
- class TaurusMainWindow(parent=None, designMode=False, splash=None)[source]
A Taurus-aware QMainWindow with several customizations:
It takes care of (re)storing its geometry and state (see
)Supports perspectives (programmatic access and, optionally, accessible by user), and allows defining a set of “factory settings”
It provides a customizable splashScreen (optional)
Supports spawning remote consoles and remote debugging
Supports full-screen mode toggling
Supports adding launchers to external applications
It provides a statusBar with an optional heart-beat LED
The following Menus are optionally provided and populated with basic actions:
File (accessible by derived classes as self.fileMenu)
View (accessible by derived classes as self.viewMenu)
Taurus (accessible by derived classes as self.taurusMenu)
Tools (accessible by derived classes as self.toolsMenu)
Help (accessible by derived classes as self.helpMenu)
Import from
as:from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusMainWindow
Whether to show the File menu
Whether to show the Full Screen Toolbar
- HEARTBEAT = 1500
Heartbeat LED blinking semi-period in ms. Set to None for not showing it
Whether to show the Help menu
Whether add a dockwidget with the logger widget
Whether to save settings before closing. Set to None to ask the user
- SPLASH_LOGO_NAME = 'large:TaurusSplash.png'
Name of logo image for splash screen. Set to None for disabling splash
- SPLASH_MESSAGE = 'Initializing Main window...'
Message for splash screen
Whether to show the Taurus menu
Whether to show the Tools menu
Whether to show actions for user perspectives
Whether to show the View menu
- addExternalAppLauncher(extapp, toToolBar=True, toMenu=True)[source]
Adds launchers for an external application to the Tools Menu and/or to the Tools ToolBar.
- Parameters:
extapp (ExternalAppAction or list<str>) – the external application to be launched passed as a
(recommended because it allows to specify custom text and icon) or, alternatively, as a list of strings (sys.argv- like) that will be passed tosubprocess.Popen()
.toToolBar (bool) – If True (default) a button will be added in the Tools toolBar
toMenu (bool) – If True (default) an entry will be added in the Tools Menu, under the “External Applications” submenu
See also
- addLoggerWidget(hidden=True)[source]
adds a QLoggingWidget as a dockwidget of the main window (and hides it by default)
- basicTaurusToolbar()[source]
returns a QToolBar with few basic buttons (most important, the logo)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- checkSingleInstance(key=None)[source]
Tries to connect via a QLocalSocket to an existing application with the given key. If another instance already exists (i.e. the connection succeeds), it means that this application is not the only one
- contextMenuEvent(event)[source]
Reimplemented to avoid deprecation warning related to: https://gitlab.com/taurus-org/taurus/-/issues/905
- deleteExternalAppLauncher(action)[source]
Remove launchers for an external application to the Tools Menu and/or to the Tools ToolBar.
- Parameters:
extapp (ExternalAppAction) – the external application to be removed passed as a
- exportSettingsFile(fname=None)[source]
copies the current settings file into the given file name.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – name of output file. If None given, a file dialog will be shown.
- getFactorySettingsFileName()[source]
returns the file name of the “factory settings” (the ini file with default settings). The default implementation returns “<path>/<appname>.ini”, where <path> is the path of the module where the main window class is defined and <appname> is the application name (as obtained from QApplication).
- Returns:
the absolute file name.
- Return type:
- getPerspectivesList(settings=None)[source]
Returns the list of saved perspectives
- Parameters:
settings (QSettings or None) – a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by
will be used- Returns:
the list of the names of the currently saved perspectives
- Return type:
- getQSettings()[source]
Returns the main window settings object. If it was not previously set, it will create a new QSettings object following the Taurus convention i.e., it using Ini format and userScope)
- Returns:
the main window QSettings object
- Return type:
- classmethod getQtDesignerPluginInfo()[source]
Returns pertinent information in order to be able to build a valid QtDesigner widget plugin.
The dictionary returned by this method should contain at least the following keys and values:
‘module’ : a string representing the full python module name (ex.: ‘taurus.qt.qtgui.base’)
‘icon’ : a string representing valid resource icon (ex.: ‘designer:combobox.png’)
- ‘container’a bool telling if this widget is a container widget or
This default implementation returns the following dictionary:
{ 'group' : 'Taurus [Unclassified]', 'icon' : 'logos:taurus.png', 'container' : False }
- Returns:
a map with pertinent designer information
- Return type:
- heartbeat
returns the heart beat interval
- helpManualURI
- importSettingsFile(fname=None)[source]
loads settings (including importing all perspectives) from a given ini file. It warns before overwriting an existing perspective.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – name of ini file. If None given, a file dialog will be shown.
- loadPerspective(name=None, settings=None)[source]
Loads the settings saved for the given perspective. It emits a ‘perspectiveChanged’ signal with name as its parameter
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the perspective
settings (QSettings or None) – a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by
will be used
- loadSettings(settings=None, group=None, ignoreGeometry=False, factorySettingsFileName=None)[source]
restores the application settings previously saved with
This method should be called explicitly from derived classes after all initialization is done
- Parameters:
settings (QSettings or None) – a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by
will be usedgroup (str) – a prefix that will be added to the keys to be loaded (no prefix by default)
ignoreGeometry (bool) – if True, the geometry of the MainWindow won’t be restored
factorySettingsFileName (str) – file name of a ini file containing the default settings to be used as a fallback in case the settings file is not found (e.g., the first time the application is launched after installation)
- model
Returns the model name for this component.
- modelChanged
- newQSettings()[source]
Returns a settings taurus-specific QSettings object. The returned QSettings object will comply with the Taurus defaults for storing application settings (i.e., it uses Ini format and userScope)
- Returns:
a taurus-specific QSettings object
- Return type:
- onIncommingSocketConnection()[source]
Slot to be called when another application/instance with the same key checks if this application exists.
This is a dummy implementation which just logs the connection and discards the associated socket You may want to reimplement this if you want to act on such connections
- perspectiveChanged
- removePerspective(name=None, settings=None)[source]
removes the given perspective from the settings
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the perspective
settings (QSettings or None) – a QSettings object. If None given, the default one returned by
will be used
- savePerspective(name=None)[source]
Stores current state of the application as a perspective with the given name
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the perspective
- saveSettings(group=None)[source]
saves the application settings (so that they can be restored with
this method is automatically called by default when closing the window, so in general there is no need to call it from derived classes
- Parameters:
group (str) – a prefix that will be added to the keys to be saved (no prefix by default)
- setHeartbeat(interval)[source]
sets the interval of the heartbeat LED for the window. The heartbeat is displayed by a Led in the status bar unless it is disabled by setting the interval to 0
- Parameters:
interval (int) – heart beat interval in millisecs. Set to 0 to disable
- setQSettings(settings)[source]
sets the main window settings object
- Parameters:
settings (QSettings or None)
See also
- showQuality
Returns if showing the quality as a background color
- Returns:
True if showing the quality or False otherwise
- Return type:
- tangoHost
- updatePerspectivesMenu()[source]
re-checks the perspectives available to update self.perspectivesMenu
This method may need be called by derived classes at the end of their initialization.
- Returns:
the updated perspectives menu (or None if self.USER_PERSPECTIVES_ENABLED is False)
- Return type:
- useParentModel