
This package contains a collection taurus Qt button widgets


class QButtonBox(parent=None, designMode=False, buttons=None, orientation=1)[source]

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class TaurusCommandButton(parent=None, designMode=False, command=None, parameters=None, icon=None, text=None, timeout=None)[source]

This class provides a button that executes a tango command on its device.

Code examples:

# a button that executes the "status" command for
# the 'a/b/c' device server
button =  TaurusCommandButton(
    command = 'Status', icon='logos:taurus.png'

#  a button that executes the "exec" command for
# the 'a/b/c' device server with one parameter
button =  TaurusCommandButton(
    command = 'Status', parameters=['2+2'],icon='logos:taurus.png'

See also

TaurusCommandsForm provides a good example of use of TaurusCommandButton (including managing the return value)

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class TaurusLauncherButton(parent=None, designMode=False, widget=None, icon=None, text=None)[source]

This class provides a button that launches a modeless dialog containing a specified Taurus widget which gets the same model as the button. The button does not use the model directly. Instead it passes it to the associated widget.

Code examples:

# a button that launches a TaurusAttrForm when clicked
b = TaurusLauncherButton(widget = TaurusAttrForm())
# set dev name, which will be set at the TaurusAttrForm when clicking

# a button that launches a taurusLabel
b = TaurusLauncherButton(widget="taurus.qt.qtgui.display:TaurusLabel")

# a button that launches a TaurusPlot
b = TaurusLauncherButton(widget="taurus_pyqtgraph:TaurusPlot")

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class TaurusLockButton(parent=None, designMode=False)[source]

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