Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.taurusform

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################

"""This module contains taurus Qt form widgets

import click
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial

from taurus import tauruscustomsettings as _ts
from taurus.external.qt import Qt

import taurus.core
from taurus.core import DisplayLevel

from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import (
from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusWidget, TaurusScrollArea
from taurus.qt.qtgui.button import QButtonBox, TaurusCommandButton
from .taurusmodelchooser import TaurusModelChooser
from taurus.core.util.log import deprecation_decorator
from taurus.core.util.plugin import selectEntryPoints
from taurus import warning
import taurus.cli.common

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

def _normalize_model_name_case(modelname):
    Accepts a model name and returns it in lower case if the models is
    case insensitive. Otherwise it returns the same model name
    if taurus.Factory(taurus.getSchemeFromName(modelname)).caseSensitive:
        return modelname
        return modelname.lower()

class ParameterCB(Qt.QComboBox):
    """A custom combobox"""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Qt.QComboBox.__init__(self, parent)

    def rememberCurrentText(self):
        """Adds the current text to the combobox items list (unless it is
        already there)
        text = self.currentText()
        if self.findText(text) < 0:

[docs]class TaurusForm(TaurusWidget): """A form containing specific widgets for interacting with a given list of taurus attributes and/or devices. Its model is a list of attribute and/or device names to be shown. Each item is represented in a row consisting of a label, a read widget, a write widget, a units widget and an "extra" widget (some of them may not be shown) which are vertically aligned with their counterparts from other items. By default a :class:`TaurusValue` object is used for each item, but this can be changed and customizations can be provided by enabling/disabling item factories with :meth:`setItemFactories`. Item objects can be accessed by index using a list-like notation:: form = TaurusForm() form.model = ['sys/tg_test/1/'+a for a in ('short_image','float_scalar')] form[0].labelConfig = 'dev_alias' form[-1].writeWidgetClass = 'TaurusWheelEdit' print(len(form)) # --> outputs '2' (the length of the form is the number of items) By default, the form provides global Apply and Cancel buttons. You can also see some code that exemplifies the use of TaurusForm in :ref:`Taurus coding examples <examples>` """ def __init__( self, parent=None, formWidget=None, # deprecated buttons=None, withButtons=True, designMode=False, ): self._children = [] TaurusWidget.__init__(self, parent, designMode) if buttons is None: buttons = Qt.QDialogButtonBox.Apply | Qt.QDialogButtonBox.Reset self._customWidgetMap = {} # deprecated self._model = [] if formWidget is None: from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import TaurusValue formWidget = TaurusValue else: self.deprecated( dep="formWidget argument", alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5" ) self._defaultFormWidget = formWidget self._itemFactories = [] self.setItemFactories() self.setLayout(Qt.QVBoxLayout()) frame = TaurusWidget() frame.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) self.scrollArea = TaurusScrollArea(self) self.scrollArea.setWidget(frame) self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.layout().addWidget(self.scrollArea) self.__modelChooserDlg = None self.buttonBox = QButtonBox(buttons=buttons, parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self.buttonBox) self._connectButtons() # Actions (they automatically populate the context menu) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.chooseModelsAction = Qt.QAction("Modify Contents", self) self.addAction(self.chooseModelsAction) self.chooseModelsAction.triggered.connect(self.chooseModels) self.showButtonsAction = Qt.QAction("Show Buttons", self) self.showButtonsAction.setCheckable(True) self.addAction(self.showButtonsAction) self.showButtonsAction.triggered[bool].connect(self.setWithButtons) self.setWithButtons(withButtons) self.changeLabelsAction = Qt.QAction("Change labels (all items)", self) self.addAction(self.changeLabelsAction) self.changeLabelsAction.triggered.connect(self.onChangeLabelsAction) self.compactModeAction = Qt.QAction("Compact mode (all items)", self) self.compactModeAction.setCheckable(True) self.addAction(self.compactModeAction) self.compactModeAction.triggered[bool].connect(self.setCompact) self.setFormatterAction = Qt.QAction("Set formatter (all items)", self) self.addAction(self.setFormatterAction) self.setFormatterAction.triggered.connect(self.onSetFormatter) self.resetModifiableByUser() self.setSupportedMimeTypes( [ TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_DEV_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, "text/plain", ] ) self.resetCompact() # properties self.registerConfigProperty( self.isWithButtons, self.setWithButtons, "withButtons" ) self.registerConfigProperty(self.isCompact, self.setCompact, "compact") def __getitem__(self, key): """provides a list-like interface: items of the form can be accessed using slice notation """ return self.getItemByIndex(key) def __len__(self): """returns the number of items contained by the form""" return len(self.getItems())
[docs] def setItemFactories(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ Selects and prioritizes the factories to be used to create the form's items. TaurusForm item factories are functions that receive a TaurusModel as their only argument and return either a TaurusValue-like instance or None in case the factory does not handle the given model. The factories are selected using their entry point names as registered in the "taurus.form.item_factories" entry point group. The factories entry point name is up to the registrar of the entry point (typically a taurus plugin) and should be documented by the registrar to allow for selection and prioritization. The selection and prioritization is done using :meth:`taurus.core.util.plugin.selectEntryPoints()`. See it for more details. The selected list is updated in the form, and returned. The default values for the include and exclude arguments are defined in `tauruscustomsettings.T_FORM_ITEM_FACTORIES` :param include: The members in the tuple can be: Regexp patterns (in string or compiled form) matching the names to be included in the selection. They can also be item factory functions (which then are wrapped in an EntryPoint-like object and included in the selection). :type include: tuple :param exclude: Regexp patterns ( either `str` or :class:`re.Pattern` objects) matching registered names to be excluded. :type exclude: tuple :return: selected item factories entry points :rtype: list """ patterns = getattr(_ts, "T_FORM_ITEM_FACTORIES", {}) if include is None: include = patterns.get("include", (".*",)) if exclude is None: exclude = patterns.get("exclude", ()) self._itemFactories = selectEntryPoints( group="taurus.form.item_factories", include=include, exclude=exclude, ) return self._itemFactories
[docs] def getItemFactories(self, return_disabled=False): """ returns the list of item factories entry points currently in use :param return_disabled: If False (default), it returns only a list of the enabled factories. If True, it returns a tuple containing two lists: the enabled and the available but disabled factories. """ enabled = self._itemFactories if return_disabled: all_ = selectEntryPoints("taurus.form.item_factories") return enabled, [f for f in all_ if f not in enabled] else: return enabled
def _customWidgetFactory(self, model): """ Taurus Value Factory to provide backwards-compatibility for code relaying on deprecated customWidGetMap API :param model: taurus model object :return: custom TaurusValue class """ try: key = model.getDeviceProxy().info().dev_class name, args, kwargs = self._customWidgetMap[key] pkgname, klassname = name.rsplit(".", 1) pkg = __import__(pkgname, fromlist=[klassname]) klass = getattr(pkg, klassname) except Exception: return None return klass(*args, **kwargs) def _splitModel(self, modelNames): """convert str to list if needed (commas and whitespace are considered as separators) """ if isinstance(modelNames, bytes): modelNames = modelNames.decode() if isinstance(modelNames, str): modelNames = str(modelNames).replace(",", " ") modelNames = modelNames.split() return modelNames @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def setCustomWidgetMap(self, cwmap): """Sets a map map for custom widgets. :param cwmap: a dictionary whose keys are device type strings (i.e. see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are tuples of classname,args,kwargs :type cwmap: dict<str,tuple> """ # TODO: tango-centric self._customWidgetMap = cwmap @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getCustomWidgetMap(self): """Returns the map used to create custom widgets. :return: a dictionary whose keys are device type strings (i.e. see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are tuples of classname,args,kwargs :rtype: dict<str,tuple> """ # TODO: tango-centric return self._customWidgetMap
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="modelChanged") def parentModelChanged(self, parentmodel_name):"Parent model changed to '%s'" % parentmodel_name) parentmodel_name = str(parentmodel_name) if self._getUseParentModel(): # reset the model of childs for obj, model in zip(self.getItems(), self.getModel()): obj.setModel("%s/%s" % (parentmodel_name, str(model))) else: self.debug( "received event from parent although not using parent model" )
[docs] def chooseModels(self): """launches a model chooser dialog to modify the contents of the form""" if self.__modelChooserDlg is None: self.__modelChooserDlg = Qt.QDialog(self) self.__modelChooserDlg.setWindowTitle( "%s - Model Chooser" % str(self.windowTitle()) ) self.__modelChooserDlg.modelChooser = TaurusModelChooser() layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.__modelChooserDlg.modelChooser) self.__modelChooserDlg.setLayout(layout) self.__modelChooserDlg.modelChooser.updateModels.connect( self.setModel ) models_and_labels = [] indexdict = {} for m in self.getModel(): key = _normalize_model_name_case(m) indexdict[key] = indexdict.get(key, -1) + 1 item = self.getItemByModel(m, indexdict[key]) if item is None: label = None else: try: # this assumes that the readwidget is a QLabel subclass (or # something that has text()) label = str(item.labelWidget().text()) except Exception: label = None models_and_labels.append((m, label)) self.__modelChooserDlg.modelChooser.setListedModels(models_and_labels) self.__modelChooserDlg.raise_()
[docs] def chooseAttrs(self): "TaurusForm.chooseAttrs() is deprecated. " + "Use TaurusForm.chooseModels() instead" ) self.chooseModels()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return Qt.QWidget.sizeHint(self)
def _connectButtons(self): self.buttonBox.applyClicked.connect(self.apply) self.buttonBox.resetClicked.connect(self.reset)
[docs] def getModel(self, **kwargs): return self._model
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QStringList") def addModels(self, modelNames): """Adds models to the existing ones: :param modelNames: the names of the models to be added :type modelNames: sequence<str> .. seealso:: :meth:`removeModels` """ modelNames = self._splitModel(modelNames) self.setModel(self.getModel() + modelNames)
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QStringList") def removeModels(self, modelNames): """Removes models from those already in the form. :param modelNames: the names of the models to be removed :type modelNames: sequence<str> .. seealso:: :meth:`addModels` """ modelNames = self._splitModel(modelNames) currentModels = self.getModel() for name in modelNames: try: currentModels.remove(name) except Exception: self.warning("'%s' not in model list" % name) self.setModel(currentModels)
def _setModelCheck(self, model, check=True, **kwargs): if model is None: model = [] model = [str(m or "") for m in self._splitModel(model)] self.destroyChildren() self._model = model self.fillWithChildren() # update the modelchooser list if self.__modelChooserDlg is not None: self.__modelChooserDlg.modelChooser.setListedModels(self._model)
[docs] def resetModel(self, **kwargs): self.destroyChildren() self._model = []
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getFormWidget(self, model=None): """Returns a tuple that can be used for creating a widget for a given model. :param model: a taurus model name for which the new item of the form will be created :type model: str :return: a tuple containing a class, a list of args and a dict of keyword args. The args and the keyword args can be passed to the class constructor :rtype: tuple<type,list,dict> """ if model is None: return self._defaultFormWidget, (), {} # If a model is given, check if is in the custom widget map try: # if it is not an attribute, it will get an exception here obj = taurus.Attribute(model) return self._defaultFormWidget, (), {} except Exception: try: obj = taurus.Device(model) except Exception as e: self.warning( 'Cannot handle model "%s". Using default widget.', model ) self.debug("Model error: %s", e) return self._defaultFormWidget, (), {} try: key = ( obj.getDeviceProxy().info().dev_class ) # TODO: Tango-centric except Exception: return self._defaultFormWidget, (), {} # value = self._formWidgetsMap.get(key, self._defaultFormWidget) cwmap = self.getCustomWidgetMap() value = cwmap.get(key, self._defaultFormWidget) if isinstance(value, type): # for backwards compatibility if issubclass(value, self._defaultFormWidget): return value, (), {} else: return ( self._defaultFormWidget, (), {"customWidgetMap": {key: value}}, ) # we expect a tuple of str,list,dict --> # (classname_including_full_module, args, kwargs) name, args, kwargs = value pkgname, klassname = name.rsplit(".", 1) try: pkg = __import__(pkgname, fromlist=[klassname]) klass = getattr(pkg, klassname) except Exception: self.warning( 'Cannot import "%s". Using default widget for "%s".' % (name, model) ) return self._defaultFormWidget, (), {} if not issubclass(klass, self._defaultFormWidget): cwmap = kwargs.get("customWidgetMap", {}) cwmap.update({key: klass}) kwargs["customWidgetMap"] = cwmap klass = self._defaultFormWidget return klass, args, kwargs @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def setFormWidget(self, formWidget): if formWidget is None: from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import TaurusValue formWidget = TaurusValue self._defaultFormWidget = formWidget @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def resetFormWidget(self): self.setFormWidget(self, None)
[docs] def isWithButtons(self): return self._withButtons
[docs] def setWithButtons(self, trueFalse): self._withButtons = trueFalse self.buttonBox.setVisible(self._withButtons) self.showButtonsAction.setChecked(self._withButtons)
[docs] def resetWithButtons(self): self.setWithButtons(True)
[docs] def onSetFormatter(self): """Reimplemented from TaurusBaseWidget""" # Form delegates se to the taurusvalues format = TaurusWidget.onSetFormatter(self) if format is not None: for item in self.getItems(): rw = item.readWidget(followCompact=True) if hasattr(rw, "setFormat"): rw.setFormat(format) return format
[docs] def setFormat(self, format): """ Reimplemented to call setFormat on the taurusvalues """ TaurusWidget.setFormat(self, format) for item in self.getItems(): if hasattr(item, "setFormat"): item.setFormat(format)
[docs] def setCompact(self, compact): self._compact = compact for item in self.getItems(): item.setCompact(compact) self.compactModeAction.setChecked(compact)
[docs] def isCompact(self): return self._compact
[docs] def resetCompact(self): from taurus import tauruscustomsettings self.setCompact(getattr(tauruscustomsettings, "T_FORM_COMPACT", {}))
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """reimplemented to support dropping of modelnames in forms""" mtype = self.handleMimeData(event.mimeData(), self.addModels) if mtype is None:"Invalid model in dropped data") else: event.acceptProposedAction()
[docs] def setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable): """ sets whether the user can change the contents of the form (e.g., via Modify Contents in the context menu) Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusWidget.setModifiableByUser` :param modifiable: :type modifiable: bool .. seealso:: :meth:`TaurusWidget.setModifiableByUser` """ TaurusWidget.setModifiableByUser(self, modifiable) self.chooseModelsAction.setEnabled(modifiable) self.showButtonsAction.setEnabled(modifiable) self.changeLabelsAction.setEnabled(modifiable) self.compactModeAction.setEnabled(modifiable) for item in self.getItems(): try: item.setModifiableByUser(modifiable) except Exception: pass
[docs] def setRegExp(self, regExp): pass
[docs] def getRegExp(self): pass
[docs] def destroyChildren(self): for child in self._children: self.unregisterConfigurableItem(child) # child.destroy() child.setModel(None) child.deleteLater() self._children = []
[docs] def fillWithChildren(self): frame = TaurusWidget() frame.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) frame.layout().addItem( Qt.QSpacerItem( 0, 0, Qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum, Qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding ) ) parent_name = None if self._getUseParentModel(): parent_model = self._getParentModelObj() if parent_model: parent_name = parent_model.getFullName() for i, model in enumerate(self.getModel()): if not model: continue try: model_obj = taurus.Object(model) except Exception: self.warning('problem adding item "%s"', model) self.traceback(level=taurus.Debug) continue if parent_name: # @todo: Change this (it assumes tango model naming!) model = "%s/%s" % (parent_name, model) widget = None # check if some item factory handles this model for ep in self._itemFactories: try: # load the plugin f = ep.load() except Exception: warning('cannot load item factory "%s"', continue try: widget = f(model_obj) except Exception as e: warning( 'factory "%s" raised "%r" for "%s". ' + "Tip: consider disabling it",, e, model, ) if widget is not None: self.debug( "widget for '%s' provided by '%s'", model, ) break # backwards-compat with deprecated custom widget map API if widget is None and self._customWidgetMap: widget = self._customWidgetFactory(model_obj) # no factory handles the model and no custom widgets. Use default if widget is None: widget = self._defaultFormWidget() # todo: UGLY... See if this can be done in other ways... # (this causes trouble with widget that need more vertical # space , like PoolMotorTV) widget.setMinimumHeight(20) try: widget.setCompact(self.isCompact()) widget.setModel(model) widget.setParent(frame) except Exception: # raise self.warning('problem adding item "%s"', model) self.traceback(level=taurus.Debug) try: widget.setModifiableByUser(self.isModifiableByUser()) except Exception: pass try: widget.setFormat(self.getFormat()) except Exception: self.debug( "Cannot set format %s to child %s", self.getFormat(), model ) widget.setObjectName("__item%i" % i) self.registerConfigDelegate(widget) self._children.append(widget) frame.layout().addItem( Qt.QSpacerItem( 0, 0, Qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum, Qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding ) ) self.scrollArea.setWidget(frame) # self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scrollArea.setMinimumWidth(frame.layout().sizeHint().width() + 20)
[docs] def getItemByModel(self, model, index=0): """returns the child item with given model. If there is more than one item with the same model, the index parameter can be used to distinguish among them Please note that his index is only relative to same-model items! """ for child in self._children: if _normalize_model_name_case( child.getModel() ) == _normalize_model_name_case(model): if index <= 0: return child else: index -= 1
[docs] def getItemByIndex(self, index): """returns the child item with at the given index position.""" return self.getItems()[index]
[docs] def getItems(self): """returns a list of the objects that have been created as childs of the form""" return self._children
[docs] def onChangeLabelsAction(self): """changes the labelConfig of all its items""" keys = [ "{attr.label}", "{}", "{attr.fullname}", "{}", "{dev.fullname}", ] msg = ( "Choose the label format. \n" + "You may use Python format() syntax. The TaurusDevice object\n" + 'can be referenced as "dev" and the TaurusAttribute object\n' + 'as "attr"' ) labelConfig, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Change Label", msg, keys, 0, True ) if ok: for item in self.getItems(): item.labelConfig = str(labelConfig)
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() def apply(self): self.safeApplyOperations()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot() def reset(self): self.resetPendingOperations()
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): ret = TaurusWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.panel" ret["container"] = False return ret
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT properties # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QStringList", getModel, TaurusWidget.setModel, resetModel ) #: (deprecated)) useParentModel = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusWidget.getUseParentModel, TaurusWidget.setUseParentModel, TaurusWidget.resetUseParentModel, ) withButtons = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", isWithButtons, setWithButtons, resetWithButtons ) modifiableByUser = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusWidget.isModifiableByUser, setModifiableByUser, TaurusWidget.resetModifiableByUser, ) compact = Qt.pyqtProperty("bool", isCompact, setCompact, resetCompact)
[docs]class TaurusCommandsForm(TaurusWidget): """A form that shows commands available for a Device Server""" # TODO: tango-centric def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): TaurusWidget.__init__(self, parent, designMode) self.setLayout(Qt.QVBoxLayout()) self._splitter = Qt.QSplitter() self._splitter.setOrientation(Qt.Qt.Vertical) self.layout().addWidget(self._splitter) self._frame = TaurusWidget(self) self._frame.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) self._scrollArea = TaurusScrollArea(self) self._scrollArea.setWidget(self._frame) self._scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self._splitter.addWidget(self._scrollArea) self._outputTE = Qt.QTextEdit() self._outputTE.setReadOnly(True) self._splitter.addWidget(self._outputTE) # self._splitter.moveSplitter(self._splitter.getRange(0)[-1], 0) self._cmdWidgets = [] self._paramWidgets = [] self._viewFilters = [] self._defaultParameters = [] self._sortKey = lambda x: x.cmd_name self._operatorViewFilter = ( lambda x: x.disp_level == DisplayLevel.OPERATOR ) # self.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) self.modelChanged.connect(self._updateCommandWidgets)
[docs] def createConfig(self, allowUnpickable=False): """ extending :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig` :param alllowUnpickable: :type alllowUnpickable: bool :return: configurations (which can be loaded with :meth:`applyConfig`). :rtype: dict<str,object> .. seealso: :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig`, :meth:`applyConfig` """ # get the basic config configdict = TaurusWidget.createConfig( self, allowUnpickable=allowUnpickable ) # store the splitter config configdict["splitter/state"] = self._splitter.saveState().data() return configdict
[docs] def applyConfig(self, configdict, **kwargs): """extending :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig` to restore the splitter config :param configdict: :type configdict: dict .. seealso:: :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig`, :meth:`createConfig` """ # first do the basic stuff... TaurusWidget.applyConfig(self, configdict, **kwargs) # restore the splitter config self._splitter.restoreState( Qt.QByteArray(configdict["splitter/state"]) )
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """see :meth:`TaurusBaseComponent.getModelClass`""" return taurus.core.taurusdevice.TaurusDevice
def _updateCommandWidgets(self, *args): """Inserts command buttons and parameter widgets in the layout, according to the commands from the model """ dev = self.getModelObj() if dev is None: self._clearFrame() return try: commands = sorted(dev.command_list_query(), key=self._sortKey) except Exception as e: self.warning( "Problem querying commands from %s. Reason: %s", dev, e ) self._clearFrame() return for f in self.getViewFilters(): commands = list(filter(f, commands)) self._clearFrame() layout = self._frame.layout() model = self.getFullModelName() for row, c in enumerate(commands): self.debug("Adding button for command %s" % c.cmd_name) button = TaurusCommandButton(command=c.cmd_name, text=c.cmd_name) layout.addWidget(button, row, 0) button.setModel(model) self._cmdWidgets.append(button) button.commandExecuted.connect(self._onCommandExecuted) import taurus.core.tango.util.tango_taurus as tango_taurus in_type = tango_taurus.FROM_TANGO_TO_TAURUS_TYPE[c.in_type] if in_type is not None: self.debug("Adding arguments for command %s" % c.cmd_name) pwidget = ParameterCB() if c.cmd_name.lower() in self._defaultParameters: for par in self._defaultParameters.get( c.cmd_name.lower(), [] ): pwidget.addItem(par) if (self._defaultParameters[c.cmd_name.lower()] or [""])[ 0 ] == "": pwidget.setEditable(True) else: pwidget.setEditable(False) button.setParameters( self._defaultParameters[c.cmd_name.lower()][0] ) pwidget.editTextChanged.connect(button.setParameters) pwidget.currentIndexChanged["QString"].connect( button.setParameters ) pwidget.activated.connect(button.setFocus) button.commandExecuted.connect(pwidget.rememberCurrentText) layout.addWidget(pwidget, row, 1) self._paramWidgets.append(pwidget) def _clearFrame(self): """destroys all widgets in the scroll area frame""" self._frame = TaurusWidget(self) self._frame.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) # hack because useParentModel does not work! self._frame.setModel(self.getModelName()) self._scrollArea.setWidget(self._frame) self._cmdWidgets = [] self._paramWidgets = [] def _onCommandExecuted(self, result): """Slot called when the command is executed, to manage the output :param result: return value from the command. The type depends on the command """ timestamp = cmdbutton = self.sender() output = ( "<i>%s</i><br>" % timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "<b>Command:</b> %s<br>" % cmdbutton.getCommand() + "<b>Pars:</b> %s<br>" % repr(cmdbutton.getParameters()) + "<b>Return Value:</b><br>%s" % str(result) ) self._outputTE.append(output) # ugly workaround for bug in html rendering in Qt separator = '<table width="100%"><tr><td><hr /></td></tr></table>' # see self._outputTE.append(separator)
[docs] def setSortKey(self, sortkey): """sets the method used to sort the commands (cmd_name by default) :param sortkey: a function that takes a :class:`CommandInfo` as argument and returns a key to use for sorting purposes (e.g. the default sortKey is ``lambda x:x.cmd_name``) :type sortkey: callable """ self._sortKey = sortkey self._updateCommandWidgets()
[docs] def setDefaultParameters(self, params): """sets the values that will appear by default in the parameters combo box, the command combo box for the command will be editable only if the first parameter is an empty string :param params: { 'cmd_name': ['parameters string 1', 'parameters string 2' ] } :type params: dict<str,list> """ self._defaultParameters = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k, v in params.items() ) self._updateCommandWidgets()
[docs] def setViewFilters(self, filterlist): """sets the filters to be applied when displaying the commands :param filterlist: a sequence of command filters. All filters will be applied to each command to decide whether to display it or not. for a command to be plotted, the following condition must be true for all filters: bool(filter(command))==True :type filterlist: sequence<callable> """ self._viewFilters = filterlist self._updateCommandWidgets()
[docs] def getViewFilters(self): """returns the filters used in deciding which commands are displayed :return: a sequence of filters :rtype: sequence<callable> """ return self._viewFilters
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(bool, name="setCommand") def setExpertView(self, expert): """sets the expert view mode :param expert: If expert is True, commands won't be filtered. If it is False, commands with display level Expert won't be shown :type expert: bool """ currentfilters = self.getViewFilters() if expert: if self._operatorViewFilter in currentfilters: currentfilters.remove(self._operatorViewFilter) else: if self._operatorViewFilter not in currentfilters: currentfilters.insert(0, self._operatorViewFilter) self.setViewFilters(currentfilters) self._expertView = expert
[docs] def getSplitter(self): """returns the splitter that separates the command buttons area from the output area :return: :rtype: QSplitter """ return self._splitter
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): ret = TaurusWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.panel" ret["container"] = False return ret
[docs]class TaurusAttrForm(TaurusWidget): """A form that displays the attributes of a Device Server""" def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): TaurusWidget.__init__(self, parent, designMode) self._viewFilters = [] self._operatorViewFilter = ( lambda x: x.disp_level == DisplayLevel.OPERATOR ) self.setLayout(Qt.QVBoxLayout()) self._form = TaurusForm(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._form) self.registerConfigDelegate(self._form) self.modelChanged.connect(self._updateAttrWidgets) self._sortKey = lambda x:
[docs] def setSortKey(self, sortkey): """sets the key function used to sort the attributes in the form :param sortkey: a function that takes a :class:`AttributeInfo` as argument and returns a key to use for sorting purposes (e.g. the default sortKey is ``lambda``) :type sortkey: callable """ self._sortKey = sortkey self._updateAttrWidgets()
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): """see :meth:`TaurusBaseComponent.getModelClass`""" return taurus.core.taurusdevice.TaurusDevice
def _updateAttrWidgets(self): """Populates the form with an item for each of the attributes shown""" try: dev = self.getModelObj() attrlist = sorted(dev.attribute_list_query(), key=self._sortKey) for f in self.getViewFilters(): attrlist = list(filter(f, attrlist)) attrnames = [] devname = self.getModelName() for a in attrlist: # ugly hack . But setUseParentModel does not work well attrnames.append("%s/%s" % (devname, self.debug( "Filling with attribute list: %s" % ("; ".join(attrnames)) ) self._form.setModel(attrnames) except Exception: self.debug("Cannot connect to device") self._form.setModel([])
[docs] def setViewFilters(self, filterlist): """sets the filters to be applied when displaying the attributes :param filterlist: a sequence of attr filters. All filters will be applied to each attribute name to decide whether to display it or not. for an attribute to be plotted, the following condition must be true for all filters: ``bool(filter(attrname))==True`` :type filterlist: sequence<callable> """ self._viewFilters = filterlist self._updateAttrWidgets()
[docs] def getViewFilters(self): """returns the filters used in deciding which attributes are displayed :return: a sequence of filters :rtype: sequence<callable> """ return self._viewFilters
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(bool) def setExpertView(self, expert): """sets the expert view mode :param expert: If expert is True, attributes won't be filtered. If it is False, attributes with display level Expert won't be shown :type expert: bool """ currentfilters = self.getViewFilters() if expert: if self._operatorViewFilter in currentfilters: currentfilters.remove(self._operatorViewFilter) else: if self._operatorViewFilter not in currentfilters: currentfilters.insert(0, self._operatorViewFilter) self.setViewFilters(currentfilters) self._expertView = expert
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): ret = TaurusWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() ret["module"] = "taurus.qt.qtgui.panel" ret["container"] = False return ret
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT properties # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", TaurusWidget.getModel, TaurusWidget.setModel, TaurusWidget.resetModel, ) #: (deprecated)) useParentModel = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusWidget.getUseParentModel, TaurusWidget.setUseParentModel, TaurusWidget.resetUseParentModel, )
def test1(): """tests taurusForm""" import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: models = sys.argv[1:] else: models = None from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(sys.argv, cmd_line_parser=None) if models is None: models = [ "sys/tg_test/1/state", "sys/tg_test/1/float_scalar", "sys/tg_test/1/boolean_image", "sys/tg_test/1/float_spectrum", "sys/tg_test/1/status", ] dialog = TaurusForm() dialog.setModel(models) dialog.setModifiableByUser(True) for i, tv in enumerate(dialog.getItems()): tv.setDangerMessage("Booooo scaring %d!!!" % i) dialog2 = TaurusForm() dialog2.setModifiableByUser(True) sys.exit(app.exec_()) def test2(): """tests taurusAttrForm""" import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: model = sys.argv[1] else: model = None if model is None: model = "bl97/pc/dummy-01" from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(sys.argv, cmd_line_parser=None) dialog = TaurusAttrForm() dialog.setModel(model) sys.exit(app.exec_()) def test3(): """tests taurusCommandsForm""" import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: model = sys.argv[1] else: model = None if model is None: model = "bl97/pc/dummy-01" from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication app = TaurusApplication(sys.argv, cmd_line_parser=None) dialog = TaurusCommandsForm() dialog.setModel(model) # dialog.getSplitter().setSizes([10,220]) sys.exit(app.exec_()) @click.command("form") @taurus.cli.common.window_name("TaurusForm") @taurus.cli.common.config_file @click.option( "--inc-fact", multiple=True, metavar="INC", default=getattr(_ts, "T_FORM_ITEM_FACTORIES", {}).get("include", (".*",)), show_default=True, type=click.STRING, help=( "Enable item factories matching INC pattern" + " (can be passed multiple times)" ), ) @click.option( "--exc-fact", multiple=True, metavar="EXC", default=getattr(_ts, "T_FORM_ITEM_FACTORIES", {}).get("exclude", ()), show_default=True, type=click.STRING, help=( "Disable item factories matching EXC pattern" + " (can be passed multiple times)" ), ) @click.option( "--ls-fact", is_flag=True, help="List the available item factories" ) @taurus.cli.common.models def form_cmd(window_name, config_file, inc_fact, exc_fact, ls_fact, models): """Shows a Taurus form populated with the given model names""" from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication import sys app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) dialog = TaurusForm() dialog.setItemFactories(include=inc_fact, exclude=exc_fact) if ls_fact: inc, exc = dialog.getItemFactories(return_disabled=True) msg = "\nItem Factories in {}:\n".format(window_name) msg += "\n".join( [" [*] " + for e in inc] + [" [ ] " + for e in exc] ) msg += "\nPatterns used for item factory selection:\n" msg += " INC: {}\n".format(inc_fact) msg += " EXC: {}\n".format(exc_fact) print(msg) click.get_current_context().exit(0) dialog.setModifiableByUser(True) dialog.setModelInConfig(True) dialog.setWindowTitle(window_name) # Make sure the window size and position are restored dialog.registerConfigProperty( dialog.saveGeometry, dialog.restoreGeometry, "MainWindowGeometry" ) quitApplicationAction = Qt.QAction( Qt.QIcon.fromTheme("process-stop"), "Close Form", dialog ) quitApplicationAction.triggered.connect(dialog.close) saveConfigAction = Qt.QAction("Save current settings...", dialog) saveConfigAction.setShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence.Save) saveConfigAction.triggered.connect( partial(dialog.saveConfigFile, ofile=None) ) loadConfigAction = Qt.QAction("&Retrieve saved settings...", dialog) loadConfigAction.setShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence.Open) loadConfigAction.triggered.connect( partial(dialog.loadConfigFile, ifile=None) ) dialog.addActions( (saveConfigAction, loadConfigAction, quitApplicationAction) ) # backwards-compat: in case T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP was manually edited from taurus import tauruscustomsettings cwmap = getattr(tauruscustomsettings, "T_FORM_CUSTOM_WIDGET_MAP", {}) if cwmap: dialog.setCustomWidgetMap(cwmap) # set a model list from the command line or launch the chooser if config_file is not None: dialog.loadConfigFile(config_file) elif len(models) > 0: dialog.setModel(models) else: dialog.chooseModels() sys.exit(app.exec_()) def main(): # test1() # test2() # test3() # test4() form_cmd() if __name__ == "__main__": main()