Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic.taurusgraphic

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

# TODO: Tango-centric

import re
import os
import subprocess
import traceback
import importlib
from import Sequence
import queue

from taurus import Manager
from taurus.core import AttrQuality, DataType
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDefaultDict
from taurus.core.util.log import Logger, deprecation_decorator
from taurus.core.taurusdevice import TaurusDevice
from taurus.core.taurusattribute import TaurusAttribute
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.qt import Qt, compat
from taurus.qt.qtgui.base import TaurusBaseComponent
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import (

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

SynopticSelectionStyle = Enumeration(
        # A blue ellipse is displayed around the selected objects
        # The own outline of selected object is displayed in blue and bolder

[docs] def parseTangoUri(name): # TODO: Tango-centric from taurus.core import tango from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import ( TangoDeviceNameValidator, TangoAttributeNameValidator, ) validator = { tango.TangoDevice: TangoDeviceNameValidator, tango.TangoAttribute: TangoAttributeNameValidator, } try: val = validator[tango.TangoFactory().findObjectClass(name)]() params = val.getUriGroups(name) return params if "_devslashname" in params else None except Exception: return None
class QEmitter(Qt.QObject): updateView = Qt.pyqtSignal(compat.PY_OBJECT)
[docs] class TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread(Qt.QThread): """ Thread to update the :class:`TaurusGraphicsScene`. """ def __init__(self, parent, scene, period=3): if not isinstance(scene, TaurusGraphicsScene): raise RuntimeError("Illegal scene for TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread") Qt.QThread.__init__(self, parent) self.scene = scene self.period = period self.log = Logger("TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread") self._emitter = self._createEmitter() def _updateView(self, v): # The first one is the prefered one because it improves performance # since updates don't come very often in comparison to with the refresh # rate of the monitor (~70Hz) if v.viewportUpdateMode() == Qt.QGraphicsView.NoViewportUpdate: # We call the update to the viewport instead of the view # itself because apparently there is a bug in QT 4.3 that # prevents a proper update when the view is inside a QTab v.viewport().update() # else: # # @todo This is probably a bug (item_rects is not defined). # # But it is defined in .run(), see "todo" below... # v.updateScene(item_rects) # # v.invalidateScene(item.boundingRect()) return def _createEmitter(self): """This have to be called by the scene thread""" emitter = QEmitter(Qt.QApplication.instance()) emitter.moveToThread(Qt.QApplication.instance().thread()) emitter.updateView.connect(self._updateView) return emitter
[docs] def run(self): self.log.debug("run... - TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread") scene = self.scene emitter = self._emitter while True: item = scene.getQueue().get(True) if type(item) in (str,): if item == "exit": break else: continue if not isinstance(item, Sequence): item = (item,) # todo: Unless the call to boundingRect() has a side effect, # this line is useless. # probably related to todo in _updateView() # item_rects = [i.boundingRect() for i in item] for v in scene.views(): # scene.debug("emit('updateView')") emitter.updateView.emit(v) # This sleep is needed to reduce CPU usage of the application! self.sleep(self.period) # End of while # End of Thread self.log.debug("stop - TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread")
[docs] class TaurusGraphicsScene(Qt.QGraphicsScene): """ This class encapsulates TaurusJDrawSynopticsView and TaurusGraphicsScene signals/slots External events:: Slot selectGraphicItem(const QString &) displays a selection mark around the TaurusGraphicsItem that matches the argument passed. Mouse Left-button events:: Signal graphicItemSelected(QString) is triggered, passing the selected as argument. Mouse Right-button events:: TaurusGraphicsItem.setContextMenu([(ActionName,ActionMethod(device_name))] allows to configure custom context menus for graphic items using a list of tuples. Empty tuples will insert separators in the menu. """ ANY_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTS_DEVICE = True TRACE_ALL = False refreshTree2 = Qt.pyqtSignal() graphicItemSelected = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") graphicSceneClicked = Qt.pyqtSignal("QPoint") def __init__(self, parent=None, strt=True): name = self.__class__.__name__ Qt.QGraphicsScene.__init__(self, parent) self.updateQueue = None self.updateThread = None self._itemnames = CaselessDefaultDict(lambda k: set()) self._selection = [] self._selectedItems = [] self._selectionStyle = SynopticSelectionStyle.OUTLINE self.threads = [] self.pids = [] self.panels = [] self.panel_launcher = None try: self.logger = Logger(name) # self.logger.setLogLevel(self.logger.Info) if not self.TRACE_ALL: self.debug = self.logger.debug = self.warning = self.logger.warning else: _w = self.logger.warning self.debug = = self.warning = self.error = _w except Exception: print( "Unable to initialize TaurusGraphicsSceneLogger: %s" % traceback.format_exc() ) try: if parent and parent.panelClass() is not None: defaultClass = parent.panelClass() if defaultClass and isinstance(defaultClass, str): self.panel_launcher = self.getClass(defaultClass) if self.panel_launcher is None: self.panel_launcher = ExternalAppAction( defaultClass.split() ) else: self.panel_launcher = defaultClass else: from taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic import TaurusJDrawSynopticsView self.panel_launcher = ( TaurusJDrawSynopticsView.defaultPanelClass() ) except Exception: self.warning(traceback.format_exc()) self.panel_launcher = None self.setSelectionMark() if strt: self.start() self.destroyed.connect(self.stop) if parent is not None: # Stop connected to a QWidget sounds safer parent.destroyed.connect(self.stop) def __del__(self): self.closeAllPanels() self.stop()
[docs] def showNewPanel(self, args=None, standAlone=False): try: if isinstance(args, TaurusGraphicsItem): objName = args._name clName = ( args.getExtensions().get("className") or self.panel_launcher ) # classParams extension overrides Model; if there's no # extension then object name is used clParam = args.getExtensions().get("classParams") or objName # standAlone = args.standAlone else: clName, clParam, objName = self.panel_launcher, args, args if not clName or clName == "noPanel": return self.debug( "TaurusGraphicsScene.showNewPanel(%s,%s,%s)" % (clName, clParam, objName) ) if isinstance(clName, ExternalAppAction): clName.actionTriggered( clParam if isinstance(clParam, (list, tuple)) else [clParam] ) else: if isinstance(clName, str): klass = self.getClass(clName) if klass is None: self.warning("%s Class not found!" % clName) klass = self.getClass("TaurusDevicePanel") else: klass, clName = clName, getattr( clName, "__name__", str(clName) ) widget = klass() try: widget.setClasses(clParam) except Exception: pass try: widget.setModel(clParam) except Exception: pass try: widget.setTable(clParam) except Exception: pass # if isinstance(widget,Qt.QWidget): # if not standAlone: # obj = newDialog(self.parent()) # else: # obj = newDialog() # obj.initComponents(widget,objName,clName) # obj.setModal(False) # obj.setVisible(True) widget.setWindowTitle("%s - %s" % (clName, objName)) self.panels.append(widget) # exec_() return widget except Exception: self.warning(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def closeAllPanels(self): """This method replaces killProcess, using taurus.qt.qtgui.util.ExternalAppAction instead! """ try: self.debug( "In closeAllPanels(%s,%s)" % (self.panel_launcher, self.panels) ) if isinstance(self.panel_launcher, ExternalAppAction): self.panel_launcher.kill() for p in self.panels: try: if hasattr(p, "setModel"): p.setModel(None) p.close() except Exception: pass while self.panels: self.panels.pop(0) except Exception: self.warning(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def addItem(self, item): # self.debug('addItem(%s)'%item) def expand(i): name = str(getattr(i, "_name", "")).lower() if name: self._itemnames[name].add(i) # self.debug('addItem(%s): %s'%(name,i)) if isinstance(i, Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup): for j in i.childItems(): expand(j) expand(item) Qt.QGraphicsScene.addItem(self, item)
[docs] def addWidget(self, item, flags=None): self.debug("addWidget(%s)" % item) name = str(getattr(item, "_name", "")).lower() if name: self._itemnames[name].add(item) if flags is None: Qt.QGraphicsScene.addWidget(self, item) else: Qt.QGraphicsScene.addWidget(self, item, flags)
[docs] def getItemByName(self, item_name, strict=None): """ Returns a list with all items matching a given name. :param strict: controls whether full_name (strict=True) or only device name (False) must match :type strict: bool or None :return: items :rtype: list """ # TODO: Tango-centric from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import ( TangoDeviceNameValidator, TangoAttributeNameValidator, ) strict = ( (not self.ANY_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTS_DEVICE) if strict is None else strict ) alnum = r"(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_\*]|(?:\.\*))(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_\*]|(?:\.\*))*" target = ( str(item_name).strip().split()[0].lower().replace("/state", "") ) # If it has spaces only the first word is used # Device names should match also its attributes or only state? if not strict and TangoAttributeNameValidator().getUriGroups(target): target = target.rsplit("/", 1)[0] if TangoDeviceNameValidator().getUriGroups(target): if strict: target += "(/state)?" else: target += "(/" + alnum + ")?" if not target.endswith("$"): target += "$" result = [] for k in list(self._itemnames.keys()): if re.match(target.lower(), k.lower()): result.extend(self._itemnames[k]) return result
[docs] def getItemByPosition(self, x, y): """This method will try first with named objects; if failed then with itemAt """ pos = Qt.QPointF(x, y) itemsAtPos = [] for z, o in sorted( (i.zValue(), i) for v in self._itemnames.values() for i in v if i.contains(pos) or i.isUnderMouse() ): if not hasattr(o, "getExtensions"): self.debug( "getItemByPosition(%d,%d): adding Qt primitive %s" % (x, y, o) ) itemsAtPos.append(o) elif not o.getExtensions().get("noSelect"): self.debug( "getItemByPosition(%d,%d): adding GraphicsItem %s" % (x, y, o) ) itemsAtPos.append(o) else: self.debug( "getItemByPosition(%d,%d): object ignored, %s" % (x, y, o) ) if itemsAtPos: obj = itemsAtPos[-1] return self.getTaurusParentItem(obj) or obj else: # return self.itemAt(x,y) self.debug("getItemByPosition(%d,%d): no items found!" % (x, y)) return None
[docs] def getItemClicked(self, mouseEvent): pos = mouseEvent.scenePos() x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() self.graphicSceneClicked.emit(Qt.QPoint(int(x), int(y))) obj = self.getItemByPosition(x, y) return obj
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent): try: obj = self.getItemClicked(mouseEvent) obj_name = getattr(obj, "_name", "") if not obj_name and isinstance(obj, QGraphicsTextBoxing): obj_name = obj.toPlainText() if mouseEvent.button() == Qt.Qt.LeftButton: # A null obj_name should deselect all, we don't send obj # because we want all similar to be matched if self.selectGraphicItem(obj_name): self.debug( " => graphicItemSelected(QString)(%s)" % obj_name ) self.graphicItemSelected.emit(obj_name) else: # It should send None but the signature do not allow it self.graphicItemSelected.emit("") def addMenuAction(menu, k, action, last_was_separator=False): try: if k: configDialogAction = menu.addAction(k) if action: configDialogAction.triggered.connect( lambda: action(obj_name) ) else: configDialogAction.setEnabled(False) last_was_separator = False elif not last_was_separator: menu.addSeparator() last_was_separator = True except Exception as e: self.warning("Unable to add Menu Action: %s:%s" % (k, e)) return last_was_separator if mouseEvent.button() == Qt.Qt.RightButton: """This function is called when right clicking on TaurusDevTree area. A pop up menu will be shown with the available options. """ self.debug("RightButton Mouse Event on %s" % (obj_name)) if isinstance(obj, TaurusGraphicsItem) and ( obj_name or obj.contextMenu() or obj.getExtensions() ): menu = Qt.QMenu(None) # self.parent) last_was_separator = False extensions = obj.getExtensions() if obj_name and ( not extensions or not extensions.get("className") ): # menu.addAction(obj_name) addMenuAction( menu, "Show %s panel" % obj_name, lambda x=obj_name: self.showNewPanel(x), ) if obj.contextMenu(): if obj_name: menu.addSeparator() last_was_separator = True for ( t ) in ( obj.contextMenu() ): # must be list of tuples (ActionName,ActionMethod) last_was_separator = addMenuAction( menu, t[0], t[1], last_was_separator ) if extensions: if not menu.isEmpty(): menu.addSeparator() className = extensions.get("className") if className and className != "noPanel": self.debug("launching className extension object") addMenuAction( menu, "Show %s" % className, lambda d, x=obj: self.showNewPanel(x), ) if extensions.get("shellCommand"): addMenuAction( menu, "Execute", lambda d, x=obj: self.getShellCommand(x), ) if not menu.isEmpty(): menu.exec_( Qt.QPoint( mouseEvent.screenPos().x(), mouseEvent.screenPos().y(), ) ) del menu except Exception: self.warning(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): try: obj = self.getItemClicked(event) obj_name = getattr(obj, "_name", "") try: class_name = obj.getExtensions().get("className") except Exception: class_name = "noPanel" self.debug("Clicked (%s,%s,%s)" % (obj, obj_name, class_name)) if obj_name and class_name != "noPanel": self.showNewPanel(obj) except Exception: self.warning(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def setSelectionStyle(self, selectionStyle): # TODO We should test that selectionStyle is part of # SynopticSelectionStyle but there is nothing about it self._selectionStyle = selectionStyle
[docs] def selectGraphicItem(self, item_name): """ A blue circle is drawn around the matching item name. If the item_name is empty, or it is a reserved keyword, or it has the "noSelect" extension, then the blue circle is removed from the synoptic. """ selected = [ str(getattr(item, "_name", item)) for item in self._selectedItems if item ] if selected: iname = str(getattr(item_name, "_name", item_name)) if not iname.strip(): self.clearSelection() return False elif any(iname not in i for i in selected): self.clearSelection() else: self.debug( "In TauGraphicsScene.selectGraphicItem(%s): " + "already selected!", item_name, ) return True if any( isinstance(item_name, t) for t in (TaurusGraphicsItem, Qt.QGraphicsItem) ): if not getattr(item_name, "_name", ""): self.debug( "In TauGraphicsScene.selectGraphicItem(%s): " "item name not found.", item_name, ) return False items = [item_name] else: from .jdraw.jdraw_parser import reserved if not item_name or ( str(item_name).startswith("JD") and str(item_name) in reserved ): self.debug( "In TauGraphicsScene.selectGraphicItem(%s): " + "item name not found or name is a reserved keyword.", item_name, ) return False items = self.getItemByName(item_name) or [] items = [ i for i in items if self.getTaurusParentItem(i) not in (items + self._selectedItems) ] self.debug( "In TaurusGraphicsScene.selectGraphicItem(%s)): " + "matched %d items", item_name, len(items), ) if self._selectionStyle == SynopticSelectionStyle.ELLIPSE: displaySelection = self._displaySelectionAsEllipse elif self._selectionStyle == SynopticSelectionStyle.OUTLINE: displaySelection = self._displaySelectionAsOutline else: raise Exception( "Unexpected selectionStyle '%s'" % SynopticSelectionStyle.whatis(self._selectionStyle) ) return displaySelection(items)
def _displaySelectionAsEllipse(self, items): retval = False for item in items: try: if ( ( isinstance(item, TaurusGraphicsItem) and item.getExtensions().get("noSelect") ) or (item in self._selection) # or (item in tangoGroup) ): continue x, y = item.x(), item.y() rect = item.boundingRect() srect = self.sceneRect() # 0 has to be excluded to check grouped element if not ( 0 < x <= self.sceneRect().width() and 0 < y <= srect.height() ): rx, ry = rect.topLeft().x(), rect.topLeft().y() self.debug( "\tposition not well mapped (%s,%s), " + "using rect bound (%s,%s) instead", x, y, rx, ry, ) x, y = ( rx, ry, ) # If the object is in the corner it will be also 0 w, h = rect.width(), rect.height() if x < 0 or y < 0: self.debug( "Cannot draw SelectionMark for %s(%s)(%s,%s) " + "in a negative position (%f,%f)", type(item).__name__, item._name, w, h, x, y, ) else: if type(item) in ( TaurusTextAttributeItem, TaurusTextStateItem, ) and isinstance( self.getSelectionMark(), Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem ): x, y, w, h = x - 20, y, 20, 20 self.drawSelectionMark(x, y, w, h) self.debug( "> Moved the SelectionMark to " + "item %s(%s)(%s,%s) at %f,%f", type(item).__name__, item._name, w, h, x, y, ) if item not in self._selectedItems: self._selectedItems.append(item) retval = True except Exception as e: self.warning( "selectGraphicsItem(%s) failed! %s" % (getattr(item, "_name", item), str(e)) ) self.warning(traceback.format_exc()) # return False return retval def _displaySelectionAsOutline(self, items): def _outline(shapes): """ "Compute the boolean union from a list of QGraphicsItem.""" shape = None # TODO we can use a stack instead of recursivity for s in shapes: # TODO we should skip text and things like that if isinstance(s, TaurusGroupItem): s = _outline(s.childItems()) if s is None: continue s = s.shape() if shape is not None: shape = shape.united(s) else: shape = s if shape is None: return None return Qt.QGraphicsPathItem(shape) # TODO we can cache the outline instead of computing it again and again selectionShape = _outline(items) if selectionShape: # copy-paste from getSelectionMark color = Qt.QColor( color.setAlphaF(0.10) pen = Qt.QPen(Qt.Qt.SolidLine) pen.setWidth(4) pen.setColor(Qt.QColor( selectionShape.setBrush(color) selectionShape.setPen(pen) for item in items: if item not in self._selectedItems: self._selectedItems.append(item) # TODO i dont think this function work... or i dont know how... # self.setSelectionMark(picture=selectionShape) # ... Then do it it with hands... # copy-paste from drawSelectionMark self._selection.append(selectionShape) # It's better to add it hidden to avoid resizings selectionShape.hide() self.addItem(selectionShape) # Put on Top selectionShape.setZValue(9999) self.updateSceneViews() return True return False
[docs] def clearSelection(self): # self.debug('In clearSelection([%d])'%len(self._selectedItems)) for i in self._selection: i.hide() self.removeItem(i) self._selection = [] self._selectedItems = [] self.updateSceneViews()
[docs] def setSelectionMark(self, picture=None, w=10, h=10): """This method allows to set a callable, graphic item or pixmap as selection mark (by default creates a blue circle). If picture is a callable, the object returned will be used as selection mark. If picture is a QGraphicsItem it will be used as selection mark. If picture is a QPixmap or a path to a pixmap a QGraphicsPixmapItem will be created. If no picture is provided, a blue ellipse will be drawn around the selected object. h/w will be used for height/width of the drawn object. """ # self.debug('In setSelectionMark(%s,%d,%d)'%(picture,w,h)) if picture is None: self.SelectionMark = None # Reset of previous icon generators else: self.SelectionMark = ( lambda p=picture, x=w, y=h: self.getSelectionMark(p, x, y) ) return self.SelectionMark
[docs] def getSelectionMark(self, picture=None, w=10, h=10): if picture is None: if self.SelectionMark: SelectionMark = self.SelectionMark() else: SelectionMark = Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem() color = Qt.QColor( color.setAlphaF(0.10) SelectionMark.setBrush(color) pen = Qt.QPen(Qt.Qt.CustomDashLine) pen.setWidth(4) pen.setColor(Qt.QColor( SelectionMark.setPen(pen) SelectionMark.hide() # hide to avoid resizings else: try: if isinstance(picture, Qt.QGraphicsItem): SelectionMark = picture SelectionMark.setRect(0, 0, w, h) SelectionMark.hide() elif hasattr(picture, "__call__"): SelectionMark = picture() else: if isinstance(picture, Qt.QPixmap): pixmap = picture elif isinstance(picture, str): picture = str(picture) pixmap = Qt.QPixmap(os.path.realpath(picture)) SelectionMark = Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem() SelectionMark.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(w, h)) SelectionMark.hide() except Exception: self.debug( "In setSelectionMark(%s): %s" % (picture, traceback.format_exc()) ) picture = None return SelectionMark
[docs] def drawSelectionMark(self, x, y, w, h, oversize=1): """ If h or w are None the mark is drawn at x,y If h or w has a value the mark is drawn in the center of the region ((x,y)(x+w,y+h)) """ mark = self.getSelectionMark() self._selection.append(mark) srect = self.itemsBoundingRect() MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE = srect.width(), srect.height() # 500,500 #20,20 LIMITS = (0, 0, srect.width(), srect.height()) def bound(coords, bounds=LIMITS): """x,y,w,h""" x, y, w, h = coords if x < bounds[0]: w, x = w - (bounds[0] - x), bounds[0] if y < bounds[1]: h, y = h - (bounds[1] - y), bounds[1] if x + w > bounds[2]: w, x = (bounds[2] - x), x if y + h > bounds[3]: h, y = (bounds[3] - y), y return x, y, w, h if isinstance(mark, Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem): if None not in [w, h]: if w > MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE[0] or h > MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE[1]: # Applying correction if the file is too big, half max # circle size around the center x, y = ( (x + w / 2.0) - 0.5 * MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE[0], (y + h / 2.0) - 0.5 * MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE[1], ) w, h = [0.5 * t for t in MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE] else: x, y = x - 0.5 * w, y - 0.5 * h else: w, h = [0.5 * t for t in MAX_CIRCLE_SIZE] mark.setRect(*bound((x, y, w * 2, h * 2))) # mark.setRect(x,y,w*2,h*2) elif isinstance(mark, Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem): rect = mark.boundingRect() if None not in [w, h]: x, y = x + 0.5 * w, y + 0.5 * h mark.setOffset(x - 0.5 * rect.width(), y - 0.5 * rect.height()) elif isinstance(mark, Qt.QGraphicsItem): mark.setRect(x, y, w, h) mark.hide() # It's better to add it hidden to avoid resizings self.addItem(mark) mark.setZValue(9999) # Put on Top self.updateSceneViews() return
[docs] def getShellCommand(self, obj, wait=False): shellCom = ( obj.getExtensions() .get("shellCommand") .replace("$NAME", obj._name) .replace("$MODEL", obj._name) ) if not wait and not shellCom.endswith("&"): shellCom += " &" if obj.noPrompt:, shell=True) else: yes = Qt.QMessageBox.Ok no = Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel result = Qt.QMessageBox.question( self.parent(), "Shell command", "Would you like to call shell command '" + shellCom + "' ?", yes, no, ) if result == yes:, shell=True) return
[docs] def getClass(self, clName): if not clName or clName == "noPanel": return None elif clName in ("atkpanel.MainPanel", "atkpanel"): clName = "TaurusDevicePanel" if clName in globals(): return globals()[clName] elif clName in locals(): return locals()[clName] elif clName in dir(Qt): return getattr(Qt, clName) else: # support passing class names as 'modname:classname' if ":" in clName: # assuming pkg_resources-style spec: modname:object[.attr] mod_name, class_name = self._widgetClassName.split(":") return getattr( importlib.import_module(mod_name), class_name, None ) # fall back to using TaurusWidgetFactory, deprecated _qt_widgets = TaurusWidgetFactory()._qt_widgets if clName in _qt_widgets: _modname, _cls = _qt_widgets[clName] self.logger.deprecated( dep="specifying class as '{}'".format(clName), alt="'{}:{}'".format(_modname, clName), rel="5.0.0", ) return _cls else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def getTaurusParentItem(item, top=True): """Searches within a group hierarchy and returns a parent Taurus component or None if no parent TaurusBaseComponent is found. """ if item is None: return None first, p = None, item.parentItem() while p: if isinstance(p, TaurusGraphicsItem): if first is None: first = p if not top: break elif str(p.getModel()) != str(first.getModel()): break else: first = p p = p.parentItem() return first
[docs] def getAllChildren(self, item, klass=None): """Returns all children elements, filtering by klass if wanted""" result = [] try: children = item.childItems() result.extend( c for c in children if not klass or isinstance(c, klass) ) result.extend( c.childItems() for c in children if not klass or isinstance(c, klass) ) except Exception: pass return result
[docs] def start(self): if self.updateThread: return self.updateQueue = queue.Queue() self.updateThread = TaurusGraphicsUpdateThread(None, self) self.updateThread.start() # Qt.QThread.HighPriority)
[docs] def stop(self): if not self.updateThread: return # Clear the queue # No need to process anything anymore try: while True: self.updateQueue.get(False) except queue.Empty: pass self.updateQueue.put("exit") self.updateThread.wait() self.updateThread = None
[docs] def getQueue(self): return self.updateQueue
[docs] def updateSceneItem(self, item): self.updateQueue.put(item)
[docs] def updateSceneItems(self, items): self.updateQueue.put(items)
[docs] def updateScene(self): self.update()
[docs] def updateSceneViews(self): for v in self.views(): v.viewport().update() # v.invalidateScene(self.SelectionCircle.boundingRect()) return
[docs] class QGraphicsTextBoxing(Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup): """Display a text inside a virtual box. Support horizontal and vertical alignment """ _TEXT_RATIO = 0.8 def __init__(self, parent=None, scene=None): Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self._rect = Qt.QGraphicsRectItem(self) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self._rect) self._rect.setBrush(Qt.QBrush(Qt.Qt.NoBrush)) self._rect.setPen(Qt.QPen(Qt.Qt.NoPen)) self._text = Qt.QGraphicsTextItem(self) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self._text) self._text.setTransform( Qt.QTransform.fromScale(self._TEXT_RATIO, self._TEXT_RATIO), True ) self._validBackground = None # using that like the previous code create a worst result self.__layoutValide = True self._alignment = Qt.Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter
[docs] def setRect(self, x, y, width, height): self._rect.setRect(x, y, width, height) self._invalidateLayout()
[docs] def setPlainText(self, text): self._text.setPlainText(text) self._invalidateLayout()
[docs] def setValidBackground(self, color): self._validBackground = color
[docs] def toPlainText(self): return self._text.toPlainText()
[docs] def brush(self): return self._rect.brush()
[docs] def setBrush(self, brush): self._rect.setBrush(brush)
[docs] def pen(self): return self._rect.pen()
[docs] def setPen(self, pen): self._rect.setPen(pen)
[docs] def setDefaultTextColor(self, color): self._text.setDefaultTextColor(color)
[docs] def setHtml(self, html): self._text.setHtml(html) self._invalidateLayout()
[docs] def setFont(self, font): self._text.setFont(font) self._invalidateLayout()
[docs] def setAlignment(self, alignment): self._alignment = alignment self._invalidateLayout()
def _invalidateLayout(self): """Invalidate the current location of the text""" if not self.__layoutValide: return self.__layoutValide = False self.update() def _validateLayout(self): """Compute the text location""" if self.__layoutValide: return rect = self._rect.rect() width, height = rect.width(), rect.height() textRect = self._text.boundingRect() # horizontal layout x = rect.x() alignment = int(self._alignment) if (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignLeft)) != 0: x += 0 elif (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter)) != 0: x += width * 0.5 - textRect.width() * 0.5 * self._TEXT_RATIO elif (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignRight)) != 0: x += width - textRect.width() * self._TEXT_RATIO # vertical layout y = rect.y() if (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignTop)) != 0: y += 0 elif (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter)) != 0: y += height * 0.5 - textRect.height() * 0.5 * self._TEXT_RATIO elif (alignment & int(Qt.Qt.AlignBottom)) != 0: y += height - textRect.height() * self._TEXT_RATIO self._text.setPos(x, y) self.__layoutValide = True
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): self._validateLayout() Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class QSpline(Qt.QGraphicsPathItem): def __init__(self, parent=None, closed=False, control_points=None): super(QSpline, self).__init__(parent) self.__closed = closed if control_points is None: control_points = [] self.setControlPoints(control_points)
[docs] def setControlPoints(self, control_points): self.__control_points = control_points self.updateSplinePath()
[docs] def setClose(self, isClosed): if self.__closed == isClosed: return self.__closed = isClosed self.updateSplinePath()
[docs] def updateSplinePath(self): path = Qt.QPainterPath() cp = self.__control_points nb_points = len(cp) if nb_points <= 1: pass elif nb_points == 2: path.moveTo(cp[0]) path.lineTo(cp[1]) else: path.moveTo(cp[0]) for i in range(1, nb_points - 1, 3): p1 = cp[i + 0] p2 = cp[i + 1] end = cp[i + 2] path.cubicTo(p1, p2, end) if self.__closed: path.lineTo(cp[0]) self.setPath(path)
[docs] class TaurusGraphicsItem(TaurusBaseComponent): """Base class for all Taurus Graphics Items""" def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None): self.call__init__( TaurusBaseComponent, name, parent ) # <- log created here # self.debug('TaurusGraphicsItem(%s,%s)' % (name,parent)) self.ignoreRepaint = False self.setName(name) self._currFgBrush = None self._currBgBrush = None self._currText = None self._currHtmlText = None self._map = None self._default = None self._visible = None # self.getExtensions() <= It must be called AFTER set_common_params() # in getGraphicsItem() self._contextMenu = []
[docs] def setName(self, name): name = str(name or self.__class__.__name__) # modified to store ._name since initialization (even # if a model is not set) self._name = name
[docs] def getName(self): return self._name
[docs] def setContextMenu(self, menu): """Context Menu must be a list of tuples (ActionName,ActionMethod), empty tuples insert separators between options. """ self._contextMenu = menu
[docs] def contextMenu(self): return self._contextMenu
[docs] def getExtensions(self): """ Any in ExtensionsList,noPrompt,standAlone,noTooltip,noSelect,ignoreRepaint, shellCommand,className,classParams """ self._extensions = getattr(self, "_extensions", {}) if "ExtensionsList" in self._extensions: self._extensions.update( (k.strip(), True) for k in self._extensions["ExtensionsList"].split(",") ) self._extensions.pop("ExtensionsList") for k in ( "noPrompt", "standAlone", "noTooltip", "ignoreRepaint", "noSelect", ): if self._extensions.get(k, None) == "": self._extensions[k] = True self.noPrompt = self._extensions.get("noPrompt", False) self.standAlone = self._extensions.get("standAlone", False) self.noTooltip = self._extensions.get("noTooltip", False) self.ignoreRepaint = self._extensions.get( "ignoreRepaint", self.ignoreRepaint ) self.setName(self._extensions.get("name", self._name)) tooltip = ( "" if ( self.noTooltip or self._name == self.__class__.__name__ or self._name is None ) else str(self._name) ) # self.debug('setting %s.tooltip = %s'%(self._name,tooltip)) self.setToolTip(tooltip) # self.debug('%s.getExtensions(): %s'%(self._name,self._extensions)) return self._extensions
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # Mandatory methods to be implemented in any subclass of TaurusComponent # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
[docs] def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): # self.debug('In %s.setModel(%s)'%(type(self).__name__,model)) self.setName(model) if issubclass(Manager().findObjectClass(self._name), TaurusDevice): model = self._name + "/state" TaurusBaseComponent.setModel(self, model, **kwargs)
@deprecation_decorator(rel="5.1.0", alt="_getTaurusParentItem()") def getParentTaurusComponent(self): return self._getTaurusParentItem() def _getTaurusParentItem(self): """Returns a parent Taurus component or None if no parent TaurusBaseComponent is found. """ p = self.parentItem() while p and not isinstance(p, TaurusGraphicsItem): p = self.parentItem() return p # def fireEvent(self, type):
[docs] def fireEvent(self, evt_src=None, evt_type=None, evt_value=None): """fires a value changed event to all listeners""" self.updateStyle()
[docs] def updateStyle(self): """Method called when the component detects an event that triggers a change in the style. """ if self.scene(): self.scene().updateSceneItem(self)
[docs] def isReadOnly(self): return True
def __str__(self): return self.log_name + "(" + self.modelName + ")"
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): return TaurusAttribute
[docs] class TaurusGraphicsAttributeItem(TaurusGraphicsItem): """ This class show value->text conversion in label widgets. Quality is shown in background """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ self._unitVisible = True self._currValue = None self._userFormat = None self._unitVisible = True self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsItem, name, parent) @deprecation_decorator( alt=".getDisplayValue(fragmentName='rvalue.units')", rel="4.0.3" ) def getUnit(self): return self.getDisplayValue(fragmentName="rvalue.units")
[docs] def updateStyle(self): v = self.getModelValueObj() if self.getShowQuality(): try: quality = None if v: quality = v.quality if quality == AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID and self._validBackground: background = self._validBackground else: background, _ = QT_ATTRIBUTE_QUALITY_PALETTE.qcolor( quality ) self.setBrush(Qt.QBrush(background)) except Exception: self.warning( "In TaurusGraphicsAttributeItem(%s)" + ".updateStyle(%s): colors failed!", self._name, self._currText, ) self.warning(traceback.format_exc()) if v and self._userFormat: # TODO: consider extending to use newer pyhon formatting syntax if hasattr(v.rvalue, "magnitude"): text = self._userFormat % v.rvalue.magnitude else: text = self._userFormat % v.rvalue if self._unitVisible: text = "{0} {1.rvalue.units:~s}".format(text, v) else: if self._unitVisible: _frName = None else: _frName = "rvalue.magnitude" text = self.getDisplayValue(fragmentName=_frName) self._currText = text self._currHtmlText = None TaurusGraphicsItem.updateStyle(self)
[docs] def setUserFormat(self, format): self._userFormat = format
[docs] def setUnitVisible(self, yesno): self._unitVisible = yesno
[docs] class TaurusGraphicsStateItem(TaurusGraphicsItem): """ In State Item the displayValue should not override the label This item will modify only foreground/background colors """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsItem, name, parent)
[docs] def updateStyle(self): from taurus.core.tango import DevState # Tango-centric v = self.getModelValueObj() self._currBrush = Qt.QBrush(Qt.Qt.NoBrush) if v: # or self.getShowState(): try: bg_brush, fg_brush = None, None if self.getModelObj().getType() == DataType.DevState: bg_brush, fg_brush = QT_DEVICE_STATE_PALETTE.qbrush( v.rvalue ) elif self.getModelObj().getType() == DataType.Boolean: bg_brush, fg_brush = QT_DEVICE_STATE_PALETTE.qbrush( (DevState.FAULT, DevState.ON)[v.rvalue] ) elif self.getShowQuality(): bg_brush, fg_brush = QT_ATTRIBUTE_QUALITY_PALETTE.qbrush( v.quality ) if None not in (bg_brush, fg_brush): self._currBgBrush = bg_brush self._currFgBrush = fg_brush # If there's no filling, applying background brush to # foreground if Qt.Qt.NoBrush != getattr( self, "_fillStyle", Qt.Qt.NoBrush ): self._currFgBrush = bg_brush if self._currText: self._currHtmlText = '<p style="color:%s">%s</p>' % ( self._currBgBrush.color().name(), self._currText, ) except Exception: self.warning( "In TaurusGraphicsStateItem(%s)" + ".updateStyle(%s): colors failed!", self._name, self._currText, ) self.warning(traceback.format_exc()) # Parsing _map to manage visibility (a list of values for which the # item is visible or not) if ( v and self._map is not None and self._currText in DevState.__members__ ): if DevState[self._currText] == self._map[1]: self.setVisible(self._map[2]) self._visible = self._map[2] else: self.setVisible(self._default) self._visible = self._default TaurusGraphicsItem.updateStyle(self)
[docs] class TaurusEllipseStateItem(Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusRectStateItem(Qt.QGraphicsRectItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ Qt.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) Qt.QGraphicsRectItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusSplineStateItem(QSpline, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ QSpline.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) QSpline.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusRoundRectItem(Qt.QGraphicsPathItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): Qt.QGraphicsPathItem.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.__rect = None self.setCornerWidth(0, 0) def __updatePath(self): if self.__rect is None: return if self.__corner is None: return path = Qt.QPainterPath() cornerWidth, nbPoints = self.__corner if cornerWidth == 0 or nbPoints == 0: path.addRect(self.__rect) elif cornerWidth * 2 > self.__rect.width(): path.addRect(self.__rect) elif cornerWidth * 2 > self.__rect.height(): path.addRect(self.__rect) else: path.addRoundedRect(self.__rect, cornerWidth, cornerWidth) self.setPath(path)
[docs] def setRect(self, x, y, width, height): self.__rect = Qt.QRectF(x, y, width, height) self.__updatePath()
[docs] def setCornerWidth(self, width, nbPoints): self.__corner = width, nbPoints self.__updatePath()
[docs] class TaurusRoundRectStateItem(TaurusRoundRectItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ TaurusRoundRectItem.__init__(self, parent, scene) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) TaurusRoundRectItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusGroupItem(Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): Qt.QGraphicsItemGroup.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self)
[docs] class TaurusGroupStateItem(TaurusGroupItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ TaurusGroupItem.__init__(self, parent, scene) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): TaurusGroupItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusPolygonStateItem(Qt.QGraphicsPolygonItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ # Qt.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, parent) Qt.QGraphicsPolygonItem.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) Qt.QGraphicsPolygonItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusLineStateItem(Qt.QGraphicsLineItem, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ Qt.QGraphicsLineItem.__init__(self, parent) if scene is not None: scene.addItem(self) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currBgBrush: self._currBgBrush.setStyle(self.brush().style()) self.setBrush(self._currBgBrush) Qt.QGraphicsLineItem.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusTextStateItem(QGraphicsTextBoxing, TaurusGraphicsStateItem): """ A QGraphicsItem that represents a text related to a device state or attribute quality """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ QGraphicsTextBoxing.__init__(self, parent, scene) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsStateItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currHtmlText: self.setHtml(self._currHtmlText) else: self.setPlainText(self._currText or "") QGraphicsTextBoxing.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
[docs] class TaurusTextAttributeItem( QGraphicsTextBoxing, TaurusGraphicsAttributeItem ): """ A QGraphicsItem that represents a text related to an attribute value """ def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, scene=None): name = name or self.__class__.__name__ QGraphicsTextBoxing.__init__(self, parent, scene) self.call__init__(TaurusGraphicsAttributeItem, name, parent)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): if self._currHtmlText: self.setHtml(self._currHtmlText) else: self.setPlainText(self._currText or "") QGraphicsTextBoxing.paint(self, painter, option, widget)
TYPE_TO_GRAPHICS = { None: { "Rectangle": Qt.QGraphicsRectItem, "RoundRectangle": TaurusRoundRectItem, "Ellipse": Qt.QGraphicsEllipseItem, "Polyline": Qt.QGraphicsPolygonItem, "Label": QGraphicsTextBoxing, "Line": Qt.QGraphicsLineItem, "Group": TaurusGroupItem, "SwingObject": TaurusTextAttributeItem, "Image": Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem, "Spline": QSpline, }, TaurusDevice: { "Rectangle": TaurusRectStateItem, "RoundRectangle": TaurusRoundRectStateItem, "Ellipse": TaurusEllipseStateItem, "Polyline": TaurusPolygonStateItem, "Label": TaurusTextStateItem, "Line": Qt.QGraphicsLineItem, # TaurusLineStateItem, "Group": TaurusGroupStateItem, "SwingObject": TaurusTextAttributeItem, "Image": Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem, "Spline": TaurusSplineStateItem, }, TaurusAttribute: { "Rectangle": TaurusRectStateItem, "RoundRectangle": TaurusRoundRectStateItem, "Ellipse": TaurusEllipseStateItem, "Polyline": TaurusPolygonStateItem, "Label": TaurusTextAttributeItem, "Line": Qt.QGraphicsLineItem, # TaurusLineStateItem, "Group": TaurusGroupStateItem, "SwingObject": TaurusTextAttributeItem, "Image": Qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem, "Spline": TaurusSplineStateItem, }, }
[docs] class TaurusBaseGraphicsFactory(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def getSceneObj(self): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getSceneObj()" )
[docs] def getObj(self, name, params): raise RuntimeError("Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getObj()")
[docs] def getRectangleObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getRectangleObj()" )
[docs] def getRoundRectangleObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getRoundRectangleObj()" )
[docs] def getLineObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getLineObj()" )
[docs] def getEllipseObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getEllipseObj()" )
[docs] def getPolylineObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getPolylineObj()" )
[docs] def getLabelObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getLabelObj()" )
[docs] def getGroupObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getGroupObj()" )
[docs] def getSwingObjectObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getSwingObjectObj()" )
[docs] def getImageObj(self, parms): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getImageObj()" )
[docs] def getSplineObj(self, params): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid call to AbstractGraphicsFactory::getSplineObj()" )
[docs] def getGraphicsClassItem(self, cls, type_): ncls = cls try: if issubclass(cls, TaurusDevice): ncls = TaurusDevice elif issubclass(cls, TaurusAttribute): ncls = TaurusAttribute except Exception: pass ncls = TYPE_TO_GRAPHICS.get(ncls, TYPE_TO_GRAPHICS.get(None)).get( type_ ) return ncls
[docs] def getGraphicsItem(self, type_, params): name = params.get(self.getNameParam()) # applying alias for k, v in getattr(self, "alias", {}).items(): if k in name: name = str(name).replace(k, v) params[self.getNameParam()] = name cls = None # TODO: starting slashes are allowed while we support parent model # feature (taurus-org/taurus#734) if not name.startswith("/") and "/" in name: try: from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import ( TangoDeviceNameValidator, TangoAttributeNameValidator, ) except ImportError: pass else: if TangoDeviceNameValidator().isValid( name ) or TangoAttributeNameValidator().isValid(name): # replacing Taco identifiers in %s'%name if name.lower().startswith("tango:"): if ( name.count("/") == 2 or "tango:/" not in name.lower() ): # noqa nname = name.split(":", 1)[-1] params[self.getNameParam()] = name = nname else: from taurus import warning warning( "if you use a tango name as JD name it must " "with tango:" ) if name.lower().endswith("/state"): name = name.rsplit("/", 1)[0] cls = Manager().findObjectClass(name) else: if name: self.debug("%s does not match a tango name" % name) klass = self.getGraphicsClassItem(cls, type_) item = klass() # It's here were Attributes are subscribed self.set_common_params(item, params) if hasattr(item, "getExtensions"): item.getExtensions() # called to get extensions from params return item
[docs] def getNameParam(self): """Returns the name of the parameter which contains the name identifier. Default implementation returns 'name'. """ return "name"
[docs] def set_common_params(self, item, params): """Sets the common parameters. Default implementation does nothing. Overwrite has necessary. """ pass