
- class ExternalAppAction(cmdargs, text=None, icon=None, parent=None, interactive=True)[source]
An specialized QAction for launching external applications
Signals: apart of those from QAction, it emits a “cmdArgsChanged” signal with the current cmdArgs list as its argument.
Import from
as:from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import ExternalAppAction
- DEFAULT_ICON_NAME = 'application-x-executable'
- cmdArgsChanged
- setCmdArgs(cmdargs, emitsignal=True)[source]
Sets the command args for executing this external application.
It emits the “cmdArgsChanged” signal with the new cmdArgs list
- Parameters:
cmdargs (list<str> or str) – A list of strings to be passed to
for launching the external application. It can also be a string containing a command, which will be automatically converted to a list