
This package provides taurus Qt table widgets


class QBaseTableWidget(parent=None, designMode=False, with_filter_widget=True, with_selection_widget=True, with_refresh_widget=True, perspective=None, proxy=None)[source]

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class QDictionaryEditor(parent=None, designMode=None, title=None)[source]

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class QListEditor(parent=None, designMode=None, title=None)[source]

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class QLoggingTable[source]

A Qt table that displays the taurus logging messages

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class QLoggingTableModel(parent=None, capacity=500000, freq=0.25)[source]

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class QLoggingWidget(parent=None, designMode=False, with_filter_widget=<class 'taurus.qt.qtgui.table.qlogtable.LoggingToolBar'>, with_selection_widget=True, with_refresh_widget=True, perspective=None, proxy=None)[source]

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class QRemoteLoggingTableModel(parent=None, capacity=500000, freq=0.25)[source]

A remote Qt table that displays the taurus logging messages

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class TaurusBaseTableWidget(parent=None, designMode=False, with_filter_widget=True, perspective=None, proxy=None)[source]

A class:taurus.qt.qtgui.tree.QBaseTableWidget that connects to a taurus model.

Filters can be inserted into this widget to restrict the items that are seen.

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class TaurusDbTableWidget(parent=None, designMode=False, with_filter_widget=True, perspective=None, proxy=None)[source]

A class:taurus.qt.qtgui.tree.TaurusBaseTableWidget that connects to a taurus.core.taurusauthority.TaurusAuthority model. It can show the list of database elements in two different perspectives:

  • device : a device list based perspective

  • server : a server list based perspective

Filters can be inserted into this widget to restrict the items that are seen.

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class TaurusGrid(parent=None, designMode=False)[source]

TaurusGrid is a Taurus widget designed to represent a set of attributes distributed in columns and rows. The Model will be a list with attributes or device names (for devices the State attribute will be shown). Each setModel(*) execution will be able to modify the attribute list.

An example of execution:

python taurusgrid.py "model=lt.*/VC.*/.*/((C*)|(P*)|(I*))"                               cols=IP,CCG,PNV rows=LT01,LT02

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class TaurusPropTable(parent=None, designMode=False)[source]

This widget will show a list of properties of device and the list of values.

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class TaurusValuesTable(parent=None, designMode=False, defaultWriteMode=None)[source]

A table for displaying and/or editing 1D/2D Taurus attributes

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