
Inheritance diagram of TaurusDbTreeWidget
class TaurusDbTreeWidget(parent=None, designMode=False, with_navigation_bar=True, with_filter_widget=True, perspective=None, proxy=None)[source]

A class:taurus.qt.qtgui.tree.TaurusBaseTreeWidget that connects to a taurus.core.taurusauthority.TaurusAuthority model. It can show the list of database elements in four different perspectives:

  • device : a three level hierarchy of devices (domain/family/name)

  • server : a server based perspective

  • class : a class based perspective

Filters can be inserted into this widget to restrict the tree nodes that are seen.

Import from taurus.qt.qtgui.tree as:

from taurus.qt.qtgui.tree import TaurusDbTreeWidget
DftPerspective = 3
KnownPerspectives = {3: {'label': 'By device', 'icon': 'applications-system', 'tooltip': 'View by device tree', 'model': [<class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbDeviceProxyModel'>, <class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbDeviceModel'>]}, 'PlainDevice': {'label': 'By plain device', 'icon': 'applications-system', 'tooltip': 'View by plain device tree (it may take a long time if there are problems with the exported devices)', 'model': [<class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbDeviceProxyModel'>, <class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbPlainDeviceModel'>]}, 8: {'label': 'By server', 'icon': 'application-x-executable', 'tooltip': 'View by server tree', 'model': [<class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbServerProxyModel'>, <class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbServerModel'>]}, 2: {'label': 'By class', 'icon': 'text-x-script', 'tooltip': 'View by class tree', 'model': [<class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbDeviceClassProxyModel'>, <class 'taurus.qt.qtcore.model.taurusdatabasemodel.TaurusDbDeviceClassModel'>]}}

Return the class object for the widget. Default behavior is to do a ‘best effort’ to determine which model type corresponds to the current model name. Overwrite as necessary.


key (object) – the model key. Defaults to first element of .modelKeys


The class object corresponding to the type of Taurus model this widget handles or None if no valid class is found.

Return type:

class TaurusModel or None

classmethod getQtDesignerPluginInfo()[source]

Returns pertinent information in order to be able to build a valid QtDesigner widget plugin.

The dictionary returned by this method should contain at least the following keys and values:

  • ‘module’ : a string representing the full python module name (ex.: ‘taurus.qt.qtgui.base’)

  • ‘icon’ : a string representing valid resource icon (ex.: ‘designer:combobox.png’)

  • ‘container’a bool telling if this widget is a container widget or


This default implementation returns the following dictionary:

{ 'group'     : 'Taurus [Unclassified]',
  'icon'      : 'logos:taurus.png',
  'container' : False }

a map with pertinent designer information

Return type:


sizeHint(self) QSize[source]