Source code for taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.taurusvalue

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ###########################################################################
# This file is part of Taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.
# ###########################################################################


__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

import weakref
import re
import importlib
from taurus.external.qt import Qt
import taurus.core
from taurus.core import DataType, DataFormat, TaurusEventType

from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusElementType
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import (
from taurus.qt.qtcore.configuration import BaseConfigurableClass
from taurus.qt.qtgui.base import TaurusBaseWidget
from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusFrame
from taurus.qt.qtgui.display import TaurusLabel
from taurus.qt.qtgui.display import TaurusLed
from taurus.qt.qtgui.input import TaurusValueSpinBox, TaurusValueCheckBox
from taurus.qt.qtgui.input import TaurusWheelEdit, TaurusValueLineEdit
from taurus.qt.qtgui.button import TaurusLauncherButton
from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import ConfigurationMenu
from taurus.qt.qtgui.compact import TaurusReadWriteSwitcher
from taurus.core.util.log import deprecation_decorator

[docs] class DefaultTaurusValueCheckBox(TaurusValueCheckBox): def __init__(self, *args): TaurusValueCheckBox.__init__(self, *args) self.setShowText(False)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
[docs] class DefaultLabelWidget(TaurusLabel): """ The base class used by default for showing the label of a TaurusValue. .. note:: It only makes sense to use this class as a part of a TaurusValue, since it assumes that it can get a reference to a TaurusValue via the :meth:`getTaurusValueBuddy` member """ _dragEnabled = True def __init__(self, *args): TaurusLabel.__init__(self, *args) self.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignRight) self.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Preferred, Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.setBgRole(None) self.autoTrim = False self.setStyleSheet( "DefaultLabelWidget {border-style: solid; " + "border-width: 1px; " + "border-color: transparent; " + "border-radius: 4px;}" )
[docs] def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): if model is None or model == "": return TaurusLabel.setModel(self, None) try: config = self.taurusValueBuddy().getLabelConfig() except Exception: config = "{attr.label}" elementtype = self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelType() fullname = self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelObj().getFullName() if elementtype == TaurusElementType.Attribute: config = self.taurusValueBuddy().getLabelConfig() TaurusLabel.setModel(self, "%s#%s" % (fullname, config)) elif elementtype == TaurusElementType.Device: devName = self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelObj().getSimpleName() TaurusLabel.setModel(self, model) self.setText(devName)
_BCK_COMPAT_TAGS = { "<attr_name>": "{}", "<attr_fullname>": "{attr.fullname}", "<dev_alias>": "{}", "<dev_name>": "{}", "<dev_fullname>": "{dev.fullname}", }
[docs] def getDisplayValue(self, cache=True, fragmentName=None, **kwargs): """Reimplementation of getDisplayValue""" if self.modelObj is None or fragmentName is None: return self.getNoneValue() # support bck-compat tags for old in re.findall("<.+?>", fragmentName): new = self._BCK_COMPAT_TAGS.get(old, "{attr.%s}" % old) self.deprecated(dep=old, alt=new) fragmentName = fragmentName.replace(old, new) return TaurusLabel.displayValue(self, fragmentName, **kwargs)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return Qt.QSize(Qt.QLabel.sizeHint(self).width(), 18)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """The label widget will be used for handling the actions of the whole TaurusValue see :meth:`QWidget.contextMenuEvent` """ menu = Qt.QMenu(self) # @todo: This should be done more Taurus-ish menu.addMenu(ConfigurationMenu(self.taurusValueBuddy())) if hasattr( self.taurusValueBuddy().writeWidget(followCompact=True), "resetPendingOperations", ): r_action = menu.addAction( "reset write value", self.taurusValueBuddy() .writeWidget(followCompact=True) .resetPendingOperations, ) r_action.setEnabled(self.taurusValueBuddy().hasPendingOperations()) if self.taurusValueBuddy().isModifiableByUser(): menu.addAction( "Change label", self.taurusValueBuddy()._onChangeLabelText ) menu.addAction( "Change Read Widget", self.taurusValueBuddy().onChangeReadWidget, ) menu.addAction( "Set Formatter", self.taurusValueBuddy().onSetFormatter ) cw_action = menu.addAction( "Change Write Widget", self.taurusValueBuddy().onChangeWriteWidget, ) # disable the action if the taurusValue is readonly cw_action.setEnabled(not self.taurusValueBuddy().isReadOnly()) cm_action = menu.addAction("Compact") cm_action.setCheckable(True) cm_action.setChecked(self.taurusValueBuddy().isCompact()) cm_action.toggled.connect(self.taurusValueBuddy().setCompact) menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) event.accept()
[docs] def getModelMimeData(self): """ reimplemented to use the taurusValueBuddy model instead of its own model """ mimeData = TaurusLabel.getModelMimeData(self) _modelname = str(self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelName()) modelname = _modelname.encode(encoding="utf8") mimeData.setData(TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, modelname) if self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelType() == TaurusElementType.Device: mimeData.setData(TAURUS_DEV_MIME_TYPE, modelname) elif ( self.taurusValueBuddy().getModelType() == TaurusElementType.Attribute ): mimeData.setData(TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE, modelname) return mimeData
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
class ExpandingLabel(TaurusLabel): """just a expanding TaurusLabel""" def __init__(self, *args): TaurusLabel.__init__(self, *args) self.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Preferred)
[docs] class DefaultReadWidgetLabel(ExpandingLabel): """A customised label for the read widget"""
[docs] def setModel(self, m, **kwargs): TaurusLabel.setModel(self, m) fgrole = "rvalue" model_obj = self.getModelObj() if model_obj is None: return if model_obj.getType() in (DataType.Integer, DataType.Float): fgrole += ".magnitude" self.setFgRole(fgrole)
class CenteredLed(TaurusLed): """just a centered TaurusLed""" DefaultAlignment = Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.Qt.AlignVCenter class UnitLessLineEdit(TaurusValueLineEdit): """A customised TaurusValueLineEdit that always shows the magnitude""" def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): if model is None or model == "": return TaurusValueLineEdit.setModel(self, None) return TaurusValueLineEdit.setModel(self, model + "#wvalue.magnitude")
[docs] class DefaultUnitsWidget(TaurusLabel): FORMAT = "{}" def __init__(self, *args): TaurusLabel.__init__(self, *args) self.setNoneValue("") self.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Preferred, Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.autoTrim = False self.setBgRole(None) self.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignLeft)
[docs] def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): if model is None or model == "": return TaurusLabel.setModel(self, None) TaurusLabel.setModel(self, model + "#rvalue.units")
[docs] def sizeHint(self): # self.minimumSizeHint().width(), # Qt.QLabel.minimumSizeHint(self).width() return Qt.QSize(Qt.QLabel.sizeHint(self).width(), 24)
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
class _AbstractTaurusValueButton(TaurusLauncherButton): _deleteWidgetOnClose = True _text = "Show" def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): TaurusLauncherButton.__init__( self, parent=parent, designMode=designMode ) self.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum) @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
[docs] class TaurusPlotButton(_AbstractTaurusValueButton): """A button that launches a TaurusPlot""" _widgetClassName = "taurus_pyqtgraph:TaurusPlot" _icon = "designer:qwtplot.png"
[docs] class TaurusArrayEditorButton(_AbstractTaurusValueButton): """A button that launches a TaurusArrayEditor .. note:: the TaurusArrayEditor widget was removed (with qwt5). Until a better replacement is implemented, this will use a TaurusValuesTable """ _widgetClassName = "taurus.qt.qtgui.table:TaurusValuesTable" _kwargs = {"defaultWriteMode": "w"} _icon = "designer:arrayedit.png" _text = "Edit"
[docs] class TaurusImageButton(_AbstractTaurusValueButton): """A button that launches an ImageDialog""" _widgetClassName = "taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt:TaurusImageDialog" _icon = "mimetypes:image-x-generic.svg"
[docs] class TaurusValuesTableButton(_AbstractTaurusValueButton): """A button that launches a TaurusValuesTable""" _widgetClassName = "taurus.qt.qtgui.table:TaurusValuesTable" _icon = "designer:table.png" _kwargs = {"defaultWriteMode": "r"}
[docs] class TaurusValuesTableButton_W(TaurusValuesTableButton): """A button that launches a TaurusValuesTable""" _text = "Edit" _kwargs = {"defaultWriteMode": "w"}
[docs] class TaurusDevButton(_AbstractTaurusValueButton): """A button that launches a TaurusAttrForm""" _widgetClassName = "taurus.qt.qtgui.panel:TaurusDevicePanel" _icon = "places:folder-remote.svg" _text = "Show Device"
class TaurusStatusLabel(TaurusLabel): """just a taurusLabel but showing the state as its background by default""" def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False): TaurusLabel.__init__(self, parent=parent, designMode=designMode) self.setBgRole("state") self.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum) @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
[docs] class TaurusValue(Qt.QWidget, TaurusBaseWidget): """ Internal TaurusValue class .. warning:: :class:`TaurusValue` (and any derived class from it) should never be instantiated directly. It is designed to be instantiated by a :class:`TaurusForm` class, since it breaks some conventions on the way it manages layouts of its parent model.""" _compact = False def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False, customWidgetMap=None): name = self.__class__.__name__ self.call__init__wo_kw(Qt.QWidget, parent) self.call__init__(TaurusBaseWidget, name, designMode=designMode) self.__error = False self.__modelClass = None self._designMode = designMode # This is a hack to show something usable when in designMode if self._designMode: layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout(self) dummy = ExpandingLabel() layout.addWidget(dummy) # dummy.setUseParentModel(True) dummy.setModel("#attr_fullname") dummy.setPrefixText("< TaurusValue: ") dummy.setSuffixText(" >") else: self.setFixedSize(0, 0) self._labelWidget = None self._readWidget = None self._writeWidget = None self._unitsWidget = None self._customWidget = None # deprecated self._extraWidget = None if customWidgetMap is None: customWidgetMap = {} else: self.deprecated( dep="customWidgetMap arg", alt="Form item factories", rel="4.6.5", ) self._customWidgetMap = customWidgetMap # deprecated self.labelWidgetClassID = "Auto" self.readWidgetClassID = "Auto" self.writeWidgetClassID = "Auto" self.unitsWidgetClassID = "Auto" self.customWidgetClassID = "Auto" # deprecated self.extraWidgetClassID = "Auto" self.setPreferredRow(-1) self._row = None self._allowWrite = True self._minimumHeight = None self._labelConfig = "{attr.label}" self.setModifiableByUser(False) if parent is not None: self.setParent(parent) self.registerConfigProperty( self.getLabelConfig, self.setLabelConfig, "labelConfig" ) self.registerConfigProperty(self.isCompact, self.setCompact, "compact") def _get_class(self, spec): """return class from a pkg_resources-like specification: "modulename:classname". It falls-back to assuming that the spec is a Taurus class name and uses the deprecated TaurusWidgetFactory().getWidgetClass """ if ":" in spec: mod_name, class_name = spec.split(":") return getattr(importlib.import_module(mod_name), class_name) else: # fall back to using TaurusWidgetFactory, deprecated from taurus.qt.qtgui.util import TaurusWidgetFactory _qt_widgets = TaurusWidgetFactory()._qt_widgets _modname, _cls = _qt_widgets[spec] self.deprecated( dep="specifying a class without module ('{}')".format(spec), alt="'{}:{}'".format(_modname, _cls), rel="5.0.0", ) return _cls
[docs] def setVisible(self, visible): for w in ( self.labelWidget(), self.readWidget(), self.writeWidget(), self.unitsWidget(), self._customWidget, self.extraWidget(), ): if w is not None: w.setVisible(visible) Qt.QWidget.setVisible(self, visible)
[docs] def labelWidget(self): """Returns the label widget""" return self._labelWidget
[docs] def readWidget(self, followCompact=False): """ Returns the read widget. If followCompact=True, and compact mode is used, it returns the switcher's readWidget instead of the switcher itself. """ if followCompact and self.isCompact(): return getattr(self._readWidget, "readWidget", self._readWidget) return self._readWidget
[docs] def writeWidget(self, followCompact=False): """ Returns the write widget. If followCompact=True, and compact mode is used, it returns the switcher's writeWidget instead of None. """ if followCompact and self.isCompact(): return getattr(self._readWidget, "writeWidget", None) return self._writeWidget
[docs] def unitsWidget(self): """Returns the units widget""" return self._unitsWidget
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def customWidget(self): """Returns the custom widget""" return self._customWidget
[docs] def extraWidget(self): """Returns the extra widget""" return self._extraWidget
[docs] def setParent(self, parent): # make sure that the parent has a QGriLayout pl = parent.layout() if pl is None: pl = Qt.QGridLayout(parent) # creates AND sets the parent layout if not isinstance(pl, Qt.QGridLayout): raise ValueError( "layout must be a QGridLayout (got %s)" % type(pl) ) if self._row is None: # @TODO we should check that the Preferred row is empty in pl self._row = self.getPreferredRow() if self._row < 0: self._row = pl.rowCount() # insert self into the 0-column # this widget is invisible (except in design mode) pl.addWidget(self, self._row, 0) # Create/update the subwidgets (this also inserts them in the layout) if not self._designMode: # in design mode, no subwidgets are created self.updateLabelWidget() self.updateReadWidget() self.updateWriteWidget() self.updateUnitsWidget() self.updateExtraWidget() # do the base class stuff too Qt.QWidget.setParent(self, parent)
[docs] def onSetFormatter(self): """ Reimplemented to call onSetFormatter of the read widget (if provided) """ rw = self.readWidget(followCompact=True) if hasattr(rw, "onSetFormatter"): return rw.onSetFormatter()
[docs] def setFormat(self, format): """ Reimplemented to call setFormat of the read widget (if provided) """ TaurusBaseWidget.setFormat(self, format) try: rw = self.readWidget(followCompact=True) except AttributeError: return if hasattr(rw, "setFormat"): rw.setFormat(format)
[docs] def getAllowWrite(self): return self._allowWrite
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(bool) def setAllowWrite(self, mode): self._allowWrite = mode
[docs] def resetAllowWrite(self): self._allowWrite = True
[docs] def getPreferredRow(self): return self._preferredRow
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot(int) def setPreferredRow(self, row): self._preferredRow = row
[docs] def resetPreferredRow(self): self.setPreferredRow(-1)
[docs] def getRow(self): return self._row
[docs] def setMinimumHeight(self, minimumHeight): self._minimumHeight = minimumHeight
[docs] def minimumHeight(self): return self._minimumHeight
[docs] def getDefaultLabelWidgetClass(self): return DefaultLabelWidget
[docs] def getDefaultReadWidgetClass(self, returnAll=False): """ Returns the default class (or classes) to use as read widget for the current model. :param returnAll: if True, the return value is a list of valid classes instead of just one class :type returnAll: bool :return: the default class to use for the read widget (or, if returnAll==True, a list of classes that can show the attribute ). If a list is returned, it will be loosely ordered by preference, being the first element always the default one. :rtype: class or list<class> """ modelobj = self.getModelObj() if modelobj is None: if returnAll: return [DefaultReadWidgetLabel] else: return DefaultReadWidgetLabel modeltype = self.getModelType() if modeltype == TaurusElementType.Attribute: # The model is an attribute try: if modelobj.isBoolean(): result = [CenteredLed, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] except Exception: pass if modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._0D: if modelobj.type == DataType.Boolean: result = [CenteredLed, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] elif modelobj.type == DataType.DevState: result = [CenteredLed, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] elif ( str(self.getModel()).lower().endswith("/status") ): # @todo: tango-centric!! result = [TaurusStatusLabel, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] else: result = [DefaultReadWidgetLabel] elif modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._1D: if modelobj.type in (DataType.Float, DataType.Integer): result = [ TaurusPlotButton, TaurusValuesTableButton, DefaultReadWidgetLabel, ] else: result = [TaurusValuesTableButton, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] elif modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._2D: if modelobj.type in (DataType.Float, DataType.Integer): try: # unused import but useful to determine if # TaurusImageButton should be added from taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_guiqwt import ( # noqa TaurusImageDialog, ) result = [ TaurusImageButton, TaurusValuesTableButton, DefaultReadWidgetLabel, ] except ImportError: result = [ TaurusValuesTableButton, DefaultReadWidgetLabel, ] else: result = [TaurusValuesTableButton, DefaultReadWidgetLabel] else: self.warning("Unsupported attribute type %s" % modelobj.type) result = None elif modeltype == TaurusElementType.Device: result = [TaurusDevButton] else: msg = "Unsupported model type ('%s')" % modeltype self.warning(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if returnAll: return result else: return result[0]
[docs] def getDefaultWriteWidgetClass(self, returnAll=False): """ Returns the default class (or classes) to use as write widget for the current model. :param returnAll: if True, the return value is a list of valid classes instead of just one class :type returnAll: bool :return: the default class to use for the write widget (or, if returnAll==True, a list of classes that can show the attribute ). If a list is returned, it will be loosely ordered by preference, being the first element always the default one. :rtype: class or list<class> """ modelclass = self.getModelClass() if self.isReadOnly() or ( modelclass and modelclass.getTaurusElementType() != TaurusElementType.Attribute ): if returnAll: return [] else: return None modelobj = self.getModelObj() if modelobj is None: if returnAll: return [UnitLessLineEdit] else: return UnitLessLineEdit modelType = modelobj.getType() if modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._0D: if modelType == DataType.Boolean: result = [DefaultTaurusValueCheckBox, TaurusValueLineEdit] else: result = [ UnitLessLineEdit, TaurusValueSpinBox, TaurusWheelEdit, ] elif modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._1D: result = [TaurusValuesTableButton_W, TaurusValueLineEdit] elif modelobj.data_format == DataFormat._2D: result = [TaurusValuesTableButton_W] else: self.debug( "Unsupported attribute type for writing: %s" % str(DataType.whatis(modelType)) ) result = [None] if returnAll: return result else: return result[0]
[docs] def getDefaultUnitsWidgetClass(self): return DefaultUnitsWidget
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getDefaultCustomWidgetClass(self): self.__getDefaultCustomWidgetClass() def __getDefaultCustomWidgetClass(self): """ renamed from __getDefaultCustomWidgetClass to avoid deprecation warnings. To be removed. """ modelclass = self.getModelClass() if ( modelclass and modelclass.getTaurusElementType() != TaurusElementType.Device ): return None try: key = self.getModelObj().getDeviceProxy().info().dev_class except Exception: return None return self._customWidgetMap.get(key, None)
[docs] def getDefaultExtraWidgetClass(self): return None
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def setCustomWidgetMap(self, cwmap): """Sets a map map for custom widgets. :param cwmap: a dictionary whose keys are device class strings (see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are widget classes to be used :type cwmap: dict<str,Qt.QWidget> """ self._customWidgetMap = cwmap @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getCustomWidgetMap(self): """Returns the map used to create custom widgets. :return: a dictionary whose keys are device type strings (i.e. see :class:`PyTango.DeviceInfo`) and whose values are widgets to be used :rtype: dict<str,Qt.QWidget> """ return self._customWidgetMap
[docs] def onChangeLabelConfig(self): self.deprecated(msg="onChangeLabelConfig is deprecated", rel="Jan2018") self._onChangeLabelText()
def _onChangeLabelText(self): keys = [ "{attr.label}", "{}", "{attr.fullname}", "{}", "{dev.fullname}", ] try: current = keys.index(self.labelConfig) except Exception: current = len(keys) keys.append(self.labelConfig) msg = ( "Choose the label format. \n" + "You may use Python format() syntax. The TaurusDevice object\n" + 'can be referenced as "dev" and the TaurusAttribute object\n' + 'as "attr"' ) labelConfig, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Change Label", msg, keys, current, True ) if ok: self.labelConfig = labelConfig
[docs] def onChangeReadWidget(self): classnames = ["None", "Auto"] + [ c.__name__ for c in self.getDefaultReadWidgetClass(returnAll=True) ] cname, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Change Read Widget", "Choose a new read widget class", classnames, 1, True, ) if ok: self.setReadWidgetClass(str(cname))
[docs] def onChangeWriteWidget(self): classnames = ["None", "Auto"] + [ c.__name__ for c in self.getDefaultWriteWidgetClass(returnAll=True) ] cname, ok = Qt.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Change Write Widget", "Choose a new write widget class", classnames, 1, True, ) if ok: self.setWriteWidgetClass(str(cname))
def _destroyWidget(self, widget): """get rid of a widget in a safe way""" widget.hide() widget.setParent(None) if hasattr(widget, "setModel"): widget.setModel(None) # COULD NOT INVESTIGATE DEEPER, BUT THE STARTUP-HANGING # HAPPENS WITH SOME SIGNALS RELATED WITH THE LINEEDIT... # MAYBE OTHER 'WRITE WIDGETS' HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM ?!?!?! if isinstance(widget, Qt.QLineEdit): widget.blockSignals(True) # THIS HACK REDUCES THE STARTUP-HANGING RATE widget.deleteLater() def _newSubwidget(self, oldWidget, newClass): """eliminates oldWidget and returns a new one. If newClass is None, None is returned If newClass is the same as the olWidget class, nothing happens """ if oldWidget.__class__ == newClass: return oldWidget if oldWidget is not None: self._destroyWidget(oldWidget) if newClass is None: result = None else: result = newClass() return result
[docs] def labelWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): if self._customWidget is not None: return None if classID is None or classID == "None": return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): return classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": return self.getDefaultLabelWidgetClass() else: self._get_class(classID)
[docs] def readWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): if self._customWidget is not None: return None if classID is None or classID == "None": return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): ret = classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": ret = self.getDefaultReadWidgetClass() else: ret = self._get_class(classID) if self._compact: R = ret W = self.writeWidgetClassFactory( self.writeWidgetClassID, ignoreCompact=True ) if W is None: return R switcherClass = self.getSwitcherClass() switcherClass.readWClass = R switcherClass.writeWClass = W return switcherClass return ret
[docs] def writeWidgetClassFactory(self, classID, ignoreCompact=False): if self._customWidget is not None: return None if classID is None or classID == "None": return None if self._compact and not ignoreCompact: return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): return classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": return self.getDefaultWriteWidgetClass() else: return self._get_class(classID)
[docs] def unitsWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): if self._customWidget is not None: return None if classID is None or classID == "None": return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): return classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": return self.getDefaultUnitsWidgetClass() else: return self._get_class(classID)
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def customWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): return self.__customWidgetClassFactory(self, classID) def __customWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): """ renamed from customWidgetClassFactory to avoid deprecation warnings. To be removed. """ if classID is None or classID == "None": return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): return classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": return self.__getDefaultCustomWidgetClass() else: return self._get_class(classID)
[docs] def extraWidgetClassFactory(self, classID): if self._customWidget is not None: return None if classID is None or classID == "None": return None classID = globals().get(classID, classID) if isinstance(classID, type): return classID elif str(classID) == "Auto": return self.getDefaultExtraWidgetClass() else: return self._get_class(classID)
[docs] def updateLabelWidget(self): # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary klass = self.labelWidgetClassFactory(self.labelWidgetClassID) self._labelWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._labelWidget, klass) # take care of the layout self.addLabelWidgetToLayout() if self._labelWidget is not None: # give the new widget a reference to its buddy TaurusValue object self._labelWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref(self) # tweak the new widget if self.minimumHeight() is not None: self._labelWidget.setMinimumHeight(self.minimumHeight()) # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._labelWidget, "setModel"): self._labelWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
[docs] def updateReadWidget(self): # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary try: klass = self.readWidgetClassFactory(self.readWidgetClassID) self._readWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._readWidget, klass) except Exception as e: self._destroyWidget(self._readWidget) self._readWidget = Qt.QLabel("[Error]") msg = "Error creating read widget:\n" + str(e) self._readWidget.setToolTip(msg) self.debug(msg) # self.traceback(30) # warning level=30 # take care of the layout self.addReadWidgetToLayout() if self._readWidget is not None: # give the new widget a reference to its buddy TaurusValue object self._readWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref(self) if isinstance(self._readWidget, TaurusReadWriteSwitcher): self._readWidget.readWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref( self ) self._readWidget.writeWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref( self ) # tweak the new widget if self.minimumHeight() is not None: self._readWidget.setMinimumHeight(self.minimumHeight()) # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._readWidget, "setModel"): self._readWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
[docs] def updateWriteWidget(self): oldWriteWidgetID = id(self._writeWidget) # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary klass = self.writeWidgetClassFactory(self.writeWidgetClassID) self._writeWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._writeWidget, klass) # take care of the layout # this is needed because the writeWidget affects to the readWritget # layout self.addReadWidgetToLayout() self.addWriteWidgetToLayout() if self._writeWidget is not None: # give the new widget a reference to its buddy TaurusValue object self._writeWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref(self) if oldWriteWidgetID != id(self._writeWidget): self._writeWidget.valueChangedSignal.connect( self.updatePendingOpsStyle ) self._writeWidget.setDangerMessage(self.getDangerMessage()) self._writeWidget.setForceDangerousOperations( self.getForceDangerousOperations() ) if self.minimumHeight() is not None: self._writeWidget.setMinimumHeight(self.minimumHeight()) # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._writeWidget, "setModel"): self._writeWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
[docs] def updateUnitsWidget(self): # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary klass = self.unitsWidgetClassFactory(self.unitsWidgetClassID) self._unitsWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._unitsWidget, klass) # take care of the layout self.addUnitsWidgetToLayout() if self._unitsWidget is not None: # give the new widget a reference to its buddy TaurusValue object self._unitsWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref(self) # tweak the new widget if self.minimumHeight() is not None: self._unitsWidget.setMinimumHeight(self.minimumHeight()) # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._unitsWidget, "setModel"): self._unitsWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def updateCustomWidget(self): self.__updateCustomWidget() def __updateCustomWidget(self): # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary klass = self.__customWidgetClassFactory(self.customWidgetClassID) self._customWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._customWidget, klass) # take care of the layout self.__addCustomWidgetToLayout() if self._customWidget is not None: # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._customWidget, "setModel"): self._customWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
[docs] def updateExtraWidget(self): # get the class for the widget and replace it if necessary klass = self.extraWidgetClassFactory(self.extraWidgetClassID) self._extraWidget = self._newSubwidget(self._extraWidget, klass) # take care of the layout self.addExtraWidgetToLayout() if self._extraWidget is not None: # give the new widget a reference to its buddy TaurusValue object self._extraWidget.taurusValueBuddy = weakref.ref(self) # set the model for the subwidget if hasattr(self._extraWidget, "setModel"): self._extraWidget.setModel(self.getFullModelName())
[docs] def addLabelWidgetToLayout(self): if self._labelWidget is not None and self.parent() is not None: alignment = getattr( self._labelWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0) ) self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._labelWidget, self._row, 1, 1, 1, alignment )
[docs] def addReadWidgetToLayout(self): if self._readWidget is not None and self.parent() is not None: alignment = getattr( self._readWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0) ) if self._writeWidget is None: self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._readWidget, self._row, 2, 1, 2, alignment ) else: self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._readWidget, self._row, 2, 1, 1, alignment )
[docs] def addWriteWidgetToLayout(self): if self._writeWidget is not None and self.parent() is not None: alignment = getattr( self._writeWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0) ) self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._writeWidget, self._row, 3, 1, 1, alignment )
[docs] def addUnitsWidgetToLayout(self): if self._unitsWidget is not None and self.parent() is not None: alignment = getattr( self._unitsWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0) ) self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._unitsWidget, self._row, 4, 1, 1, alignment )
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def addCustomWidgetToLayout(self): self.__addCustomWidgetToLayout() def __addCustomWidgetToLayout(self): """ Renamed from addCustomWidgetToLayout to avoid deprecation warnings. To be removed. """ if self._customWidget is not None and self.parent() is not None: alignment = getattr( self._customWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0) ) self.parent().layout().addWidget( self._customWidget, self._row, 1, 1, -1, alignment )
[docs] def addExtraWidgetToLayout(self): parent = self.parent() if parent is not None: if self._extraWidget is not None: alignment = getattr( self._extraWidget, "layoutAlignment", Qt.Qt.AlignmentFlag(0), ) parent.layout().addWidget( self._extraWidget, self._row, 5, 1, 1, alignment )
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def parentModelChanged(self, parentmodel_name): """Invoked when the parent model changes :param parentmodel_name: the new name of the parent model :type parentmodel_name: str """ TaurusBaseWidget.parentModelChanged(self, parentmodel_name) if not self._designMode: # in design mode, no subwidgets are created self.__updateCustomWidget() self.updateLabelWidget() self.updateReadWidget() self.updateWriteWidget() self.updateUnitsWidget() self.updateExtraWidget()
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setLabelWidget") def setLabelWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.labelWidgetClassID = classID self.updateLabelWidget()
[docs] def getLabelWidgetClass(self): return self.labelWidgetClassID
[docs] def resetLabelWidgetClass(self): self.labelWidgetClassID = "Auto"
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setReadWidget") def setReadWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.readWidgetClassID = classID self.updateReadWidget()
[docs] def getReadWidgetClass(self): return self.readWidgetClassID
[docs] def resetReadWidgetClass(self): self.readWidgetClassID = "Auto"
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setWriteWidget") def setWriteWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.writeWidgetClassID = classID self.updateWriteWidget()
[docs] def getWriteWidgetClass(self): return self.writeWidgetClassID
[docs] def resetWriteWidgetClass(self): self.writeWidgetClassID = "Auto"
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setUnitsWidget") def setUnitsWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.unitsWidgetClassID = classID self.updateUnitsWidget()
[docs] def getUnitsWidgetClass(self): return self.unitsWidgetClassID
[docs] def resetUnitsWidgetClass(self): self.unitsWidgetClassID = "Auto"
@deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setCustomWidget") def setCustomWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.customWidgetClassID = classID self.__updateCustomWidget() @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def getCustomWidgetClass(self): return self.customWidgetClassID @deprecation_decorator(alt="item factories", rel="4.6.5") def resetCustomWidgetClass(self): self.customWidgetClassID = "Auto"
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString", name="setExtraWidget") def setExtraWidgetClass(self, classID): """substitutes the current widget by a new one. classID can be one of: None, 'Auto', a TaurusWidget class name, or any class """ self.extraWidgetClassID = classID self.updateExtraWidget()
[docs] def getExtraWidgetClass(self): return self.extraWidgetClassID
[docs] def resetExtraWidgetClass(self): self.extraWidgetClassID = "Auto"
[docs] def setCompact(self, compact): # don't do anything if it is already done if compact == self._compact: return # do not switch to compact mode if the write widget is None if compact and self.writeWidget() is None: self.debug("No write widget. Ignoring setCompact(True)") return # Backup the current RW format rw = self.readWidget(followCompact=True) format = rw.getFormat() self._compact = compact if self.getModel(): self.updateReadWidget() self.updateWriteWidget() # Apply the format to the new RW rw = self.readWidget(followCompact=True) rw.setFormat(format)
[docs] def isCompact(self): return self._compact
[docs] def isReadOnly(self): if not self.getAllowWrite(): return True modelObj = self.getModelObj() if modelObj is None: return False return not modelObj.isWritable()
[docs] def getModelClass(self, **kwargs): return self.__modelClass
[docs] def createConfig(self, allowUnpickable=False): """ extending :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig` to store also the class names for subwidgets :param alllowUnpickable: :type alllowUnpickable: bool :return: configurations (which can be loaded with :meth:`applyConfig`). :rtype: dict<str,object> .. seealso: :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig`, :meth:`applyConfig` """ configdict = TaurusBaseWidget.createConfig( self, allowUnpickable=allowUnpickable ) # store the subwidgets classIDs and configs for key in ( "LabelWidget", "ReadWidget", "WriteWidget", "UnitsWidget", "ExtraWidget", ): # calls self.getLabelWidgetClass, self.getReadWidgetClass,... classID = getattr(self, "get%sClass" % key)() if isinstance(classID, type): # If the class is not from taurus, it doesn't have classid, # so we generate it. classID = "{0.__module__}:{0.__name__}".format(classID) if isinstance(classID, str) or allowUnpickable: configdict[key] = {"classid": classID} widget = getattr(self, key[0].lower() + key[1:])() if isinstance(widget, BaseConfigurableClass): configdict[key]["delegate"] = widget.createConfig() else: "createConfig: %s not saved because " + "it is not Pickable (%s)", key, str(classID), ) return configdict
[docs] def applyConfig(self, configdict, **kwargs): """extending :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig` to restore the subwidget's classes :param configdict: :type configdict: dict .. seealso:: :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig`, :meth:`createConfig` """ # first do the basic stuff... TaurusBaseWidget.applyConfig(self, configdict, **kwargs) # restore the subwidgets classIDs for key in ( "LabelWidget", "ReadWidget", "WriteWidget", "UnitsWidget", "ExtraWidget", ): if key in configdict: widget_configdict = configdict[key] classID = widget_configdict.get("classid", None) if classID is not None and ":" in classID: # classid is of type "module:type" instead of # a taurus class name import importlib module, name = classID.split(":") module = importlib.import_module(module) classID = getattr(module, name) getattr(self, "set%sClass" % key)(classID) if "delegate" in widget_configdict: widget = getattr(self, key[0].lower() + key[1:])() if isinstance(widget, BaseConfigurableClass): widget.applyConfig( widget_configdict["delegate"], **kwargs )
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): """extending :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.setModel` to change the modelclass dynamically and to update the subwidgets """ self.__modelClass = taurus.Manager().findObjectClass(model or "") TaurusBaseWidget.setModel(self, model, **kwargs) if not self._designMode: # in design mode, no subwidgets are created self.__updateCustomWidget() self.updateLabelWidget() self.updateReadWidget() self.updateWriteWidget() self.updateUnitsWidget() self.updateExtraWidget()
[docs] def handleEvent(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): """Reimplemented from :meth:`TaurusBaseWidget.handleEvent` to update subwidgets on config events """ if self._designMode: return if self.__error or evt_type == TaurusEventType.Config: self.__updateCustomWidget() self.updateLabelWidget() self.updateReadWidget() self.updateWriteWidget() self.updateUnitsWidget() self.updateExtraWidget() # set/unset the error flag self.__error = evt_type == TaurusEventType.Error
[docs] def isValueChangedByUser(self): try: return self._writeWidget.isValueChangedByUser() except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def setDangerMessage(self, dangerMessage=None): TaurusBaseWidget.setDangerMessage(self, dangerMessage) try: return self._writeWidget.setDangerMessage(dangerMessage) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def setForceDangerousOperations(self, yesno): TaurusBaseWidget.setForceDangerousOperations(self, yesno) try: return self._writeWidget.setForceDangerousOperations(yesno) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def hasPendingOperations(self): """self.getPendingOperations will always return an empty list, but still self.hasPendingOperations will look at the writeWidget's operations. If you want to ask the TaurusValue for its pending operations, call self.writeWidget().getPendingOperations() """ w = self.writeWidget(followCompact=True) if w is None: return False return w.hasPendingOperations()
[docs] def updatePendingOpsStyle(self): if self._labelWidget is None: return if self.hasPendingOperations(): newstyle = ( "%s {border-style: solid ; border-width: 1px; " "border-color: blue; color: blue; border-radius:4px;}" % self._labelWidget.__class__.__name__ ) oldstyle = self._labelWidget.styleSheet() if newstyle != oldstyle: self._labelWidget.setStyleSheet(newstyle) else: newstyle = ( "%s {border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; " "border-color: transparent; color: black; " "border-radius:4px;}" % self._labelWidget.__class__.__name__ ) oldstyle = self._labelWidget.styleSheet() if newstyle != oldstyle: self._labelWidget.setStyleSheet(newstyle)
[docs] def getLabelConfig(self): return self._labelConfig
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QString") def setLabelConfig(self, config): """Sets fragment configuration to the label widget. :param config: fragment :type config: str """ self._labelConfig = config # backwards compatibility: this method used to work for setting # an arbitrary text to the label widget try: self.getModelFragmentObj(config) self._labelWidget._permanentText = None except Exception: try: for old in re.findall("<.+?>", config): new = self._BCK_COMPAT_TAGS.get(old, old) self.deprecated(dep=old, alt=new) config = config.replace(old, new) self._labelWidget.setText(config) except Exception: self.debug("Setting permanent text to the label widget failed") return self.updateLabelWidget()
[docs] def resetLabelConfig(self): self._labelConfig = "{attr.label}" self.updateLabelWidget()
[docs] def getSwitcherClass(self): """Returns the TaurusValue switcher class (used in compact mode). Override this method if you want to use a custom switcher in TaurusValue subclasses. """ class TVSwitcher(TaurusReadWriteSwitcher): pass return TVSwitcher
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): return None
# ret = TaurusBaseWidget.getQtDesignerPluginInfo() # ret['module'] = 'taurus.qt.qtgui.panel' # ret['icon'] = "designer:label.png" # return ret ######################################################## # Qt properties (for designer) model = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", TaurusBaseWidget.getModel, setModel, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModel, ) preferredRow = Qt.pyqtProperty( "int", getPreferredRow, setPreferredRow, resetPreferredRow ) labelWidgetClass = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getLabelWidgetClass, setLabelWidgetClass, resetLabelWidgetClass, ) readWidgetClass = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getReadWidgetClass, setReadWidgetClass, resetReadWidgetClass ) writeWidgetClass = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getWriteWidgetClass, setWriteWidgetClass, resetWriteWidgetClass, ) unitsWidgetClass = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getUnitsWidgetClass, setUnitsWidgetClass, resetUnitsWidgetClass, ) extraWidgetClass = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getExtraWidgetClass, setExtraWidgetClass, resetExtraWidgetClass, ) labelConfig = Qt.pyqtProperty( "QString", getLabelConfig, setLabelConfig, resetLabelConfig ) allowWrite = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", getAllowWrite, setAllowWrite, resetAllowWrite ) modifiableByUser = Qt.pyqtProperty( "bool", TaurusBaseWidget.isModifiableByUser, TaurusBaseWidget.setModifiableByUser, TaurusBaseWidget.resetModifiableByUser, )
[docs] class TaurusValuesFrame(TaurusFrame): """This is a container specialized into containing TaurusValue widgets. It should be used Only for TaurusValues """ _model = []
[docs] @Qt.pyqtSlot("QStringList") def setModel(self, model, **kwargs): self._model = model for tv in self.getTaurusValues(): tv.destroy() for m in self._model: taurusvalue = TaurusValue(self, self.designMode) taurusvalue.setMinimumHeight(20) taurusvalue.setModel(str(m)) taurusvalue.setModifiableByUser(self.isModifiableByUser())
[docs] def getModel(self, **kwargs): return self._model
[docs] def resetModel(self, **kwargs): self.setModel([])
[docs] def getTaurusValueByIndex(self, index): """returns the TaurusValue item at the given index position""" return self.getTaurusValues()[index]
[docs] def getTaurusValues(self): """returns the list of TaurusValue Objects contained by this frame""" return [obj for obj in self.children() if isinstance(obj, TaurusValue)]
[docs] @classmethod def getQtDesignerPluginInfo(cls): """we don't want this widget in designer""" return None
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # QT properties # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ model = Qt.pyqtProperty("QStringList", getModel, setModel, resetModel)
if __name__ == "__main__": from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import TaurusForm import sys app = TaurusApplication(cmd_line_parser=None) w = TaurusForm() models = ["sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar"] * 4 w.setModel(models) w[0].writeWidget().setDangerMessage("BOOO") w[1].setWriteWidgetClass(TaurusValueLineEdit) w[2].setWriteWidgetClass("None") class DummyCW(Qt.QLabel): def setModel(self, name, **kwargs): Qt.QLabel.setText(self, name) w[3].setCustomWidgetClass(DummyCW) w.setModifiableByUser(True) sys.exit(app.exec_())