Source code for taurus.core.tango.tangoattribute

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

"""This module contains all taurus tango attribute

import re
import time
import threading
import weakref
import PyTango
import numpy
from functools import partial

from taurus import Manager, tauruscustomsettings
from taurus.core.units import Quantity, UR

from taurus.core.taurusattribute import TaurusAttribute
from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import (
from taurus.core.taurusoperation import WriteAttrOperation
from taurus.core.util.event import EventListener, _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall
from taurus.core.util.log import (
from taurus.taurusstatecontroller import application, ApplicationStates

from taurus.core.tango.enums import (

from .util.tango_taurus import (

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs] class TangoAttrValue(TaurusAttrValue): """A TaurusAttrValue specialization to decode PyTango.DeviceAttribute objects """ def __init__(self, attr=None, pytango_dev_attr=None, config=None): # config parameter is kept for backwards compatibility only TaurusAttrValue.__init__(self) if config is not None: from taurus.core.util.log import deprecated deprecated(dep='"config" kwarg', alt='"attr"', rel="4.0") attr = config if attr is None: self._attrRef = None self.__attrType = None else: self._attrRef = weakref.proxy(attr) self.__attrName = attr.getFullName() self.__attrType = attr.type self.config = self._attrRef # bck-compat self._pytango_dev_attr = p = pytango_dev_attr if p is None: self._pytango_dev_attr = p = PyTango.DeviceAttribute() return if self._attrRef is None: return numerical = PyTango.is_numerical_type( self._attrRef._tango_data_type, inc_array=True ) or (self._attrRef._tango_data_type == PyTango.DevEnum) if p.has_failed: self.error = PyTango.DevFailed(*p.get_err_stack()) else: # spectra and images can be empty without failing if p.is_empty and self._attrRef.data_format != DataFormat._0D: dtype = FROM_TANGO_TO_NUMPY_TYPE.get( self._attrRef._tango_data_type ) if self._attrRef.data_format == DataFormat._1D: shape = (0,) elif self._attrRef.data_format == DataFormat._2D: shape = (0, 0) p.value = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) if not (numerical or self._attrRef.type == DataType.Boolean): # generate a nested empty list of given shape p.value = [] for _ in range(len(shape) - 1): p.value = [p.value] # Protect against DeviceAttribute not providing .value in some cases, # seen e.g. in PyTango 9.3.0 rvalue = getattr(p, "value", None) wvalue = getattr(p, "w_value", None) if numerical: units = self._attrRef._units if rvalue is not None: rvalue = Quantity(rvalue, units=units) if wvalue is not None: wvalue = Quantity(wvalue, units=units) elif isinstance(rvalue, PyTango._PyTango.DevState): rvalue = DevState[str(rvalue)] self.rvalue = rvalue self.wvalue = wvalue self.time = p.time # TODO: decode this into a TaurusTimeVal self.quality = quality_from_tango(p.quality) def __getattr__(self, name): """ If the member `name` is not defined in this class, try to get it from the TangoAttribute (configuration) or from the PyTango value """ # Do not try to delegate special methods if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"): raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, name) ) try: # maybe name is defined in the TangoAttribute? try: # Use the attr reference if the attr is still valid ret = getattr(self._attrRef, name) except ReferenceError: # re-create the attribute in case it was no longer referenced # (this may happen in some rare cases in which the value is # still used but the attr is no longer referenced elsewhere) a = TangoAttribute.factory().getAttribute(self.__attrName) ret = getattr(a, name) except AttributeError: try: # maybe name is defined in the PyTango value? ret = getattr(self._pytango_dev_attr, name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, name) ) # return the attr but only after warning from taurus.core.util.log import deprecated deprecated( dep="TangoAttrValue.%s" % name, alt="TangoAttribute.%s" % name, rel="4.0", ) return ret # -------------------------------------------------------- # This is for backwards compat with the API of taurus < 4 # @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue") def _get_value(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" try: return self.__fix_int(self.rvalue.magnitude) except AttributeError: return self.rvalue @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue") def _set_value(self, value): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" debug("Setting %r to %s" % (value, if self.rvalue is None: # we do not have a previous rvalue import numpy dtype = numpy.array(value).dtype if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, int) or numpy.issubdtype(dtype, float): msg = "Refusing to set ambiguous value (deprecated .value API)" raise ValueError(msg) else: self.rvalue = value elif hasattr(self.rvalue, "units"): # we do have it and is a Quantity self.rvalue = Quantity(value, units=self.rvalue.units) else: # we do have a previous value and is not a quantity self.rvalue = value value = property(_get_value, _set_value) @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".wvalue") def _get_w_value(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" debug(repr(self)) try: return self.__fix_int(self.wvalue.magnitude) except AttributeError: return self.wvalue @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".wvalue") def _set_w_value(self, value): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" debug("Setting %r to %s" % (value, if self.wvalue is None: # we do not have a previous wvalue import numpy dtype = numpy.array(value).dtype if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, int) or numpy.issubdtype(dtype, float): msg = "Refusing to set ambiguous value (deprecated .value API)" raise ValueError(msg) else: self.wvalue = value elif hasattr(self.wvalue, "units"): # we do have it and is a Quantity self.wvalue = Quantity(value, units=self.wvalue.units) else: # we do have a previous value and is not a quantity self.wvalue = value w_value = property(_get_w_value, _set_w_value) @property @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".error") def has_failed(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" return self.error def __fix_int(self, value): """cast value to int if it is an integer. Works on scalar and non-scalar values """ if self.__attrType != DataType.Integer: return value try: return int(value) except TypeError: import numpy return numpy.array(value, dtype="int")
[docs] class TangoAttribute(TaurusAttribute): no_cfg_value = "-----" no_unit = "No unit" no_standard_unit = "No standard unit" no_display_unit = "No display unit" no_description = "No description" not_specified = "Not specified" no_min_value = no_max_value = not_specified no_min_alarm = no_max_alarm = not_specified no_min_warning = no_max_warning = not_specified no_delta_t = no_delta_val = not_specified no_rel_change = no_abs_change = not_specified no_archive_rel_change = no_archive_abs_change = not_specified no_archive_period = not_specified # helper class property that stores a reference to the corresponding # factory _factory = None _scheme = "tango" _description = "A Tango Attribute" def __init__(self, name="", parent=None, **kwargs): # the last attribute value self.__attr_value = None # the last attribute error and its timestamp self.__attr_err = None self.__attr_err_timestamp = None self.__attr_err_timeout = False # Lock for protecting the critical read region # where __attr_value and __attr_err are updated self.__read_lock = threading.RLock() # the change event identifier self.__chg_evt_id = None # current event subscription state self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.Unsubscribed self.__subscription_event = threading.Event() # the parent's HW object (the PyTango Device obj) self.__dev_hw_obj = None # unit for which a decode warning has already been issued self.__already_warned_unit = None self.call__init__(TaurusAttribute, name, parent, **kwargs) self.__deactivate_polling = False attr_info = None if parent: attr_name = self.getSimpleName() try: attr_info = parent.attribute_query(attr_name) except (AttributeError, PyTango.DevFailed): # if PyTango could not connect to the dev attr_info = None # Set default values in case the attrinfoex is None self.writable = False dis_level = PyTango.DispLevel.OPERATOR self.display_level = display_level_from_tango(dis_level) self.tango_writable = PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ self._units = self._unit_from_tango(PyTango.constants.UnitNotSpec) # decode the Tango configuration attribute (adds extra members) self._pytango_attrinfoex = None self._decodeAttrInfoEx(attr_info) # subscribe to configuration events (unsubscription done at cleanup) auto_subscribe_conf = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "TANGO_AUTOSUBSCRIBE_CONF", True ) # force read value if subscription to change events fails self.force_read_if_subscription_fails = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "TANGO_FORCE_READ_IF_SUBSCRIPTION_FAILS" ) # force read value if subscription to change events fails self.events_to_subscribe = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "TANGO_EVENTS_TO_SUBSCRIBE" ) self.__cfg_evt_id = None if auto_subscribe_conf: self._subscribeConfEvents() def __del__(self): self.cleanUp()
[docs] def cleanUp(self): self.trace("[TangoAttribute] cleanUp") self._unsubscribeConfEvents() self._unsubscribeChangeEvents() TaurusAttribute.cleanUp(self) self.__dev_hw_obj = None self._pytango_attrinfoex = None
def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self._pytango_attrinfoex, name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "'TangoAttribute' object has no attribute %s" % name )
[docs] def getNewOperation(self, value): attr_value = PyTango.AttributeValue() = self.getSimpleName() attr_value.value = self.encode(value) op = WriteAttrOperation(self, attr_value) return op
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # PyTango connection # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def isInteger(self, inc_array=False): tgtype = self._tango_data_type return PyTango.is_int_type(tgtype, inc_array=inc_array)
[docs] def isFloat(self, inc_array=False): tgtype = self._tango_data_type return PyTango.is_float_type(tgtype, inc_array=inc_array)
[docs] def isBoolean(self, inc_array=False): tgtype = self._tango_data_type # PyTango.is_bool_type is not implemented in Tango7 and neither in # some Tango8, at least 8.1.1. Avoid to use is_bool_type method # while taurus is still compatible with these versions. # PyTango.is_bool_type(tgtype, inc_array=inc_array) if tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevBoolean: return True if inc_array and tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevVarBooleanArray: return True return False
[docs] def isState(self): """ returns whether the attribute of tango DevState type """ tgtype = self._tango_data_type return tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevState
[docs] def getFormat(self, cache=True): return self.format
[docs] def encode(self, value): """Translates the given value into a tango compatible value according to the attribute data type. Raises `pint.DimensionalityError` if value is a Quantity and it cannot be expressed in the units of the attribute set in the DB """ if isinstance(value, Quantity): # convert to units of the attr in the DB (or raise an exception) magnitude = else: magnitude = value fmt = self.getDataFormat() tgtype = self._tango_data_type if fmt == DataFormat._0D: if tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble: attrvalue = float(magnitude) elif tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevFloat: # We encode to float, but rounding to Tango::DevFloat precision # see: attrvalue = float(numpy.float32(magnitude)) elif PyTango.is_int_type(tgtype): # changed as a partial workaround to a problem in PyTango # writing to DevULong64 attributes (see ALBA RT#29793) attrvalue = int(magnitude) elif tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevBoolean: try: attrvalue = bool(int(magnitude)) except Exception: attrvalue = str(magnitude).lower() == "true" elif tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevUChar: attrvalue = int(magnitude) elif tgtype in ( PyTango.CmdArgType.DevState, PyTango.CmdArgType.DevEncoded, ): attrvalue = magnitude elif tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevEnum: attrvalue = int(magnitude) else: attrvalue = str(magnitude) elif fmt in (DataFormat._1D, DataFormat._2D): if PyTango.is_int_type(tgtype): # cast to integer because the magnitude conversion gives floats attrvalue = numpy.asarray(magnitude, dtype="int64") elif tgtype == PyTango.CmdArgType.DevUChar: attrvalue = magnitude.view("uint8") else: attrvalue = magnitude else: attrvalue = str(magnitude) return attrvalue
[docs] def decode(self, attr_value): """Decodes a value that was received from PyTango into the expected representation """ if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: self.getAttributeInfoEx(cache=False) self._decodeAttrInfoEx() value = TangoAttrValue(pytango_dev_attr=attr_value, attr=self) return value
[docs] def write(self, value, with_read=True): """Write the value in the Tango Device Attribute""" try: dev = self.getParentObj() name, value = self.getSimpleName(), self.encode(value) if self.isUsingEvents() or not self.isReadWrite(): with_read = False if with_read: try: result = dev.write_read_attribute(name, value) except AttributeError: # handle old PyTango dev.write_attribute(name, value) result = dev.read_attribute(name) except PyTango.DevFailed as df: for err in df.args: # Handle old device servers if err.reason == "API_UnsupportedFeature": dev.write_attribute(name, value) result = dev.read_attribute(name) break else: raise df self.poll(single=False, value=result, time=time.time()) return self.decode(result) else: dev.write_attribute(name, value) return None except PyTango.DevFailed as df: err = df.args[0] self.error( "[Tango] write failed (%s): %s" % (err.reason, err.desc) ) raise df except Exception as e: self.error("[Tango] write failed: %s" % str(e)) raise e
[docs] def poll(self, single=True, value=None, time=None, error=None): """Notify listeners when the attribute has been polled""" with self.__read_lock: try: if single: else: value = self.decode(value) self.__attr_err = error if self.__attr_err: self.__attr_err_timestamp = time raise self.__attr_err # Avoid "valid-but-outdated" notifications # if FILTER_OLD_TANGO_EVENTS is enabled # and the given timestamp is older than the timestamp # of the cached value filter_old_event = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "FILTER_OLD_TANGO_EVENTS", False ) if ( self.__attr_value is not None and filter_old_event and time is not None and time < self.__attr_value.time.totime() ): return self.__attr_value = value except PyTango.DevFailed as df: self.__subscription_event.set() self.debug("Error polling: %s" % df.args[0].desc) self.traceback() self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Error, self.__attr_err) except Exception as e: self.__subscription_event.set() self.debug("Error polling: %s" % str(e)) self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Error, self.__attr_err) else: self.__subscription_event.set() self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Periodic, self.__attr_value)
def _read_hw(self): # The read_attribute is called if not cache or if cached value is expired with self.__read_lock: try: dev = self.getParentObj() v = dev.read_attribute(self.getSimpleName()) self.__attr_value = self.decode(v) self.__attr_err = None self.__attr_err_timestamp = None return self.__attr_value except PyTango.DevFailed as df: self.__attr_value = None self.__attr_err = df self.__attr_err_timestamp = time.time() err = df.args[0] self.debug( "[Tango] read failed (%s): %s", err.reason, err.desc ) raise df except Exception as e: self.__attr_value = None self.__attr_err = e self.__attr_err_timestamp = time.time() self.debug("[Tango] read failed: %s", e) raise e def _is_cache_empty(self): return self.__attr_value is None and self.__attr_err is None def _is_polling_or_subscribing(self): return ( self.isPollingActive() or self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribing ) def _is_polling_or_subscribed(self): return ( self.isPollingActive() or self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribed ) def _last_read_was_timeout(self): if self.__attr_err is None: return False return ( len(self.__attr_err.args) == 2 and self.__attr_err.args[1].reason == TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION )
[docs] def read(self, cache=True): """Returns the current value of the attribute. If `cache` is False it will force a read from the device and return its value. If `cache` is True, it will return the cached value. If `cache` is a number, it will return the cached value if it's newer than the specified number (in ms). Otherwise, it will act as if `cache` is False. If no cached value is available and `cache` is not False, it will wait until the polling or an event fill the cache to return its value. If polling is disabled and the attribute doesn't send events, it will act as if `cache` is False. If there is an application and it's starting, the cache validations are skipped and returns de cached value or None if the cache is empty. :param cache: use cache value or make readout, eventually pass a cache's expiration period in milliseconds :type cache: :obj:`bool` or :obj:`float` :return: attribute value :rtype: :obj:`~taurus.core.tango.TangoAttributeValue` """ if not cache: return self._read_hw() if application.state == ApplicationStates.STARTING: if self.__attr_err is not None: raise self.__attr_err return self.__attr_value if self._is_cache_empty(): if self._is_polling_or_subscribing(): self.__subscription_event.wait() else: return self._read_hw() # This avoids timeouts to stack calls when cache <= 3000 if self._last_read_was_timeout() and self._is_polling_or_subscribed(): raise self.__attr_err if self.__attr_value is not None: attr_timestamp = self.__attr_value.time.totime() else: attr_timestamp = self.__attr_err_timestamp dt = (time.time() - attr_timestamp) * 1000 # cache *is* a bool True or is numeric and not expired if cache is True or dt < cache: if self.__attr_value is not None: return self.__attr_value elif self.__attr_err is not None: self.debug( "[Tango] read from cache failed (%s): %s", self.fullname, self.__attr_err, ) raise self.__attr_err return self._read_hw()
[docs] def getAttributeProxy(self): """Convenience method that creates and returns a PyTango.AttributeProxy object """ return PyTango.AttributeProxy(self.getFullName())
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # API for listeners # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ def __fireRegisterEvent(self, listener): """fire the first config and change (or error) events""" try: v = # note: it may seem redundant, but some widgets may only react to # one or another type, so we should send both for bck-compat # Taurus4 widgets should never use config events since the same # info is always emitted in a change event self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Config, v, listener) self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Change, v, listener) except Exception: self.fireEvent(TaurusEventType.Error, self.__attr_err, listener)
[docs] def addListener(self, listener): """Add a TaurusListener object in the listeners list. If it is the first element and Polling is enabled starts the polling mechanism. If the listener is already registered nothing happens. """ listeners = self._listeners initial_subscription_state = self.__subscription_state ret = TaurusAttribute.addListener(self, listener) if not ret: return ret assert len(listeners) >= 1 if ( self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Unsubscribed and len(listeners) == 1 ): self._subscribeChangeEvents() # if initial_subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribed: if len(listeners) > 1 and ( initial_subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribed or self.isPollingActive() ): sm = self._serialization_mode if sm == TaurusSerializationMode.TangoSerial: self.__fireRegisterEvent((listener,)) else: job = _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall(self.__fireRegisterEvent) Manager().enqueueJob( job, job_args=((listener,),), serialization_mode=sm ) return ret
[docs] def removeListener(self, listener): """Remove a TaurusListener from the listeners list. If polling enabled and it is the last element the stop the polling timer. If the listener is not registered nothing happens. """ ret = TaurusAttribute.removeListener(self, listener) if not ret: return ret if self.hasListeners(): return ret if self.__subscription_state != SubscriptionState.Unsubscribed: self._unsubscribeChangeEvents() return ret
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # API for attribute configuration # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def setConfigEx(self, config): self.getParentObj().set_attribute_config([config])
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # PyTango event handling (private) # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def isUsingEvents(self): return self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribed
[docs] def getSubscriptionState(self): return self.__subscription_state
def _process_event_exception(self, ex): pass def _should_force_read(self): return ( application.state == ApplicationStates.STARTED or self.force_read_if_subscription_fails == tauruscustomsettings.FORCE_READ_OPTIONS.ALWAYS or ( self.force_read_if_subscription_fails == tauruscustomsettings.FORCE_READ_OPTIONS.ONLY_CORE and application.state == ApplicationStates.NONE ) ) def _subscribeChangeEvents(self): """Enable subscription to the attribute events. If change events are not supported polling is activated """ if self.__chg_evt_id is not None: self.warning( "chg events already subscribed (id=%s)" % self.__chg_evt_id ) return if self.__dev_hw_obj is None: dev = self.getParentObj() if dev is None: self.debug("failed to subscribe to chg events: device is None") return self.__dev_hw_obj = dev.getDeviceProxy() if self.__dev_hw_obj is None: self.debug("failed to subscribe to chg events: HW is None") return # This hardcoded "CHANGE_EVENT" checking is temporal. This full method # will be refactored when adding support other tango events so it will # loop through the array instead of checking a specific value if ( self.factory().is_tango_event_subscription_disabled() or "CHANGE_EVENT" not in self.events_to_subscribe ): if self._should_force_read(): self.__attr_value = self.getValueObj(cache=False) self._activatePolling() return try: self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.Subscribing self._call_dev_hw_subscribe_event(False) except Exception: self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.PendingSubscribe if self._should_force_read(): self.__attr_value = self.getValueObj(cache=False) self._activatePolling() self._call_dev_hw_subscribe_event(True) def _call_dev_hw_subscribe_event(self, stateless=True): """Executes event subscription on parent TangoDevice objectName""" if self.__chg_evt_id is not None: self.warning( "chg events already subscribed (id=%s)", self.__chg_evt_id ) return attr_name = self.getSimpleName() # connects to self.push_event callback # TODO: _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall is used as workaround for # PyTango #185 issue self.__chg_evt_id = self.__dev_hw_obj.subscribe_event( attr_name, PyTango.EventType.CHANGE_EVENT, _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall(self.push_event), [], stateless, ) return self.__chg_evt_id def _unsubscribeChangeEvents(self): # Careful in this method: This is intended to be executed in the # cleanUp so we should not access external objects from the factory, # like the parent object if self.__dev_hw_obj is not None and self.__chg_evt_id is not None: self.trace( "Unsubscribing to change events (ID=%d)", self.__chg_evt_id ) try: self.__dev_hw_obj.unsubscribe_event(self.__chg_evt_id) self.__chg_evt_id = None except PyTango.DevFailed as df: if len(df.args) and df.args[0].reason == "API_EventNotFound": # probably tango shutdown has been initiated before and # it unsubscribed from events itself pass else: self.debug("Failed: %s", df.args[0].desc) self.trace(str(df)) self._deactivatePolling() self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.Unsubscribed def _subscribeConfEvents(self): """Enable subscription to the attribute configuration events.""" self.trace("Subscribing to configuration events...") if self.__cfg_evt_id is not None: self.warning( "cfg events already subscribed (id=%s)" % self.__cfg_evt_id ) return if self.__dev_hw_obj is None: dev = self.getParentObj() if dev is None: self.debug("failed to subscribe to cfg events: device is None") return self.__dev_hw_obj = dev.getDeviceProxy() if self.__dev_hw_obj is None: self.debug("failed to subscribe to cfg events: HW is None") return attr_name = self.getSimpleName() try: # connects to self.push_event callback # TODO: _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall is used as workaround for # PyTango #185 issue self.__cfg_evt_id = self.__dev_hw_obj.subscribe_event( attr_name, PyTango.EventType.ATTR_CONF_EVENT, _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall(self.push_event), [], True, ) except PyTango.DevFailed: self.debug("Error trying to subscribe to CONFIGURATION events.") self.traceback() # Subscription failed either because event mechanism is not # available or because the device server is not running. # The first possibility is assumed so an attempt to get the # configuration manually is done # TODO decide what should be done here try: attrinfoex = self.__dev_hw_obj.attribute_query(attr_name) self._decodeAttrInfoEx(attrinfoex) except Exception: self.debug("Error getting attribute configuration") self.traceback() def _unsubscribeConfEvents(self): # Careful in this method: This is intended to be executed in the # cleanUp so we should not access external objects from the factory, # like the parent object if self.__cfg_evt_id is not None and self.__dev_hw_obj is not None: self.trace( "Unsubscribing to configuration events (ID=%s)", str(self.__cfg_evt_id), ) try: self.__dev_hw_obj.unsubscribe_event(self.__cfg_evt_id) self.__cfg_evt_id = None except PyTango.DevFailed as e: self.debug("Error trying to unsubscribe configuration events") self.trace(str(e))
[docs] def subscribePendingEvents(self): """Execute delayed event subscription""" if ( self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Unsubscribed or self.isPollingActive() ): self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.PendingSubscribe self._subscribeConfEvents() self._call_dev_hw_subscribe_event(True)
[docs] def push_event(self, event): """Method invoked by the PyTango layer when an event occurs. It propagates the event to listeners and delegates other tasks to specific handlers for different event types. """ with self.__read_lock: # if it is a configuration event if isinstance(event, PyTango.AttrConfEventData): etype, evalue = self._pushConfEvent(event) # if it is an attribute event else: etype, evalue = self._pushAttrEvent(event) # notify the listeners if required (i.e, if etype is not None) if etype is None or evalue is None: return manager = Manager() listeners = tuple(self._listeners) sm = self._serialization_mode if sm == TaurusSerializationMode.TangoSerial: self.fireEvent(etype, evalue, listeners=listeners) else: job = _BoundMethodWeakrefWithCall(self.fireEvent) manager.enqueueJob( job, job_args=(etype, evalue), job_kwargs={"listeners": listeners}, serialization_mode=sm, ) # Deactivate polling in case of PyTango.DevFailed # it must be managed out of the critical region to avoid deadlock if self.__deactivate_polling: self.__deactivate_polling = False self._deactivatePolling()
def _pushAttrEvent(self, event): """Handler of (non-configuration) events from the PyTango layer. It handles the subscription and the (de)activation of polling :param event: :type event: A PyTango event :return: Tuple containing the event type and the event value. evt_type is a `TaurusEventType` (or None to indicate that there should not be notification to listeners). evt_value is a TaurusValue, an Exception, or None. :rtype: evt_type, evt_value """ if not event.err: attr_value = self.decode(event.attr_value) filter_old_event = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "FILTER_OLD_TANGO_EVENTS", False ) time = event.attr_value.time.totime() # Discard "valid" events if the attribute value is not None # and FILTER_OLD_TANGO_EVENTS is enabled # and the given timestamp is older than the timestamp # of the cache value if ( self.__attr_value is not None and self.__subscription_state == SubscriptionState.Subscribed and filter_old_event and time < self.__attr_value.time.totime() ): return [None, None] self.__attr_value = attr_value self.__attr_err = None self.__attr_err_timestamp = None self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.Subscribed self.__subscription_event.set() if not self.isPollingForced(): self._deactivatePolling() return TaurusEventType.Change, self.__attr_value elif event.errors[0].reason in EVENT_TO_POLLING_EXCEPTIONS: if not self.isPollingActive(): "Activating polling. Reason: %s", event.errors[0].reason ) self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.PendingSubscribe self._activatePolling() return [None, None] else: self.__attr_value = None self.__attr_err = PyTango.DevFailed(*event.errors) self.__attr_err_timestamp = event.reception_date.totime() self.__subscription_state = SubscriptionState.Subscribed self.__subscription_event.set() self.__deactivate_polling = True return TaurusEventType.Error, self.__attr_err def _pushConfEvent(self, event): """Handler of AttrConfEventData events from the PyTango layer. :param event: :type event: PyTango.AttrConfEventData :return: Tuple containing the event type and the event value. evt_type is a `TaurusEventType` (or None to indicate that there should not be notification to listeners). evt_value is a TaurusValue, an Exception, or None. :rtype: evt_type, evt_value """ if not event.err: # update conf-related attributes self._decodeAttrInfoEx(event.attr_conf) return TaurusEventType.Config, self.__attr_value else: self.__attr_value = None self.__attr_err = PyTango.DevFailed(*event.errors) self.__attr_err_timestamp = event.reception_date.totime() return TaurusEventType.Error, self.__attr_err
[docs] def isWrite(self, cache=True): return self.getTangoWritable(cache) == PyTango.AttrWriteType.WRITE
[docs] def isReadOnly(self, cache=True): return not self.getTangoWritable(cache) == PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ
[docs] def isReadWrite(self, cache=True): return self.getTangoWritable(cache) == PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
[docs] def getTangoWritable(self, cache=True): """like TaurusAttribute.isWritable(), but it returns a PyTango.AttrWriteType instead of a bool """ return self.tango_writable
[docs] def getLabel(self, cache=True): return self._label
[docs] def getRange(self, cache=True): return self._range
[docs] def getLimits(self, cache=True): return self.getRange(cache)
[docs] def getRanges(self, cache=True): return self.getRange()
[docs] def getAlarms(self, cache=True): return self._alarm
[docs] def getWarnings(self, cache=True): return self._warning
[docs] def getMaxDim(self, cache=True): return self.max_dim_x, self.max_dim_y
[docs] def setLimits(self, low, high): self.setRange([low, high])
[docs] def setLabel(self, lbl): TaurusAttribute.setLabel(self, lbl) infoex = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() infoex.label = lbl self._applyConfig()
[docs] def setRange(self, *limits): if isinstance(limits[0], list): limits = limits[0] low, high = limits low = Quantity(low) if low.unitless: low = Quantity(low.magnitude, self._units) high = Quantity(high) if high.unitless: high = Quantity(high.magnitude, self._units) TaurusAttribute.setRange(self, [low, high]) infoex = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() if low.magnitude != float("-inf"): infoex.min_value = str( else: infoex.min_value = "Not specified" if high.magnitude != float("inf"): infoex.max_value = str( else: infoex.max_value = "Not specified" self._applyConfig()
[docs] def setWarnings(self, *limits): if isinstance(limits[0], list): limits = limits[0] low, high = limits low = Quantity(low) if low.unitless: low = Quantity(low.magnitude, self._units) high = Quantity(high) if high.unitless: high = Quantity(high.magnitude, self._units) TaurusAttribute.setWarnings(self, [low, high]) infoex = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() if low.magnitude != float("-inf"): infoex.alarms.min_warning = str( else: infoex.alarms.min_warning = "Not specified" if high.magnitude != float("inf"): infoex.alarms.max_warning = str( else: infoex.alarms.max_warning = "Not specified" self._applyConfig()
[docs] def setAlarms(self, *limits): if isinstance(limits[0], list): limits = limits[0] low, high = limits low = Quantity(low) if low.unitless: low = Quantity(low.magnitude, self._units) high = Quantity(high) if high.unitless: high = Quantity(high.magnitude, self._units) TaurusAttribute.setAlarms(self, [low, high]) infoex = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() if low.magnitude != float("-inf"): infoex.alarms.min_alarm = str( else: infoex.alarms.min_alarm = "Not specified" if high.magnitude != float("inf"): infoex.alarms.max_alarm = str( else: infoex.alarms.max_alarm = "Not specified" self._applyConfig()
def _applyConfig(self): config = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() self.setConfigEx(config) def _decodeAttrInfoEx(self, pytango_attrinfoex=None): if pytango_attrinfoex is None: return self._pytango_attrinfoex = i = pytango_attrinfoex self.writable = i.writable != PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ self._label = i.label self.data_format = data_format_from_tango(i.data_format) desc = description_from_tango(i.description) if desc != "": self._description = desc self.type = data_type_from_tango(i.data_type) ############################################################### # changed in taurus4: range, alarm and warning now return # quantities if appropriate if self.isNumeric(): units = self._unit_from_tango(i.unit) else: units = UR.parse_units("") if PyTango.is_numerical_type(i.data_type, inc_array=True): Q_ = partial( quantity_from_tango_str, units=units, dtype=i.data_type ) ninf, inf = float("-inf"), float("inf") min_value = Q_(i.min_value) if min_value is None: min_value = Quantity(ninf, units) max_value = Q_(i.max_value) if max_value is None: max_value = Quantity(inf, units) min_alarm = Q_(i.alarms.min_alarm) if min_alarm is None: min_alarm = Quantity(ninf, units) max_alarm = Q_(i.alarms.max_alarm) if max_alarm is None: max_alarm = Quantity(inf, units) min_warning = Q_(i.alarms.min_warning) if min_warning is None: min_warning = Quantity(ninf, units) max_warning = Q_(i.alarms.max_warning) if max_warning is None: max_warning = Quantity(inf, units) self._range = [min_value, max_value] self._warning = [min_warning, max_warning] self._alarm = [min_alarm, max_alarm] ############################################################### # The following members will be accessed via __getattr__ # self.standard_unit # self.display_unit # self.disp_level ############################################################### # Tango-specific extension of TaurusConfigValue self.display_level = display_level_from_tango(i.disp_level) self.tango_writable = i.writable self.max_dim = i.max_dim_x, i.max_dim_y ############################################################### fmt = standard_display_format_from_tango(i.data_type, i.format) self.format_spec = fmt.lstrip("%") # format specifier match ="[^\.]*\.(?P<precision>[0-9]+)[eEfFgG%]", fmt) if match: self.precision = int( elif re.match(r"%[0-9]*d", fmt): self.precision = 0 # self._units and self._display_format is to be used by # TangoAttrValue for performance reasons. Do not rely on it in other # code self._units = units @property @deprecation_decorator(alt="format_spec or precision", rel="4.0.4") def format(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" i = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() return standard_display_format_from_tango(i.data_type, i.format) @property def _tango_data_type(self): """returns the *tango* (not Taurus) data type""" i = self._pytango_attrinfoex or PyTango.AttributeInfoEx() return i.data_type def _unit_from_tango(self, unit): # silently treat unit-not-defined as unitless # TODO: consider logging that unit-not-defined is treated as unitless # TODO: See and # # The extra comparison to "No unit" is necessary where # server/database runs Tango 7 or 8 and client runs higher versions. if ( unit == PyTango.constants.UnitNotSpec or unit == "No unit" or unit is None ): unit = "" try: return UR.parse_units(unit) except Exception as e: # TODO: Maybe we could dynamically register the unit in the UR msg = 'Unknown unit "%s" (will be treated as unitless)' if self.__already_warned_unit == unit: self.debug(msg, unit) else: self.warning(msg, unit) self.debug("%r", e) self.__already_warned_unit = unit return UR.parse_units("") # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # Deprecated methods # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".description") def getDescription(self, cache=True): return self.description @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".description") def setDescription(self, descr): self.description = descr @taurus4_deprecation() def isInformDeviceOfErrors(self): return False @taurus4_deprecation(dbg_msg="Deprecated method") def displayValue(self, value): return str(value) @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getLabel") def getDisplayValue(self, cache=True): attrvalue = self.getValueObj(cache=cache) if not attrvalue: return None v = attrvalue.rvalue return self.displayValue(v) @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue.units") def getStandardUnit(self, cache=True): try: return str(self.getValueObj(cache).rvalue.units) except Exception: return None @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue.units") def getDisplayUnit(self, cache=True): try: return str(self.getValueObj(cache).rvalue.units) except Exception: return None @taurus4_deprecation(dbg_msg="Do not use") def getDisplayWriteValue(self, cache=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not available since Taurus4") @taurus4_deprecation(alt="isWritable") def getWritable(self, cache=True): return self.isWritable(cache) @taurus4_deprecation(alt="self.data_format") def isScalar(self, cache=True): # cache is ignored, it is only for back. compat. return self.data_format == DataFormat._0D @taurus4_deprecation(alt="self.data_format") def isSpectrum(self, cache=True): # cache is ignored, it is only for back. compat. return self.data_format == DataFormat._1D @taurus4_deprecation(alt="self.data_format") def isImage(self): return self.data_format == DataFormat._2D @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getMaxDim") def getMaxDimX(self, cache=True): dim = self.getMaxDim(cache) if dim: return dim[0] else: return None @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getMaxDim") def getMaxDimY(self, cache=True): dim = self.getMaxDim(cache) if dim: return dim[1] else: return None @taurus4_deprecation(dbg_msg="Deprecated method") def getShape(self, cache=True): if self.isScalar(cache): return () elif self.isSpectrum(): return (self.getMaxDimX(),) else: return self.getMaxDim() @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getAttributeInfoEx") def getParam(self, param_name): """Get attributes of AttributeInfoEx (PyTango)""" try: return getattr(self._pytango_attrinfoex, param_name) except Exception: return None @taurus4_deprecation(alt="PyTango") def setParam(self, param_name, value): """Set attributes of AttributeInfoEx (PyTango)""" if hasattr(self._pytango_attrinfoex, param_name): setattr(self._pytango_attrinfoex, param_name, str(value)) self._applyConfig() @taurus4_deprecation(alt="self") def getConfig(self): """Returns the current configuration of the attribute.""" return weakref.proxy(self)
[docs] def getAttributeInfoEx(self, cache=True): if not cache: try: attr_name = self.getSimpleName() attrinfoex = self.__dev_hw_obj.attribute_query(attr_name) self._decodeAttrInfoEx(attrinfoex) except Exception as e: self.debug("Error getting attribute configuration: %s", e) self.traceback() return self._pytango_attrinfoex
@taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue.units") def getUnit(self, cache=True): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" try: return str(self.getValueObj(cache).rvalue.units) except Exception: return None @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".rvalue.units") def _set_unit(self, value): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" extra_msg = "Ignoring setting of units of %s to %r" % (, value, ) self.debug(extra_msg) @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getMinRange") def getMinValue(self, cache=True): return self.getMinRange() @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getMaxRange") def getMaxValue(self, cache=True): return self.getMaxRange() @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getRange") def getCLimits(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is not None: value = [ self._pytango_attrinfoex.min_value, self._pytango_attrinfoex.max_value, ] else: value = [self.not_specified, self.not_specified] return value @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getAlarms") def getCAlarms(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is not None: value = [ self._pytango_attrinfoex.min_alarm, self._pytango_attrinfoex.max_alarm, ] else: value = [self.not_specified, self.not_specified] return value @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getWarnings") def getCWarnings(self): if self._pytango_attrinfoex is not None: value = [ self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_warning, self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_warning, ] else: value = [self.not_specified, self.not_specified] return value @taurus4_deprecation(alt="getRange + getAlarms + getWarnings") def getCRanges(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is not None: value = [ self._pytango_attrinfoex.min_value, self._pytango_attrinfoex.min_alarm, self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_warning, self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_warning, self._pytango_attrinfoex.max_alarm, self._pytango_attrinfoex.max_value, ] else: value = [ self.not_specified, self.not_specified, self.not_specified, self.not_specified, self.not_specified, self.not_specified, ] return value @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".alarms[0]") def getMinAlarm(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: return None return self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_alarm @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".alarms[1]") def getMaxAlarm(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: return None return self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_alarm @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".warnings[0]") def getMinWarning(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: return None return self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_warning @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".warnings[1]") def getMaxWarning(self): """for backwards compat with taurus < 4""" if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: return None return self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_warning @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".alarms") def setMinAlarm(self, value): if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_alarm = str(value) self._applyConfig() @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".alarms") def setMaxAlarm(self, value): if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_alarm = str(value) self._applyConfig() @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".warnings") def setMinWarning(self, value): if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.min_warning = str(value) self._applyConfig() @taurus4_deprecation(alt=".warnings") def setMaxWarning(self, value): if self._pytango_attrinfoex is None: self._pytango_attrinfoex.alarms.max_warning = str(value) self._applyConfig() # deprecated property! unit = property(getUnit, _set_unit) climits = property(getCLimits) calarms = property(getCAlarms) cwarnings = property(getCAlarms) cranges = property(getCRanges) min_alarm = property(getMinAlarm, setMinAlarm) max_alarm = property(getMaxAlarm, setMaxAlarm) min_warning = property(getMinWarning, setMinWarning) max_warning = property(getMaxWarning, setMaxWarning) # properties label = property(getLabel, setLabel) range = property(getRange, setRange) warnings = property(getWarnings, setWarnings) alarms = property(getAlarms, setAlarms) @property def description(self): return self._description @property def dev_alias(self): self.deprecated( dep="dev_alias", alt="getParentObj().name", rel="tep14" ) parent = self.getParentObj() if parent is None: return None else: return @description.setter def description(self, descr): if descr != self._description: if descr == "": descr = "A Tango Attribute" self._description = descr self._applyConfig()
[docs] class TangoAttributeEventListener(EventListener): """A class that listens for an event with a specific value Note: Since this class stores for each event value the last timestamp when it occured, it should only be used for events for which the event value domain (possible values) is limited and well known (ex: an enum) """ def __init__(self, attr): EventListener.__init__(self) self.attr = attr attr.addListener(self)
[docs] def eventReceived(self, s, t, v): if t not in (TaurusEventType.Change, TaurusEventType.Periodic): return self.fireEvent(v.value)
def test1(): import numpy from taurus import Attribute a = Attribute("sys/tg_test/1/ulong64_scalar") a.write(numpy.uint64(88)) if __name__ == "__main__": test1()