
Inheritance diagram of TangoAttributeNameValidator
class TangoAttributeNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]

Validator for Tango attribute names. Apart from the standard named groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named groups are created:

Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain a string if the URI contains it.

Import from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator as:

from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import TangoAttributeNameValidator
authority = '//(?P<host>([\\w\\-_]+\\.)*[\\w\\-_]+):(?P<port>\\d{1,5})'
default_scheme = 'tango'
fragment = '((?P<_fragmentdb>dbase=(yes|no)$)|(?P<cfgkey>[^# ]*))'
getNames(fullname, factory=None, queryAuth=True, fragment=False)[source]

Returns the complete and short names

getUriGroups(name, strict=None)[source]

Reimplementation of getUriGroups to fix the host and authority name using fully qualified domain name for the host.

property nonStrictNamePattern

In non-strict mode, allow double-slash even if there is no Authority. Also allow old-style “?configuration[=cfgkey]” instead of fragment. If cfgkey is present, it is also stored in the “fragment” named group. For example, “tango://a/b/c/d?configuration=label” passes this non-strict form, and the named group “fragment” will contain “label”

path = '(?P<attrname>/?(?P<devname>((?P<_devalias>[^/?#:]+)|(?P<_devslashname>[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+/[^/?#:]+)))/(?P<_shortattrname>[^/?:#]+))'
query = '(?!)'
scheme = '(tango|tango-nodb)'