#!/usr/bin/env python
# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# http://taurus-scada.org
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ###########################################################################
"""This module contains the base taurus name validator classes
__all__ = [
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
from taurus.core.taurusvalidator import (
from taurus.core.util.fqdn import fqdn_no_alias
# todo: I do not understand the behaviour of getNames for Auth, Dev and Attr in
# the case when the fullname does not match the regexp. For Auth it
# returns a 3-tuple, for devs a 2-tuple and for attrs and conf a single
# None. This is not coherent to what the method returns when it matches
# the regexp (always a 3-tuple)
class TangoAuthorityNameValidator(TaurusAuthorityNameValidator):
"""Validator for Tango authority names. Apart from the standard named
groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named
groups are created:
- host: tango host name, without port.
- port: port number
scheme = "(tango|tango-nodb)"
authority = (
+ r"|([\w\-_]+\.)*[\w\-_]+:\d{1,5}"
+ r"(,([\w\-_]+\.)*[\w\-_]+:\d{1,5})+)"
path = "(?!)"
query = "(?!)"
fragment = "(?!)"
default_scheme = "tango"
def getUriGroups(self, name, strict=None):
"""Reimplementation of getUriGroups to fix the host and authority
name using fully qualified domain name for the host.
ret = TaurusAuthorityNameValidator.getUriGroups(self, name, strict)
if ret is not None and ret.get("host", None) is not None:
ret["host"] = fqdn_no_alias(ret["host"])
ret["authority"] = "//{host}:{port}".format(**ret)
return ret
class TangoDeviceNameValidator(TaurusDeviceNameValidator):
"""Validator for Tango device names. Apart from the standard named
groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named
groups are created:
- devname: device name (either alias or slashed name)
- [_devalias]: device alias
- [_devslashname]: device name in slashed (a/b/c) form
- [host] as in :class:`TangoAuthorityNameValidator`
- [port] as in :class:`TangoAuthorityNameValidator`
Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain
a string if the URI contains it.
scheme = "(tango|tango-nodb)"
authority = TangoAuthorityNameValidator.authority
path = (
+ r"(?P<_devslashname>[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+)))"
query = "(?!)"
fragment = "(?P<_fragmentdb>dbase=(yes|no)$)"
default_scheme = "tango"
names_cache = {}
def getUriGroups(self, name, strict=None):
"""Reimplementation of getUriGroups to fix the host and authority
name using fully qualified domain name for the host.
ret = TaurusDeviceNameValidator.getUriGroups(self, name, strict)
if ret is not None and ret.get("host", None) is not None:
ret["host"] = fqdn_no_alias(ret["host"])
ret["authority"] = "//{host}:{port}".format(**ret)
# use special scheme "tango-nodb" if the name contains #dbase=no
if ret is not None and ret.get("_fragmentdb", None) == "dbase=no":
ret["scheme"] = "tango-nodb"
return ret
def getNames(self, fullname, factory=None, queryAuth=True):
"""reimplemented from :class:`TaurusDeviceNameValidator`. It accepts an
extra keyword arg `queryAuth` which, if set to False, will prevent the
validator from trying to query a TaurusAuthority to obtain missing info
such as the devslashname <--> devalias correspondence.
if fullname in self.names_cache:
return self.names_cache[fullname]
groups = self.getUriGroups(fullname)
if groups is None:
return None
default_authority = None
if factory is None:
from taurus import Factory
factory = Factory(scheme="tango")
default_authority = factory.get_default_tango_host()
if default_authority is None:
import tango
tango_host = tango.ApiUtil.get_env_var("TANGO_HOST")
v = TangoAuthorityNameValidator()
g = v.getUriGroups("tango://{}".format(tango_host))
default_authority = g.get("authority")
authority = groups.get("authority")
if authority is None:
groups["authority"] = authority = default_authority
db = None
if queryAuth and groups["scheme"] != "tango-nodb":
db = factory.getAuthority("tango:{}".format(authority))
except Exception:
# note, since we validated, we either have alias or slashname (not
# both)
_devalias = groups.get("_devalias")
_devslashname = groups.get("_devslashname")
if _devslashname is None and db is not None:
# get _devslashname from the alias using the DB
_devslashname = db.getElementFullName(_devalias)
groups["_devslashname"] = _devslashname
if _devslashname is None:
# if we still do not have a slashname, we can only give the short
return None, None, _devalias
# we can now construct everything. First the complete:
complete = "{scheme}:{authority}/{_devslashname}".format(**groups)
# then the normal
if authority.lower() == default_authority.lower():
normal = "{_devslashname}".format(**groups)
normal = "{authority}/{_devslashname}".format(**groups)
# and finally the short
if _devalias is not None:
short = _devalias
if db is not None:
# get the alias from the DB (if it is defined)
short = db.getElementAlias(_devslashname) or _devslashname
short = _devslashname
self.names_cache[fullname] = complete, normal, short
return complete, normal, short
def nonStrictNamePattern(self):
"""In non-strict mode, allow double-slash even if there is no
Authority. (e.g., "tango://a/b/c" passes this non-strict form)
pattern = (
+ r"((?P<authority>%(authority)s)(?=/))?"
+ r"(?P<path>%(path)s)"
+ r"(\?(?P<query>%(query)s))?"
+ r"(#%(fragment)s)?$"
authority = r"(?P<host>([\w\-_]+\.)*[\w\-_]+):(?P<port>\d{1,5})"
path = (
+ "(?P<_devslashname>[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+)))"
return pattern % dict(
class TangoAttributeNameValidator(TaurusAttributeNameValidator):
"""Validator for Tango attribute names. Apart from the standard named
groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named
groups are created:
- attrname: attribute name including device name
- _shortattrname: attribute name excluding device name
- devname: as in :class:`TangoDeviceNameValidator`
- [_devalias]: as in :class:`TangoDeviceNameValidator`
- [_devslashname]: as in :class:`TangoDeviceNameValidator`
- [host] as in :class:`TangoAuthorityNameValidator`
- [port] as in :class:`TangoAuthorityNameValidator`
- [cfgkey] same as fragment (for bck-compat use only)
Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain
a string if the URI contains it.
scheme = "(tango|tango-nodb)"
authority = TangoAuthorityNameValidator.authority
path = "(?P<attrname>{0}/(?P<_shortattrname>[^/?:#]+))".format(
query = "(?!)"
fragment = "((?P<_fragmentdb>dbase=(yes|no)$)|(?P<cfgkey>[^# ]*))"
default_scheme = "tango"
def getUriGroups(self, name, strict=None):
"""Reimplementation of getUriGroups to fix the host and authority
name using fully qualified domain name for the host.
ret = TaurusAttributeNameValidator.getUriGroups(self, name, strict)
if ret is not None:
if ret.get("host", None) is not None:
ret["host"] = fqdn_no_alias(ret["host"])
auth = "//{host}:{port}".format(**ret)
ret["authority"] = auth
# use special scheme "tango-nodb" if the name contains #dbase=no
if ret is not None and ret.get("_fragmentdb", None) == "dbase=no":
ret["scheme"] = "tango-nodb"
return ret
def getNames(self, fullname, factory=None, queryAuth=True, fragment=False):
"""Returns the complete and short names"""
groups = self.getUriGroups(fullname)
if groups is None:
return None
complete, normal, short = None, None, groups.get("_shortattrname")
# reuse the getNames from the Device validator...
devname = fullname.rsplit("#", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[0]
v = TangoDeviceNameValidator()
devcomplete, devnormal, _ = v.getNames(
devname, factory=factory, queryAuth=queryAuth
if devcomplete is not None:
complete = "{}/{}".format(devcomplete, short)
if devnormal is not None:
normal = "{}/{}".format(devnormal, short)
# return fragment if requested (ignores the special #dbase=yes|no case)
if fragment:
key = groups.get("cfgkey", None)
return complete, normal, short, key
return complete, normal, short
def nonStrictNamePattern(self):
"""In non-strict mode, allow double-slash even if there is no
Authority. Also allow old-style "?configuration[=cfgkey]" instead of
fragment. If cfgkey is present, it is also stored in the "fragment"
named group. For example, "tango://a/b/c/d?configuration=label" passes
this non-strict form, and the named group "fragment" will contain
"label" """
pattern = (
+ r"((?P<authority>%(authority)s)(?=/))?"
+ r"(?P<path>%(path)s)"
+ r"(\?(?P<query>%(query)s))?"
+ r"(#%(fragment)s)?$"
authority = r"(?P<host>([\w\-_]+\.)*[\w\-_]+):(?P<port>\d{1,5})"
query = "configuration(=(?P<fragment>(?P<cfgkey>[^# ]+)))?"
return pattern % dict(