
- class TaurusValueCheckBox(qt_parent=None, designMode=False)[source]
A QCheckBox connected to a boolean writable attribute model
Import from
as:from taurus.qt.qtgui.input import TaurusValueCheckBox
- autoApply
whether autoApply mode is enabled or not.
- Returns:
True if autoApply is enabled. False otherwise
- Return type:
- forcedApply
whether forcedApply mode is enabled or not.
- Returns:
True if forceApply is enabled. False otherwise
- Return type:
- getValue()[source]
This method must be implemented in derived classes to return the value to be written. Note that this may differ from the displayed value (e.g. for a numeric value being edited by a QLineEdit-based widget, the displayed value will be a string while getValue will return a number)
- model
Returns the model name for this component.
- setValue(v)[source]
This method must be implemented in derived classes to provide a (widget-specific) way of updating the displayed value based on a given attribute value
# noqa: DAR401
- Parameters:
v – The attribute value
- showText
Returns if showing the display value
- Returns:
True if showing the display value or False otherwise
- Return type:
- useParentModel