
- class TangoAttribute(name='', parent=None, **kwargs)[source]
Import from
as:from taurus.core.tango import TangoAttribute
- addListener(listener)[source]
Add a TaurusListener object in the listeners list. If it is the first element and Polling is enabled starts the polling mechanism. If the listener is already registered nothing happens.
- property alarms
- property calarms
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getAlarms instead
- property climits
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getRange instead
- property cranges
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getRange + getAlarms + getWarnings instead
- property cwarnings
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getAlarms instead
- decode(attr_value)[source]
Decodes a value that was received from PyTango into the expected representation
- property description
- property dev_alias
- displayValue(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0.
- encode(value)[source]
Translates the given value into a tango compatible value according to the attribute data type.
Raises pint.DimensionalityError if value is a Quantity and it cannot be expressed in the units of the attribute set in the DB
- property format
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0.4: Use format_spec or precision instead
- getAttributeProxy()[source]
Convenience method that creates and returns a PyTango.AttributeProxy object
- getCAlarms(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getAlarms instead
- getCLimits(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getRange instead
- getCRanges(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getRange + getAlarms + getWarnings instead
- getCWarnings(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getWarnings instead
- getConfig(**kwargs)
Returns the current configuration of the attribute.
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use self instead
- getDescription(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .description instead
- getDisplayUnit(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .rvalue.units instead
- getDisplayValue(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getLabel instead
- getDisplayWriteValue(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0.
- getMaxAlarm(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms[1] instead
- getMaxDimX(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getMaxDim instead
- getMaxDimY(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getMaxDim instead
- getMaxValue(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getMaxRange instead
- getMaxWarning(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings[1] instead
- getMinAlarm(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms[0] instead
- getMinValue(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getMinRange instead
- getMinWarning(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings[0] instead
- getParam(**kwargs)
Get attributes of AttributeInfoEx (PyTango)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use getAttributeInfoEx instead
- getShape(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0.
- getStandardUnit(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .rvalue.units instead
- getTangoWritable(cache=True)[source]
like TaurusAttribute.isWritable(), but it returns a PyTango.AttrWriteType instead of a bool
- getUnit(**kwargs)
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .rvalue.units instead
- getWritable(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use isWritable instead
- isImage(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use self.data_format instead
- isInformDeviceOfErrors(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0.
- isScalar(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use self.data_format instead
- isSpectrum(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use self.data_format instead
- property label
- property max_alarm
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms[1] instead
- property max_warning
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings[1] instead
- property min_alarm
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms[0] instead
- property min_warning
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings[0] instead
- no_abs_change = 'Not specified'
- no_archive_abs_change = 'Not specified'
- no_archive_period = 'Not specified'
- no_archive_rel_change = 'Not specified'
- no_cfg_value = '-----'
- no_delta_t = 'Not specified'
- no_delta_val = 'Not specified'
- no_description = 'No description'
- no_display_unit = 'No display unit'
- no_max_alarm = 'Not specified'
- no_max_value = 'Not specified'
- no_max_warning = 'Not specified'
- no_min_alarm = 'Not specified'
- no_min_value = 'Not specified'
- no_min_warning = 'Not specified'
- no_rel_change = 'Not specified'
- no_standard_unit = 'No standard unit'
- no_unit = 'No unit'
- not_specified = 'Not specified'
- poll(single=True, value=None, time=None, error=None)[source]
Notify listeners when the attribute has been polled
- push_event(event)[source]
Method invoked by the PyTango layer when an event occurs. It propagates the event to listeners and delegates other tasks to specific handlers for different event types.
- property range
- read(cache=True)[source]
Returns the current value of the attribute.
If cache is False it will force a read from the device and return its value. If cache is True, it will return the cached value. If cache is a number, it will return the cached value if it’s newer than the specified number (in ms). Otherwise, it will act as if cache is False. If no cached value is available and cache is not False, it will wait until the polling or an event fill the cache to return its value. If polling is disabled and the attribute doesn’t send events, it will act as if cache is False.
If there is an application and it’s starting, the cache validations are skipped and returns de cached value or None if the cache is empty.
- removeListener(listener)[source]
Remove a TaurusListener from the listeners list. If polling enabled and it is the last element the stop the polling timer. If the listener is not registered nothing happens.
- setDescription(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .description instead
- setMaxAlarm(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms instead
- setMaxWarning(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings instead
- setMinAlarm(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .alarms instead
- setMinWarning(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .warnings instead
- setParam(**kwargs)
Set attributes of AttributeInfoEx (PyTango)
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use PyTango instead
- property unit
for backwards compat with taurus < 4
Deprecated since version 4.0: Use .rvalue.units instead
- property warnings