Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.taurusgui

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

"""This package provides the TaurusGui class
import importlib
import os
import sys
import copy
import click
import weakref
import inspect

from lxml import etree

import taurus
from taurus import tauruscustomsettings
from taurus.external.qt import Qt, compat
from taurus.qt.qtcore.configuration import (
from taurus.qt.qtcore.communication import SharedDataManager
from taurus.qt.qtgui.base import TaurusBaseWidget, TaurusBaseComponent
from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusMainWindow
from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.utils import (
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util.ui import UILoadable
from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.utils import ExternalAppAction
from taurus.core.util.log import deprecation_decorator

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

class AssociationDialog(Qt.QDialog):
    """A dialog for viewing and editing the associations between instruments
    and panels

    def __init__(self, parent, flags=None):
        if flags is None:
            flags = Qt.Qt.Widget
        Qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, flags)


    def refresh(self):
        currentinstrument = self.ui.instrumentCB.currentText()
        mainwindow = self.parent()

        self.associations = mainwindow.getAllInstrumentAssociations()

        # fill the comboboxes
        self.ui.panelCB.addItems(["__[None]__"] + mainwindow.getPanelNames())

        # restore the index
        idx = self.ui.instrumentCB.findText(currentinstrument)
        if idx == -1 and self.ui.instrumentCB.count() > 0:
            idx = 0

    def onInstrumentChanged(self, instrumentname):
        instrumentname = str(instrumentname)
        panelname = self.associations.get(instrumentname)
        if panelname is None:
            idx = self.ui.panelCB.findText(panelname)

    def onDialogButtonClicked(self, button):
        role = self.ui.buttonBox.buttonRole(button)
        if role in (
            if self.ui.panelCB.currentIndex() > 0:
                panelname = str(self.ui.panelCB.currentText())
                panelname = None
            instrumentname = str(self.ui.instrumentCB.currentText())
            self.associations[instrumentname] = panelname
            self.parent().setInstrumentAssociation(instrumentname, panelname)

[docs]class DockWidgetPanel(Qt.QDockWidget, TaurusBaseWidget): """ This is an extended QDockWidget which provides some methods for being used as a "panel" of a TaurusGui application. Widgets of TaurusGui are inserted in the application by adding them to a DockWidgetPanel. """ def __init__(self, parent, widget, name, mainwindow): Qt.QDockWidget.__init__(self, None) TaurusBaseWidget.__init__(self, name, parent=parent) self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea) self.setWidget(widget) # self._widget = self.widget() # keep a pointer name = str(name) self.setWindowTitle(name) self.setObjectName(name) self._custom = False # store a weakref of the main window self._mainwindow = weakref.proxy(mainwindow)
[docs] def isCustom(self): return self._custom
[docs] def setCustom(self, custom): self._custom = custom
[docs] def isPermanent(self): return self._permanent
[docs] def setPermanent(self, permanent): self._permanent = permanent
[docs] def setWidgetFromClassName(self, classname, modulename=None): if ":" in classname: # class name as a pkg_resources-like spec ("mod:class"') modulename, classname = classname.strip().split(":") klass = getattr(importlib.import_module(modulename), classname) elif "." in classname: self.deprecated( dep="specifying classname as 'mod.class'", alt="classname='mod:class'", rel="5.0.0", ) mn, classname = classname.rsplit(".", 1) modulename = ("{}.{}".format(modulename or "", mn)).strip(". ") elif not modulename: # use TaurusWidgetFactory, deprecated from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import TaurusWidgetFactory _qt_widgets = TaurusWidgetFactory()._qt_widgets modulename, _ = _qt_widgets[self.classname] self.deprecated( dep="not providing module info for {}".format(classname), alt="classname='{}:{}'".format(modulename, self.classname), rel="5.0.0", ) klass = getattr(importlib.import_module(modulename), classname) # do nothing if the current widget is already of the specified class if type(self.widget()) == klass: return try: w = klass() except Exception as e: m = "Can't create widget for '{}:{}'".format(modulename, classname) raise RuntimeError(m) from e # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Backwards-compat. Remove when removing CW map support gui_cwmap = self._mainwindow._customWidgetMap if gui_cwmap and hasattr(w, "setCustomWidgetMap"): w.setCustomWidgetMap(gui_cwmap) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- self.setWidget(w) wname = "%s-%s" % (str(self.objectName()), str(classname)) w.setObjectName(wname)
[docs] def getWidgetModuleName(self): w = self.widget() if w is None: return "" return w.__module__
[docs] def getWidgetClassName(self): w = self.widget() if w is None: return "" return w.__class__.__name__
[docs] def applyConfig(self, configdict, depth=-1): # create the widget widget_class_name = configdict.get("widgetClassName") try: self.setWidgetFromClassName( widget_class_name, modulename=configdict.get("widgetModuleName", None), ) except Exception as e: raise ConfigurationError( "can not create {} widget".format(widget_class_name) ) from e if isinstance(self.widget(), BaseConfigurableClass): self.widget().applyConfig(configdict["widget"]) TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig(self, configdict, depth)
[docs] def createConfig(self, *args, **kwargs): configdict = TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig(self, *args, **kwargs) configdict["widgetClassName"] = self.getWidgetClassName() configdict["widgetModuleName"] = self.getWidgetModuleName() if isinstance(self.widget(), BaseConfigurableClass): configdict["widget"] = self.widget().createConfig() return configdict
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): Qt.QDockWidget.closeEvent(self, event) TaurusBaseWidget.closeEvent(self, event)
[docs]class TaurusGui(TaurusMainWindow): """ This is main class for constructing the dynamic GUIs. TaurusGui is a specialised TaurusMainWindow which is able to handle "panels" and load configuration files. There are several ways of using TaurusGui. In the following we will give 3 examples on how to create a simple GUI called "MyGui" which contains one panel called "Foo" and consisting of a `QWidget`: **Example 1: use declarative configuration files.** You can create a purely declarative configuration file to be interpreted by the standard `taurusgui` script:: from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.utils import PanelDescription GUI_NAME = 'MyGui' panel = PanelDescription('Foo', classname='taurus.external.qt.Qt.QWidget') Note that this just a very simple example. For a much richer one, see the :mod:`taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.conf.tgconf_example01` **Example 2: do everything programmatically.** A stand-alone python script that launches the gui when executed. No configuration file is used here. Panels and other components are added programatically:: if __name__ == '__main__': from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui import TaurusGui from taurus.external.qt import Qt app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None, app_name='MyGui') gui = TaurusGui() panel = Qt.QWidget() gui.createPanel(panel, 'Foo') app.exec_() **Example 3: mixing declarative and programmatic ways** It is also possible to create a stand-alone python script which loads itself as a configuration file. In this way you can add things programmatically and at the same time use the declarative way:: GUI_NAME = 'MyGui' # <-- declarative! if __name__ == '__main__': from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui import TaurusGui from taurus.external.qt import Qt app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) gui = TaurusGui(confname=__file__) panel = Qt.QWidget() gui.createPanel(panel, 'Foo') # <-- programmatic! app.exec_() """ SelectedInstrument = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") doorNameChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") macroserverNameChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") newShortMessage = Qt.pyqtSignal("QString") IMPLICIT_ASSOCIATION = "__[IMPLICIT]__" #: Whether to show user actions related to shared data connections PANELS_MENU_ENABLED = True #: Whether to show the applets toolbar APPLETS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED = True #: Whether to add the Quick access Toolbar (empty by default) QUICK_ACCESS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED = True def __init__( self, parent=None, confname=None, configRecursionDepth=None, settingsname=None, ): TaurusMainWindow.__init__(self, parent, False, True) if configRecursionDepth is not None: self.defaultConfigRecursionDepth = configRecursionDepth self.__panels = {} self.__external_app = {} self.__external_app_actions = {} self._external_app_names = [] self.__permanent_ext_apps = [] self.__synoptics = [] self.__instrumentToPanelMap = {} self.__panelToInstrumentMap = {} self.setDockNestingEnabled(True) self.registerConfigProperty( self._getPermanentExternalApps, self._setPermanentExternalApps, "permanentexternalapps", ) self.registerConfigProperty( self._getPermanentCustomPanels, self._setPermanentCustomPanels, "permanentCustomPanels", ) self.registerConfigProperty( self.getAllInstrumentAssociations, self.setAllInstrumentAssociations, "instrumentAssociation", ) # backwards-compat from taurus import tauruscustomsettings cwmap = getattr(tauruscustomsettings, "T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP", {}) self._customWidgetMap = cwmap # deprecated # Create a global SharedDataManager Qt.qApp.SDM = SharedDataManager(self) # Initialize menus & toolbars if self.PANELS_MENU_ENABLED: self.__initPanelsMenu() self.__initPanelsToolBar() if self.QUICK_ACCESS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: self.__initQuickAccessToolBar() if self.APPLETS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: self.__initJorgBar() self.__initSharedDataConnections() if self.TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED: self.__initToolsMenu() # Create lockview actions self._lockviewAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("system-lock-screen"), "Lock View", self ) self._lockviewAction.setCheckable(True) self._lockviewAction.toggled.connect(self.setLockView) self._lockviewAction.setChecked(not self.isModifiableByUser()) if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: self.__initViewMenu() if settingsname: self.resetQSettings() _s = Qt.QSettings(settingsname, Qt.QSettings.IniFormat) self.setQSettings(_s) self.loadConfiguration(confname) # connect the main window itself as a reader/writer of "short messages" Qt.qApp.SDM.connectReader("shortMessage", self.onShortMessage) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter("shortMessage", self, "newShortMessage") # emit a short message informing that we are ready to go msg = "%s is ready" % Qt.qApp.applicationName() self.newShortMessage.emit(msg) if self.defaultConfigRecursionDepth >= 0: self.newShortMessage.emit( "Running in Safe Mode. Settings not loaded" ) self.warning( "Safe mode: \n" + "\n\tLoading of potentially problematic settings disabled." + "\n\tSome panels may not be loaded or may ignore previous " + "user configuration" + "\n\tThis will also apply when loading perspectives" )
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): try: self.__macroBroker.removeTemporaryPanels() except Exception: pass TaurusMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event) if not event.isAccepted(): return for n, panel in self.__panels.items(): panel.closeEvent(event) widget = panel.widget() if widget is not None: widget.closeEvent(event) if not event.isAccepted(): result = Qt.QMessageBox.question( self, "Closing error", "Panel '%s' cannot be closed. Proceed closing?" % n, Qt.QMessageBox.Yes | Qt.QMessageBox.No, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Yes: event.accept() else: break
def __updatePanelsMenu(self): """dynamically fill the panels menus""" panelsmenu = self.sender() permanent = panelsmenu == self.__permPanelsMenu panelsmenu.clear() panelnames = sorted( [ n for n, p in self.__panels.items() if (p.isPermanent() == permanent) ] ) for name in panelnames: panelsmenu.addAction(self.__panels[name].toggleViewAction()) def __initPanelsMenu(self): # Panels menu self.__panelsMenu = Qt.QMenu("Panels", self) try: # insert the panels menu before the help menu self.menuBar().insertMenu( self.helpMenu.menuAction(), self.__panelsMenu ) except AttributeError: # Or just add it if help menu is not shown self.menuBar().addMenu(self.__panelsMenu) self.hideAllPanelsAction = self.__panelsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:hide.svg"), "Hide all panels", self.hideAllPanels ) self.showAllPanelsAction = self.__panelsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:show.svg"), "Show all panels", self.showAllPanels ) self.newPanelAction = self.__panelsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("window-new"), "New Panel...", self.createCustomPanel, ) self.removePanelAction = self.__panelsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-clear"), "Remove Panel...", self.removePanel, ) self.__panelsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("preferences-desktop-personal"), "Switch temporary/permanent status...", self.updatePermanentCustomPanels, ) # temporary and permanent panels submenus self.__panelsMenu.addSeparator() self.__permPanelsMenu = Qt.QMenu("Permanent Panels", self) self.__panelsMenu.addMenu(self.__permPanelsMenu) self.__permPanelsMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.__updatePanelsMenu) self.__tempPanelsMenu = Qt.QMenu("Temporary Panels", self) self.__panelsMenu.addMenu(self.__tempPanelsMenu) self.__tempPanelsMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.__updatePanelsMenu) self.__panelsMenu.addSeparator() def __initViewMenu(self): # the superclass may already have added stuff to the viewMenu self.viewMenu.addSeparator() # view locking self.viewMenu.addSeparator() self.viewMenu.addAction(self._lockviewAction) def __initPanelsToolBar(self): # Panels toolbar self.panelsToolBar = self.addToolBar("Panels") self.panelsToolBar.setObjectName("PanelsToolbar") self.panelsToolBar.addAction(self.newPanelAction) if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: self.viewToolBarsMenu.addAction( self.panelsToolBar.toggleViewAction() ) def __initQuickAccessToolBar(self): self.quickAccessToolBar = self.addToolBar("Quick Access") self.quickAccessToolBar.setObjectName("quickAccessToolbar") self.quickAccessToolBar.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon ) if self.VIEW_MENU_ENABLED: self.viewToolBarsMenu.addAction( self.quickAccessToolBar.toggleViewAction() ) def __initJorgBar(self): # Fancy Stuff ToolBar (aka Jorg's Bar ;) ) self.jorgsBar = Qt.QToolBar("Fancy ToolBar") self.jorgsBar.setObjectName("jorgsToolBar") self.addToolBar(Qt.Qt.RightToolBarArea, self.jorgsBar) self.jorgsBar.setIconSize(Qt.QSize(60, 60)) self.jorgsBar.setMovable(False) def __initSharedDataConnections(self): # register the TAURUSGUI itself as a writer/reader for several shared # data items splashScreen = self.splashScreen() if splashScreen is not None: self.splashScreen().showMessage( "setting up shared data connections" ) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter( "macroserverName", self, "macroserverNameChanged" ) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter("doorName", self, "doorNameChanged") Qt.qApp.SDM.connectReader( "SelectedInstrument", self.onSelectedInstrument ) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter( "SelectedInstrument", self, "SelectedInstrument" ) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectReader("executionStarted", self.setFocusToPanel) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectReader("selectedPerspective", self.loadPerspective) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter( "perspectiveChanged", self, "perspectiveChanged" ) def __initToolsMenu(self): if self.toolsMenu is None: self.toolsMenu = Qt.QMenu("Tools") tm = self.toolsMenu tm.addAction( Qt.QIcon("apps:preferences-system-session.svg"), "manage instrument-panel associations", self.onShowAssociationDialog, ) tm.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save"), "Export current Panel configuration to XML", self.onExportCurrentPanelConfiguration, ) tm.addAction( Qt.QIcon("actions:data-transfer.svg"), "Show Shared Data Manager connections", self.showSDMInfo, ) # tools->external apps submenu self.addExternalApplicationAction = self.externalAppsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("list-add"), "Add external application launcher...", self.createExternalApp, ) self.removeExternalApplicationAction = self.externalAppsMenu.addAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("list-remove"), "Remove external appication launcher...", self.removeExternalApp, ) self.externalAppsMenu.addSeparator()
[docs] def createExternalApp(self): """Add a new external application on execution time""" from .appsettingswizard import ExternalAppEditor app_editor = ExternalAppEditor(self) name, xml, ok = app_editor.getDialog() if name in self._external_app_names: msg = ( 'The "%s" external application exists in your GUI.' " If you want to create a new one, " "please use other text label" % name ) taurus.warning(msg) return if ok: extapp = ExternalApp.fromXml(xml) action = extapp.getAction() action_name = str(action.text()) self.__external_app[action_name] = extapp self._addExternalAppLauncher(name, action)
def _addExternalAppLauncher(self, name, action): action_name = str(action.text()) self.__external_app_actions[action_name] = action self.addExternalAppLauncher(action) self._external_app_names.append(name)
[docs] def removeExternalApp(self, name=None): """Remove the given external application from the GUI. :param name: the name of the external application to be removed If None given, the user will be prompted :type name: str or None """ apps = list(self.__external_app.keys()) + self.__permanent_ext_apps if name is None: items = sorted(apps) msg1 = "Remove External application" msg2 = ( "External application to be removed " "(only custom external applications can be removed)." ) name, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, msg1, msg2, items, 0, False ) if not ok: return name = str(name) if name not in apps: msg = ( 'Cannot remove the external application "%s"' " (not found)" % name ) self.debug(msg) return if name in list(self.__external_app.keys()): self.__external_app.pop(name) else: self.__permanent_ext_apps.remove(name) action = self.__external_app_actions.pop(name) self._external_app_names.remove(name) self.deleteExternalAppLauncher(action) self.debug('External application "%s" removed' % name)
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def setCustomWidgetMap(self, map): """ Sets the widget map that is used application-wide. This widget map will be used by default in all TaurusForm Panels belonging to this gui. :param map: a dictionary whose keys are device type strings (e.g. see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are widgets to be used :type map: dict<str,Qt.QWidget> .. seealso:: :meth:`TaurusForm.setCustomWidgetMap`, :meth:`getCustomWidgetMap` """ self._customWidgetMap = map @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getCustomWidgetMap(self): """ Returns the default map used to create custom widgets by the TaurusForms belonging to this GUI :return: a dictionary whose keys are device type strings (i.e. see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are widgets to be used :rtype: dict<str,Qt.QWidget> .. seealso:: :meth:`setCustomWidgetMap` """ return self._customWidgetMap
[docs] def createConfig(self, *args, **kwargs): """reimplemented from TaurusMainWindow.createConfig""" self.updatePermanentCustomPanels(showAlways=False) self.updatePermanentExternalApplications(showAlways=False) cfg = TaurusMainWindow.createConfig(self, *args, **kwargs) return cfg
[docs] def removePanel(self, name=None): """remove the given panel from the GUI. .. note:: The panel; is actually removed from the current perspective. If the panel is saved in other perspectives, it should be removed from them as well. :param name: the name of the panel to be removed If None given, the user will be prompted :type name: str or None """ if name is None: items = sorted( [n for n, p in self.__panels.items() if p.isCustom()] ) desc = ( "Panel to be removed (only custom panels can be removed)." + "\n Important: you may want to save the " + "perspective afterwards," + "\n and maybe remove the panel " + "from other perspectives as well" ) name, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Remove Panel", desc, items, 0, False, ) if not ok: return name = str(name) if name not in self.__panels: self.debug('Cannot remove panel "%s" (not found)' % name) return panel = self.__panels.pop(name) try: # in case the widget is a Taurus one and does some cleaning when # setting model to None panel.widget().setModel(None) except Exception: pass self.unregisterConfigurableItem(name, raiseOnError=False) self.removeDockWidget(panel) panel.setParent(None) panel.setAttribute(Qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) panel.close() self.debug('Panel "%s" removed' % name)
[docs] def createPanel( self, widget, name, floating=False, registerconfig=True, custom=False, permanent=False, icon=None, instrumentkey=None, ): """ Creates a panel containing the given widget. :param wiget: the widget to be contained in the panel :type wiget: QWidget :param name: the name of the panel. It will be used in tabs as well as for configuration :type name: str :param floating: whether the panel should be docked or floating. (see note below) :type floating: bool :param registerconfig: if True, the panel will be registered as a delegate for configuration :type registerconfig: bool :param custom: if True the panel is to be considered a "custom panel" :type custom: bool :param permanent: set this to True for panels that need to be recreated when restoring the app :type permanent: bool :param icon: icon for the panel :type icon: QIcon :param instrumentkey: name of an instrument to which this panel is to be associated :type instrumentkey: str :return: the created panel :rtype: DockWidgetPanel .. note:: On a previous version, there was a mandatory parameter called `area` (which accepted a Qt.DockWidgetArea or None as values) this parameter has now been substituted by the keyword argument `floating`. In order to provide backwards compatibility, the "floating" keyword argument stays at the same position as the old `area` argument and if a Qt.DockWidgetArea value is given, it will be interpreted as floating=True (while if `None` is passed, it will be interpreted as floating=False. """ # backwards compatibility: if not isinstance(floating, bool): 'Deprecation warning: the "area" argument is deprecated. ' + "See TaurusGui.createPanel doc" ) floating = not (floating) name = str(name) if name in self.__panels:'Panel with name "%s" already exists. Reusing.' % name) return self.__panels[name] # create a panel panel = DockWidgetPanel(None, widget, name, self) # we will only place panels in this area self.addDockWidget(Qt.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea, panel) if len(self.__panels) != 0: self.tabifyDockWidget(list(self.__panels.values())[-1], panel) panel.setFloating(floating) # associate this panel with an instrument if instrumentkey is not None: if instrumentkey == self.IMPLICIT_ASSOCIATION: # see if there is an item whose name is the same as that of the # panel for syn in self.__synoptics: if name in syn.get_item_list(): self.setInstrumentAssociation(name, name) break else: self.setInstrumentAssociation(instrumentkey, name) if icon is not None: panel.toggleViewAction().setIcon(icon) # set flags panel.setCustom(custom) panel.setPermanent(permanent) # register the panel for configuration if registerconfig: self.registerConfigDelegate(panel, name=name) self.__panels[name] = panel # connect the panel visibility changes panel.visibilityChanged.connect(self._onPanelVisibilityChanged) return panel
[docs] def getPanel(self, name): """get a panel object by name :return: :rtype: DockWidgetPanel """ return self.__panels[str(name)]
[docs] def getPanelNames(self): """returns the names of existing panels :return: :rtype: list<str> """ return copy.deepcopy(list(self.__panels.keys()))
def _setPermanentExternalApps(self, permExternalApps): """creates empty panels for restoring custom panels. :param permCustomPanels: list of names of custom panels :type permCustomPanels: list<str> """ # first create the panels if they don't actually exist for name in permExternalApps: if name not in self._external_app_names: # create empty action self.__permanent_ext_apps.append(name) action = ExternalAppAction("", name) self._addExternalAppLauncher(name, action) def _getPermanentExternalApps(self): return self.__permanent_ext_apps def _setPermanentCustomPanels(self, permCustomPanels): """creates empty panels for restoring custom panels. :param permCustomPanels: list of names of custom panels :type permCustomPanels: list<str> """ # first create the panels if they don't actually exist for name in permCustomPanels: if name not in self.__panels: self.createPanel(None, name, custom=True, permanent=True) def _getPermanentCustomPanels(self): """ returns a list of panel names for which the custom and permanent flags are True (i.e., those custom panels that should be stored in configuration and/or perspectives) :return: :rtype: list<str> """ return [ n for n, p in self.__panels.items() if (p.isCustom() and p.isPermanent()) ]
[docs] def updatePermanentCustomPanels(self, showAlways=True): """ Shows a dialog for selecting which custom panels should be permanently stored in the configuration. :param showAlways: forces showing the dialog even if there are no new custom Panels :type showAlways: bool """ # check if there are some newly created panels that may be made # permanent perm = self._getPermanentCustomPanels() temp = [ n for n, p in self.__panels.items() if (p.isCustom() and not p.isPermanent()) ] if len(temp) > 0 or showAlways: from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import QDoubleListDlg dlg = QDoubleListDlg( winTitle="Stored panels", mainLabel="Select which of the panels should be stored", label1="Temporary (to be discarded)", label2="Permanent (to be stored)", list1=temp, list2=perm, ) result = dlg.exec_() if result == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: # update the permanent Custom Panels registered = self.getConfigurableItemNames() for name in dlg.getAll2(): if name not in registered: self.__panels[name].setPermanent(True) self.registerConfigDelegate(self.__panels[name], name) # unregister any panel that is temporary for name in dlg.getAll1(): self.__panels[name].setPermanent(False) self.unregisterConfigurableItem(name, raiseOnError=False)
[docs] def updatePermanentExternalApplications(self, showAlways=True): """ Shows a dialog for selecting which new externals applications should be permanently stored in the configuration. :param showAlways: forces showing the dialog :type showAlways: bool """ # check if there are some newly created external applications that may # be made permanent # permanet_ext_app = list(self._external_app_names) if len(self.__external_app) > 0 or showAlways: from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import QDoubleListDlg msg = "Select which of the external applications should be stored" dlg = QDoubleListDlg( winTitle="Stored external applications", mainLabel=msg, label1="Temporary (to be discarded)", label2="Permanent (to be stored)", list1=list(self.__external_app.keys()), list2=self.__permanent_ext_apps, ) result = dlg.exec_() if result == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: # update the temporally external applications for name in dlg.getAll2(): self.__permanent_ext_apps.append(str(name)) if name in self.__external_app: self.__external_app.pop(str(name)) for name in dlg.getAll1(): self.unregisterConfigurableItem( "_extApp[%s]" % str(name), raiseOnError=False )
[docs] def createCustomPanel(self, paneldesc=None): """ Creates a panel from a Panel Description and sets it as "custom panel". :param paneldesc: description of the panel to be created :type paneldesc: PanelDescription .. seealso:: :meth:`createPanel` """ if paneldesc is None: from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui import PanelDescriptionWizard paneldesc, ok = PanelDescriptionWizard.getDialog( self, extraWidgets=self._extraCatalogWidgets ) if not ok: return w = paneldesc.getWidget(sdm=Qt.qApp.SDM, setModel=False) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Backwards-compat. Remove when removing CW map support if self._customWidgetMap and hasattr(w, "setCustomWidgetMap"): w.setCustomWidgetMap(self._customWidgetMap) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- if isinstance(w, TaurusBaseComponent): # TODO: allow to select these options in the dialog w.setModifiableByUser(True) w.setModelInConfig(True) if paneldesc.model is not None: w.setModel(paneldesc.model) self.createPanel( w,, floating=paneldesc.floating, custom=True, registerconfig=False, instrumentkey=paneldesc.instrumentkey, permanent=False, ) msg = ( "Panel %s created. Drag items to it " + "or use the context menu to customize it" ) % self.newShortMessage.emit(msg)
[docs] def createMainSynoptic(self, synopticname): """ Creates a synoptic panel and registers it as "SelectedInstrument" reader and writer (allowing selecting instruments from synoptic """ try: jdwFileName = os.path.join(self._confDirectory, synopticname) from taurus.qt.qtgui.graphic import TaurusJDrawSynopticsView synoptic = TaurusJDrawSynopticsView() synoptic.setModel(jdwFileName) self.__synoptics.append(synoptic) except Exception as e: msg = ( "Error loading synoptic file '%s'." + "\nSynoptic won't be available" ) % jdwFileName self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%s" % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter( "SelectedInstrument", synoptic, "graphicItemSelected" ) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectReader( "SelectedInstrument", synoptic.selectGraphicItem ) # find an unique (and short) name name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(synopticname))[0] if len(name) > 10: name = "Syn" i = 2 prefix = name while name in self.__panels: name = "%s_%i" % (prefix, i) i += 1 synopticpanel = self.createPanel( synoptic, name, permanent=True, icon=Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("image-x-generic"), ) if self.QUICK_ACCESS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: toggleSynopticAction = synopticpanel.toggleViewAction() self.quickAccessToolBar.addAction(toggleSynopticAction)
[docs] def createConsole(self, kernels): msg = ( 'createConsole() and the "CONSOLE" configuration key are ' + "deprecated since 4.0.4. Add a panel with a " + "silx.gui.console.IPythonWidget widdget instead" ) self.deprecated(msg) try: from silx.gui.console import IPythonWidget except ImportError: self.warning( "Cannot import taurus.qt.qtgui.console. " + "The Console Panel will not be available" ) return console = IPythonWidget() self.createPanel( console, "Console", permanent=True, icon=Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("utilities-terminal"), )
[docs] def createInstrumentsFromPool(self, macroservername): """ Creates a list of instrument panel descriptions by gathering the info from the Pool. Each panel is a TaurusForm grouping together all those elements that belong to the same instrument according to the Pool info :return: :rtype: list<PanelDescription> """ instrument_dict = {} try: ms = taurus.Device(macroservername) instruments = ms.getElementsOfType("Instrument") if instruments is None: raise Exception() except Exception as e: msg = 'Could not fetch Instrument list from "%s"' % macroservername self.error(msg) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%s" % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() return [] for i in instruments.values(): i_name = i.full_name # i_name, i_unknown, i_type, i_pools = i.split() i_view = PanelDescription( i_name, classname="TaurusForm", floating=False, model=[], modulename="taurus.qt.qtgui.panel", ) instrument_dict[i_name] = i_view from operator import attrgetter pool_elements = sorted( ms.getElementsWithInterface("Moveable").values(), key=attrgetter("name"), ) pool_elements += sorted( ms.getElementsWithInterface("ExpChannel").values(), key=attrgetter("name"), ) pool_elements += sorted( ms.getElementsWithInterface("IORegister").values(), key=attrgetter("name"), ) for elem in pool_elements: instrument = elem.instrument if instrument: i_name = instrument # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Support sardana v<2.4 (which used tango names instead of # taurus full names e_name = elem.full_name if not e_name.startswith("tango://"): e_name = "tango://%s" % e_name # ----------------------------------------------------------- instrument_dict[i_name].model.append(e_name) # filter out empty panels ret = [ instrument for instrument in instrument_dict.values() if len(instrument.model) > 0 ] return ret
def __getVarFromXML(self, root, nodename, default=None): name = root.find(nodename) if name is None or name.text is None: return default else: return name.text def _importConfiguration(self, confname): """returns the module corresponding to `confname` or to `tgconf_<confname>`. Note: the `conf` subdirectory of the directory in which file is installed is temporally prepended to sys.path """ confsubdir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "conf" ) # the path to a conf subdirectory of the place where is oldpath = sys.path try: # add the conf subdirectory dir to the pythonpath sys.path = [confsubdir] + sys.path conf = __import__(confname) except ImportError: altconfname = "tgconf_%s" % confname try: conf = __import__(altconfname) except ImportError: msg = "cannot import %s or %s" % (confname, altconfname) self.error(msg) Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", msg, Qt.QMessageBox.Abort ) sys.exit() finally: sys.path = oldpath # restore the previous sys.path return conf
[docs] def loadConfiguration(self, confname): """Reads a configuration file :param confname: the name of module located in the PYTHONPATH or in the conf subdirectory of the directory in which file is installed. This method will try to import <confname>. If that fails, it will try to import `tgconf_<confname>`. Alternatively, `confname` can be the path to the configuration module (not necessarily in the PYTHONPATH). `confname` can also be None, in which case a dummy empty module will be used. :type confname: str or None """ # import the python config file try: if confname is None: import types conf = types.ModuleType( "__dummy_conf_module__" ) # dummy module confname = str(Qt.qApp.applicationName()) self._confDirectory = "" elif os.path.exists(confname): # if confname is a dir or file name import importlib path, name = os.path.split(confname) name, _ = os.path.splitext(name) # if confname refers to a package, append the "/" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(confname, "")): confname = os.path.join(confname, "") try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( name, confname ) conf = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[] = conf spec.loader.exec_module(conf) confname = name except ImportError: conf = self._importConfiguration(confname) self._confDirectory = os.path.dirname(conf.__file__) else: # if confname is not a dir name, we assume it is a module # name in the python path conf = self._importConfiguration(confname) self._confDirectory = os.path.dirname(conf.__file__) except Exception: import traceback msg = "Error loading configuration file %s: %s" % ( confname, traceback.format_exc(), ) # repr(e) self.error(msg) Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", msg, Qt.QMessageBox.Abort ) sys.exit() xmlroot = self._loadXmlConfig(conf) self._loadAppName(conf, confname, xmlroot) self._loadOrgName(conf, xmlroot) self._loadCustomLogo(conf, xmlroot) # do some extra config if we have a TaurusApplication _app = Qt.QApplication.instance() if hasattr(_app, "basicConfig"): _app.basicConfig() self._loadOrgLogo(conf, xmlroot) self._loadSingleInstance(conf, xmlroot) self._loadExtraCatalogWidgets(conf, xmlroot) self._loadManualUri(conf, xmlroot) POOLINSTRUMENTS = self._loadSardanaOptions(conf, xmlroot) self._loadSynoptic(conf, xmlroot) # TODO: remove deprecated _loadConsole self._loadConsole(conf, xmlroot) self._loadCustomPanels(conf, xmlroot, POOLINSTRUMENTS) self._loadCustomToolBars(conf, xmlroot) self._loadCustomApplets(conf, xmlroot) self._loadExternalApps(conf, xmlroot) self._loadIniFile(conf, xmlroot)
def _loadXmlConfig(self, conf): """ Get the xml root node from the xml configuration file """ xml_config = getattr(conf, "XML_CONFIG", None) if xml_config is None: self._xmlConfigFileName = None else: self._xmlConfigFileName = os.path.join( self._confDirectory, xml_config ) # default fallback (in case of I/O or parse errors) xmlroot = etree.fromstring("<root></root>") if xml_config is not None: try: # If a relative name was given, the conf directory will be used # as base path xmlfname = os.path.join(self._confDirectory, xml_config) xmlFile = open(xmlfname, "r") xmlstring = xmlFile.close() xmlroot = etree.fromstring(xmlstring) except Exception as e: msg = 'Error reading the XML file: "%s"' % xmlfname self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", '%s\nReason:"%s"' % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() return xmlroot def _loadAppName(self, conf, confname, xmlroot): appname = getattr( conf, "GUI_NAME", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "GUI_NAME", confname), ) Qt.qApp.setApplicationName(appname) self.setWindowTitle(appname) def _loadOrgName(self, conf, xmlroot): orgname = getattr( conf, "ORGANIZATION", self.__getVarFromXML( xmlroot, "ORGANIZATION", str(Qt.qApp.organizationName()) or "Taurus", ), ) Qt.qApp.setOrganizationName(orgname) def _loadCustomLogo(self, conf, xmlroot): custom_logo = getattr( conf, "CUSTOM_LOGO", getattr( conf, "LOGO", self.__getVarFromXML( xmlroot, "CUSTOM_LOGO", "logos:taurus.png" ), ), ) if Qt.QFile.exists(custom_logo): custom_icon = Qt.QIcon(custom_logo) else: custom_icon = Qt.QIcon( os.path.join(self._confDirectory, custom_logo) ) self.setWindowIcon(custom_icon) if self.APPLETS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: self.jorgsBar.addAction(custom_icon, Qt.qApp.applicationName()) def _loadOrgLogo(self, conf, xmlroot): logo = getattr( tauruscustomsettings, "ORGANIZATION_LOGO", "logos:taurus.png" ) org_logo = getattr( conf, "ORGANIZATION_LOGO", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "ORGANIZATION_LOGO", logo), ) if Qt.QFile.exists(org_logo): org_icon = Qt.QIcon(org_logo) else: org_icon = Qt.QIcon(os.path.join(self._confDirectory, org_logo)) if self.APPLETS_TOOLBAR_ENABLED: self.jorgsBar.addAction(org_icon, Qt.qApp.organizationName()) def _loadSingleInstance(self, conf, xmlroot): """ if required, enforce that only one instance of this GUI can be run """ single_inst = getattr( conf, "SINGLE_INSTANCE", ( self.__getVarFromXML( xmlroot, "SINGLE_INSTANCE", "True" ).lower() == "true" ), ) if single_inst: if not self.checkSingleInstance(): msg = ( "Only one instance of %s is allowed to run the same time" % (Qt.qApp.applicationName()) ) self.error(msg) Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Multiple copies", msg, Qt.QMessageBox.Abort ) sys.exit(1) def _loadExtraCatalogWidgets(self, conf, xmlroot): """ get custom widget catalog entries """ # @todo: support also loading from xml extra_catalog_widgets = getattr(conf, "EXTRA_CATALOG_WIDGETS", []) self._extraCatalogWidgets = [] for class_name, pix_map_name in extra_catalog_widgets: # If a relative file name is given, the conf directory will be used # as base path if pix_map_name and not Qt.QFile.exists(pix_map_name): pix_map_name = os.path.join(self._confDirectory, pix_map_name) self._extraCatalogWidgets.append((class_name, pix_map_name)) def _loadManualUri(self, conf, xmlroot): """ manual panel """ manual_uri = getattr( conf, "MANUAL_URI", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "MANUAL_URI", taurus.Release.url), ) self.setHelpManualURI(manual_uri) if self.HELP_MENU_ENABLED: self.createPanel( self.helpManualBrowser, "Manual", permanent=True, icon=Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("help-browser"), ) # SARDANA MACRO STUFF ON def _loadSardanaOptions(self, conf, xmlroot): """configure macro infrastructure""" ms = self._loadMacroServerName(conf, xmlroot) mp = self._loadMacroPanels(conf, xmlroot) # macro infrastructure will only be created if MACROSERVER_NAME is set if ms is not None and mp is True: from sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.macrolistener import MacroBroker self.__macroBroker = MacroBroker(self) self._loadDoorName(conf, xmlroot) self._loadMacroEditorsPath(conf, xmlroot) pool_instruments = self._loadInstrumentsFromPool(conf, xmlroot, ms) return pool_instruments def _loadMacroServerName(self, conf, xmlroot): macro_server_name = getattr( conf, "MACROSERVER_NAME", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "MACROSERVER_NAME", None), ) if macro_server_name: self.macroserverNameChanged.emit(macro_server_name) return macro_server_name def _loadMacroPanels(self, conf, xmlroot): macro_panels = getattr( conf, "MACRO_PANELS", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "MACRO_PANELS", True), ) return macro_panels def _loadDoorName(self, conf, xmlroot): door_name = getattr( conf, "DOOR_NAME", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "DOOR_NAME", "") ) if door_name: self.doorNameChanged.emit(door_name) def _loadMacroEditorsPath(self, conf, xmlroot): macro_editors_path = getattr( conf, "MACROEDITORS_PATH", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "MACROEDITORS_PATH", ""), ) if macro_editors_path: from sardana.taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_macroexecutor.macroparameterseditor import ( # noqa ParamEditorManager, ) ParamEditorManager().parsePaths(macro_editors_path) ParamEditorManager().browsePaths() def _loadInstrumentsFromPool(self, conf, xmlroot, macro_server_name): """ Get panel descriptions from pool if required """ instruments_from_pool = getattr( conf, "INSTRUMENTS_FROM_POOL", ( self.__getVarFromXML( xmlroot, "INSTRUMENTS_FROM_POOL", "False" ).lower() == "true" ), ) if instruments_from_pool: try: self.splashScreen().showMessage( "Gathering Instrument info from Pool" ) except AttributeError: pass pool_instruments = self.createInstrumentsFromPool( macro_server_name ) # auto create instruments from pool else: pool_instruments = [] return pool_instruments # SARDANA MACRO STUFF OFF def _loadSynoptic(self, conf, xmlroot): # Synoptics synoptic = getattr(conf, "SYNOPTIC", None) if isinstance(synoptic, str): # old config file style self.warning( "Deprecated usage of synoptic keyword " + "(now it expects a list of paths). " + "Please update your configuration file to: " + "\"synoptic=['%s']\".", synoptic, ) synoptic = [synoptic] if synoptic is None: synoptic = [] node = xmlroot.find("SYNOPTIC") if (node is not None) and (node.text is not None): for child in node: s = child.get("str") # we do not append empty strings if s is not None and len(s): synoptic.append(s) for s in synoptic: self.createMainSynoptic(s) def _loadConsole(self, conf, xmlroot): """ Deprecated CONSOLE command (if you need a IPython Console, just add a Panel with a `silx.gui.console.IPythonWidget` """ # TODO: remove this method when making deprecation efective console = getattr( conf, "CONSOLE", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "CONSOLE", []) ) if console: self.createConsole([]) def _loadCustomPanels(self, conf, xmlroot, poolinstruments=None): """ get custom panel descriptions from the python config file, xml config and create panels based on the panel descriptions """ custom_panels = [ obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(conf) if isinstance(obj, PanelDescription) ] panel_descriptions = xmlroot.find("PanelDescriptions") if panel_descriptions is not None: for child in panel_descriptions: if child.tag == "PanelDescription": child_str = etree.tostring(child, encoding="unicode") pd = PanelDescription.fromXml(child_str) if pd is not None: custom_panels.append(pd) for p in custom_panels + poolinstruments: try: try: self.splashScreen().showMessage( "Creating panel %s" % ) except AttributeError: pass w = p.getWidget(sdm=Qt.qApp.SDM, setModel=False) for key, value in p.widget_properties.items(): # set additional configuration for the if hasattr(w, key): try: setattr(w, key, value) except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot set %r.%s=%s" % (w, key, str(value)) self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%r" % (msg, e), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Backwards-compat. Remove when removing CW map support if self._customWidgetMap and hasattr(w, "setCustomWidgetMap"): w.setCustomWidgetMap(self._customWidgetMap) # ------------------------------------------------------------- if p.model is not None: w.setModel(p.model) if p.instrumentkey is None: instrumentkey = self.IMPLICIT_ASSOCIATION if isinstance(w, TaurusBaseComponent): if p.modifiable_by_user is not None: w.setModifiableByUser(p.modifiable_by_user) if p.model_in_config is not None: w.setModelInConfig(p.model_in_config) if p.widget_formatter is not None: w.setFormat(p.widget_formatter) icon = p.icon # the pool instruments may change when the pool config changes, # so we do not store their config registerconfig = p not in poolinstruments # create a panel self.createPanel( w,, floating=p.floating, registerconfig=registerconfig, instrumentkey=instrumentkey, permanent=True, icon=icon, ) except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot create panel %s" % getattr( p, "name", "__Unknown__" ) self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%s" % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() def _loadCustomToolBars(self, conf, xmlroot): """ get custom toolbars descriptions from the python config file, xml config and create toolbars based on the descriptions """ custom_toolbars = [ obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(conf) if isinstance(obj, ToolBarDescription) ] tool_bar_descriptions = xmlroot.find("ToolBarDescriptions") if tool_bar_descriptions is not None: for child in tool_bar_descriptions: if child.tag == "ToolBarDescription": child_str = etree.tostring(child, encoding="unicode") d = ToolBarDescription.fromXml(child_str) if d is not None: custom_toolbars.append(d) for d in custom_toolbars: try: try: self.splashScreen().showMessage( "Creating Toolbar %s" % ) except AttributeError: pass w = d.getWidget(sdm=Qt.qApp.SDM, setModel=False) if d.model is not None: w.setModel(d.model) w.setWindowTitle( # add the toolbar to the window self.addToolBar(w) # add the toggleview action to the view menu self.viewToolBarsMenu.addAction(w.toggleViewAction()) # register the toolbar as delegate if it supports it if isinstance(w, BaseConfigurableClass): self.registerConfigDelegate(w, except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot add toolbar %s" % getattr( d, "name", "__Unknown__" ) self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%s" % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() def _loadCustomApplets(self, conf, xmlroot): """ get custom applet descriptions from the python config file, xml config and create applet based on the descriptions """ custom_applets = [] # for backwards compatibility MONITOR = getattr( conf, "MONITOR", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "MONITOR", []) ) if MONITOR: custom_applets.append( AppletDescription( "monitor", classname="TaurusMonitorTiny", model=MONITOR ) ) custom_applets += [ obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(conf) if isinstance(obj, AppletDescription) ] applet_descriptions = xmlroot.find("AppletDescriptions") if applet_descriptions is not None: for child in applet_descriptions: if child.tag == "AppletDescription": child_str = etree.tostring(child, encoding="unicode") d = AppletDescription.fromXml(child_str) if d is not None: custom_applets.append(d) for d in custom_applets: try: try: self.splashScreen().showMessage( "Creating applet %s" % ) except AttributeError: pass w = d.getWidget(sdm=Qt.qApp.SDM, setModel=False) if d.model is not None: w.setModel(d.model) # add the widget to the applets toolbar self.jorgsBar.addWidget(w) # register the toolbar as delegate if it supports it if isinstance(w, BaseConfigurableClass): self.registerConfigDelegate(w, except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot add applet %s" % getattr( d, "name", "__Unknown__" ) self.error(msg) self.traceback(level=taurus.Info) result = Qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Initialization error", "%s\n\n%s" % (msg, repr(e)), Qt.QMessageBox.Abort | Qt.QMessageBox.Ignore, ) if result == Qt.QMessageBox.Abort: sys.exit() def _loadExternalApps(self, conf, xmlroot): """ add external applications from both the python and the xml config files """ external_apps = [ obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(conf) if isinstance(obj, ExternalApp) ] ext_apps_node = xmlroot.find("ExternalApps") if ext_apps_node is not None: for child in ext_apps_node: if child.tag == "ExternalApp": child_str = etree.tostring(child, encoding="unicode") ea = ExternalApp.fromXml(child_str) if ea is not None: external_apps.append(ea) for a in external_apps: self._external_app_names.append(str(a.getAction().text())) self.addExternalAppLauncher(a.getAction()) def _loadIniFile(self, conf, xmlroot): """ get the "factory settings" filename. By default, it is called "default.ini" and resides in the configuration dir """ ini_file = getattr( conf, "INIFILE", self.__getVarFromXML(xmlroot, "INIFILE", "default.ini"), ) # if a relative name is given, the conf dir is used as the root path ini_file_name = os.path.join(self._confDirectory, ini_file) # read the settings (or the factory settings if the regular file is not # found) msg = "Loading previous state" if self.defaultConfigRecursionDepth >= 0: msg += " in Fail Proof mode" try: self.splashScreen().showMessage(msg) except AttributeError: pass self.loadSettings(factorySettingsFileName=ini_file_name)
[docs] def setLockView(self, locked): self.setModifiableByUser(not locked)
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): if modifiable: dwfeat = Qt.QDockWidget.AllDockWidgetFeatures else: dwfeat = Qt.QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures for panel in self.__panels.values(): panel.toggleViewAction().setEnabled(modifiable) panel.setFeatures(dwfeat) if self.PANELS_MENU_ENABLED: for action in ( self.newPanelAction, self.showAllPanelsAction, self.hideAllPanelsAction, ): action.setEnabled(modifiable) if self.TOOLS_MENU_ENABLED: for action in ( self.addExternalApplicationAction, self.removeExternalApplicationAction, ): action.setEnabled(modifiable) self._lockviewAction.setChecked(not modifiable) TaurusMainWindow.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable)
[docs] def onShortMessage(self, msg): """Slot to be called when there is a new short message. Currently, the only action taken when there is a new message is to display it in the main window status bar. :param msg: the short descriptive message to be handled :type msg: str """ self.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
[docs] def hideAllPanels(self): """hides all current panels""" for panel in self.__panels.values(): panel.hide()
[docs] def showAllPanels(self): """shows all current panels""" for panel in self.__panels.values():
[docs] def onShowAssociationDialog(self): """launches the instrument-panel association dialog (modal)""" dlg = AssociationDialog(self) Qt.qApp.SDM.connectWriter( "SelectedInstrument", dlg.ui.instrumentCB, "activated(QString)" ) dlg.exec_() Qt.qApp.SDM.disconnectWriter( "SelectedInstrument", dlg.ui.instrumentCB, "activated(QString)" )
[docs] def getInstrumentAssociation(self, instrumentname): """ Returns the panel name associated to an instrument name :param instrumentname: The name of the instrument whose associated panel is wanted :type instrumentname: str or None :return: the associated panel name (or None). :rtype: str or None """ return self.__instrumentToPanelMap.get(instrumentname, None)
[docs] def setInstrumentAssociation(self, instrumentname, panelname): """ Sets the panel name associated to an instrument :param instrumentname: The name of the instrument :type instrumentname: str :param panelname: The name of the associated panel or None to remove the association for this instrument. :type panelname: str or None """ instrumentname = str(instrumentname) # remove a previous association if it exists oldpanelname = self.__instrumentToPanelMap.get(instrumentname, None) self.__panelToInstrumentMap.pop(oldpanelname, None) # create the new association self.__instrumentToPanelMap[instrumentname] = panelname if panelname is not None: self.__panelToInstrumentMap[panelname] = instrumentname
[docs] def getAllInstrumentAssociations(self): """ Returns the dictionary of instrument-panel associations :return: a dict whose keys are the instruments known to the gui and whose values are the corresponding associated panels (or None). :rtype: dict<str,str> """ return copy.deepcopy(self.__instrumentToPanelMap)
[docs] def setAllInstrumentAssociations( self, associationsdict, clearExisting=False ): """Sets the dictionary of instrument-panel associations. By default, it keeps any existing association not present in the associationsdict. :param associationsdict: a dict whose keys are the instruments names and whose values are the corresponding associated panels (or None) :type associationsdict: dict<str,str> :param clearExisting: if True, the the existing asociations are cleared. If False (default) existing associations are updated with those in associationsdict :type clearExisting: bool """ if clearExisting: self.__instrumentToPanelMap = copy.deepcopy(associationsdict) else: self.__instrumentToPanelMap.update(copy.deepcopy(associationsdict)) self.__panelToInstrumentMap = {} for k, v in self.__instrumentToPanelMap.items(): self.__panelToInstrumentMap[v] = k
def _onPanelVisibilityChanged(self, visible): if visible: panelname = str(self.sender().objectName()) instrumentname = self.__panelToInstrumentMap.get(panelname) if instrumentname is not None: self.SelectedInstrument.emit(instrumentname)
[docs] def onSelectedInstrument(self, instrumentname): """Slot to be called when the selected instrument has changed (e.g. by user clicking in the synoptic) :param instrumentname: The name that identifies the instrument. :type instrumentname: str """ instrumentname = str(instrumentname) panelname = self.getInstrumentAssociation(instrumentname) self.setFocusToPanel(panelname)
[docs] def setFocusToPanel(self, panelname): """Method that sets a focus for panel passed via an argument :param panelname: The name that identifies the panel. This name must be unique within the panels in the GUI. :type panelname: str """ panelname = str(panelname) try: panel = self.__panels[panelname] panel.setFocus() panel.raise_() except KeyError: pass
[docs] def tabifyArea(self, area): """tabifies all panels in a given area. :param area: :type area: Qt.DockWidgetArea .. warning:: This method is deprecated """ raise DeprecationWarning( "tabifyArea is no longer supported " + "(now all panels reside in the same DockWidget Area)" ) panels = self.findPanelsInArea(area) if len(panels) < 2: return p0 = panels[0] for p in panels[1:]: self.tabifyDockWidget(p0, p)
[docs] def findPanelsInArea(self, area): """returns all panels in the given area :param area: If area=='FLOATING', the dockwidgets that are floating will be returned. :type area: QMdiArea, Qt.DockWidgetArea, 'FLOATING' or None :param area: :type area: Qt.DockWidgetArea or str .. warning:: This method is deprecated """ raise DeprecationWarning( "findPanelsInArea is no longer supported " + "(now all panels reside in the same DockWidget Area)" ) if area == "FLOATING": return [p for p in self.__panels.values() if p.isFloating()] else: return [ p for p in self.__panels.values() if self.dockWidgetArea(p) == area ]
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """TaurusGui is not to be in designer""" return None
[docs] def onShowManual(self, anchor=None): """reimplemented from :class:`TaurusMainWindow` to show the manual in a panel (not just a dockwidget)""" self.setFocusToPanel("Manual")
[docs] def onExportCurrentPanelConfiguration(self, fname=None): if fname is None: fname = self._xmlConfigFileName if self._xmlConfigFileName is None: xmlroot = etree.Element("taurusgui_config") else: try: f = open(self._xmlConfigFileName, "r") xmlroot = etree.fromstring( f.close() except Exception as e: self.error( 'Cannot parse file "%s": %s', self._xmlConfigFileName, str(e), ) return # retrieve/create the PanelDescriptions node panelDescriptionsNode = xmlroot.find("PanelDescriptions") if panelDescriptionsNode is None: panelDescriptionsNode = etree.SubElement( xmlroot, "PanelDescriptions" ) # Get all custom panels from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import QDoubleListDlg dlg = QDoubleListDlg( winTitle="Export Panels to XML", mainLabel=( "Select which of the custom panels " + "you want to export as xml configuration" ), label1="Not Exported", label2="Exported", list1=[n for n, p in self.__panels.items() if p.isCustom()], list2=[], ) result = dlg.exec_() if result != Qt.QDialog.Accepted: return exportlist = dlg.getAll2() # create xml for those to be exported registered = self.getConfigurableItemNames() for name in exportlist: panel = self.__panels[name] if name not in registered: panel.setPermanent(True) self.registerConfigDelegate(panel, name) panelxml = PanelDescription.fromPanel(panel).toXml() panelDescriptionsNode.append(etree.fromstring(panelxml)) xml = etree.tostring(xmlroot, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode") # write to file while True: if fname is None: fname, _ = compat.getSaveFileName( self, "Open File", self._confDirectory,"XML files (*.xml)"), ) if not fname: return fname = str(fname) # backup the file if os.path.exists(fname): import shutil try: bckname = "%s.orig" % fname shutil.copy(fname, bckname) except Exception: msg = ( "%s will be overwritten " + "but I couldn't create a backup in %s" ) self.warning(msg, fname, bckname) # write the data try: f = open(fname, "w") f.write(xml) f.close() break except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot write to %s: %s" % (fname, str(e)) self.error(msg) Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "I/O problem", msg + "\nChoose a different location.", Qt.QMessageBox.Ok, Qt.QMessageBox.NoButton, ) fname = None hint = "XML_CONFIG = '%s'" % os.path.relpath( fname, self._confDirectory ) msg = "Configuration written in %s" % fname Qt.QMessageBox.information( self, "Configuration updated", msg + "\nMake sure that the .py configuration file in %s contains\n%s" % (self._confDirectory, hint), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok, Qt.QMessageBox.NoButton, ) return
[docs] def showSDMInfo(self): """pops up a dialog showing the current information from the Shared Data Manager""" # w = Qt.QMessageBox( self) text = "Currently managing %i shared data objects:\n%s" % ( len(Qt.qApp.SDM.activeDataUIDs()), ", ".join(Qt.qApp.SDM.activeDataUIDs()), ) nfo = w = Qt.QMessageBox( Qt.QMessageBox.Information, "Shared Data Manager Information", text, buttons=Qt.QMessageBox.Close, parent=self, ) w.setDetailedText(nfo)
@click.command("gui") @click.argument("confname", nargs=1, required=True) @click.option( "--safe-mode", "safe_mode", is_flag=True, default=False, help=( "launch in safe mode (it prevents potentially problematic " + "configs from being loaded)" ), ) @click.option( "--ini", type=click.Path(exists=True), metavar="INIFILE", help=( "settings file (.ini) to be loaded (defaults to " + "<user_config_dir>/<appname>.ini)" ), default=None, ) def gui_cmd(confname, safe_mode, ini): """Launch a TaurusGUI using the given CONF""" import sys import taurus from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication"Starting execution of TaurusGui") app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None, app_name="taurusgui") if safe_mode: configRecursionDepth = 0 else: configRecursionDepth = None gui = TaurusGui( None, confname=confname, settingsname=ini, configRecursionDepth=configRecursionDepth, ) ret = app.exec_()"Finished execution of TaurusGui") sys.exit(ret) @click.command("newgui") # @click.option('--stub', 'stub_name', # metavar="NAME", # default=None, # help='Create an empty stub of gui with the given NAME' # ) def newgui_cmd(): """Create a new TaurusGui""" import sys from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None, app_name="newgui") # if stub_name is not None: # pass # TODO from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui import AppSettingsWizard wizard = AppSettingsWizard() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": gui_cmd()