Epics module. See __init__.py for more detailed documentation
- class EpicsAttributeNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]
Validator for Epics attribute names. Apart from the standard named groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named groups are created:
attrname: attribute name (an epics PV name).
Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain a value if the URI contains it.
- class EpicsAuthorityNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]
Validator for Epics authority names. For now, the only supported authority is “//”:
- class EpicsDeviceNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]
Validator for Epics device names. Apart from the standard named groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named groups are created:
devname: device name (only empty string allowed for now)
Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain a string if the URI contains it.