
- class EvaluationAttributeNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]
Validator for Evaluation attribute names. Apart from the standard named groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named groups are created:
attrname: attribute name. same as concatenating _subst with _expr
_expr: a mathematical expression
_evalrefs: a list of eval refs found in the name (see
)[_subst]: a semicolon-separated repetition of key=value (for replacing them in _expr)
[devname]: as in
[_evalname]: evaluation instance name (aka non-dotted dev name)
[_evaldotname]: evaluator instance dotted name (if dotted name given)
[_old_devname]: devname without “@”. Only in non-strict mode
[_dbname] and [_subst]: unused. Only if non-strict mode
[cfgkey] same as fragment (for bck-compat use only)
Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain a value if the URI contains it.
Import from
as:from taurus.core.evaluation.evalvalidator import EvaluationAttributeNameValidator
- authority = '//localhost'
- static expandExpr(expr, substmap)[source]
expands expr by substituting all keys in map by their value. Note that eval references in expr (i.e. text within curly brackets) is not substituted.
- Parameters:
expr (str) – string that may contain symbols defined in symbolMap
symbolMap (dict or str) – dictionary whose keys (strings) are symbols to be substituted in expr and whose values are the corresponding replacements. Alternatively, a string containing a semi-colon separated list of symbol=value pairs can also be passed.
- fragment = '(?P<cfgkey>[^# ]*)'
- getNames(fullname, factory=None, fragment=False)[source]
reimplemented from
- static getRefs(expr, ign_quoted=True)[source]
Find the attribute references (strings within brackets) in an eval expression. In case of nested references, only the outermost level is returned.
Example: val.getRefs(‘{foo}bar{zig{zag}}boom’) –> [‘foo’, ‘zig{zag}’]
- Parameters:
expr (str) – the expression to parse
ign_quoted – If True (default) ignore refs within quotes
- Returns:
a list of refs (not including the brackets)
- Return type:
- getUriGroups(name, strict=None)[source]
reimplemented from
to provide backwards compatibility with old syntax
- isValid(name, matchLevel=None, strict=None)[source]
reimplemented from
to do extra check on references validity (recursive)
- property nonStrictNamePattern
In non-strict mode support old-style eval config names
- path = '(?!//)/?((?P<devname>@((?P<_evalname>[^/?#:\\.=]+)|(?P<_evaldotname>((?P<_evalinstname>\\w+)=)?(?P<_evalmodname>(\\w+\\.)*\\w+)\\.(?P<_evalclassname>(\\w+|\\*))(?P<_evalclassparenths>\\(("[^"]*"|\\\'[^\\\']*\\\'|[^\\\'"/])*?\\))?)))/)?(?P<attrname>(?P<_subst>(((?<![\\.a-zA-Z0-9_])[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=([^?#=;]+);)+)?(?P<_expr>[^@?#]+))'
- query = '(?!)'
- static replaceUnquotedRef(string, substring, repl)[source]
Return a copy of string where first non-quoted occurrence of substring is replaced by repl
- scheme = 'eval'