
- class TaurusModelChooser(parent=None, selectables=None, host=None, designMode=None, singleModel=False)[source]
A widget that allows the user to select a list of models from a tree representing devices and attributes from a Tango server.
The user selects models and adds them to a list. Then the user should click on the update button to notify that the selection is ready.
- signals::
“updateModels” emitted when the user clicks on the update button. It passes a list<str> of models that have been selected.
Import from
as:from taurus.qt.qtgui.panel import TaurusModelChooser
- UpdateAttrs
- getListedModels(asMimeData=False)[source]
returns the list of models that have been added
- Parameters:
asMimeData (bool) – If False (default), the return value will be a list of models. If True, the return value is a QMimeData containing at least TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE and text/plain MIME types. If only one model was selected, the mime data also contains a TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE.
- Returns:
the type of return depends on the value of asMimeData
- Return type:
list<str> or QMimeData
- classmethod getQtDesignerPluginInfo()[source]
Returns pertinent information in order to be able to build a valid QtDesigner widget plugin.
The dictionary returned by this method should contain at least the following keys and values:
‘module’ : a string representing the full python module name (ex.: ‘taurus.qt.qtgui.base’)
‘icon’ : a string representing valid resource icon (ex.: ‘designer:combobox.png’)
- ‘container’a bool telling if this widget is a container widget or
This default implementation returns the following dictionary:
{ 'group' : 'Taurus [Unclassified]', 'icon' : 'logos:taurus.png', 'container' : False }
- Returns:
a map with pertinent designer information
- Return type:
- isSingleModelMode()[source]
returns True if the selection is limited to just one model. Returns False otherwise.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static modelChooserDlg(parent=None, selectables=None, host=None, asMimeData=False, singleModel=False, windowTitle='Model Chooser', listedModels=None)[source]
Static method that launches a modal dialog containing a TaurusModelChooser
- Parameters:
parent (QObject) – parent for the dialog
selectables (list<TaurusElementType>) – if passed, only elements of the tree whose type is in the list will be selectable.
host (QObject) – Tango host to be explored by the chooser
asMimeData (bool) – If False (default), a list of models will be. returned. If True, a QMimeData object will be returned instead. See
for a detailed description of this QMimeData object.singleModel (bool) – If True, the selection will be of just one model. Otherwise (default) a list of models can be selected
windowTitle (str) – Title of the dialog (default=”Model Chooser”)
listedModels (list<str>) – List of model names for initializing the model list
- Returns:
Returns a models,ok tuple. models can be either a list of models or a QMimeData object, depending on asMimeData. ok is True if the dialog was accepted (by clicking on the “update” button) and False otherwise
- Return type:
- setSingleModelMode(single)[source]
sets whether the selection should be limited to just one model (single=True) or not (single=False)
- singleModelMode
returns True if the selection is limited to just one model. Returns False otherwise.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- updateList(attrList)[source]
for backwards compatibility with AttributeChooser only. Use
- updateModels