
- class TaurusGraphicsScene(parent=None, strt=True)[source]
This class encapsulates TaurusJDrawSynopticsView and TaurusGraphicsScene signals/slots
External events:
Slot selectGraphicItem(const QString &) displays a selection mark around the TaurusGraphicsItem that matches the argument passed.
Mouse Left-button events:
Signal graphicItemSelected(QString) is triggered, passing the selected TaurusGraphicsItem.name() as argument.
Mouse Right-button events:
TaurusGraphicsItem.setContextMenu([(ActionName,ActionMethod(device_name))] allows to configure custom context menus for graphic items using a list of tuples. Empty tuples will insert separators in the menu.
Import from
as:from taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic import TaurusGraphicsScene
- TRACE_ALL = False
- addWidget(self, widget: Optional[QWidget], flags: Qt.WindowFlags | Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) Optional[QGraphicsProxyWidget] [source]
- closeAllPanels()[source]
This method replaces killProcess, using taurus.qt.qtgui.util.ExternalAppAction instead!
- drawSelectionMark(x, y, w, h, oversize=1)[source]
If h or w are None the mark is drawn at x,y If h or w has a value the mark is drawn in the center of the region ((x,y)(x+w,y+h))
- getAllChildren(item, klass=None)[source]
Returns all children elements, filtering by klass if wanted
- getItemByPosition(x, y)[source]
This method will try first with named objects; if failed then with itemAt
- static getTaurusParentItem(item, top=True)[source]
Searches within a group hierarchy and returns a parent Taurus component or None if no parent TaurusBaseComponent is found.
- graphicItemSelected
- graphicSceneClicked
- refreshTree2
- selectGraphicItem(item_name)[source]
A blue circle is drawn around the matching item name. If the item_name is empty, or it is a reserved keyword, or it has the “noSelect” extension, then the blue circle is removed from the synoptic.
- setSelectionMark(picture=None, w=10, h=10)[source]
This method allows to set a callable, graphic item or pixmap as selection mark (by default creates a blue circle). If picture is a callable, the object returned will be used as selection mark. If picture is a QGraphicsItem it will be used as selection mark. If picture is a QPixmap or a path to a pixmap a QGraphicsPixmapItem will be created. If no picture is provided, a blue ellipse will be drawn around the selected object. h/w will be used for height/width of the drawn object.