODE = "TangoSerial" #: Whether TangoAttribute is subscribed to configuration events by default. #: Setting to True (or not setting it) makes the TangoAttribute auto-subscribe #: Setting to False avoids this subscription, which prevents issues such as #: #: but it also prevents clients to be notified when configurations (e.g., #: units, format) change. TANGO_AUTOSUBSCRIBE_CONF = True #: PLY (lex/yacc) optimization: 1=Active (default) , 0=disabled. #: Set PLY_OPTIMIZE = 0 if you are getting yacc exceptions while loading #: synoptics PLY_OPTIMIZE = 1 # Taurus namespace # TODO: NAMESPACE setting seems to be unused. remove? NAMESPACE = "taurus" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Qt configuration # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Set preferred API (if one is not already loaded). Accepted values are #: pyqt5, pyqt, pyside2, pyside. Set to an empty string to let taurus choose #: the first that works from the accepted values. DEFAULT_QT_API = "" #: Auto initialize Qt logging to python logging QT_AUTO_INIT_LOG = True #: Remove input hook (only valid for PyQt) QT_AUTO_REMOVE_INPUTHOOK = True #: Avoid application abort on unhandled python exceptions #: (which happens since PyQt 5.5). #: # noqa #: If True (or commented out) an except hook is added to force the old # behaviour (exception is just printed) on pyqt5 QT_AVOID_ABORT_ON_EXCEPTION = True #: Select the theme to be used: set the theme dir and the theme name. #: The path can be absolute or relative to the dir of taurus.qt.qtgui.icon #: If not set, the dir of taurus.qt.qtgui.icon will be used QT_THEME_DIR = "" #: The name of the icon theme (e.g. 'Tango', 'Oxygen', etc). Default='Tango' QT_THEME_NAME = "Tango" #: In Linux the QT_THEME_NAME is not applied (to respect the system theme) #: setting QT_THEME_FORCE_ON_LINUX=True overrides this. QT_THEME_FORCE_ON_LINUX = False #: Full Qt designer path (including filename. Default is None, meaning: #: - linux: look for the system designer following Qt.QLibraryInfo.BinariesPath #: - windows: look for the system designer following #: Qt.QLibraryInfo.BinariesPath. If this fails, taurus tries to locate binary #: manually QT_DESIGNER_PATH = None #: Custom organization logo. Set the absolute path to an image file to be used #: as your #: organization logo. Qt registered paths can also be used. #: If not set, it defaults to 'logos:taurus.png" #: (note that "logos:" is a Qt a registered path for #: "<taurus>/qt/qtgui/icon/logos/") ORGANIZATION_LOGO = "logos:taurus.png" #: Implicit optparse legacy support: #: In taurus < 4.6.5 if TaurusApplication did not receive an explicit #: `cmd_line_parser` keyword argument, it implicitly used a #: `optparse.OptionParser` instance. This was inconvenient because it forced #: the user to explicitly pass `cmd_line_parser=None` when using other #: mechanisms such as `click` or `argparse` to parse CLI options. #: In taurus >=4.6.5 this is no longer the case by default, but the old #: behaviour can be restored by setting IMPLICIT_OPTPARSE=True IMPLICIT_OPTPARSE = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deprecation handling: # Note: this API is still experimental and may be subject to change # (hence the "_" in the options) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: set the maximum number of same-message deprecations to be logged. #: None (or not set) indicates no limit. -1 indicates that an exception should #: be raised instead of logging the message (useful for finding obsolete code) _MAX_DEPRECATIONS_LOGGED = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEPRECATED SETTINGS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: DEPRECATED. Use "taurus.form.item_factories" plugin group instead #: A map for using custom widgets for certain devices in TaurusForms. It is a #: dictionary with the following structure: #: device_class_name:(classname_with_full_module_path, args, kwargs) #: where the args and kwargs will be passed to the constructor of the class T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP = {} _OLD_T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP = { "SimuMotor": ("sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolMotorTV", (), {}), "Motor": ("sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolMotorTV", (), {}), "PseudoMotor": ("sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolMotorTV", (), {}), "PseudoCounter": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolChannelTV", (), {}, ), "CTExpChannel": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolChannelTV", (), {}, ), "ZeroDExpChannel": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolChannelTV", (), {}, ), "OneDExpChannel": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolChannelTV", (), {}, ), "TwoDExpChannel": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolChannelTV", (), {}, ), "IORegister": ( "sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_pool.PoolIORegisterTV", (), {}, ), } try: # just for backwards compatibility. This will be removed. import sardana if sardana.release.version < "3": T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP = _OLD_T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP del sardana except Exception: pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read config files load_configs() # Needed for documentation purposes. Internal use. __all__ = [e for e in globals() if not e.startswith("_")]