Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.util.taurusaction

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# ###########################################################################

"""This module is designed to provide a library of taurus Qt actions

import os
import xml.dom.minidom

from functools import partial

from taurus import getSchemeFromName
from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.qt.qtcore.configuration import BaseConfigurableClass

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

[docs] class ExternalAppAction(Qt.QAction, BaseConfigurableClass): """An specialized QAction for launching external applications Signals: apart of those from QAction, it emits a "cmdArgsChanged" signal with the current cmdArgs list as its argument. """ DEFAULT_ICON_NAME = "application-x-executable" cmdArgsChanged = Qt.pyqtSignal(list) def __init__( self, cmdargs, text=None, icon=None, parent=None, interactive=True ): """creator :param cmdargs: A list of strings to be passed to :meth:`subprocess.Popen` for launching the external application. It can also be a single string containing a command. See :meth:`setCmdArgs` :type cmdargs: list<str> or str :param text: see :class:`Qt.QAction` :type text: str :param icon: see :class:`Qt.QAction` :type icon: QIcon or any other object that can be passed to QIcon creator :param parent: The parent object :type parent: QObject """ if isinstance(cmdargs, str): import shlex cmdargs = shlex.split(str(cmdargs)) self.path = os.path.realpath(cmdargs and cmdargs[0] or "") if text is None: text = os.path.basename(cmdargs and cmdargs[0] or "") if icon is None: icon = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme(self.DEFAULT_ICON_NAME) elif isinstance(icon, str): tmp = Qt.QIcon.fromTheme(icon) if not tmp.isNull(): icon = tmp Qt.QAction.__init__(self, Qt.QIcon(icon), text, parent) BaseConfigurableClass.__init__(self) self.interactive = interactive self._process = [] self.setCmdArgs(cmdargs) self.triggered.connect(partial(self.actionTriggered, args=None)) self.setToolTip("Launches %s (external application)" % text) self.registerConfigProperty(self.cmdArgs, self.setCmdArgs, "cmdArgs")
[docs] def setCmdArgs(self, cmdargs, emitsignal=True): """Sets the command args for executing this external application. It emits the "cmdArgsChanged" signal with the new cmdArgs list :param cmdargs: A list of strings to be passed to :meth:`subprocess.Popen` for launching the external application. It can also be a string containing a command, which will be automatically converted to a list :type cmdargs: list<str> or str """ if isinstance(cmdargs, str): import shlex cmdargs = shlex.split(str(cmdargs)) self.__cmdargs = cmdargs if emitsignal: self.cmdArgsChanged.emit(self.__cmdargs)
[docs] def cmdArgs(self): return self.__cmdargs
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(name="triggered", result=bool) def actionTriggered(self, args=None): """launches the external application as a subprocess""" import subprocess try: if args is not None: if isinstance(args, str): import shlex args = shlex.split(str(args)) args = self.cmdArgs() + args else: args = self.cmdArgs() if any(args): self._process.append(subprocess.Popen(args)) self._process = [p for p in self._process if p.poll() is None] return True else: return False except OSError: err = "Error launching %s" % str(self.text()) msg = ( "Cannot launch application:\n" + " ".join(self.__cmdargs) + "\nHint: Check that %s is installed and in the path" % str(self.text()) ) if self.interactive: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self.parentWidget(), err, msg) from taurus.core.util.log import Logger Logger().warning("%s:\n%s" % (err, msg)) return False
[docs] def kill(self): # Kills all processes opened by this application [p.kill() for p in self._process]
[docs] def check(self): """Returns True if the application is available for executing :return: :rtype: bool """ # raise NotImplementedError #@todo: implement a checker (check if # self.cmdargs[0] is in the execution path and is executable path = os.path.realpath(self.cmdArgs()[0]) try: os.stat(path) return True except Exception: return False
[docs] class TaurusMenu(Qt.QMenu): """Base class for Taurus Menus""" def __init__(self, parent): Qt.QMenu.__init__(self, parent)
[docs] def build(self, data): m_node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data).childNodes[0] self.buildFromXML(m_node)
[docs] def getActionFactory(self): from . import taurusactionfactory return taurusactionfactory.ActionFactory()
[docs] def buildFromXML(self, m_node): widget = self.parent() if m_node.hasAttribute("label"): self.setTitle(m_node.getAttribute("label")) for node in m_node.childNodes: name = node.nodeName if name == "Menu": m = self.getActionFactory().buildMenu(widget, node) if m: self.addMenu(m) else: a = self.getActionFactory().buildAction(widget, node) if a: self.addAction(a)
[docs] class TaurusAction(Qt.QAction): """Base class for Taurus Actions""" def __init__(self, parent): import taurus.qt.qtgui.base if ( (parent is None) or (not isinstance(parent, Qt.QWidget)) or ( not isinstance( parent, taurus.qt.qtgui.base.TaurusBaseComponent ) ) ): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid parent. Must be a valid Taurus widget." ) Qt.QAction.__init__(self, parent) parent.modelChanged.connect(self.modelChanged) self.triggered.connect(self.actionTriggered) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): model = self.parent().getModelObj() self.setDisabled(model is None)
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def modelChanged(self, modelName): self.update()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(name="triggered") def actionTriggered(self): pass
[docs] class SeparatorAction(TaurusAction): menuID = "_Separator_" def __init__(self, parent=None): Qt.QAction.__init__(self, parent) self.setSeparator(True)
[docs] class AttributeHistoryAction(TaurusAction): menuID = "AttrHistory" def __init__(self, parent=None): TaurusAction.__init__(self, parent) self.setText("Show history...")
[docs] def actionTriggered(self): dialog = Qt.QDialog() dialog.exec_()
[docs] class AttributeAllConfigAction(TaurusAction): menuID = "AttrConfig" def __init__(self, parent=None): TaurusAction.__init__(self, parent) self.setText("All...")
[docs] def actionTriggered(self): taurus_widget = self.parent() from taurus.qt.qtgui.dialog.taurusconfigurationdialog import ( TaurusConfigurationDialog, ) d = TaurusConfigurationDialog(taurus_widget) d.setModel(taurus_widget.getModelName()) d.exec_()
[docs] class AttributeMonitorDeviceAction(TaurusAction): menuID = "MonitorDevice" def __init__(self, parent=None): TaurusAction.__init__(self, parent) self.setText("&Monitor device ...")
[docs] def actionTriggered(self): taurus_widget = self.parent() model_name = taurus_widget.getModelName() w = model_name.split("/") if len(w) == 3: dev_name = model_name elif len(w) == 4: dev_name = w[0] + "/" + w[1] + "/" + w[2] elif len(w) == 5: # FB: If the first parameter is the database dev_name = w[1] + "/" + w[2] + "/" + w[3] else: return cmd = "atkpanel " + dev_name + " &" os.system(cmd)
[docs] class AttributeImageDisplayAction(TaurusAction): menuID = "ImageDisplay" def __init__(self, parent=None): TaurusAction.__init__(self, parent) self.setText("&Image Display ...")
[docs] def actionTriggered(self): taurus_widget = self.parent() model_name = taurus_widget.getModelName() w = model_name.split("/") if len(w) == 3: dev_name = model_name elif len(w) == 4: dev_name = w[0] + "/" + w[1] + "/" + w[2] else: return attr_name = dev_name + "/Image" import qub im = qub._TaurusQubDataImageDisplay(data=attr_name)
[docs] class AttributeMenu(TaurusMenu): menuID = "AttrMenu" menuData = ( "<Menu label='Attribute'>" "<MenuItem class='AttrHistory'/>" "<MenuItem class='_Separator_'/>" "<Menu class='AttrConfig'/>" "</Menu>" ) def __init__(self, parent): TaurusMenu.__init__(self, parent)
[docs] class ConfigurationMenu(TaurusMenu): menuID = "AttrConfigMenu" menuData = ( "<Menu label='Configuration'>" "<MenuItem class='AttrConfig'/>" "</Menu>" ) def __init__(self, parent): TaurusMenu.__init__(self, parent) # TODO: AttrConfigMenu is tangocentric avoid to use with other schemes if parent and getSchemeFromName(parent.getModelName()) != "tango": self.setEnabled(False)